Thursday, October 28, 2021

Why settle for petulant Peta when you have the likes of the bromancer, beefy boofhead Angus and the lizard Oz editorialist on parade...



What a relief. There was the bromancer on a Thursday, declaring it was all bullshit and just a form of words, and carry on regardless, and let's get real, fuck it, we'll do it real, we'll do it now ...
Though the pond's memories of the savvy Savva are but a distant dream, each Thursday the pond dreads waking to the possibility of having to lift its ban on petulant Peta, or perhaps have a gender anxiety attack ...

Oh it's tempting, a full-blown gender anxiety attack, or perhaps petulant Peta, true to the onion "climate science is all crap" muncher, turning on SloMo, but the pond must resist temptation, or black specks of soot will be all over its pure coal-loving soul, and luckily the bromancer was here to help ...


And there you have it in a nutshell from an expert climate science denialist. It's all complete bullshit, or horseshit, if you prefer ...

It makes the pond's reading of Crikey redundant ...



Could the pond submit the "completely implausible" plan? And give credit where credit is due. Or perhaps it could be called the "of course, we don't know when or what they they will be" plan ... 

What about the "bullshit data" plan? After all, we know it's not bullshit data performance that counts, it's the bromancer's announcement of bullshit data, like that magical 20%, because if you tell a lie often enough, as the mango Mussolini has ably demonstrated, the reptiles will believe ...

Come on Crikey, show the bromancer some respect ... to be a Catholic you have to be deeply cynical, as a way of believing in and celebrating the completely implausible, and our bromancer is a top tyke ... so on we go ...



Is the bromancer done with blaming everyone else? Of course not, it makes for an excellent distraction, but the pond must pause to note the "save the moos" aspect of the current completely implausible plan ... at the top of the digital page as an EXCLUSIVE, but also front and centre in the tree killer edition ...





The chance to joke about sacred cows? 

Irresistible, take that Hindus ... and now back to blaming everyone else, though to quote the bromancer, Australia's debate is drenched in unreality. 

The very notion that News Corp's lizard Oz columnists give a flying fuck about the planet or climate science or impending disaster is to put it mildly, completely implausible ...


After all that, why not celebrate with a Wilcox? Celebrating a ringing declaration ...



What else? Well as usual the pond took a look to see what it was missing ...




Excellent, the bouffant one blaming Albo, and """ Mike having a go at comrade Dan ... but why go for the bouffant one's arse licking, when the arse himself, beefy boofhead Angus, is on reptile parade duties?




More moo cows, and looking a damned sight more intelligent than beefy boofhead Angus blathering about the Australian way ...

Now before we get started with the beefy boofhead, still searching for an explanation for his letter to Clover, the pond should note that most in the coalition carry some sort of climate science denialist burden.

In the case of SloMo, it was his parliament performance, clutching a lump of his true love, sweet innocent virginal dinkum clean Oz coal ...

In the case of the beefy boofhead, there are too many hidden scandals to recount here, skeletons buried all over the farm and in the outback, but on the surface and visible to all, there was his deep and undying hatred of windmills ...

Well the pond won't link to this site ...



But  it will link to this AFR story, home of dear Prudence, always hoping to come out to play with the vulgar riff raff, in the hope the paywall won't kick in, but just in case, a few highlights ...

You see when you catch a luddite blathering on about the Australian way, and how new technologies will save the day, it's always worth remembering the luddite in his glory days ...


And so on and on and on ... happy? 

Okay, time to get on with the latest emission, behind the Chairman's paywall so that taxpayers must flick the Chairman a shekel to discover the latest coalition thoughts and prayers ...


Much as might be expected, but the pond must admit it was disappointed in the text. 

After all, the header had referred to "the Australian way" and the pond had hoped for more flag-waving of the dinkum clean coal kind when all we got was dinkum clean pure methane... 

So there was no help from the beefy Angus as to how the pond might segue to an infallible Pope celebrating the Australian way ...





Ah yes, and now back to more of the Australian way ...



It's all prime beefy Angus boofhead bullshit of course, or so the bromancer told the pond, and in the case of beefy Angus with a lavish dose of rich irony and consummate cynicism ... here, have a wind farm with that, or at least another Wilcox ...

And so to a final word from the lizard Oz editorialist .... naturally berating the inner city 'leet, because - please trust the pond on this - Surry Hills is really, truly way out west, almost as west as beyond the black stump ...



Yes, no need to worry, and certainly no need to get windy. Just sit back and let the boffins and the nerds take care of it, and before you know it, problem solved ...

Is it the Australian way to imagine that imaginary friends might come up with imaginary solutions, perhaps by Xmas? 

Of course it is ...

Meanwhile, over to Crikey celebrating the country party for its usual Hamletian play on words ...



And now back to the lizard Oz editorialist, closing out with an explanation of how you could trust the nerds and boffins to produce technological gee whiz fixes, but you certainly couldn't trust them to do modelling ...




But above all, unrepentant reptile bullshit of the lizard Oz kind will always trump whatever science might be doing the rounds ...

And so to end with the Rowe of the day, with more Rowe to begin the day here ...




Not to put too fine a point on it, but the pond wonders if Rowe might not have mangled his movie references ... though in the end, there's a certain resemblance ...

Oh heck, a little Strauss if you will, maestro, because the monkeys are on the march ... and we now how the monkey franchise ended ... "You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"

Put it another way, "take your stinking claws off me, you damned dirty boofhead reptile!"


