Friday, February 26, 2021

In which our Henry does his usual meandering, but everyone ends up with cash in the paw and having a great time ...


There's nothing else on a Friday for the pond but to spend time with pompous, portentous Henry, the hole in the bucket man who wears his book larnin' heavily ... 

Having allegedly defeated Facebook and the Google, it was only natural for the government to turn its attention to the wicked ways of universities, and their refusal to embrace clean, dinkum, pure Oz coal, which caused much trouble in their past, and their awful treatment of the Riddster, as if climate science denialism and creationism and heck, Sydney Anglican complimentary women all didn't deserve a home in higher learning ...

It turned out that our Henry had developed a case of the collywobbles when it came to the Riddster, so he quickly moved on to musing about medievalism, in the way that our Henry is wont to do ...


Dear sweet long absent lord. What a tedious, self indulgent old fart ... and it so happens that as well as a book on the English civil war, the pond has had an ancient textbook, by C. Warren Hollister, Medieval Europe A Short History, as its toilet reading and intends to inflict it on innocent stray readers ... or at least a little bit ...



Say what? The pond can hiss at our Henry and perhaps even pelt him with stones? 
What a splendid response to his wasting the pond's time each Friday with his pretentious pontificating ... but now we must get back to his whining and moaning ...


Luckily the pond hasn't been wasting its time on German universities, but it does know the solution for the treatment of dissenters and outsiders. Chemical castration! After all, it worked for Turing, and it might well work for academics ...

Some might think this a tad extreme, but what else to do when confronted by an extended bout of our Henry?


Why does the pond love Henry for all his flaws?

Well inevitably at some point we come to a billy goat buttism line that makes a nonsense of everything that he has scribbled up to that point, and so we came to ...

"...None of that implies that competition is a panacea, much less one that is easily implemented."

Quite so, though Henry's notion that the University of Sydney should sell off all its property and head off to Alice Springs so that it might hire the Riddster and practice climate science denialism and Todd River reef studies in peace will be a relief to those who struggle to survive on the fringes of what was once the suburb of Darlington ... 650 dwellings, shops, post office, town hall and some 2,000 citizens gone, so the wiki says, and still the monster marches on into Newtown and Camperdown ...

And now, as we're into distraction, what with sex in parliament all the go, it will be noted that the reptiles also led with universities this day ... what with all those frisky young things frolicking about in the quadrangle as the pond wanders by, what a way to duck what's been going down in Canberra ...



The story was cobbled together by simplistic Simon, so the pond could be assured that it was a faithful regurgitation of the deepest thinking of the government, because if nothing else, Simon makes a wonderful parrot ...

Is it wrong of the pond to note that everything our Henry scribbled would be in trouble if tied to a grant? The pond's own textbook toilet reading came from the street library, thrown away and picked up for free, and almost everything else in the y'artz is equally useless ...

But perhaps that's the entire point ... what use is meandering philosophical nonsense of the Henry kind when universities might be better employed coming up with a decent U joint for plumbers? And once discovered, it might be commercialised and corporatised, because who knows, when you score a Princeton University or Harvard Law School degree, you might end up with a Ted Cruz, or with the help of Standford and Yale Law School, a Josh Hawley ...

And they say a university degree works wonders for the rule of law ...

Yes, to be absolutely clear, we do not want or need international students in Australia because that business model is outmoded and unsustainable, and yet we do want and need international students in Australia, because what a great and sustainable model they represent ...

The reptiles themselves could take only so much of this Yes Minister blather, and seized the chance to insert a click bait video, so the pond decided it would cut that out, and run the next two gobbets together ...


Uh huh, corporatisation and monetisation ... and there's poor old Henry rabbiting on about medieval universities trying to make a quick buck by shifting towns ...

Did the dear old thing have the foggiest idea of what he was letting loose, a fine old Tudging of the university sector?


The pond is reminded, as it frequently is by the current government, of that great old TV show, and in this case, the lines ...

