Tuesday, February 26, 2019

In which the pond wonders if coal and the reptiles are going the way of dairy farmers ...


The reptiles were at it again today, with the twin loves of dinkum clean Oz coal and Jordan at the top of the tree-killer page …

Apparently the dear dumb things don't realise there's a quisling in the camp, a lickspittle double-crossing, double-dealing, starry-eyed renewables lover …

Of course you have to look a little hard in the lizard Oz to find him, but not so far in a Pope cartoon, always in infallible guide to folly, with more here

Has the lizard Oz lost all integrity?

Has the true spirit of genuine climate denialism taken a hit?

The pond, of course, never bothers to fact check the reptiles. What's the point? It enjoys it when others do it, but what's the point?

The pond knows that any lizard Oz story on climate science will be full of lies, distortions, untruths, evasions, equivocations and half-baked rhetoric …because in the end, the only truth is love … the deep, unyielding reptile love for clean dinkum Oz coal …

Now there's no need to repeat all the errors noted by MW, rather just note that it again built up to a fishy climax …

Somebody else noted that the reptiles are doing Pravda down under?

And in response, that's the best lemony old Lehmo's got?

Everything was a hopeless stew of fucked-up figures and gross miscalculations, lies and deceptions, but the analysis suited our climate change narrative? So there ...

And yet the gormless one has ducked for cover when confronted by that traitor in the ranks … that quisling who hails the onion muncher as a climate change warrior,  valiantly mounting a green army to battle emissions, a drop-kick sellout loser who dons the tattered cloth of the failed Malware and dreams of Snowy 2 and renewables …

The pond such a deep shame, such a deep swelling of pity for poor old Brownie and the rest of the reptile pack, forced to embrace Malware and the onion muncher in just one short paragraph … but the readership knew what was going down …

That's more like it. Dinkum clean Oz coal!

But where were the reptiles? Oh sure they were lathering up hysteria about comrade Bill, but what about the Turnbull clone? Is there anything more despicable than a traitor doing the Malware dance, and poor old Brownie forced to transcribe his thoughts?

Why he'd been blathering on about lowering emissions only the day before and the reptiles had been forced to put it at the top of the digital page …

Oh sainted aunts, electric cars of all the modern gadgets … why they'll stop the wisteria growing on the verandah in a trice.

The pond felt soiled and shamed, and deeply sorry for the reptiles, forced to abase themselves and stoop so low …

Surely someone still had integrity? Someone who perhaps remembers that fucking the planet is a bit like being a wild-eyed, wild-fucking member of parliament ...

Weabonga? Why that's in the Tamworth council district, and so isn't remote at all, it's passing close to the known centre of the universe, or at least it was until the town decided that a wild-eyed fornicator might be its federal representative …

Trust Barners to mock his kin. These days sensible farmers go off grid and have plenty of spare power with which to tootle into town, but allowances have to be made for the thickness of Barners' hide and brain-covering membrane ...

But forget all that, where are the reptiles ready to call out the nonsense that a few token gestures and wastes of money means we can have our cake and eat it too, and we'll hit all our targets in a canter and have no impact on the economy …

And what's this tosh, "We don't believe you have to choose between our environment and our economy…"?

Everyone knows a love of clean dinkum true blue Oz coal involves a little sacrifice, and the reptiles have regularly called on dinkums and the entire planet to make that little sacrifice … while this faux fraud, this Hollywood liberal blathers on in ways that the reptiles would once have found unendurable …

More faux Hollywood liberals exposed by Rowe here

And with that done done, dusted and deplored, the pond went on the search for a second offering … but there was one place the pond couldn't go …


A set-up? The Canadian wimp is afraid of having a chat with a TG person? And as for Caroline Overington, wouldn't it be simpler if she just hit on him …

The pond realises that you need unresolved sexual tension to keep things going until the third act but this yarn is verging on a truly pathetic romcom ...

The reptiles are so love-struck silly, so Canadian raptured, the lizard editorialist even offered this …

Yes there's nothing like talk of "leftist unreason" to offer hope beyond "polarised politicking."