  1. I will just leave this here for Angus

    Actually, Angus understands this as well as anyone but it is in the nature of the Taylors that, once attached, they will not drop off until the host is an empty husk.

    It's rather fascinating how targets that were decried as economy wrecking are now baked in as assumptions in the national plan(phlet). If something comes to pass despite all the efforts of the government they can then claim credit for that achievement.

    I guess they are banking on the average voter not having taken any notice of Beefy's outlandish (and wrong) predictions about subsidies for renewables, crimes against maths and generally robber-baron approach to business. Probably a safe bet.

    1. The problem is, that like anywhere settled by homo saps saps, the majority of the population have absolutely no idea what is going on in their country. Not that it would matter if many of them did know, because they are morons (or less) anyway.

      No matter what, a majority of Australians have believed, do now believe, and will continue to believe that "the Libs" are better at running the economy than the Labs. And even if, by disastrous chance, the Libs had been in charge of the economy through the Global Financial Crisis, and had practised their usual brand of "austerity" and the economy had cratered, it wouldn't matter a single iota - as indeed it hasn't in the past and in other parts of the world - eg Britain now.

      The Labs saved us, but nonetheless, somehow, the Libs would have been seen as having done better. After all, the Libs wouldn't have wasted any money on pink batts, would they. [sigh]

    2. Well left. The pond particularly enjoyed this bit ..

      What are the implications for the Australian coal industry? It’s already clear new coal-fired power is uneconomic in competition with solar and wind power, and most countries have stopped commissioning new generators.

      The exceptions, including those in China, reflect the desire of provincial governments to keep capital investment going, rather than a calculation of costs and benefits.

      But as the price of solar falls, even the existing paid-for plants will become uneconomic, unless the price of coal falls drastically.

      The arithmetic is brutal. One tonne of high-grade thermal coal is sufficient to generate 2-3 MWh of electricity.

      In a market where the price is set by competition from solar at A$15/MWh, that would yield revenue A$30-45/tonne, out of which has to come the costs of maintaining and operating an ageing coal-power plant, as well as the cost of mining and shipping the coal.

      At the moment thermal coal costs in excess of US$180 per tonne.

      Add to that the fact China is in the process of introducing a carbon price, and it’s clear the achievement of Morrison’s solar electricity price target will spell the end of thermal coal. A similar analysis applies to gas.

    3. The only problem with that, DP, is that SloMo is a Liberal and John Quiggin isn't and therefore SloMo understands the economy and John Quiggin doesn't. Just walk out and ask any Aussie in the street and they'll tell you: the Libs are better at running the economy than the Labs and they've proved that many times.

    4. Sorry, GB, you seem to have missed the point. Scotty from marketing understands the galaxy, the infinite cosmos, the universe, and the benevolent god of Anglo Saxons everywhere, so understanding the economy and looting it for his corporate masters is just a minor detail in the grand scheme of things ...


    5. Well if you say so, DP, if you say so. But you are right about Scotty, he understands absolutely everything ... except women that is; for them he has to ask Jenni to explain even the simplest matters.

      But I note that Angus Beefhead is only promoting "gas, hydrogen and new energy technologies". Not a mention of good ol' Aussie coal there. And no description of the "new energy technologies" either. Are they going to just emerge in some kind of blinding revelation that the all-understanding Scotty will deliver ?

  2. Yes indeed, DP, "the bromancer was here to help ...". A man of infinite help, the Bro. Just reading the first para of his ramblings today: "Scott Morrison has done as well as anyone could reasonably expect with his strategy for reaching net zero emissions by 2050." Yes, Bro, nobody... well, no reasonable body... could have expected ScottyfromMarketing to do even a teensy weensy bit better. To have dome any better, SloMo would have had to be much better, and the whole Coalition government would have had to be much better, and we've learned by now that we can't expect that, haven't we.

    So on we go: "He has joined the global consensus in two critical ways." Well, there's a magnificent achievement to start with, isn't it - finally beginning to catch up with much of the rest of the world. And then: "First he has a declaratory target that aligns with most developed nations." A "declaratory target" no less - that which SloMo kept on saying wasn't on - gotta have a plan, not just a "declaratory target".

    But never mind, because: "Second, and most unusually for Australia, like other nations his declaratory target has little chance of actually producing net zero emissions but sensibly imposes the minimum costs in the attempt." The reptiles just can't ever seem to see that failing to achieve 'net zero emissions' will have huge consequential costs because of the changes that failure will impose on the world's climate and thus the serious damage it will produce on the one single planet upon which humans live.

    So, save a few hundred billions now, and face huge expenditures later trying to recuperate from what a changed climate will do to our world. Yep, no doubt whatsoever, that's definitely "as well as anyone could reasonably expect", isn't it.

    Scott Morrison is just 53 years old, by 2050 he'll be 83 with every chance, healthwise, of still being alive. Do we think he might then be charged with treason once the true costs of his "as well as anyone could reasonably expect" is being lived with on a daily basis.

    1. Or he could have been swept up in the rapture, thanks to speaking in tongues to his imaginary friend. Who knows, only the Shadow knows ...

  3. Oh, my my, never mind a mere billion trees that despite SloMo's "as well as anyone could reasonably expect" achievement we haven't even started to plant, how about a trillion ?

    Could planting a trillion trees stop global heating? This man thinks so

    Now that's a plan !


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