Thursday, March 10, 2022

Settle settle, here no petulant Peta, just the bromancer and a chance for a ride on the Canavan caravan ...



Look at it this way ... the pond is constantly making bad choices and missing out on contributions that add to reptile lore, even if they're only little snippets of insight ...





Look at it another way ... last week the pond was desperate for a reptile, any reptile, and turned to petulant Peta. 

There was the odd anguished howl, and yet the pond's hits multiplied hugely and the site was transformed. 

Call it the Peta principle if you will ... with enriched cream, or scum if you like, rising to the surface to ensure the odd heart attack ... but in the process attention was paid, excitement generated, a transformation achieved ...

This Thursday the pond has no cause to complain about the availability of reptile content ... 

The pond will never forsake the bromancer, and the Canavan caravan has emerged, and everybody should enjoy that ride ... clowns are guaranteed, and if you like you can shove ping-pong balls down their throats.

So petulant Peta has been dropped to a late arvo slot, where specialist herpetologists can take a squiz, and nobody can say they haven't been warned ...

Meanwhile, it's on with the bromancer, still sighing and weeping. Is Lent over yet, are there still some ashes to hand?



Dear sweet long absent lord. This verges on reptile heresy, this almost makes the bromancer an apostate. Is it wrong for the pond to take a certain sadistic pleasure to see the bromancer writhe in pain?

Not at all. The entire point of reading the reptiles is sadistic pleasure ... especially as submerged bromancer suffering surfaces yet again ...

The bromancer ravaging the mutton Dutton? If the pond could be a Catholic priest wanting to induce a wet dream, then surely this would do it. But the pond must quibble about the lack of subs in the second world war. 
The wiki here showed Australian submarining at its finest ...

...The Royal Australian Navy did not operate any submarines during World War II, though the obsolete Dutch submarine K.IX was commissioned as HMAS K9 on 22 June 1943 and was used for anti-submarine warfare training purposes. Due to the boat's poor mechanical condition HMAS K9 saw little service with the RAN and spent most of her time in commission under repair, before being decommissioned on 31 March 1944 due to a lack of spare parts.

Dr Who sent us a K9, a state of the art exercise ...




Is it wrong of the pond to mock the bromancer? 

Not really, not when he gets agitated about contradictions and flim-flam, apparently unaware that back in the day he ran with the best flim-flam man of all, the only PM to outdo the rival aluminium-siding salesmen in Tin Men ...


Truly appalling? But they're great at disasters... shouldn't someone tell the bromancer or should the pond leave it to the infallible Pope?




Now a little detail in that infallible Pope ...



... introduces the pond's next guest and everybody is invited to enjoy a ride on the Canavan caravan ...

It's true that the beefy boofhead has done his best to stay in the headlines, and match the Canavan caravan for a ride ...





Anyone can google or bling or whatever and head off to the Graudian to read ...

...“You know, there’s been a lot of people trying to block the Beetaloo Basin from being developed … we’ve had lots of activists trying to stop it. They are getting in the way of a sensible pathway for energy which delivers affordable reliable energy as we bring our emissions down.”
Because of the climate risks associated with the development, last year more than 60 leading climate scientists issued a dire warning over the plan to frack the Beetaloo Basin, saying it must be halted if the Northern Territory government cannot meet a promise to fully offset emissions.
Days of driving rain has resulted in catastrophic floods in the south-east of Queensland, northern New South Wales and in Sydney suburbs.
The current disaster has reopened a national debate about the adequacy of Australia’s climate policies and the level of resourcing committed to mitigation and adaptation, given scientists have warned repeatedly some of the effects of climate change are now likely irreversible. During a visit to the disaster zone in the north of NSW on Wednesday, Scott Morrison declared a national emergency.
Last year, the world’s leading energy organisation warned that exploitation and development of new oil and gas fields must stop, and no new coal-fired power stations can be built if the world is to stay within safe limits of global heating and meet the goal of net zero emissions by 2050.
The latest assessment from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, released only last week, warned of “cascading, compounding and aggregate impacts on cities, settlements, infrastructure, supply-chains and services due to wildfires, floods, droughts, heatwaves, storms and sea level rise”.
As flood waters surged in south-east Queensland and down the coast of NSW, the IPCC noted the socio-economic costs arising from climate variability and change were continuing to increase. “Extreme heat has led to excess deaths and increased rates of many illnesses.” It said nuisance and “extreme coastal flooding” had increased due to sea level rise, high tides and storm surges”.
The Climate Council has also called on the Morrison government and other political parties to acknowledge the climate crisis is driving worsening disasters, including the current “megafloods”.