Ye ancient cats and fishes, the pond suspects that all these emissions from SloMo have put the reptiles in a panic …

"We don't believe you have to choose between our environment and our economy…"

Say what? Where's a manly Peterson reptile ready to stand up for the patriarchy and call it for what it is …you can choose the economy and you can fuck the environment, and damn it, if you feel like it, you can fuck a dolphin or three too …

The pond usually doesn't bother with our Adam, but that "fuck the dolphins" sounded like a showstopper number, and besides, does that thumb hint that the bold lad scored the Lobbecke of the day, thereby guaranteeing himself reptile cult status?

Oh it's true, it's true ...

Yes, indeed, fuck the dolphins and fuck the dairy farmers of south Gippsland (oh a big cheerio from the pond, how are the potholes in the roads going?)

Truth to tell, we can never have enough plastic on the planet and especially in the oceans …

Great Pacific Garbage Patch plastic pollution dwarfs previous estimates and is 'growing exponentially'

As for the notion that Woolworths cares about anything other than Woolworths, the pond is reptile aware of all the dangerous talk going around …

Why next thing someone will be saying that SloMo has clean emissions …stay strong and stern, young Adam …

Lordy, lordy, the next thing you know, someone will be proposing a floor price for journalism …you'd swear nobody had heard all the whining and the moaning and the lamentation from the reptiles about the wickedness of tech giants …

Tech giants must take the blame for any perceived erosion of trust in journalism, having failed to tackle fake news and to give trusted news sources fair treatment, a conference will hear. News Corp executive Campbell Reid, one of several high-profile panellists at a Navigating the News conference in Hobart next month, said companies such as Google and Facebook needed to match rhetoric about supporting journalism with action.

On and on they blather, with their paranoid talk of persecution and unfair, unbalanced playing fields ...

Let them drink cheap milk, the pond says, that should succour them in their hour of distress … the question, as young Adam so poignantly noted, is why some businesses or workers deserve special help …

Let them fall flat on their faces while they're fucking the dolphins (and perhaps the planet too) and see if the pond cares …

You tell 'em, young Adam …

It's true, it's true, and the pond can assure young Adam and Campbell Reid it won't be crossing the street or walking a yard to spend money on a News Corp product, no matter how beguiling they make them seem …well if you live by fucking the dolphins, perhaps you should also expect to die while fucking the dolphins ...

No, you're not, you're not with the pond or dolphins or diary farmers or the planet or the ocean or a clean environment or any of that do gooder stuff, you're with dinkum clean Oz coal, a harsh mistress, and SloMo puffery of the extreme wanking kind, and for god knows what reason, Jordan Peterson … (Mumbrella has the comedy act here, but it's been bobbing up all over the place, as here).

As it is for dairy farmers, so let it be for reptiles … but please, don't go away empty-handed, have a few cartoons …


  1. "The pond knows that any lizard Oz story on climate science will be full of lies, distortions, untruths, evasions, equivocations and half-baked rhetoric …"

    Sad but true, DP; extremely sad and uncompromisingly true.
    And ever thus shall it be.

    But I'm impressed by this one from Greg Brown: "Speaking in Melbourne yesterday, Mr Morrison flagged further investments in low-emission technologies, including $56 million for a second interconnector from Tasmania to the mainland ..."

    Now there's only one wee small problem with that as far as I can see, which is that in these days of growing climate disturbance (and maybe even "climate change", who knows ?) the rainfall and dam levels in Tasmania are just a little bit variable and uncertain. So, we've had:

    Energy crisis: Hydro Tasmania's dams drop to lowest level yet, 12pc predicted

    And that was only back in April 2016. Then recently, we've had this:

    Hydro Tasmania says state's dams are overflowing

    And that was in August 2018.

    So, over a period of two years Tasmanian dams have gone from almost empty to overflowing. That's a truly reliable and dispatchable electricity supply, isn't it. I confess that I was glad Victoria commissioned a desalination plant (though I wasn't expecting it to be built quite so incompetently) because I saw it as a form of "insurance" that didn't depend on the vagaries of sustained rainfall in a time of significant and noticeable climate change. Expensive, yes, but better than expiring from thirst.

