Wednesday, March 02, 2022

In which the pond proposes a game requiring a detailed reading of Dame Slap and nattering "Ned" ...




Today the pond invites readers on a hunt for the missing word. 

Some might also want to join in a hunt for the missing network. 

No doubt some would also like to play the game of "find Cucker Tarlson" or find the GOP,  or find MTG or find the white nationalist, but the pond can only suggest so many games at the one time ...

The game begins at the top of the lizard Oz page with this outing ...





Yes, it's Dame Slap at her finest, which is to say meretricious, deceitful, forgetful of her MAGA cap donning past, and seeking to blame everybody other than the actual elephants in the room ...

And so to the game, which is to find a mention of the mango Mussolini, Faux Noise, or even Cucker Tarlson if you like, in all that follows ...

No luck gamers? Wondering why none of this scores a mention?





Ah, of course, Dame Slap might have to recall heading out into the New York night to celebrate, proudly wearing her MAGA cap ...

So instead it's all the fault of all the usual Dame Slap suspects ...

Still no luck gamers? There are plenty of clues elsewhere ...

But then Dame Slap always finds googling tricky ... which is a pity, because she might then have remembered the mango Mussolini, the far right and all that goes with it ...


She might even have caught up on this old news ...

She might even have dipped into the Graudian ...

But to be fair, the game's not yet over, Dame Slap still has a chance to remember ...



Of course, of course, the love of coal, never to be extinguished ...





And now there's just one last chance to remember that donning of the MAGA cap in New York, Faux Noise, Cucker, and the whole damn thing ...

Speaking of abject lessons, the pond was yet again reminded of that tweet ...


Well Dame Slap surely outbid the buffoon onion muncher outdoing that buffoon Lord Downer, but not to worry, here, have another infallible Pope to celebrate ...





But the game isn't over yet. There's still nattering "Ned" to go, and with the same rules. 

 Go on aspirational gamer, see if you can spot the slightest sign of the mango Mussolini, Faux Noise, Cucker, or the rest of the GOP gang ...

Hmm, the reptiles just love to show off snaps of Faux Noise's hero ... though a shot of bare nipples bestrode a horse might have been better ...


Yep, the reptiles love a bare nipple or two boldly riding on a horse ...

Never mind, on with the game ...



At this point, some gamers might think the pond has cheated. 

There was likely a reference to the mango Mussolini, or Faux Noise, or Cucker or the GOP mob in that special content available on the web version of "Ned's" natter.

Relax gamers, as far as the pond could work out, this is the web version, but in any case there was no cheating ... though there is a bonus prize for anyone recalling the keen Keane using the geriatric word way back when ...



Speaking of geriatrics, it's back to playing the game with nattering "Ned" ...

Oh and what a pity that the pond didn't have this to go with the onion muncher's piece yesterday ...



And so to the final "Ned" gobbet, and sorry gamers, it wasn't much of a game, was it?



They have imbibed the elixir of Western decline? What's that? They've joined the GOP, they follow the mango Mussolini, they read the lizard Oz, they watch Faux Noise or Sky after dark if down under, and they celebrate Vlad the impaler? And they love white nationalism?



Oh all that, and more ...




We shall see, says the nattering "Ned"? Just by playing the game this day, it's clear that the business of the reptiles at the lizard Oz is not to see, which in its own geriatric way, is either disgusting, or pathetic ...

Meanwhile, even if the game was a total flop, thanks to the immortal Rowe, we have the big spender on the case, with more Rowe always here ...




Only a sixpack from Hawaii? ...though it has to be said that twenty buck tip is truly generous ...


  1. "...which is to find a mention of the mango Mussolini, Faux Noise, or even Cucker Tarlson if you like"

    None of them, DP, but of course, right up there in just the second paragraph, along with "war is terrible" and "even dictators are rational" we have the reptile badge of honour: "that fossil fuels are disgusting..." Yep, nothing ever changes in the land of Murdochia.

  2. No sense of honour, no sense of shame, just completely shameless GB ...if the pond might break Godwin's Law, and the reptiles had been around at the time, they'd have deplored the abandoning of coal for gas ...

