Wednesday, October 13, 2021

In which "Ned's" natter evokes the satanic mills and Dame Slap dodges the conversation ...



The pond freely admits that it's so cynical about the reptiles' sudden conversion on the road to Glasgow that it hasn't bothered with any penetrating analysis, of the kind offered to ancient Troy by Crikey ... (paywall affected) ...



BTW, the frozen yoghurt gag is on YouTube here ...

Back to the pond's deep cynicism. 

Perhaps it started long ago with the sight of a Tamworth dignitary sitting in a pew and listening to the priest rabbit on about assorted moral issues, knowing that as soon as he was out of church, he'd be off having a fuck with his mistress (or so the gossip ran, the pond not actually being in the mistress's bedroom to observe the action).

Now the coal lovers are piously sitting in environmental church, listening to assorted messages about climate science, but in their minds, and soon enough their bodies, they'll still off lumping and humping dear sweet innocent virginal Oz coal ...

Never mind, the pond was up for a Troy experience this day, because look who was top of the digital page, humping away ...





As an aside, if it's a State of Origin game, then haven't the cockroaches lost? And suddenly the bouffant one's peddling subs? Where's the bromancer when he's needed?

Not to worry, there on the right was nattering "Ned", standing by to blather away,  and the reptiles across the aisle hastily reassuring the rustic coal lovers that beefy boofhead Angus was on hand to ensure it was all bullshit and not to worry ... a theme that the reptiles also took to the tree killer edition ...


You know when climate science refusenik beefy boofhead Angus is your safety switch that sweet fuck all will follow ...

So it was on with "Ned's" natter, and just to clear it up before the pond gets started, there's absolutely no sign of sonorous "Ned's" voice reading his words of wisdom in some newfangled podcasty thingie...



Here the pond must issue a warning,  because what might seem like a standard reptile graphic of satanic mills brought back to mind how they deeply hurt and affected the beefy boofhead in his vulgar youff ...


Yes, it was all a Freudian childhood trauma, (AFR, might be paywall affected), and a matter of dodgy numbers ...


Oh you'll have to click on the link for the rest of the dodgy beefy boofhead bullshit, and the actual dodgy numbers, as dodgy as a missive to a mayor ... but you see how traumatising a shot of the satanic mills can be? 

It set the pond right off, before poor "Ned" had even nattered a word ... but now on with "Neddy" ...



What a coalition? Oh fuck off, or at least stop right there. Until News Corpse's climate warriors march out the door, and Barners coal warriors do the dirty on Gina and the IPA, it'll be business as usual. Or as Crikey might put it, "Ned's" delusional condition is bad ...



Oh fuck off. An historic repositioning? Participants, not saboteurs? Action rather than resistance? Oh the pond can recognise bad bullshit when it reads it, and it knows the real problem, because Cathy Wilcox spotted it right away ...



I don't hold the hose, but I held the coal!

Sorry, sorry, it was a little early for a cartoon, but "Ned" has that affect on the pond ...


Who spent decades cultivating climate science denialism? The readership of the lizard Oz is so well-trained by now that the response is pure reflex. 

Presumably "Ned" never bothers to plunge into the sewer of the lizard Oz readership, but every so often the pond holds its nose, and reminds itself of the reality the reptiles have produced with their scribbles ...

And so on and endlessly forth, and yet somehow delusional "Ned" thinks his readership is up for change ... that's bad ...


The declared pro-climate action stance of the News Corp tabloids? Oh so the Bolter is leaving? No more importing of Miranda the Devine or GOP or mango Mussolini talking points?

Has Akker Dakker changed his mind from when he was scribbling this on 1st May 2021 for the Sunday Terror?


Ah just like the Bolter.  You know, blather about cultists and hotly contested contests, and so on and so forth ...

Yes, just like the Bolter, it's a wander down memory lane to the days when Akker Dakker routinely infested the pond, and railed against climate science and fibre to the home, and now we have the NBN, and ...

Oh fuck it, what else is there to read?





Tezza and the Kiwis? What is it about the reptiles' obsession with the Kiwis? All the way with USA? But the pond had always walked past the bouffant one, submarine expert that he is, picking the USA?

And as for that lock 'em up story, the pond was reminded of an astonishing story in ProPublica ... which deftly illustrated what twenty five years of a Fox news mindset can do to fuck a country long mired in deeply embedded racism ... read the story of black children jailed for a crime that doesn't exist, and weep ... and the next time a reptile harangues you about critical race theory, shove a copy down their throat and don't stop until you reach the gut via the gullet ...

Meanwhile, there was nothing for it but to finish off with a serve of Dame Slap ...


In her day, Dame Slap was a MAGA cap wearing, "Lord" Monckton fellow traveling climate science denialist of the first water.
These days she quietly tends these duties as chairman of the IPA, while the IPA's master and funder carries the water ...

