The pond is aware that there might be some nervous nellies out there worried that there's a twittering cyber bully about to be given an astonishing amount of power.
Said cyber bully, apart from stalking sundry hapless victims, including the CIA for daring to suggest the Ruskis might have been a tad devious ...
... has been making sundry appointments of the bizarre kind, with Goldman Sachs moving from Satan's HQ to a fertile recruiting ground and a brace of generals leading the militarisation of the administration ... as if having a brain surgeon live in a house wasn't more than enough of a qualification for the sorting out of housing, even if said brain surgeon had previously suggested he didn't have a clue.
Thank the long absent lord they'll have Michael Flynn to hand to ferret out the signs in Arabic pointing the way for Muslims entering the US ... because there's nothing like signposting a covert smuggling route to ensure success in the operation.
The latest speculation to unfold is the suggestion that Exxon Mobile is now in the race ... (farewell Rudy, enjoy the drag show off-Broadway) ...
Now these nervous nellies in recent times have probably been reading The Rockefeller Family Fund vs. Exxon, which luckily for them is outside the NYRB paywall right at the moment.
It makes for an astonishing read, revealing as it does the way that big oil behaved just like big tobacco, with outrageous lies and cynical deceit, in the matter of climate science.
Of course this only applies up until a sensible Trumpian realises that, while perhaps not fully Jewish, there are enough conspiracy sites out there determined to sort of establish that the Rockefellers are sort of Jewish, and that's enough to make them either (a) members of the Illuminati or (b) lizard people or (c) both ...
The RFF's shocking attempt to make a point about Exxon Mobile confirms they're part of an international conspiracy ...
Anyone who can dissect and understand this NY Times pizzagraph will immediately understand what the pond means ...
Call that art? The pond's niece could have done it when she was five ...
Now with all this out of the way, it's time to reassure those nervous nellies that all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds, and in some left-over, unfinished business from yesterday, remind everyone of the reassuring words of the bromancer ...
Now with all this out of the way, it's time to reassure those nervous nellies that all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds, and in some left-over, unfinished business from yesterday, remind everyone of the reassuring words of the bromancer ...
That should reassure the nervous nellies.
Remember ...
But the bromancer didn't stop there, because yesterday was a big bromancing day, as he embarked on an extended courtship in a way only the prolix reptiles know how to do ...

Yes, those who thought the entrée was the dish served before the main course have a lot to learn about the way Americans fuck over the French language, and their politics, and the Donald goes about his business, and the pandering bromancer goes on at pandering length in his his ...
Now some mugs might think they're experiencing déjà vu? Didn't we already read something of this in short form?
Have the reptiles taken to click bait trolling and recycling so that, like hair extenders, they can bulk up and indulge in a little padding?
When did Australia start acting for Asia's benefit?
Oh come on, next thing you'll be asking if Exxon Mobile conspired to hide the truth about climate science ...
Have the reptiles taken to click bait trolling and recycling so that, like hair extenders, they can bulk up and indulge in a little padding?
When did Australia start acting for Asia's benefit?
Oh come on, next thing you'll be asking if Exxon Mobile conspired to hide the truth about climate science ...

Oh indeed, indeed. Those nancy pants nervous nellie jelly wobblers should realise that when it comes to the war with China, Australia is going to win, and win big ...
Get on with it early movers. Talk about unique, invaluable connections ...
Now usually on this sort of long haul, the pond would get in refreshments and amusements, to serve as some sort of distraction...
But we haven't got any time for that. We need to get on with the lickspittling, the pandering, the almost unseemly pawing at the hem of the new emperor ...

Of course the pond could run a reminder of other panderers and facilitators who've lain down so that Trump could roll over them ...
But that would be wrong, and besides this 'everything's for the best in the best of all Trumpian worlds' is now coming to an end in one last lengthy spurt of a gobbet ...

This is one of those exuberant, barking mad efforts by the bromancers that assiduous followers of the reptiles will set aside, in the sure and certain knowledge that down the track, the full scale of the pandering and the folly will be revealed, and the delusional qualities of the bromancer will stand out in sharp contrast to what actually happened ...
But by then the full irrelevancy of the bromancer will also be revealed, and nobody will much care ...
Sheridan has been so shamelessly wrong so often, that adding another example to the list is just another kind of pandering. For the narcissist, attention is enough ...
Meanwhile, speaking of fawning, our Gracie was also busy yesterday, though such are the vagaries of the digital reptiles, she's already fallen from view here's an artist's approximation ...
Our Gracie was also on the Trumpian bandwagon ...

Yes, they'll be as bankrupt as a Donald casino ...

How strong is the delusionalism in our Gracie?
You have no idea ...

Well for those who made it this far, there's a fine collection of cartoons here ... let's start with one that explains what the dedicated few have just managed to wade through ...
And so to a few more samples ...
Bromancer: "Both Beazley and Varghese, among the most sophisticated strategic minds Australia has produced ..."
ReplyDeleteQue ?
That's not post-truth, that's never-was-anywhere-near-truth.
If Bomber Beasley thinks anything a good thing, it aint.
DeleteOf particular note here is that Bomber is on the payroll of the US military industrial complex. The "us" in that is not ours, nor ever was Bomber.
Has anyone ever been better than the Bomber at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, while managing to sound like a blimp running out of air?
Delete"Our mob will be.... in envy of his giant cojones."
ReplyDeleteFFS, just what is Gracie on? Whatever it is I don't want any of it, and Drug Squads across the nation should be on high alert to prevent any more of it hitting the streets - or News Corp offices.
Shouldn't we be building a wall to keep out giant kinky cojones, so that honest dinkum balls can go to work?