The pond has to confess to a sense of bitter disappointment ...
The reptiles seem to have moved the major Mitchell survey of the media to a Saturday slot, but this is pallid stuff, not at all what the pond was expecting from the most famous Order of Lenin hunter in the land ...

Regurgitating Paul Kelly, Mark Latham, Peta Credlin, and what happened on the Bolter and Paul Murray days before ...? That's it, that's all the proud cocky wrote?
Well it's a living, especially when a plucked galah is put out to pasture, but it reminds the pond mostly of sipping on a tepid brew of weak tea ...
Sure there's moments of comedy, like calling out Peter Hartcher for sitting on the left ...
No doubt he and chairman Rudd always talked about the changing of the underpants, but only in the world of The Government Gazette would Hartcher be deemed a leftie ...
Perhaps it helps a major Mitchell to pose as some kind of bizarre centrist ...
No doubt he and chairman Rudd always talked about the changing of the underpants, but only in the world of The Government Gazette would Hartcher be deemed a leftie ...
Perhaps it helps a major Mitchell to pose as some kind of bizarre centrist ...

Um, go figure the size of the black hole, or the mendacity of the behaviour, or the uselessness of a major Mitchell cheering on disinformation and misleading calculations as a useful strategy for both sides.?
Truly it's dispiriting stuff, and it helps explain why the lizard Oz deteriorated so much during the major Mitchell years into a kind of lesser Mitchell...

Is that some sort of nadir? Parroting Dennis Atkins ... he believed, he said, he believed ... why a monkey left alone with a keyboard could probably also reproduce Shakespeare ...
Now the pond guesses that the major Mitchell is rusty, having spent most of his recent years telling others what to write, so cribbing, in the guise of a homage and a commentary on the commentators, must have seemed like a natural fall-back.
But it's a dud, dull, dud writing that would have bored the pond, even without a desire to have a go at the plumage of the major Mitchell ...
As a result, the pond had to turn to a reptile who knows how to hand out the slaps ... especially when there are greenies nearby threatening to undermine the entirety of western civilisation ...

You can imagine the impact this had on the pond. We had to rush out in the back yard to check on how the preps for the bug out bag was going so we'd have the readies for the bug out bunker ...
Even stranger, the pond began to freak out when Dame Slap started to make the greenies sound like Donald Trump on the matter of trade and Mexican T-shirts ...
Ford announces a few weeks ago that Ford is going to build a $2.5 billion car and truck and parts manufacturing plant in Mexico.
I would call up the head of Ford, if I was president, I'd say, "Congratulations. I understand that you're building a nice $2.5 billion car factory in Mexico and that you're going to take your cars and sell them to the US zero tax, just flow them across the border." And you say to yourself, "How does that help us? Where is that good"? It's not.
So I would say, "Let me give you the bad news. Every car and every part manufactured in this plant that comes across the border, we're going to charge you a 35% tax, and that tax is going to be paid simultaneously with the transaction.
Now, if it's not me in the position, here's what's going to happen: They're going to get a call from the donors or from the lobbyist for Ford and say, "I take care of you, and you can't do that to Ford." I'm using my own money. I'm not using the lobbyists. I'm not using donors. I don't care.
I would call up the head of Ford, if I was president, I'd say, "Congratulations. I understand that you're building a nice $2.5 billion car factory in Mexico and that you're going to take your cars and sell them to the US zero tax, just flow them across the border." And you say to yourself, "How does that help us? Where is that good"? It's not.
So I would say, "Let me give you the bad news. Every car and every part manufactured in this plant that comes across the border, we're going to charge you a 35% tax, and that tax is going to be paid simultaneously with the transaction.
Now, if it's not me in the position, here's what's going to happen: They're going to get a call from the donors or from the lobbyist for Ford and say, "I take care of you, and you can't do that to Ford." I'm using my own money. I'm not using the lobbyists. I'm not using donors. I don't care.
Indeed, indeed, what sayeth the Dame to that? How does she haileth teh Donald?
...maybe the rise of Trump is a necessary first step, a clumsy one to be sure, but one that precedes the rise one day of more sensible leaders who understand the cult of political correctness is not a centrist phenomenon. While the cult draws believers from the elites, most ordinary people want more, not less, freedom to think and speak. It’s not called common sense for nothing.
No, on a bad day, it's called common Dame Slap confused stupidity ... and for nothing too ...
But now it's back to the gobbets ...
But now it's back to the gobbets ...
Of course, of course, because climate science is just another kind of religion, and belief in it involves either heresy or faith ... in much the same way as gravity really just involves religious sentiment and anyone who refuses to accept gravity will surely be expelled ... (look, there they go, drifting up into the stratosphere ...)
Ah well, what can you do when stupid people talk stupidly ...
But we have to remember and forgive Dame Slap, for that sublime moment when she jumped on the Lord Monckton bandwagon and began talking about the way climate science was just a clever way to introduce world government ... yet still has the cheek to talk about the greenies as some kind of extremist group of nutters ...
It doesn't get any nuttier than Planet Janet circling satellite Monckton ... and so to the last of the gobbets ...
Splendid stuff ...
But when will the Dame admit that she happens to agree with Daesh ... at least on the matter of gay marriage.
Homophobes together in a just religious cause, celebrating the freedom of religion to be bigoted and to persecute ... much the same way, no doubt, that menfolk in Saudi Arabia tend to get a little disturbed when anyone is inclined to flash around the feminist label ...
But that's how it goes in these religious times ... when science is treated as a matter of faith, and Dame Slap can sound just like a mad ayatollah on the subject of gays and women, while berating the greenies ...
It makes the pond's head spin, and since this sort of mind-altering substance costs nothing in the marketplace, long may it continue ...
Major Order of Lenin hunting Mitchell, please take note. Loonacy is the way forward ...
Now remind the pond again what was that bit about fundamental freedom of expression and the fundamental right to speak freely?