Life is a series of choices, they say, random decisions that lead somewhere or nowhere, and frequently involve perversity … but it takes an enormous amount of perversity to choose to walk away from a Dame Slap at the top of the digital page, blessed with a Lobbecke cartoon that guarantees the good Dame reptile cult status.
What could possibly explain such an outrageously foolish act?
Well the reptiles have other fish to fry, and as always, clean dinkum Oz coal must be front and centre …see how the real story is top of the page in the tree killer edition, and in the digital edition too …
Well the reptiles have other fish to fry, and as always, clean dinkum Oz coal must be front and centre …see how the real story is top of the page in the tree killer edition, and in the digital edition too …
What's it all about? Well the pond doesn't bother with news trivia, and tales of dastardly greenies, and the Labor party falling into line with the lizard Oz coal lovers, it likes to cut to the lizard Oz editorialist to get the good oil, or the undiluted clean dinkum Oz coal …
Yes, the reptiles know that between suggesting coal might have something to do with the perilous condition of the planet, or reducing it all to the parlous state of a finch, they know the benefits of logical reductionism …
It reminded the pond of that song it used to chant in primary school, with more lyrics by Wilcox to hand here ...
You see, if you could only realise that climate science is fake news and been demolished by the reptiles' expert list of climate scientists - you know, Moorice, Lloydie, Dame Slap, Bjørn - where's Bjørn when he's needed? - you can immediately understand the importance of exporting heaps more carbon to the world …
Indeed, indeed, the pond loves our staunch denial in the face of climate science, our leadership of dinkum clean Oz coal oi oi oi in obstinate defiance …
But with the singing done, surely now to Dame Slap?
Well no, there are many miles to go and different roads to take. The pond could have gone bush with Scottie ...
But then David Rowe starved that idea of oxygen in his cartoon for the day ...
And besides there was enormously important news in the crisis of Western Civilisation ...
The pond could at last, with full giving and loving freedom, celebrate the salvation of Western Civilisation by its residency in the 'Gong ...
Academic interference? Intense speculation? Surely they don't read Crikey and the notorious Guy Rundle, putting the onion muncher front and centre …
There's more here if you can get behind the paywall, but what's wrong with a WASP view of the world, or even a WASRC view, and besides, as Rowe sagely observed today, the onion muncher is too busy elsewhere, keeping watch on the beach for the arrival of the boats …
Let the cry of freedom ring out and a pox on the neighsayers …
Oh tush now ...

Yes, it's apparently a dull, tedious, selective, safe and mentally unchallenging course designed for Young Liberals. A triumph, if they can be kept away from Tinder.
Some might think this is comprehensively fucked, but at least it has the absolute freedom to be fucked … and what a triumph for Western Civilisation that is …
But now surely there's just enough time and room for Dame Slap? Well no, the pond must honour the Rowe cartoon it has been sampling, with more honourable Rowe here …especially as there's been talk of Buddhism picked up at Bali …
... as the watching and the waiting for the boats goes on, the crabs scuttle, fish flounder and there's free flights for all ...
But surely now Dame Slap?
Well no, because it's the reptiles' and the pond's business plan to bore the shit out of stray readers, and believe it or not, there's someone even better at doing that than Dame Slap … yes, come on down, nattering "Ned" …
Well no, because it's the reptiles' and the pond's business plan to bore the shit out of stray readers, and believe it or not, there's someone even better at doing that than Dame Slap … yes, come on down, nattering "Ned" …
"Ned" of late has set himself the challenge of outdoing prattling "Polonius", and this surely shows him at the top of his game ...
Here we are heading towards the end of February, with an election due in May, and the bubble in the brain of the Oz 'leets is intently focussed on some minor game-playing in Canberra, because that's what reptiles do … while the pond is reminded of that short street poll revealing that some Australians didn't have the first clue who SloMo might be ...
Indeed, indeed, and here the pond must revert to a Wilcox cartoon to evoke the impeccable logic of the government and nattering "Ned" himself …
But as we hopefully await the flood of boats, it's back to nattering "Ned" … oh and a history lesson, and never mind appearances, because clinging to power is always a sign that the powerful are out and about, and doing what comes naturally … desperately clinging ...
Indeed, indeed, shamelessness and tedium might be timeless but trust nattering "Ned" to sanitise SloMo from the snake oil salespeople of the past ...
What else would it, could it do? Well not piss billions against the wall on a shameless Xmas Island stunt for starters … with even "Ned" uncertain as he joins the pond on the beach, nattering that "the boats may or may not come."
