Friday, March 04, 2022

In which the pond is mortified by its walking on the Wild side, but found no hole in the bucket man to offer as fair compensation, or even a decent porking rort ...




The pond was mortified by its walk on the wild side with the mindlessly moronic petulant Peta, and yet hits and comments were up, suggesting that masochism has its pleasures.

Still, the pond had hoped to make it up to correspondents by delivering the usual soothing blather from the hole in the bucket man, but alas, when the pond went to the reptile cupboard, it was bare ... our Henry was like that man on the stairs ...

Instead this was what was on offer ... a paltry dish to set before anyone, let alone a future talking tampon king ...





Yes, there was another chance to walk on the Wild side, but the pond first had to deal with its abiding loyalty to the bromancer ...





Oh dear, and it only took a nanosecond's googling to discover the bromancer, with his astonishing insights, scribbling furiously on 11th February 2022 ...



Was it only back in February that the war on China was all the go and it was Beijing that was the massive disrupter of the liberal rules-based order? And India a key saviour and strong part of the solution, and never mind all that rampant Hindu nationalism ...

Luckily the bromancer still has those patented kid gloves ... 


Oh indeedy do, there's so much to be said for the bromancer's astonishing insights, but the pond must immediately turn to the lizard Oz editorialist, with a tremendously inclusive header, but aware that perhaps "world" might not include India ...




Oh dear and yet the lizard Oz editorialist back on 30th January 2022 offered these astonishing insights (along with many others the pond doesn't have time or room for) ...




 Oh yes, tremendous resilience, and a firm stand on Vlad the impaler ...

And so to that walk on the Wild side, which the pond admits is nothing like spending quality time with our hole in the bucket man, and ancient history and ancient philosophers ...

But what's wrong with finding out what Gina's mob thinks? Isn't it better to get the IPA via the lizard Oz than actually visiting the IPA site? Isn't it good to know that when Gina's mob come calling, the lickspittle fellow travelling quisling reptiles will take the knee?

Little paywallers never once gave it away
Everybody had to pay and pay
A hustle here and a hustle there
Surry Hill’ss the place
Where they said, "Hey, babe
Take a walk on the wild side"
I said, "Hey, reptiles
Take a walk on the wild side"

Give Gina's mob a go ... and so they did ... and so perforce did the pond ...



Could the pond contrast that opening with an infallible Pope?



Sorry, that talk of billions spent on fossil fuel subsidies is just being mean. And there are some that might quibble about the figure. Why in a pdf here the Australia Institute put the subsidy for fossil fuel industries at $10.3 billion, and dammit, when the pond was in Tamworth in the old days .3 of a billion was nothing to sneeze at ... you could let loose quite a few car parks on a single day with that sort of loose change ...

Now back to that walk on the Wild side ...



Again the pond apologises ... first petulant Peta, and then a walk on the wild side with an IPA goose ... is there no end to the pond's depravity?

But at least it keeps the pond's mind off sociopaths of the Vlad the impaler kind. So much easier to be fucking the planet in style than the sordid business of blowing the shit out of people just trying to lead their lives. Oh and working out how to apologise for India fellow traveling with a sociopath ...

And so to a final gobbet, which at least is short, but still, in fine IPA style, manages to make the most out of Vlad the Impaler as the new reptile way to undermine climate science ... 

Well as this is a survey of reptile thinking, the pond couldn't leave it there, and turned to the lizard Oz editorialist for a final thought or three ...



Um, so it's not quarries, and we need big government? Damn, that sort of thinking could lead the pond astray ... but yes, it's way past time to close Lismore down ...

Coming from Tamworth, the pond always had healthy suspicions about that Lismore mob and their fancy airs and ways ... and what with them being flooded, now is as good a time as any to sink in the slipper in fine reptile style ... because empathy is just a word, and don't you go worrying about that when visiting Murdochian la la land ...


And there you have it ... Dame Groan, the lizard editorialist, reptiles all, crying out for big government ... "Given the uncertain times and pending election it is unlikely the government will turn immediately to budget repair. But it must spend wisely ..."

Dammit, are the reptiles suggesting that the feds don't know how to spend wisely? 

Of course they spend wisely ... always have done, always will do, and just you wait until we get a little closer to the big day ...



Oh yes, it's soon going to be cash in the paw time for lucky punters, but the pond must settle for a Rowe in the paw, with more Rowe pawing to be free here ...






Please forgive the pond if it draws attention to a special delight with any Rowe ... the background action ...





Now there's a man always willing to give pork a go ... and not give a pork about it ...


  1. Bromancer quoting Mattoo: "Beijing's 'belligerence, its revisionism and its revanchism'..." There we go, revanchism has been revived. Can it be long before 'few' is resuscitated too ?

    Or before India takes up revanchism ?

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    If you are laughably describing yourself as a director of research at the IPA and therefore happily taking Gina’s cash, it might make sense to learn a little bit about how coal is extracted from the ground. Especially before writing this pearler.

    “Australia, in other words, doesn’t need to do a U-turn yet. But we do need to follow the first rule of holes: when you are in one, stop digging.”


    1. OK - 'research at the IPA' is an oxymoron - but, in similar theme, DW, I would have thought 'home grown power' is typified by those panels on roof of our homes.

    2. Oh I'd disagree, Chad; I reckon the IPA goons have to do a lot of 'research' to find just the right agitprop formulae to keep their followers unconditionally happy and loyal despite heaps of readily available contrary evidence.

  3. "Poor infrastructure planning damns society to the same mistakes".

    Agree editorialist.
    So in 2017, Lismore was smashed by a flood in the CBD.
    Can you check in with the local member there, or the Feds responsible for a quick look at the levee expansion that was put into place to prevent a repeat?
    Naturally, they would have assessed the increasing frequency of floods combined with the relentless advice from scientists about increased climate change events occurring, and taken action - yes?

    Hello? The infrastructure action to prevent repeating mistakes - hello!!??

    Oh. I see.

  4. Hmmm. "But at least it keeps the pond's mind off sociopaths of the Vlad the Impaler kind." Now today's Mr Ed informed us that: "Vladimir Putin's defeat in the overwhelming vote against him in the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. which reportedly left him shaken..."

    Reportedly ? Who reported that ? Where ? I didn't see any 'report' of that, did you ? And how shaken was "shaken" ? Just a quick, short shrug maybe ? So whose mind was on Vlad enough to 'report how "shaken" he was' ? Anyone ? Or was it just another round of Fox Fake News ?

  5. The Wild one: "Without reliable, affordable baseload power generation capability, Australia will have no sovereign capability to manufacture the vital goods we need to operate and defend ourselves as an advanced, First World nation."

    And what would these "vital goods" be ? F-35 fighters, maybe ? Ocean-going amphibious tanks, maybe ? Except that we make neither of them here - they're fully imported. Oh, ok, what about the Hunter class frigates ? We're making them here, aren't we ? So hows that going ?

    Hunter-class frigate report indicates Australian naval shipbuilding in disarray


    1. The very mention of 'baseload' should trigger a spring-loaded boxing glove hidden in the computer screen (OK - it's stolen from John Kudelka).

      The IPA schtick is aimed at (mainly) older folk whose response to anything new or threatening is to yearn for the certainties of the past - if only everything could be rolled back to their youth. Trouble is I cannot remember it being so spiffing (apart from being young) and most things seem to work better now.

    2. The selectivity - and re-editing and re-inventing - of 'memory', Bef


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