Thursday, March 10, 2022

In which the pond dares to go there again ... but first a serve of philosopher Luke ...




The pond knows it's being really naughty ...

Ah fond memories of those black specks the nun told the pond were all over its soul, turning it into a lump of coal ... incidentally the perfect solution for climate denialists and their lickspittle fellow travellers of the petulant Peta kind ...

The pond knows it's doing a tease, and now it intends to compound the tease ...

Here's what the pond might have been reporting once upon a time ...





But that was then, and this tease is now, and first for some foreplay ...



Ah, it's tone deaf philosopher Luke, delivering a tone deaf cancel culture routine ... and yet ... and yet ... the pond finds it hard at the moment to embrace Russian culture ...

Perhaps a cartoon?

And now another serve of tone deaf Luke, still doing his cancel culture routine ...

Ah, the good old cancel culture routine ... and yet there have been some recent attempts at cancellation that might have been cancelled... even the reptiles noted it ...


Perhaps another cartoon?





And so to a final serve of tone deaf philosopher Luke ...





Indeed, indeed. The pond recalls with tears swelling how right it was to embrace Wagner with Adolf, celebrate architecture with Speer. and join in the odd book burning and culture cancel (down with expressionism, off with surrealism's head) because somehow that wasn't so much cancel culture as a celebration of the way forward ... much like the banning of all independent media and independent thought in Vlad the impaler's Russia.

How lucky we are to have the Vichy living in style, quislings, lickspittles and fellow travellers in our midst, or perhaps in a complacent, indulgent lifestyle far removed from the bombs, or perhaps the sludge ...





What an epic tease it's been, and yet nobody can say they weren't forewarned ... and that cartoon gave everyone a moment to pause and think of abandoning ship, well enough satisfied by the drivel served up by philosopher Luke ...

For those that have stayed, drum roll maestro, in best cultural style ... 





...because here no cancellation, no cancellation here ...

Inspirational stuff, no? The stuff that batters ...

From Warnie to Hawkie and blather about big government ... it took the pond back to the glory days ...

And so for another inspirational serve ...

Indeed, indeed, why are we demonising coal?




And why are we demonising men, because it's men who will head off to die (and women will stay on Sky News) ...

It took the pond back to the glory days of climate science denialism and women in power ...


Ah memories, sweet nauseatingly sickening memories ... and with some defiance directed at the neighsayers who abhor petulant Peta - she's just a humble coal and freedumb lover - the pond is sad to say this is the final gobbet ...


Indeed, indeed, let's bung on world war three to make petulant Peta feel good, and help with the ratings of her nightly slot ... and though the pond has been a little tardy celebrating the day, surely this must have been inspiration for young girls.

You too can get a seat at the table by fellow travelling with an onion muncher, and with a bit of luck, you might help fuck not just a country, but the planet as well ...


  1. Lazy hazy Luke: "But there is not one iota of sympathy in the West for either Putin or Xi." So, the total lack of any awareness (self or other) in the terminally besotted. Just what kind of self-satisfied myopia is needed to be able to print that nonsense in Australia's only major broadsheet newspaper.

    Oh yes, the blind-deaf-dumb-and-stupid myopia of the typical reptile.

  2. Clem KadiddlehopperMar 10, 2022, 6:12:00 PM

    Great Abbott Family cartoon!

  3. You know, maybe it could be called the Petty Peta syndrome if it hadn't already been exhibited by billions of homo saps saps over the decamillennia. But hey, how about this: "And has any thought been given to some form of national service with a strong civilian component too ?"

    Now in my lifetime, I avoided two conscriptions: one was Vietnam (I was too old) and the other was universal 'nasho' (National Service) for which I was too young. But we had it:

    "The First Scheme 1951-1959
    In the first National Service scheme between 1951 and 1959, all young men aged 18 were called up for training in the Navy, Army and Air Force. A total of 227,000 served in 52 intakes

    The 'training' lasted all of 3 months. And why was 'nasho' ended ? Because it simply cost way too much (you know, "small government") to conscript every 18yo in Australia, and because by the time anything happened that they might get involved in (eg Korea) most of them had entirely forgotten anything they might have learned in 3 months.


    1. Monty Python ~ Marching up and down the square Is this really the best way for our best and brightest to spend some f their youth?

    2. I think I'll just go read my book, Joe. It's what I'd have done back then.

  4. Hi Dorothy,

    ‘the fiercest political warrior I’ve ever worked with’
    Abbott on Credlin.

    It’s interesting that Credlin should be worrying about the nations lack of moral fortitude.

    Like Albrechtsen, Credlin is an extremely well educated, academic high flyer in Law. Both women are evidently passionate about their side of politics. Both have an ardent following predominately amongst conservative men.

    However when they were offered the opportunity to take over safe Liberal seats, both demurred. Why is this?

    Is it they were both repelled by the “Frat Boy” atmosphere that pervades the Federal Coalition and knew they would be continually side lined as just a piece of skirt?

    Or did they feel they had more control over the dumb knuckle draggers that pervade politics by sniping from the outside whilst being handsomely paid by Rupert Murdoch?

    Or did they just lack the ticker for the fight?


    1. Interesting thoughts, DW, though Credlin and Albrechtsen aren't the first or foremost to reject the life of an elected politician. It does kind of take over one's life if practised at all seriously.

  5. " ... plays directly into Putin's hands". Luke Slattery

    "A phrase much used in political circles in this country is ‘playing into the hands of’. It is a sort of charm or incantation to silence uncomfortable truths. When you are told that by saying this, that or the other you are ‘playing into the hands of some sinister enemy, you know that it is your duty to shut up immediately.

    For example, if you say anything damaging about British imperialism, you are playing into the hands of Dr Goebbels. If you criticize Stalin you are playing into the hands of the Tablet and the Daily Telegraph. If you criticize Chiang Kai-Shek you are playing into the hands of Wang Ching-Wei — and so on, indefinitely." George Orwell

    As far as Dostoevsky being an emblem of opposition to authoritarian rule, Edmund Wilson noted that when he came back from Siberia he did an about face. "When Dostoevsky had set his face away from Western Europe to direct his attention towards Russian institutions, he found himself confronted by the Tsardom, the feudal system of landowning and the Greek Orthodox Church; and there is something both heroic and embarrassing in the spectacle of one of the most intelligent men of his time making the effort to swallow all these."

    1. Trouble is, NH, that being 'intelligent' simply means one can pursue nonsense more cleverly than the average homo saps saps. There is simply nothing that works as a vaccine for foolishness.


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