Sunday, October 24, 2021

In which the pond does the usual history with Polonius, and then spends some quality time with congenital News Corp liars, fools and knaves ...






To say the reptiles are unnerved by the current climate science fuss and hullabaloo is something of an understatement.

The pond had to hold over Polonius's prattle until the Sunday just because it wanted a little variety in its Saturday offerings...

Besides, there's no point in proposing a game of 'spot the science' in a Polonial piece ... everyone knows he hasn't got a scientific bone in his body ... best to stick to 'spot history and political references' ...



Speaking of Harold Wilson, the pond prefers Gladstone, as noted here ...



... because in Polonius's world, there's no point looking at doing anything about climate science, and hopefully nothing will be done thanks to the likes of coal man Joe ...



Never mind, with a bit of luck, in due couse, and perhaps in a fortnight or so, it'll just go away ... and dinkum clean coal lovers can settle back and relax and chew down on the nuts...



Is it just the pond, or is Polonius being exceptionally tedious in this outing, with his long and circuitous detour down the winding road of ancient and dull history? There's science avoidance, and then there's off to another planet to avoid the matter at hand ...

It's like inviting the doddering uncle down from the attic to meander on, in much the same cruel way as Colbert recently skewered Biden for too much malarkey about his home town ...

Elsewhere you might read of the cynical calculations being deployed, as in Katharine Murphy's piece for the Graudian here ...

For the last few weeks, Canberra’s political ecosystem has been minutely focused on what it will take to land an agreement between Morrison and the Nationals on a net zero by 2050 emissions reduction target.
Will it be a taxpayer funded coal plant? A fleet of modular nuclear reactors? A $3bn extension of the inland rail project to Gladstone? A $250bn taxpayer funded financing facility for new fossil fuel projects? A jobs guarantee for displaced coal workers? A safety valve mechanism that would allow Australia to walk away from a net zero commitment in the event things went south in the regions?
These are important questions, and soon we’ll have an answer to them – assuming of course that Morrison is prepared to give the Nationals some or all of what they want.
As he’s hinted periodically through the week, Morrison doesn’t actually have to give the Nationals anything. This decision will be made by the cabinet, and in the cabinet, a clear majority favours net zero. People around Morrison say the prime minister will certainly not countenance the safety valve idea championed by the Nationals minister Bridget McKenzie. Reviews tracking progress and outcomes, absolutely. Opting out of the commitment, not so much.

That's a treat for later in the day, and meanwhile we're left with Polonius at his most banal and tedious ...




Yes, indeed, and the 11,000 days to 2050 (never mind that Google says there are 10,297 days from 23rd October to 1st January 2050 - you can't expect Polonius to Google, he does his maths using fingers and toes ) are but a blip in the time spent on the planet brooding about the Nationals, and a very short time in terms of climate science, and outcomes which everyone can anticipate ...



Speaking of Fox, and though it will make this Sunday meditation a lot longer, the pond wanted to spare a few words for a lickspittle Murdochian flunky and professional liar ...




Somebody's got to do it - sell their soul for the Murdochian dollar - and our man does his pandering apologetics in style ...



Uh huh ... that bullshit about fond memories, and the tough struggle to survive, but so what ...




And so to the best bit ...


You see how an adept dissembler and professional liar goes about his trade? We all know the reality, the television and the tree killers and the digital lies and the support of the mango Mussolini and the damage done, a little part of it in everyone ...




And yet on he goes, with the dissembling and the lying and the ignoring and the overwriting and the glossing of the record, and if ever you wanted an expert lickspittle bootlicker, here's your urbane man ...




The puissance? A fine word for a bullshit artist pissing into the wind ... here, have another cartoon for that ponce verbiage to go ...



Next up? Here the pond faced an agonising choice ...



Well not really. Gemma is a bubble-headed booby, a lightweight flake, still rabbiting on about comrade Dan, and the pond is much more interested in whether our Gracie can keep on being a heretic, while staying within the tent ...


Poor Gracie. She never seems to understand that the phone call is coming from within the house ...


Never mind, she's doing her best ...


Um, Gracie, you do realise that you're in the same company as the likes of Tucker Carlson? But they all do it ... lie and dissemble and mislead ...

