Forget lying Ted Cruz going down and a showbiz crazy having a run at the main job, the action is all down under.
The dog botherer made an appealing early play for attention ...
Awk awk, jobs and growth, growth and jobs ... and lifting up ... and baby steps, baby ...
A model private citizen lifting himself up in the private economy, whatever that might be ... there apparently being no public, nor society ...
But the pond is faithful and loyal, and Wednesday is Dame Slap day, and dammit, there's no reason for the deeply conservative pond to change and read jibber jabber about baby steps when the Dame is moving to the middle, and has turned stern centrist ...
But the pond is faithful and loyal, and Wednesday is Dame Slap day, and dammit, there's no reason for the deeply conservative pond to change and read jibber jabber about baby steps when the Dame is moving to the middle, and has turned stern centrist ...
Ah, the centrist Slap ... not to the top of the head, nor to the chin, but fair on the pink cheek ...
Where this leaves the delcons, who knows but to the centre of the earth the pond must go ...
Where this leaves the delcons, who knows but to the centre of the earth the pond must go ...

Yes, yes, the pond is getting it now ... because a swing to Tony Abbott was a swing to the centre ... and knighthoods and all the other adornments to be found in the centre ...
Because onion munching is dead in the middle and let us have no mockery of the middleistas ...
Yes, yes, because there's no echo chamber in News Corp and the reptile commentariat don't ever talk amongst themselves ...
And now they must - delcons aside - settle down in the bunker to sell the budget and Malware, a test that sadly they failed when their previous hero flew off in wild eccentric circles into la la land ...
But wait, don't go away yet. You forgot your free set of steak knives and a bonus editorial from the heart of the reptile bunker ...
And now they must - delcons aside - settle down in the bunker to sell the budget and Malware, a test that sadly they failed when their previous hero flew off in wild eccentric circles into la la land ...
But wait, don't go away yet. You forgot your free set of steak knives and a bonus editorial from the heart of the reptile bunker ...

Ah yes, that'd be the private sector lifting the economy. Strange, the pond seems to have heard that notion before. What a relief the reptiles don't talk amongst themselves.
Now please, do you best to celebrate and move forward. At least those wretched types feigning some disability might now be punished, so there's some reason for the reptiles to dance in the street with joy ...

Hmm, that's another notion the pond has heard before, albeit in an extremely sinister circumstance ...
Oh wait, now we run gulags in fine style, perhaps it's due for a splendid return ...
Yes, the pond is aware what happened and what was said, but was so outraged as to be made speechless ... so let this suffice ...
Yes, the pond is aware what happened and what was said, but was so outraged as to be made speechless ... so let this suffice ...
Now, now, none of that offshore gulag nonsense please... Oh for the good life by the seaside, a camping break away from home and with simple fare like some canned mutton perhaps?
ReplyDeleteTurnbull's man beaten in 'win for democracy'
Federal Government minister Peter Dutton purchases $2.3 million Palm Beach beachfront
MP denies second bid for Gold Coast seat
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton moves into 'Millionaires Row', after splashing out $2.3 million on a Gold Coast waterfront home
Federal immigration and border control minister Peter Dutton gives up on Queensland escape
There's going to be lots of voter action in mutton Dutton's marginal electorate of Dickson on the northside of Brisbane. And centrally in the marginal Brisbane electorate where the LNP candidate is to be Dutton's former Chief of Staff, Trevor Evans, due to Abbott's girl, the one-term-only Gambaro, pulling out.
Yes, Janet, elections are mostly won somewhere around the middle ground of politics - thanks heaps for that startlingly banal insight. However if that's the case, why are you such a tireless advocate for the views of the barking mad Lunar right?
ReplyDeleteBut wait! "Left wing commentariat..... Peter Hartcher..." PETER HARTCHER? Only the seriously deluded could think of that pinstriped twerp as being of "teh Left". I can only assume, then, that Dame Slap believes she herself is part of that ever-triumphant Centre. Planet Janet is truly a strange and mysterious world........
Dutton 1984
DeleteDutton hole
Wow! Imagine if those corporate tax dodgers paid just 3%.
DeleteI've heard Dame Slap describe herself as a libertarian which qualifies her as middle of the road Mary. De-friggin-lusional.
ReplyDeleteI think the little head and shoulders of the dame would be greatly enhanced if and animated GIF where the head slowly rotated. Like it does in real life.