Monday, February 22, 2021

In which the Major does his duty, and the Caterist nukes the subs, and our Gracie and Garves nuke the state Libs ...


For no particular reason, the pond started watching the new version of Blithe Spirits the other night,  and after that train wreck was over, it went back to watch the original, with the likes of David Lean directing, Rex Harrison and Margaret Rutherford starring, and Noel Coward himself mounting the production ...

At that point, the pond realised there was no actual point to the new Blithe Spirits ... it was just a monumental waste of time, bloated and humourless and a waste of money, until suddenly the pond understood that it was useful for something...
It was a perfect metaphor for a Major Mitchell column ... always waging war, usually on the ABC, but this Monday, on the NY Times and Twitter and so on and so forth, but rather like Don Quixote tilting and windmills or attending a seance ...
Sadly there was no better Major Mitchell to go back to, because a visit to past productions would inevitably entail a visit to the futile, never-ending hunt for that long-lost Order of Lenin medal ...

Never mind, the pond is in the business of wasting time on bloated and humorless things, so here we go ...


As always, the bane of the Major's life are that strange horde the paranoid delusional sees called "left-wing journalists". always acting as a cohort, and the bane of the Major's life when he's allowed out of his attic to have a rant ...



Glenn Greenwald? Something very strange happened to Greenwald, that he should be press-ganged into the Major's service, but there you go and here we are, and of course the Major's war isn't just with the NY Times, but the usual suspects, the fiendish former Chairman Rudd and the odious Malware ... who, it goes without saying, are anti-democratic, as opposed to the astonishingly democratic ways of Chairman Rupert, Fox News and the Donald ...


There is, of course, more than a hint of sour grapes here, of the usual kind the Major presses to make his vinegar, because Fox News made out like a bandit during the Donald years ... but the Major only tilts one way ... and naturally thinks that a call to arms is the best way forward in these difficult times when insurrection, treason and rioting is all the go ...


In the end, it turned out better to send in the mob ...


Yes, Greenwald has got so weird that he left the site he helped found, though isn't it strange that post the election, no one seems to write that much any more about Hunter Biden's computer ... still, what did happen to the lad?

“Glenn Greenwald’s decision to resign from the Intercept stems from a fundamental disagreement over the role of editors in the production of journalism and the nature of censorship,” Reed wrote. “Glenn demands the absolute right to determine what he will publish. He believes that anyone who disagrees with him is corrupt, and anyone who presumes to edit his words is a censor.”
“The narrative he presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies – all of them designed to make him appear a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum,” she added.

Never mind, the pond must press on with the Major rather than waste time at the Graudian here ...


The pond isn't sure about this. Surely it's no smear to call the Major a climate science denialist, because that's a badge of honour he would wear with pride, and as for peddlar of lies, well he never did find that long lost Order of Lenin medal ...

But the pond is reassured that thanks to the Murdochian paywall, the Major is just a small voice bleating, and sometimes farting, into the all-devouring wind ...

And so to a survey of the reptiles other offerings this day ...




Ah it fell to simplistic Simon to do the SloMo suck-up duties this day - what an excellent suck he is, up there with his tag team mate, Shanners - and how strange to see the Oreo scribble on feminist issues, when the pond thought that the recovered, reformed feminist had long got over such matters ...

Still, banning all bonking will surely see an end to rape, and with that thought the pond turned to the most reliable option for the day, though the pond realises that some will point out with indignation that Jimbo Molan surely should have had attention paid.

But when it comes to matters of national defence, the pond's money is on the Caterist, who can divine many things, and not just the movement of flood waters in quarries ... why the Caterist can smell a bureaucrat with cash in the paw at a greater distance than Swedish dogs trained to track human flesh in water ...

Yes, it's part of the nuclear option blather that has been all the go of late in the reptile rag ... where climate denialists of all persuasions have suddenly discovered that we must be serious about eliminating net greenhouse gas emissions, and the only mechanism available is to nuke the country ...


At this point, the pond can only roll its eyes, and issue a Chernobyl sigh, and keep on keeping on ...