Oh for "Ned's" sake, will someone just bribe a people smuggler and put the reptiles and the pond out of our misery, and bring on at least one boat so there can be a Tampa feast.
One thing is certain: if the people smugglers were Australian, they'd scribble for the lizard Oz, and then they'd find themselves in the pond, perhaps studying Western Civilisation, and all would be well with the world, powered as it is on dinkum clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi …
And no, duty done with "Ned" and historical parallels observed - do train lines verge together at the point of infinity? - there's still no room for Dame Slap …
Sure, the pond read Dame Slap and here's the proof, mainly so everyone can enjoy the Lobbecke of the day …
What a card he is, but luckily Cathy Wilcox summarised Dame Slap's argument much more succinctly …
And that's more than enough reptile stew, and Dame Slap stewing about the shareholding well-off for the day ...
Comparing Neddy to Polonius ? Not a contest: Ned can wiffle piffle and waffle until even the cows stop farting. And that's good for climate change, isn't it ?
ReplyDeleteWell, it wasn't a Dame Slap day, but I really can't resist this one; the Slap: "Contrary to Bowen's misleading claims, cash rebates paid to shareholders for franking credits are not welfare payments from a generous government. They are not taxpayer-funded cash handouts. They are a return of tax paid by companies on behalf of resident shareholders."
ReplyDeleteOk, so 'fess up now: does anybody reading this post of the Slap's believe a word of that ? If so, why ?
And since I'm one of the joyfull breed who, due to insufficient income, does not pay income tax, can somebody tell me how to get a "return of tax paid by companies" for the moderate amount of money I get as "dividends" on my Term Deposits ? After all, the banks are taxed, and that tax reduces the amount that they can pay me for interest on my TDs, so how is that any different from shareholders getting a "refund" for taxes that somebody else has paid ?
I think it is summed up nicely by the Wilcox. Howard turned a protection against double taxation into a sort of negative taxation for those who could game the system.
DeleteAlso, bear in mind that most of those doing the moaning do not have "insufficient income", they have income (sometimes a lot of income) that is not assessable courtesy of the tax treatment of superannuation.
And yes, no one who isn't after the free money believes this clap trap.
Except that Howard was just making one of his cynical vote-buying exercises.
DeleteJust consider it: the wages and salaries that people who work for a corporation are paid comes from revenue that is taxed. So, why are wages and salaries "double taxed" ? Why does anybody who works for a profit making company have to 'double up' and pay individual income tax ?
Like I say, it was just another Howard vote-buying exercise that, as is the usual case with such things, ended up becoming a big stuffup because Howard and his advisors didn't think through what they were doing. And taxation lawyers et al are clever at exploiting any such lapses.
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDeleteSo the possible Galilee Basin coal-mines, which are owned by Adani Mining (Indian), Hancock Coal, Hancock Galilee (both owned by Australia’s richest woman Gina Rinehart), MacMines (Chinese ownership by Meijin Energy Group) and Waratah Coal (owned by Mineralogy Pty which of course is Clive Palmer’s baby) are expected to produce 165 million tonnes of coal a year.
How much CO2 would 165 million tonnes of coal produce?
That depends on how much burnable carbon there is in Galilee Basin Coal and that is a contentious issue. The spruikers would have you believe it is 60 to 80% which strangely is described as “clean”.
As we know Carbon (C) has an atomic mass of 12 and Oxygen (O) has an atomic mass of 16 then CO2 has a molecular mass of 44. So one atom of Carbon (mass 12) combines with two atoms of Oxygen (combined mass of 32) to produce a CO2 molecule of mass 44.
So one atom of Carbon produces a CO2 molecule which is 3.6667 times its original weight.
Therefore 165 million tonnes of coal divided by its carbon content (generously dropped to 60%) and multiplied by 3.6667 would produce 363 million tonnes of CO2 per annum.
Australia currently emits 446 million tonnes of CO2 per annum which gives it a an emissions per capita of 18.6% of worldwide emissions.
Opening up the Galilee Basin would therefore increase Australia’s contribution to Global Warming by at least 80%. Moving us up the ladder of % emissions by country to over 2% outstripping South Korea, Canada and Saudi Arabia and challenging Germany for eighth position as biggest emitter.
Something to aim for!
And since we keep on cutting down trees at a great rate, we greatly diminish the amount of CO2 that can be taken out of the atmosphere, so we get most of the climate effect that comes from it.