Wednesday, April 24, 2019

In which the pond offers a short dashing Donners bonus ...

The pond thought long and hard about running dashing Donners this day …

It would, in the pond's view, be best for fundamentalist bigots to shut up about assorted massacres, and they certainly shouldn't be using them as part of a political or theological argument. There's more than enough persecution to go around without throwing petrol in the fire.

The Christchurch massacre was deplorable, the Sri Lankan massacre was deplorable, and the notion that one justifies the other, or that any justification is possible is simply inexcusable.

The pond decided the only reason to note dashing Donners was that he gave the pond a chance to link to a piece in The New Yorker, by Ben Taub, which having been published on 15th April, is now a little long in the tooth …

But better late than never, and for the moment it's outside the paywall, and is headed …

Guantánamo’s Darkest Secret 

...with this pitch ...

The U.S. military prison’s leadership considered Mohamedou Salahi to be its highest-value detainee. But his guard suspected otherwise.

The story of the guard and the prisoner, and the deeply ironic punchline, can be left to Taub - no spoilers here - though the pond can at least note the madness that swept through the United States after the assorted crusaders had produced 9/11, with the crusades having deep roots, what with the United States supporting fundamentalists in their crusades against Russia, and the United States deeply in bed with the fundamentalists in Saudi Arabia using oil money to promote Wahhabism around the world …

There are many global ironies, as well as the ironies of the guard and the prisoner as told by Taub …

And that's why the pond decided to trim out dashing Donners list of crimes against Christians, since an Islamic could compile a similar list of crimes against Muslims, and Hindus could compile a similar list, and so on and so endlessly forth, and each iteration providing an excuse for a new set of crimes, while poor old mild-mannered atheists have to listen to this barking mad bunch of loons shouting at each other, and in the worst cases, doing vile things and killing each other …

This is not to mention all of them taking it out on humble secularists, gentle humanists and milksop atheists who don't want to get angry, because it's obvious enough that they all can't be right about their God and their Heaven and who gets to spend an eternity at the golf club of their choice.

It's an old saw, but a good one …

After the pond's truncation of Donners, what was left?

Sweet fuck all, a familiar litany, dulled by monotonous repetition and regurgitation by a failing mind, but splendidly illustrating the point of those cartoons, which is why the pond thought it was safe to issue as a special lunch time treat …

Fuck it, it has to be said yet again: Donners and whining, moaning Xians are just as tedious as fundamentalist Islamics, rabid delusional Hindus and Jews of the Netanyahu kind … and the sooner they all shut up about how they're the only ones to know the truth, the better off the planet will be.

All that jabbering and yabbering about the suffering of whites and Xians is what set the Christchurch killer off … and somewhere in a Muslim country, there's a rough equivalent of dashing Donners scribbling nonsense designed to set off another Sri Lankan massacre …

With a little editorial help, Shakespeare summarised the situation:

I am hurt,
A plague on all your houses.
Your God has gone, and you and we hath nothing,
except the odd slaughter in memory of your imaginary friend …

Okay, the pond is no Shakespeare, and so to end on an up note, a few cartoons celebrating the man fundamentalist Christians regard as representing some kind of peak in western civilisation …


  1. Is Donners in NSW? He's not doing a good job resisting the attacks on Christianity is he? And Oh Dear does he know that "non-believers (are) the fastest-growing group of NSW public school students who do not identify with a religion.

    So is it good news that the godless are increasing at a rate ahead of Islam and Hinduism.

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    At the beginning of Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West there is an epigram from an essay by Paul Valéry.

    The essay is called “The Yalu” and is a dialogue between a Westerner and a Chinese scholar from “from the land of Tsin” discussing the difference between the cultures of the East and West.

    The scholar offers a dark meditation on the failure of the European mind;

    “You are in love with intelligence, until it frightens you. For your ideas are terrifying and your hearts are faint. Your acts of pity and cruelty are absurd, committed with no calm, as if they were irresistible. Finally, you fear blood more and more. Blood and time.”

    Sums up Donners and the Ramsey Centre pretty well I think.


  3. A comment on the Mueller report and William Barr (in particular)
    He is best described as an all-American nut-job loon.
    He is a member of both the Federalist Society and opus dei too. The director of the Fed is also an opus dei propaganda hack. He was once an advisor to another all-American loon, namely William Bennett.
    His toxic CV can be found on the Right Web website.
    Such is of course the dastardly company that the dashing Donners keeps!


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