Highlighting Caterist stupidity is an amusing pastime, and the pond has no doubt that there will be some in the comments section who will seize on some error, but the pond is overwhelmed by the sublime notion of a climate denialist lecturing the world about the way forward in relation to handling climate change.

The Caterist was much more fun back in those wild Bjorn-again days, celebrated in 2015 at the Graudian ... 

Those were the blithe spirits Bjorn-again days ...  now all we have to do is nuke the never-arriving submarine fleet ...


It's a rich fantasy life, and the pond is glad that it's the Caterist has chosen to have it, but now for a quick make over and re-do, because the pond missed out on our Gracie over the weekend, and as usual, our Gracie is quite the contrarian ...


Ask the silent majority? Why bother? Only the reptiles know the thoughts of the silent majority, and inevitably it involves sneering at comrade Dan.

Today at the top of the page, the reptiles were gloating about comrade Dan losing programs of the masked singer kind, which is a bit like gloating about Blithe Spirits ...

You see, Gracie, the calls are coming from inside the house ... the house you still scribble for ...


At this point, the pond should really invite our Gracie to wash out her mouth. How dare she speak of the devout Andrews in this potty mouth way, and in the lizard Oz of all places ...


The pond appreciates it could have gone with comedy of a higher order ... because Sharri is always on hand with some wild Donald scheme ...

But the pond has made its bed, and must finish off our Gracie ...

And now, as the pond has embarked on a tour of the remote states,  where things are truly weird and a fear of the eastern states runs wild, together with heresies that make your average reptile rush off to their hot rock, what on earth was Garvey drinking when he scribbled this ... again for the lizard Oz ...


Say what? The best on offer is not to give over total control? But what of all the reptile scheming and slandering and outrage at uppity state premiers? Luckily Garvey kept it short ...

Sheesh first our Gracie and et tu Garves? 

The pond should have stuck with the war on Facebook, though strangely enough it seems to have gone silent for the moment, with only a small note just in, but now, in the way of things, some time ago ...

Still, that's a good enough cue for the pond to end with the immortal Rowe giving SloMo a shot in the arm ... just be careful of the needle you choose, with more needling, as always, here ...


  1. On this fine Mitch-Cater-Gracie-Garvey day, a major unexpected revelation:

    People with extremist views less able to do complex mental tasks, research suggests
    "Our brains hold clues for the ideologies we choose to live by, according to research, which has suggested that people who espouse extremist attitudes tend to perform poorly on complex mental tasks."

    And here's a fine confirming example:
    Craig Kelly in trouble in Hughes over support for unproven Covid therapies, poll finds
    "Most voters in Liberal MP’s electorate believe his social media posts are irresponsible, with his climate denialism further eroding his popularity."

    Now hoodathunk that ?

  2. About Maj. Mitch. DP you say: " Don Quixote tilting and windmills". Except that while Don Quixote is imaginary, windmills, and tilting, is real. Total opposite: Mitch is real, but Order of Lenin medals on Manning Clark are imaginary. As indeed are many of the things Mitch. expounds on. Such as, for instance, "Up-ending the meaning of "fake news"..." which is what the Maj. goes on to cite Glenn Greenwald for. Wau, hoonoo Glen was that ideologically creative.

    And Mitch. also credits one Martin Gurri who has some passing connection with the Lowy Institute and who wrote a book (don't they all ?) titled 'The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium' Yep, no doubt about it, the Public is revolting. What Martin told the Lowys (from his magazine post 'Slouching Towards Post-Journalism') was:
    "During the 2016 presidential campaign, the Times stumbled onto a possible answer. It entailed a wrenching pivot from a journalism of fact to a “post-journalism” of opinion—a term coined, in his book of that title, by media scholar Andrey Mir. Rather than news, the paper began to sell what was, in effect, a creed, an agenda, to a congregation of like-minded souls."

