Monday, March 07, 2022

In which allegedly professional comedians are no match for the Major and the Oreo ...




Why does the pond look forward to Mondays? The pond used to hate Mondays and wanted to shoot the whole day down ... but the Major's Monday comedy stylings now come as an enormous relief, especially with the news on many fronts so depressing ...

Come on Major, sock the pond with your fabulous stand-up routine ...





Ah, the Major has to go back to the NY Times in 1999 ... what a pity the pond in its demnetia can only go back a couple of days ...





And so on, it's easy enough to google, the shameful role that Cucker Tarlson, the Major's comrades at Fox News and the GOP have played, but it seems the Major is incapable of googling, and is sublimely unaware of what's been going down ... and that's why he's such a superb comedy stylist ...

No one quite wears blinkers in th way that the Major does ... 



Meanwhile, on another planet, anyone with an interest in googling might discover more recent history...




Of course that would require typing in just three words "Tucker Carlson" and "Putin".

The pond only works in screen caps and is too lazy to provide hot links, in much the same way as it neuters reptile click bait videos, but still, is it beyond the blinkered Major to do a little homework? Of course, why do a history lecture when you can do stand-up?



Ah, the click bait video, neutered by the pond, but understandably slipped in by the reptiles in the hope that the pond would forget the Major's reference to the mango Mussolini, a supposed Putin puppet, according to the Russiagate hoax.

For a minute there, the pond thought it was reading a summary of an RT broadcast, or perhaps Grundle, but still the Major might have done a google and discovered that at last the poodle had discovered his tail ...






Oh heck, please allow the pond to dig out one reference in that lot to help the Major ... even if it is at CNN, which is not the pond's favourite place to be ...






And so on and so on, there being a lot more the good professor noted, but apparently all beyond the Major's ken ...




Frankly the Major puts professional comedians to shame. How could Borowitz expect to compete with this sort of routine?





At this point, the pond should note that the reptiles decided to end the Major's outing with a click bait video, but the pond having noted it ...




... will move on to a serve of the reformed, recovering feminist, that bite-sized delight, the Oreo ... making a plaintive plea for Putin apologists to be given their RT time ...


Good on the Oreo, the pond says, we can never have enough fuckwits standing up for fuckwits standing up for Putin ... and the more of them that make it on to Faux Noise or into the GOP, the better we'll be ...
Just one warning, beware cheap imitation brands ... 

Now back to the plaintive reformed, recovering Ms Oreo, making her plea ...


The pond is astonished for a number of reasons, but the most notable one is that the Oreo is so brain dead as to watch Q+A under the apparent delusion that it's a forum for informed debate. It's a forum for fuckwits, and if some delusional fuckwit should be given a good stomping, well that's just how the game is played ...

The Oreo would be better off, like the Major, attending to what's been happening in News Corp ...

 How many times must the pond remind the reptiles down under that they can't leave the comedy to comedians ...




If you can't watch it, there's always the Daily Beast version, and if you can't get past that paywall, you can always look it up on aggregator Yahoo News ...

Oh heck, SNL isn't usually worth much effort ... so have a bit more ...




Meanwhile, back to Oreo for a final comedy styling, apparently unaware of the mango Mussolini's work ...


Oh sheesh, not the old cancel culture shit, not now ...

The pond was much amused by all this, until the immortal Rowe had to go and ruin it all with a reminder of what was happening in the real world, with more Rowe reminders here ...







Ah yes, Goya and the pond still remembers being blown away by the original, so visceral it was hard to look at ... wiki here ...



  1. I was about to write 'there's the new thing I learned today'- that Rita Panahi was a conservative in the Australian media - when I realised that it was all part of the Major's standup routine. Yes, I had stumbled over some of the click bait, and lost track of the Major's, um - theme.

    Pleased to know that it was just to fit the Major's schtik - I was starting to wonder about the limits to 21st century 'conservatism' if what Rita was saying and writing might be classified as 'conservatism'. As far as I can see, she appears on Sky as the nearest thing they can muster to an ingénue.

    1. You'd rate her that highly ? That innocuous at least, but otherwise ... ?

  2. So now I see what Loonday brings:

    Are they a pair ? One here at last run aground, one who's not there. Don't send in the clowns, they couldn't compare.

    So according to Maj. Mitch: "Never have so many sweeping global forecasts been published with so little evidence as during the first week of Russia's invasion of Ukraine." Nope, not since yesterday and yesterday and yesterday and ... in the reptile press and on Fox News. Thing is, though, that Aussie Sky just hasn't got a Cucker - The Bolter just doesn't compare. Got quite a few Doocys though - but then, doesn't everybody ?.

    And then we've got the Oreo making a fuss about some idiot kid being 'cancelled' on Q+A for lying about the question he had contracted to ask. Now we did get something just a bit reasonable from her: "If Putin sympathisers want the right to free speech in the west, they should defend it in Russia too."

    Oh wau. But then we get: "...we live in a democratic state and the public broadcaster should defend it by encouraging, not silencing, dissenting opinion." Quite bloody so, Oreo: the ABC should broadcast, on a continuing basis, every dissenting opinion on every matter it can. And I for one can't wait for it to begin to regularly broadcast the wisdom of the Flat Earth believers. Plus sessions for every religion, faith or cult on this planet. Plus all the dissenting opinions about "science" and geography and history. And medicine.

    Really can't wait, can you ?

    In the meantime, I think I've unscrambled the Bromancer: he obviously seriously believes he is trying to tell us something important about our world and how to conduct war in it, but we aren't listening; hence the long, inarticulate, passionate rants and raves he's been feeding us. Oh, the poor little thing, so very frustrated.

  3. Does this constitute a dissenting opinion ?

  4. "Paul Fletcher... using his office to try get RT, a Russian state-controlled international television network, and Sputnik, a Russian state-owned news agency, news website platform and radio broadcast service, off much of the web in Australia."
    What do you reckon the Oreo will say?


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