    Then, just to round things off, we had the Man From The WSJ lecturing us about how "Grocery prices in Sydney are 15 percent higher than in London ..."

    But then, just for comparison, the GDP per capita in England is US$44,100 whereas the GDP per capita in Australia is US$50,300, or approximately 14% higher than the UK. So things just even out, don't they

  2. I'd been thinking Morrison's mis-aimed and intentionally insufficient gesture to emissions reductions looked more like a rudely raised finger to legitimate concerns than concession to their seriousness - a view confirmed by Rowe. And Graham Lloyd seems to like it...

    Must get belly laughs behind LNP closed doors to know that emissions fund money will probably go to the staunchest rural and mining opponents of taking climate change seriously, and get doubled over again if they can provoke demands to raise the funding! And as long as it is about honouring international agreements - and NOT ever about doing our share of fixing the climate problem - it doesn't challenge the delusional fantasies they've been cultivating about globalist/socialist/environmentalist UN authoritarianism. Handled just right a palpably insincere show of kowtowing to an agreement they detest inflames their own extremists to new levels of outrage at our sovereignty slipping away, and so on. Like they really do think taking nearly 3 decades of top level expert reports and studies seriously on an issue this serious is an unthinking lefty green fad!

  3. A few observations:
    1. To the extent it is true that we'll meet our Paris targets "in a canter", that is only because of creative accounting. Our price for signing Kyoto was to get land-use changes included in our totals (only a couple of countries got to do that). And because of land-use change that had occurred before we even signed Kyoto, we overshot our target, despite actually doing very little. And thanks to more bogus accounting, we get to credit that overshoot against our Paris target meaning that 26-28% (already inadequate) is actually only about 13%, which will happen just by virtue of old coal plants being lifed, continued adoption of rooftop solar, and a bare minimum of anything else.

    2. Australia is doing well compared to the UK, USA, China, Russia, etc, as the Caterist pointed out the other day. The only problem is that all those countries are rated by the UNFCCC as hopelessly inadequate, while Australia are merely inadequate. Woo hoo! Inadequate is the new good! Very few countries are doing enough, and nearly all of them are less-developed countries like Bhutan and India. The only two that get an actual pass mark are Costa Rica (of course, they are the only country that consistently meets its environmental commitments) and the Gambia. How piss weak is that? Getting schooled in doing the right thing by a pair of countries whose joint GDP is a little bigger than Tasmania's...

  4. It's all just a wee bit of "fiddling while Rome burns", isn't it.

    Hence I believe that "doing the right thing" is no longer any form of prevention or mitigation, it's way too late for that.

    Doing the right thing has now transmuted into developing the technology and social organisation and animal and plant strengthening to allow some semblance of human life to survive a 5degC average temperature rise.

    Not that it will really matter, I guess. Planet Earth has averaged 5degC higher temperature than at present and it wasn't nearly enough to wipe out all life. And after a few million really bad years, mutations and adaptations will repopulate the joint.

    For maybe a few hundred million years, anyway, whether or not homo sapiens sapiens is here for any significant part of that.

  5. I was listening to Dave Sharma being interviewed on Auntie ABC's Afternoon Briefing yesterday. After a great deal of prevarication and weasel-words he acknowledged climate action was needed but shouldn't "cause massive dislocation to lives or livelihoods". Isn't that the whole point about climate policy that we have the choice of trying to manage an inevitable dislocation or suffer even worse consequences due to inaction.

    I think we have reached the point where the deniers are making tokenistic gestures whilst still trying to maintain a status quo.

    Talking of tokenism, what is it with the single use plastic bags? A lot of us have been taking our own bags for years - the big pansies should grow up.

    1. According to my understanding, Bef, "making token gestures" is just about always a way to preserve "the status quo". Unless, of course, like a vast number of homo sapiens sapiens - and all reptiles - you're too thick to understand that it is a "token gesture" and you think it's real and genuine. Much like the LNP pollies and base.


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