Thursday, October 21, 2021

In which the pond plays the wild bunch game with Dame Slap and a rabbit Warren ...





Every so often, the pond likes to play that game at the start of The Wild Bunch, setting reptile against reptile ...

The pond means no harm by the game, and plays it in the same spirit as Joe picking the wings off flies in On Our Selection ...

But some might not see the pleasure in sadism, and so the pond has left the game until late in the day, where only pond specialists might see it ...

You see, yesterday, Dame Slap was in a ferocious mood, slapping away in a Slappian frenzy above the faraway tree, and yet the pond ignored her ...



Frankly the pond had no interest ... the pond did a quick read, and moved on, but then came Warren the very next day with this ...



The most obvious thing to note is the tendency of the lizard Oz graphics department to indulge in tedious visual clichés, but that's when the pond thought it would be a jolly good thing to set the reptiles against each other.

First, make room for a couple of Dame Slap gobbets ...



It might seem unfair to limit the pond's plunge into the rabbit warren and give Dame Slap all the IPA chairman running, but who do you expect to win when you put a scorpion up against a horde of Slappian ants?



Fuck, another tedious visual cliché, this time credited to iStock, and there are mug punters who pay for this shit?

Never mind, come on down Warren, Dame Slap's had more than a fair go, and more than her fair share of tedious clichés ... will the reptiles help him out with a matching set?


Lordy, long absent lordy, not a tedious visual cliché in sight. Clearly the reptiles have taken a set against Warren, and it doesn't bode well for him ...
Now remember, the pond doesn't have to take sides in this reptile dispute. It just has to clap hands and dance with joy and enjoy the sport, and wheel in another Dame Slap gobbet, designed to send Warren right off ...


Oh fuck it, it's not fair is it, the reptiles have loaded up Dame Slap with all the best and most tedious visual clichés. She's an iStock winner, how can poor old Warren compete?

Could the pond help him with a completely irrelevant cartoon?



No? Never mind, get on with the game Warren ...


Oh fair go, Warren, slagging off the lizard Oz and its columnists ... you're clearly a fat cat, and so the pond must give Dame Slap the last word ...


Ah yes, there you go, the sting in the IPA scorpion's Labor-hating tail. 

What a pity that Dame Slap is more in tune with the ants ... and Leiningen Versus the Ants reminds us of how that played out ...




And so, with the game played, the pond can rest content, and round off with an irrelevant cartoon, leaving others to decide who was the winner in this show-down ...


  1. So, Nyunngai Warren versus Dame Slap. And the Dame is winning - who cooda thunk that ?

    But then I guess that leaving these matters to the Maurice Blackburns of this existence is just 'privatised justice', isn't it. To go along with privatised everything else in these leftover years of the neoliberal revolution. In fact the only things left unprivatised are the ABC and the Post Office. And the IPA is coming for both of them.

    Oh I do sincerely hope that, apart from maybe putting a last will and testament together, I never have any need for the services of lawyers or have to spend time in the clutches of the law.

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    So Dame Slap is against spurious legal actions when they are backed by other people/entities with deep pockets.

    Okay, so what does Janet think about this;

    (outside the paywall)

    Albrechtsen should be doubly outraged as we don’t even know who is funding the litigation and what they may hope to gain in return.

    I won’t hold my breath for the Slapper’s subsequent article condemning Porter and the LNP but it would be very interesting to know who is/are the mystery backers.


  3. Hi DP. I was going to post this on your early edition but that “completely irrelevant cartoon” depicting the “Gang of Fools” caught my eye. Apologies to Mack Gordon and Harry Warren.

    The Canavanner Choo Choo

    Barnaby Joyce, is on the Canavanner choo choo
    He's out of line, and Scott is out of his mind
    Bridget’s on board, the Matty Canavanner choo choo
    Littleproud’s there, and George is trolling somewhere

    Because this green reincarnation’s got them all in uproar
    When Scotty gets to Glasgow he’ll be in for what for
    Cos Matty and the miners, will send them a reminder
    Of the tons of coal and gas he sells to China

    Now they’ve pushed emission levels way up too far
    All the Nats are brain dead from inhaling coal tar
    Shovelling the coal in, to keep Adani rolling
    Woo hoo Canavanners, there you are!

    There’s gonna be, a Coalition conflagration
    Canavan’s mates, will soon be running the place
    Scott’s gonna cry, when it hits him that it’s all gone wrong
    But the Canavanner choo choo, will still be rolling along...

    1. T'riffic, Kez. Now if only we could get the new diversified Wiggles to record that ! :-)

    2. What a pity it's in an afternoon slot Kez ... the pond decided to repeat it, given Friday's theme ...

    3. "Apologies to Mack Gordon and Harry Warren" - and Shaun Micaleff?

    4. Sorry Merc, I don't understand the Shaun Micaleff reference.


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