The Master of Ballie College: How might one set about persuading a Minister of the importance of Baillie College?
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Oh, I don't know. Why don't you get him down here to a High Table dinner?
The Master of Ballie College: Is he of the intellectual caliber to understand our case?
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Oh yes. Well, surely our case is intelligible to anyone with the intellectual caliber of of Winnie-the-Pooh.
The Master of Ballie College: Quite. And Hacker is of the intellectual caliber of Winnie-the-Pooh?
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Oh yes. On his day.

And by golly so is our Tudge ... on his day ...

And so to a wrap up of the Facebook and Google affair ... and the pond couldn't help but notice this story in Crikey ... Diversity hit between the eyes as old media pockets about 90% of big tech cash (paywall affected) ...

All that fuss for chump change of 50 mill?

But why did the pond interrupt Crikey, when it usually leaves the smaller players alone? 
Well it wanted to set the scene for a glorious cartoon by the infallible Pope, which really says it all, and in the friendly form of G. Zilla and K. Kong ...

The pond will treasure that image for a long time to come, especially what with all the reptile and government talk about the importance of a Chairman Rupert style education system... and now for the rest of the Crikey piece, just to round things out ...


Yep, fucked again, and fucked in a right royal way ... but at least the pond can go on hating Chairman Rupert and his minions, and that right royal Zucker and his minions in equal measure ... and after that,  what can the pond do but join the immortal Rowe in saying "merde", with more "merde" moments available here ...


Fuck submarines, fuck universities, fuck climate science, fuck the planet, and suck up to the Chairman ... what a fucking great fucking and sucking time we're having ...


  1. DP, if you are thinking you might be doing a lot of book scanning, you might build your own scanner - see

  2. Holely Henry: "With the outcome of the High Court appeal in Peter Ridd's case highly uncertain..."

    Goodness gracious, is this the Henry doing his best to prepare the reptiles for the possibility that Ridd might actually lose his appeal ? That perhaps the High Court has its own views as to what the law is and pays no attentions to reptiles and IPAs ? How could this be ?

    But anyway, Henry was having another of his name-dropping rambles today. I won't say that Henry has photographic, eidetic or hyperthymesic memory, but this is what Nicholas Gruen once had to say about him:
    "A conversation with Henry is usually both exhilarating and depressing. Exhilarating because you find out lots of things – often at a quite fundamental level, that you were unaware of in the literature. Depressing because you go away with about five or six books to read, one or two of them pretty compulsory, all of which Henry’s read and (what’s more) remembered closely."

    Now that's impressive, isn't it ? All that reading and all that remembering ? Well maybe, but how about this:
    "Savant syndrome is elaborate abilities (including memory) in specialized areas such as a hobby or event, or a certain type of information. One of the most well-known cases of savant memory is Kim Peek, the man on which the movie Rain Man was based."

    So, Henry as a Rain Man ? Anyway, let's just see what names he carelessly drops today:
    Frederick I Barbarossa, Pope Alexander III, Pope John XXII, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Theodor Mommsen, Hans-Joerg Tiede, John Strart Mill
    And in addition to that, the 'universitas' of Bologna, Padua, Perugia, Siena, Florence, Este. But not a single mention of Paris, Naples, Montpellier, Oxford, Canbridge.

    So, we'd just have to believe every single phoneme that he ever expleted, wouldn't we ?

  3. Aaargghhh ! Sorry, just another ill-tempered digression about 'fake news'. In The Conversation today:
    "So, too, went the argument in ancient Athens 26 centuries ago.

    There was no Trump or (fake) news. But there was Thucydides (and Plato) and a democracy that needlessly destroyed itself. By engaging in the disastrous Peloponnesian War, the Athenians forfeited their empire, upended their democracy and lost their freedom.

    Now compare that with this:
    "The Plague of Athens was an epidemic that devastated the city-state of Athens in ancient Greece during the second year (430 BC) of the Peloponnesian War when an Athenian victory still seemed within reach."

    Ok, so was it "democracy destroying fake news" or just a city-state destroying plague ? And why would The Conversation do a 'fake news' on us ? And why would Trump want to impose the Athenian fate on America ?


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