On Fox and Friends earlier this morning, the three co-hosts took umbrage that President Biden said Fox News has a vaccine mandate.
While moaning and complaining, the Fox hosts misstated the Biden Administration vaccine policies as well as their own company's.
Host Brian Kilmeade claimed President Biden was using misinformation on his network.
"You have a testing option at Fox, so what he said is totally inaccurate," Brian said.
Steve Doocy played Lou Costello and said, "We don't have a mandate. We have a protocol."
Ainsley agreed, "Right."
Kilmeade, "That's a little different so why don't you go tell the president."
I love when President Biden trolls Fox News, the main spreaders of lies and COVID misinformation. Why won't Fox News executives and other hosts clearly state the company's position? Because it's contrary to what they tell their viewers to do in their own lives...

And so on, here have a cartoon to go ...





The pond supposes it passes as heresy, but it's still rich to be inside the same house, and then complain about those who have actively worked to undermine health responses and disseminated false and misleading information, and so on and so forth ...presumably because our Gracie never watches Sky and knows nothing of the parrot or the dog botherer or all the others who get their pay from the same Chairman ... while peddling hydroxy, ivermectin, horse paste, Killer Creighton attitudes and so on and so forth ...

Too late Gracie ...

Your chairman is in bed with Ted and the GOP and the whole damn thing ...

And that's where things would usually end for the pond, with more than enough to meditate on, but please, indulge the pond, because Dame Slap has yet again been just too fucking weird, and it's a great way to wrap up a Sunday meditation.

Lurking beneath it all is the usual white supremacist, triumph of western civilisation, joys of Xianity, finest flowerings of minds of the Adolf, Benito, mango Mussolini, News Corp, Faux Noise kind, and so on and so forth, though it might be hard to winkle out, at least until you come to the talk of cancel culture, because try as the pond might it's never been able to cancel Dame Slap, nor enough put a postmark on her stamp...


Likely the pond will never work out why Dame Slap gets attracted to strange men. Not so long ago, she was mindfucking Jordan Peterson, and before that she was donning a MAGA cap so she could keep close to the mushroom-blessed mango Mussolini, and before that she fellow travelled with "Lord" Monckton, and so on and so forth ...

Perhaps it has something to do with being Krogered, as a few pond correspondents have suggested.

Whatever, here we go again ...


Jethro Tull? The pond almost felt like ending it there and then, though perhaps we might gain some astonishing new insights into the wonders of Vanilla Fudge ...

But still, who is the pond to worry about a man with no taste in music, given the pond's own aberrations in the area?


Ah, it's more of that Xian nonsense ... and no doubt Thomas Jefferson will get a mention, though the chances of his approach to the bible verge on nil ...




Yes, the dear lad did a thorough cut and paste on the bible, as celebrated here ... none of that miracle nonsense for Thommo, and the same for vexatious priests ...

When Jefferson ran for president against John Adams in 1800, Adams’ Federalist allies distorted Jefferson’s defense of freedom of religion to portray him as an enemy of God. Alexander Hamilton called Jefferson “an Atheist in Religion and a Fanatic in politics.” William Linn, a New York minister, claimed that voting for him constituted “a rebellion against God.” Yale President Timothy Dwight warned Americans that if they elected Jefferson they would “see the Bible cast into a bonfire…and our children united in chanting mockeries against God.”
Despite all that, Jefferson won the election.
But the various lies about his religious beliefs angered him and hardened his antipathy to the clergy, who he described in Latin as “genus irritable vatum”—irritable tribe of priests—and in English as “soothsayers and necromancers.”

Speaking of soothsayers and necromancers stuck in the age of Jethro Tull, back to Dame Slap sitting at the feet of her guru, imbibing the thoughts of her master ...


Why is that all so funny? Here's the woman who donned the MAGA cap and defiantly stepped out into the New York night avidly listening to talk of childish presidents.

What a hoot, and as the mango Mussolini has turned up again, why not reference a real scribbler, the ferocious Marina Hyde ...

...Attempts by Trump to make up for his various social media bans have thus far tended toward the lo-fi. There is an email list people can sign up to, and for less than a month there was a blog-style outlet called “From the Desk of Donald J Trump”, which came across very much as a fax machine operating from the floor next to his toilet.
But now – or at least soon – he is launching his own network, TRUTH Social, a name which feels par for the course from arguably Earth’s most committed liar. As he put it this week: “We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced … This is unacceptable. I am excited to send out my first TRUTH on TRUTH Social very soon… Everyone asks me why doesn’t someone stand up to Big Tech? Well, we will be soon!”
Anyway, there we are. Really the only entity for whom this is long-term good news is Facebook, which – against all odds – now has at least the promise of a more toxic social network than its own. Most timely for Mark Zuckerberg, who currently resembles the middle photo of a magazine cover in which the goofy chef from Ratatouille is morphing into Voldemort. In recent days, it’s been feeling like Mark will need more than metaverse plans and a mooted corporate name-change to distract from the various shits he’s taken in his own in-tray...

