Saturday, March 05, 2022

In which the pond does climate science denialism with the doggy, pauses to insult the craven Craven, and then climbs "Ned's" Everest of Slomo says ...



The news of Warnie's death came as a profound shock to the digital reptiles, and pretty much everything else was swept from the digital front page ...





Inevitably the pond went looking for that quote There is double the pathos for us in the death of one little New York waif from hunger than there is a million deaths from famine in China, and found it here ... together with many, many other variations ...

No doubt there might be some who recall the Ukraine ... but it helps explain why the pond was eager for any kind of distraction, so why not a decent bout of climate science denialism from the doggy bothering denialist ...



Last weekend, tired and well over the dog botherer, the pond kicked the dog botherer to a slot where no one would care, but how else could the pond slip in a reference to the most excellent example of blaming the victim seen in recent times, and noted in the Graudian here ...




Living in Brisbane is living among the gum trees? Who knew, but surely a most useful response, of the sort celebrated by the dog botherer, help and heroism of a practical kind, and now on with the climate science denialism ...

Yes, there's nothing new to see here in the wondrous world of doggy bothering denialism, which is why the pond pressed on for the next dose ...

Surely the dog botherer is back in top form, and the pond regrets that the reptiles interrupted his rant with a snap that reminded the pond that we've been subjected to an unseemly amount of rain and flooding and such like and perhaps the increasing severity of these events had alarmed some ...


Perhaps a better snap might have featured the absolute lack of alarm amongst insurers, as noted here ...




But don't worry about any of that, the dog botherer is on hand to settle jangled nerves ...


That last par is surely a classic, pure emotive drivel offered up by a doggy botherer in overdrive, but at least it reminded the pond that cartoonists have been out and about, such as Kudelka, always to be found here ...


And so to some unpleasant business involving an armchair warrior, and is there a better example doing the rounds than the craven Craven?



It's impossible to imagine the contempt that the pond holds for the craven Craven, but please, do your best ...

Oh fuck, not the old rice growing and send your food to Asia routine, and fucking Sister fucking Marie Therese, as if the pond hadn't already endured enough from Dominican nuns ...

And that blather about a health dictatorship? Fuck him, and fuck the Catholic ponzi scheme he rode in on ... 

You see, the entire point of a democracy is not to be stifled as in Putin's Russia, or be forced to dim the lights on a TV station ...



Google as you will, while the pond enjoys the opportunity, the freedumb, to call a fuckwit a right proper royal fuckwit ...


Didn't this goose just spend his time sneering at all the alleged shortcomings? 

Like the freedumb to call a fuckwit like him a royal fuckwit and not end up in a gulag? You know, be gay, and not have a fuckwit sneer about virtue signalling ... 

Thank the long absent lord there's only a short gobbet of this deadshit bullshit to go ...

You'd hire mercenaries with your cash in the paw, you fuckwitted old dotard? Why don't you just fuck off, and leave the country to the young, and let them carry on regardless of your infinite stupidity?

And after letting off that steam, the only thing the craven Craven is good for, it was time for the pond to settle down with nattering "Ned" ... and do the hard yards, the long haul, the endless climbing of "Ned's" latest Everest ...





Perhaps the pond should have provided a warning at the start, but surely everyone knows that an election is coming on, and it's every reptile hand to the bilge pump, and so poor "Ned" has been reduced to a tattered coat upon a stick, and the game at hand isn't Simon says, but Slomo says, and oh there's an eternity of Slomo saying, while "Ned" grovels and writes it all down, and so this is perhaps the biggest Everest "Ned" has ever offered ...





No wonder the reptiles felt the need to slip in a click bait video as some sort of distraction from the game of Slomo says, but the pond must neuter such cheap tricks and press on ... because if anyone wants irrefutable proof that we're as game as Ned Kelly, see how the strong manage to stick to the grovelling "Ned" and marvel at his humiliation ...




Now some might think we've already had more than enough of Slomo says, but there's an election coming up and the idea is to evoke a visionary, and if the evocation doesn't work, then to bore the readership into a Caligari trance, whereby they just cast their vote to the wind ...




Naturally the reptiles couldn't resist, and nor could the pond ...





Blessed is "Ned" by Slomo's bounty ...

And so to another gobbet, broken up by yet another click bait video ...