Ah yes, Dame Slap followed "Lord" Monckton in all sorts of ways, and the fact that the UN has now introduced world government via climate science - it happened last Xmas as Dame Slap predicted - is just one of her many astonishing insights (BTW, you can Graudian the rest of Dame Slap's Gina overlord here).
Another Dame Slap obsession is with activist judges, and instead of joining "Ned" with talk of climate science, she decides to distract with an attack on Killer Creighton ... because there's nothing to take your mind off the planet being fucked than seeing reptiles go at each other like the scorpions at the start of The Wild Bunch ... especially if it takes the form of a letter from Pamela, as scribbled by Dame Slap channeling Jane Austen ...


Did someone mention politicians?




Speaking of malicious, unapologetic liars spreading lies, please honour the memory of Dame Slap's finest work ... and please excuse the pond if it doesn't get hot under the collar about this feigned, phony civil war ... because the IPA is diligently at work in the background, doing its climate denialist best ...


Astonishing really ... the way that Dame Slap has stuck her head in the sand, rabbiting on in the usual way about activist judges, and ignoring the high comedy of activist politicians a little stuck in their school work ...




The pond will take to heart "Ned's" nattering, and the "conversion" on the road to Glasgow of the reptiles, when Dame Slap denounces Gina, resigns from the IPA, and apologises for all the nonsense, lies, disinformation and sundry stupidities she's peddled over the years.

A bullshit libertarian civil war isn't going to cut it as a distraction... because Dame Slap has been rabbiting on about activist judges forever, with singular irrelevance ...



In the pond's world, one activist News Corp columnist can fuck up the planet a lot more than a dozen judges interpreting the law ... 

As for a bill of rights, look to the United States or the rights granted in the Chinese constitution to realise it doesn't matter a fig when you have a Texas Taliban of the Abbott kind roaming the range ...

But speaking of Abbotts and mad monks, at least there's a mention of the onion "climate science is crap" muncher in that last mindless rhetorical flourish ...

Meanwhile, after reading that freewheeling IPA columnist bemoan bureaucrats, what about those politicians who treat the planet as a garbage dump?

Oh there's something for the immortal Rowe to evoke, with more evocations always here ...




What a bagpipe, what a blower ... 


  1. I must say that I'm enjoying watching the readership of the Australian lose their collective mind over the pivot to climate evangelism of the Murdoch press. The hypocrisy is totally breath taking but it will take a lot to move the denial needle of the hard core Murdoch faithful, the brainwashing has been to complete.

  2. Hold that theme of letting 'courts rule our lives' - the High Court was not persuaded by the Riddster's assertion of freedom. Will the Dame hand pass that to the Henry, for the Henry to comb through the ancient tomes for some suitable burning at the stake that he can cite as wholly appropriate precedent to the Riddster?

    1. Dear me - the swarm should erupt from the hive in 3, 2, 1 . . . !

      It will, however, free up that desk next to the toilet door in the changerooms that the Uni had reserved for him.

    2. Oh dear, the Courts have dudded that fine, outspoken "scientist" again. Enough for Slappy and the IPA to begin a campaign to abolish all courts, isn't it ? After all, they only uphold 18C against any and all possible reason, don't they, and Janet is more than capable of determining whether any case has "admissible evidence" or not without the expense, bother and time waste of a trial.


      "The rightwing thinktank the Institute of Public Affairs on Wednesday announced that Ridd will become a fellow of the IPA to lead a new research program entitled the Project for Real Science."

      No doubt doing precisely what got him into all this strife, talking about things outside his area of expertise. In fairness, most of the IPA "fellows" don't have any area of expertise.

  3. Definitely waiting to see what Dame Slap's response to that bastardised High Court ruling our lives again, so I thought maybe a quick look at the Nullified Neddy: let me see:
    "The world has moved on. Labor will have cover simply not available in 2019."

    Now what does Ned mean by that: is he trying to say that with just a teensy bit of "cover" - as opposed to the usual News Corp reptile/wingnut lies told about Shorten and his policies - we're going to get a pile of News Corp reptile/wingnut lies told for Labor ? But, BG, butt, News Corp mercenaries can't handle the truth - it has to be shoved up 'em and they don't like it up 'em, do they.

    And on: "You can imagine Anthony Albanese mocking a scare campaign against Labor " Oh no, not a "scare campaign against Labor". Who could possibly have done such a dastardly thing ? In Australia of all places ? Then: "pointing to big business and big finance supporting even stronger climate ambition."

    Oh, I get it now: Roopie is only one of those smaller "billionaires" - just a few tens of $billions total - and almost all of it in shares in Roopies businesses and in other owned assets - including off-shore. So Roopie really can't just ignore the money merchants, if he wants to stay rich he's just got to play along with them.

    But also, there's Roopies simple-minded power complex: he's a mover and shaker who leads the opinions of the world (or at least the hoi poloi). If he continues to shout into a growing wind, he just might not be heard, and the powerful might stop believing he has any real influence. He's got to be seen to be leading or people might believe he really has no followers. And wouldn't that just be sad.


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