    And you all thought that came from Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, didn't you. Silly, silly people: evil always originates with those "lefty progressives" who tried to tell you that Mueller had proved conclusively that Trump didn't collude with the Putinista. Except, of course, that Mueller "proved" no such thing. But don't believe me, read this:
    Trump was not exonerated and
    Trump claims of ‘no collusion’ are inaccurate

    1. Point taken GB, but the pond does so love the original novel. It was wrong to flatter the Major by comparing him to a great work of literature, but maybe someone will realise they're better off with Cervantes ...

  3. Hi DP. All I can say is the Caterist was asking for it when he paraphrased a line from my least favourite fab four ditty.

    In The World Of Submarines

    Nick’s a clown who’s so forlorn
    No one’s listening to his plea
    That we won’t counter China’s rise
    With our diesel submarines

    They can’t be powered by the sun
    As suggested by the greens
    The only way we can be saved
    Is with nuclear submarines -

    All we need are nuclear submarines
    To beat the Jinpingese
    We need big mobs of these
    Let’s all live in nuclear submarines
    Packed in like sardines
    With atomic waste latrines

    He wants us all to get on board
    But the reason that he’s ignored
    Is nuclear power has had its day -

    We won’t follow little Nicky’s dream
    He should be in quarantine
    With a plutonium vaccine
    We don’t need no nuclear industry
    And atomic energy is gross stupidity

    So let him play there in his tub
    With his model nuclear sub
    And let him dream enrichment schemes
    In his world of submarines…

    1. I think Nicky is going to have to collect lots of royalties from his performance of that if he's ever going to pay off his Wagner's defamation penalty, Kez.

    2. Let’s hope he tries that and gets sued by Sir Paul, GB!

  4. Kez - I was musing along the lines of why the Cater, with his remarkable knowledge of water movement, could not offer us a proposal that submarines could ride around in deep ocean currents, utterly silent, and needing fuel only to dive and resurface. But, of course, it is really about going nuclear, and you have absolutely nailed him on that. Thank you.

    1. Indeed Chadders - that’s why I left him pondering the brownian motion of his bathwater. Cheers.

    2. It's a fascinating concept, Chad, that we need to buy American nuclear submarines - if indeed the yanquis will sell us some; will they ? - in order for us to then go nuclear electricity generation. But we do have it on excellent authority that "people with extremist views are less able to do complex mental tasks". Like, for instance, achieving some small capacity to grasp reality.

      But then, as the Cater says: "The diesel-electric subs on order operate well in coastal waters and are likely to serve us well in defending Australia's northern and northwestern approaches ..." which is just great, especially if the Chinese navigate through the Pacific and come at us via the Coral Sea while at the same time attacking our north and northwestern approaches. That's the trouble with there being just so very many Chinese and our 12 subs - if all 12 are seaworthy at the same time - will have a lot of trouble defending all of Australia's 25,760 km coastline.

      On the other hand, a dozen or so ex-American nuclear subs could do it easily, couldn't they.

  5. Quite some time has passed and still no comments on our Grace's analysis of the Victorian Libs 'Woke Rebellion'. Like pissing off that ancient un-mariner Andrews in favour of that sexual revolutionary, Wolahan. And she doesn't reckon that the Menzies branch members are traitors. Oh well, maybe they just wanted somebody they could actually vote for.

    Or maybe, as Gracie avers: "This is not over fiscal policy, it is to do with identity, culture, ethos and values." Oh my, my; Gracie reckons the Menzies electorate Libs are hard into "identity politics". And she certainly makes some sense when she castigates the Vic Libs at the last state election for the "gang violence" approach. Which is a bit like the "places lost to Islam", isn't it:
    ‘It’s so unfair’: life on the streets of the French town branded as ‘lost to Islam’

    It's just so unfair that Melbournians can't go out to dine of a night because they'll be mugged by the "foreign born gangs". At least according to the Dutton mutton. Anyway, as Gracies says: "It was ironic to watch the alleged crisis dissipate into thin air the day after the election."

    But then, that's kinda the fate of a lot of election policies these days: look at all those Lab policies that just faded away after the 2019 federal election. And that leads on to Gracie's view of the (Victorian) Libs: "What do they stand for exactly, other than culture war battles that have been fought and lost long ago ?"

    Spot on, Gracie, and do keep it up just as long as the reptiles let you.


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