The pond will admit to fatigue setting in, but did dimly realise that Ukraine was deeply fucked, and all that piety counted for nothing, except perhaps a dose of the Catholic guilts ...



It came as an enormous relief, together with a sense of triumph, that the pond had made it to the end of Slomo says ... and as a reward, the final gobbet was a short one ...



Such a smothering of chocolate syrup, and as for the Quad not a hint of India's recent actions, or more to the point inactions, and yet there's an election coming on, and "Ned" would surely win a job at Pravda hands down, but then, why bother, when he's doing exactly the same unchallenging work for News Corp ...

Just endless doses of Slomo says and Slomo believes, and in the end, the pond triumphed by quelling the nausea, and avoiding a rush to the toilet to throw up ...

And so to take the stench out of nostrils and the bitter taste from the back palate, a honied Rowe, with more Rowe honey here ...





  1. Hi Dorothy,

    “Asked how he sees Australia’s role in the global debate over Ukraine, Morrison says: “We’ve been on the leading edge but with our partners. I think we’ve been careful not pretending to a role that’s not ours. But we have been proactive. We have shown initiative as we should.””

    Translation: “I don’t hold a hose, mate.”


  2. Here we go again from Doggy Bov: "In other words, of Australia's 1.1 percent of global emissions disappeared overnight, they would be replaced within a year by the global growth." In other words, we can't unilaterally prevent evil, so we might as well just add to it and enjoy a better life. Yep, that's part of the reptile catechism right enough.

    But our wise and wonderful Doggy Bov would like us to know that global warming is really a good thing: "NASA findings on the carbon-dioxide-induced greening of the planet or research about reduced mortality from milder northern hemisphere winters are not the kind of science the advocates follow."

    So, indeed in reptile eyes, all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. And here, just for interest's sake, is an analysis of Australia's contributions thereto:
    Do Australia's greenhouse gas emissions account for more than 5 per cent of the global total once exports are included, as Mike Cannon-Brookes says?

    1. Oh yes: "The eventual elimination of greenhouse gas emissions, so long as it is done in concert with the rest of the world..." And that's another reptile rule: we'll do it too, just as soon as they do (and not a moment before).

  3. "You see, the entire point of a democracy is not to be stifled as in Putin's Russia..." But, butt DP; look at how the Russian military is fighting in the Ukraine with such frenetic fierceness and with such highly trained skill. Why, if left to themselves the Russian "liberators" would completely annihilate the Ukrainies - including the relatives and descendants of the 4.5 million who fought in the Russian Army against Hitler.

    But then again, when was the last time that one of the Cravens of the world showed any decency or moral rectitude. Certainly not any who have acceded to the Russian limitations imposed on 'foreign religions'. For instance:

    No foreigners in Russian churches. Problems for Catholics too
    "In an explanatory note, the changes to the law 'will make it impossible for priests or religious personnel who have received religious education abroad to spread extremist religious ideologies'. This ban will create difficulties for Muslim preachers and Protestant pastors, but also for Catholic priests, among whom there are still many foreign missionaries, who are struggling to obtain permanent residence permits."

    So, will any of them rise up and fight like the Craven says we should ? Or is God praising self-sacrifice entirely dead amongst missionaries nowadays ?

    1. "Didn't this goose just spend his time sneering at all the alleged shortcomings?" Now, now, DP, apart from the obvious lack of any self-awareness in reptiles, and especially Craven Catholic ones, this is a clear example of another item from their catechism: "Do as I say, not as I do." Yes ?

  4. It just gets harder and harder to find even a crumb of relevance or reality in an ocean of Neddy froth and frufru. But there is this teensy gem: "European leaders must live with their historical blunders in enthusiastically making themselves dependent on Russian energy and gas." And didn't the reptiles spend so much time telling us so, and saying how much better off the Europeans would have been to be dependent on Australian coal, gas and uranium.

    But what they haven't pointed out is that it was all a Russian plot: Merkel, the main force behind the German - Russian dependency, comes from a part of the world that until 1989 was entirely subject to Russian dominance and control. And she was allowed to make Germany "dependent" upon Russia ?

    Then again, I wonder just how "dependent" they actually are: has Germany been forcibly cut off from Russian "energy", or is it still using Russian energy or was it never truly "dependent" on Russian energy at all ?


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