But not even the beefy boofhead nonpareil can explain how difficult it is to chew gum and rub tum at the same time, and so fucking the planet is just as important as fucking Ukraine ...



You see? You can't keep a dedicated coal-loving climate science denialist down ... and it goes without saying that the reptiles should seek to terrify the readership with a snap of that terrible, terrible teen ...

And yet in its time the pond has seen more fearsome sights ...




 What need of petulant Peta when we can have a ride on the Canavan denialist caravan ...

What a keen wit. And all for self sufficiency and independence ... and yet, and yet ...



And yet and yet ...


And that's why it's such fun going for a ride on the Canavan caravan. You never know where you might end up, it's the original magical mystery tour ...though a fucked planet does seem like a possible destination ...


What to say, except a cheerful get fucked, you useless goose, and turn to the lizard Oz editorialist for a bonus ...





Poor lizard Oz editorialist, forced to tiptoe between doomsaying apocalypse and looking on the bright side of things. Always look on the bright Canavan side ...




Ah yes, the Canavan caravan, and the caravan's fiendish war on the diabolical Xi ...

As for the suffering down under, the immortal Rowe seemed to note a little suffering elsewhere, with more Rowe here ...





  1. "Is Lent over yet, are there still some ashes to hand?" Ok, so in 2022, Lent is from Ash Wednesday on 2nd March until 14rh April, ending just in time for Easter (15th - 18th).

    Anyway, according to Wikipedia, what are the rules of Lent?

    "A summary of current practice: On Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays of Lent: Everyone of age 14 and up must abstain from consuming meat. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: Everyone of age 18 to 59 must fast, unless exempt due to usually a medical reason."

    Well I'm good.

  2. So the Bro is at it again with the Coalition: "...failing to deliver any significant new defence capability for the dangerous five to 10 years ahead." But what is it exactly that the Bro thinks could/might/will happen in "five to 10 years" ? Will China invade Australia ? Or Russia ? or Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar ? Anybody ?

    So Bro goes on to tell us that: "The two decisive battles that prevented Japan from dominating the Pacific and ultimately doing whatever it liked about Australia, were naval battles - Coral Sea and Midway in 1942.
    Australia was saved by the US navy

    Oh yes, and how many submarines were involved - lots of underwater battles, were there ?

    So there it is, the Bro is blathering about invasion (which basically the Japanese had already decided not to bother themselves with). But if Japan had invaded, there would have been no opposition from Australians, would there - they'd have just marched in and taken over. Just like they did in New Guinea, when they marched down the Kokoda Trail to absolutely no opposition whatsoever. So they'd have just waltzed in and taken over like they did in Singapore. Does the Bro perhaps think we are British ?

    1. Hi GB,
      "A Bastard OF A Place" by Peter Brune is THE history of the
      Kokoda Trail. The Australians inflicted the first important
      land defeat on the Japanese army in what was probably the
      worst terrain of the war.
      Aussie forces outperformed the green US infantry in almost
      every facet over the whole Papua campaign, the Americans
      refusing advice, lessons learned and intelligence from
      their more seasoned allies because of Dugout Doug.
      The official US army history of the campaign later took
      credit for Aussie achievements as it was written by one
      of MacArthurs boot lickers, covering up for Mac's
      mistakes that got people killed.
      Author Brune chronicles the waste, stupidity, insanity
      and vanity of war, a good antidote to the rah rah crowd.
      But at the end of the day, what those poor bastards
      had to go thru in defeating the Japanese should be
      remembered and honored, and if there indeed be any "glory"
      in enduring a charnel house, they earned it.
      I am not endorsing or glorifying war, rather the saga of
      people stuck in the midst of one because of politicians.

    2. Most Aussies of my age or thereabouts are more or less well aware of that, JM. But thanks for pointing it out so pointedly and accurately.

  3. Niki Savva was hiding behind the paywall at the SMH but was happy to talk here:

    "Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, musings over where the fabled nuclear submarines will be housed, accompanied by warnings from Morrison that this is no time for amateurs, are unlikely to swing votes. Not when memories of his absence during the black summer bushfires remain, not when his bungles on COVID are catalogued, not when he talks about crises abroad yet appears incapable of dealing properly with the ones in his own backyard."

    She doesn't like him, does she? Then again, what's incorrect here?

    1. Is that one of those 'all or nothing' questions, Bef.

  4. Hi Dorothy,

    The Oz editorialist is quick to squeal about the possibility of the US having to make deals with the infernal Iranians or the venal Venezuelans but why no mention of our great ally the Saudis?