    1. Oh yeah, and don't we remember when they campaigned against giving up candles for gaslight and then giving up gaslight for electric light. But we were here for when they campaigned against giving up 100w incandescents for 6w leds.

    2. Yes, the pond remembers little Timmie Bleagh valiantly leading the glorious fight down under. How soon we forget our fallen heroes and Murdochian futtocks ...

  3. Dame Slap: "Western democracies ... preferring to spend money on welfare, not defence." Oh my goodness, all those "bad debts" [tm Dame Groan]. Just think of that: spending money on trying to give more citizens better lives than on setting them up to kill and be killed in "endless wars". And onwards: "The non-Pollyanna thing to do would be to start planning now for the worst scenarios. By all means, let's hope for the best - but let us plan for the worst." So, Slappy, what's the worst scenario that could result from us planning to do nothing about climate change and instead just fight a lot of ideologically driven - hopefully non-nuclear - wars ?

    What is she really suggesting: that the EU/NATO powers should have been planning to invade Russia ? Or just that they should have openly and provocatively "planned" to defend themselves against an expected Russian invasion ?

    So what should Australia have done and be doing - preparing for war against Russia and/or China ? We'd need a heck of a lot of ocean-going amphibious tanks for that.

    Personally, I'm kinda in favour of surrendering with the absolute minimum of lives lost - which makes me just a tad ambivalent about WWI and WWII. The thing is this: even if Xi was to become the life-long ruler of the world, he is 68 years old with maybe 30 more years to go - if he stays physically and mentally capable. And even if he were to be
    replaced by other "Sons of Heaven", how long would that go on for ? 1000 years ? 10000 years ? 100,000 years ?

    Or maybe just 100 years at the very most ? And if China had united all of homo saps saps into a single world order with nobody left to make war against, would that be so very bad ?

  4. So, Neddy: "...indiscriminate Russian slaughter of Ukrainian civilians fighting for their territorial integrity, a principle China has enshrined for decades in its foreign policy". They really have absolutely no self awareness at all, do the reptiles. They are past-masters of the dictum that "when we do it, it is good, when anybody else does it, it is evil". Well, so are the Russians and Chinese.

    Besides, as Vlad will eagerly inform you, the Ukrainian "citizens" are actually Russians and the Ukraine is part of the resurrected 'Soviet Union' (though not of Socialist Republics this time). So, just restoring unity within their own territory whether that be Ukraine or Taiwan.

    Then we have "...Xi will encourage beliefs that China seeks not just a transformation of the world order against the US but is prepared to accept violence in its pursuit." Now what was that movie again ? 55 Days in Peking ? It was the British more than the Americans who attempted to establish Chinese drug addiction as the way to overcome Chinese resistance, but wasn't it Major Matt Lewis and his US forces that were the defence leaders ?

    Where do we turn to find an innocent man ?

  5. Oooh, now that's a thing: in John Patrick Cronin's response to Keane, he says of Abbott that "This is subject to the unspoken proviso - I always lie." Ok, now that indicates that Abbott does not really have the supreme dodge of being very ignorant. So when he says something that he believes is a lie, it's quite likely that he actually telling the truth by accident since he has no idea whatsoever what the truth actually is. and it's frequently the opposite of what he thinks it is.

    It's one of those old saws: a good liar needs to be very well informed and have a very good memory. Abbott has neither, so he is quite likely to be telling the truth while himself believing that he is lying.

  6. Oh, if only Australian voters had paid attention to Dame Slap ten years back. They would have elected a truly Conservative government, and, by now, such a government would have the budget in surplus, there would be just two sexes, our defence capacity would be the envy of the oppressed, timorous, other nations, and our young people would be astonishing the rest of the world with their standard of education. If only. Where DID it go wrong?

  7. What is the objective of the Murdoch empire?
    We need to have a royal commission into the Media.
    The after dark mob are a threat to our democracy.
    This is my feelings of frustration at what is being spread by this evil empire.


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