And so on ... but that talk of truth is as passing rich as Dame Slap talking of childish presidents. Has she reformed?

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, I donned a MAGA cap and slipped out into the New York Streets as a child. But when I became a News Corp  columnist, I refused to put away childish things, for I still see dimly in a mirror, and must seek out gurus ...

And so to the promised blather about zealots and cancel culture  and the age of reason in the mushroom-blessed age of the mango Mussolini...


Might the pond humbly suggest that if Dame Slap thinks of herself as a little girl at the bottom of the stairs, she should start thinking more seriously about the older and wiser men she picks out as gurus and mentors and models ...

Why not start a little closer to her usual thinking. How about a good costume for Jesusween? You know, as a way of celebrating the comprehensive fucking of the United States by the Chairman and his minions ...



  1. Polonius beginning a history lesson with the word apparently, no definite historical time, shame, epic fail as a History Master.
    Imagine if someone at the taxpayer Workers'Collective Marxist ABC, which has no conservative hosts of prime time programs had committed such a heresy, he would be dining out on it for months, column after column.

  2. archy reporting on a meeting of roaches includes these observations - which seem appropriate to our Polonius of this weekend -

    an old polonius looking
    roach got the floor
    he cleared his throat three times
    and said
    what our young friend here
    so eloquently counsels against
    the traditional enemy is
    calculated of course to appeal to
    youth what he says about man is all very true
    doubtless the supreme being
    put man where he is and
    doubtless he did it
    for some very good purpose which
    it would be very
    impolitic yea well nigh
    blasphemous for us to enquire
    into the project of
    overthrowing man is indeed
    tantamount to a
    proposition to overthrow the
    supreme being himself

    i think that it is the sense of
    this meeting that a
    resolution be passed censuring
    mankind and at the
    same time making it
    very clear that nothing like
    rebellion is to be attempted

    1. So true, Chad, so very true. I reckon maybe not even Kez could seriously improve on that.

  3. So Polonius would like us to know that it was the "conservatives" who introduced the Australian system of preferential voting so that they could keep those "lefties" from being elected by first past the post counting. And if I recall rightly they introduced compulsory voting and the secret ballot too. But that was back in the days when the "righties" were still 'born to rule' and were prepared to do whatever it took to keep things that way. Oh, and in South Australia, they introduced the right of women to stand for parliament - it would be more than half a century until any noticeable number got elected, but at least they had the right.

    Yes, it was Stanley 'First man to lose a landslide that included his own seat' Bruce's government in 1924 which actually passed the federal compulsory voting legislation. So it goes. And just a little bit of modernism from back then:
    "A few people worried about the infringement of liberty, but not many, and none mounted a well-developed philosophical case against the government compelling people to vote."

    Actually "compelling people to vote" ? How appallingly authoritarian - those yanquis are right; they'll have to invade to free Australians from our dictatorial government - and restore our gun rights too. Just contemplate:
    - women permitted to stand for parliament
    - secret ballot
    - preferential voting
    - compulsory voting
    - gun restriction laws.

    And now lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates. Australia is clearly the least free nation on the planet and deserves to continue to be the 'Hermit Kingdom' so that it won't corrupt democracies like Texas.

  4. "Too late Gracie ...". Yes, DP, wouldn't we like to know what's going on in her mind. Maybe it's like Rupert Brooke says: she hears "the thin gnat-voices cry, star to faint star, across the sky"

    Much the way I've viewed Loon Pond for a decade or more now. But then it occurs to me that I'm not thinking this through: I kinda reckon that a sane and civilised person needs above all to be rational and reasonable and knowledgeable and informed and I've come to realise that this is a very rare combination of attributes (certainly not exhibited by the Slappy or any she "admires").

    It seems that it's the bit about being "informed" that is so hard: Rupert again:
    "Light-heart and glad they seemed to me
    And merry comrades (even so
    God out of Heaven may laugh to see
    The happy crowds; and never know
    That in his lone obscure distress
    Each walketh in a wilderness)

    So maybe just be grateful that there is even one small Katrina Grace to sometimes brighten the pages of the herpetarium's outpourings, especially now that Nikki has joined the Nine.


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