    Evidently Mr Bone Saw is no friend of the west.


    1. Indeed not, DW, but the west has long been a dedicated friend of Mr Bone Saw.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi DP. It’s great to see the Canavan Winnebago lumbering through the coalfields again. I bet he’s got Elvis on the sound system. I hope he likes this one.

    The End Of My Sanity

    I wake up in a cold sweat snarling
    Her shadow follows me
    She wants all coal left unexploited
    To kill off my industry

    Oh I can hear her Swedish accent
    Laughing with mockery
    The border line of doom I'm facing
    The end of coal energy

    On the edge of my sanity
    She won’t stop tormenting me
    The girl with the impish face

    At the edge of insanity
    This teen overpowers me
    With fears that I can't explain

    She drove me to the point of madness
    The brink of misery
    If she's not stopped then I'm condemned to
    The end of my sanity…

  7. Delightful rendition, Kez.

  8. Oh the Canny Canavanna: "It was just four months ago that the conference's president, Alok Sharma, declared 'we finally kicked coal in the past where it belongs'.
    What a difference a few weeks makes

    There we have it, Canny Canavanny wants us to know that an insane and murderous Russian invasion of the Ukraine was just obviously gunna happen, and we should have built five new coal power stations just to save our farmers.

    But; "This deluded agenda, championed by a Swedish teenager ..." Oh wau, everybody knows that Swedish teenagers just have to be unquestioningly obeyed and thus Greta has destroyed the free world.

  9. ‘We have been asleep, dreaming that technology alone, rather than access to resources, can keep our lights on and our economy functioning.’

    Um, Matt, matey - do try to keep up - it is ‘technology, not taxes’ that will save us, and provide all the things that we will get around to promising, some day.

    1. It's just that Canny Canna's definition of 'resources' is coal, coal and more coal whereas some of us - especially Swedish teenagers (who is now only barely a teenager, being a bit over 19 years old) - think that it's mainly sun and wind.

  10. This morning I was writing this ditty in response to the Bromancer’s turncoat musings when I was distracted by the unholy sight of the Canavanserai traipsing along the road to nowhere. There is a song called All Hat and No Cattle but it was too obscure and rednecky to use for a parody. So this one’s just a bit of my own rhyme-wrangling inspired by the duplicitous Sheridan’s use of that term.

    All Hat And No Cattle

    All hat and no cattle, all spat and no battle
    Poor Scotty’s not up to the fight
    He should be like Teddy, big stick at the ready
    And soft words disguising his bite

    But he’s just a snorter and somebody oughta
    Wipe that big smirk off his face
    ‘Cause the word in the pubs is that we’ll get our subs
    After China’s invaded the place

    So I’m counting on Albo to fire the first salvo
    Before missiles from Beijing rain down
    And I’m hoping that Labor will be our war saviour
    Instead of this Morrison clown

  11. I know that the Campervan's arguments shouldn't be taken seriously but it's an interesting question as to what a country dependant on imported fossil fuel supplies should do in a situation like this.

    Clearly, the 'build more coal and gas plants' approach is nonsense "The initial problem is the long lead time, which can be decades, required to build new gas terminals and source local deposits, meaning immediate price pressures will not be resolved, according to a Carbon Tracker blog post.

    By contrast, existing solar and wind energy resources can be significantly scaled up as part of existing decarbonization policies. It can be done more cost-effectively in line with a precipitous drop in renewable energy prices."

    Also, extending the life of existing nuclear is a different issue to building new nuclear.

    No single thing fixes the problem, but why persist with the same dumb things just because you are used to them?

    Lastly, there seems to be a snarky subtext in the reactionary response to this war - they seem to like the idea that we are stuck in the old cycle of imperial follies which just kill any hope of progress. (Yes GB H. Sapiens)

    1. "Reliant [on Russian gas and oil] to the tune $700 million (€640 million) a day, according to some estimates." So that's roughly US$255.5 billion per annum. You could fill the North Sea with wind generators with a few years of that kind of expenditure.

      And nearly all of homo saps saps, whenever asked, just loves the "imperial follies" that they are born to. "Progress" is best when it just kind of creeps up on us so that we can adopt it without ever having to think about it.

      After all, humanity had had refrigerators (first gas then electric) for quite some time by the 1950s, yet I lived in a rooming house that still relied on ice blocks delivered by van every few days to 'power' its ice chests.

  12. "Peta" and "scum" reminded me of a cartoon:

    1. Oh I dunno, Joe; some people seem to have no problem being 'dregs' and 'scum' simultaneously - just no substance in between.


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