Acutely aware that it's possible to overdose on political bile of the Genghis Khan kind, the Daily Terrorists this day are also a generous source of informed commentary on matters social, and what a ripper double treat they arranged for the edification and enlightenment of all...

Yes, it's beyond the valley of the incredible caricature and stereotypical rant, and so the pond would like to make sure that the people responsible - the Daily Terrorists - receive a full credit and much prominent product placement for their efforts - up there with that plug for the La Vigna restaurant in Camden.
It's safe to say that if Mark Latham eats there and recommends it, the pond will never experience its delights, but can we just take the time out to recommend Faheem Fast Foods ...
No doubt there are Faheem patrons who would be just as appalled as the taxi arm-cruncher at the notion of two mothers ...
But back to the Terrorists and the clever way they attempted to ensure a shouting man would serve as honourable click bait ... by doing a quick make-over ...

Amazing stuff, really, doesn't get much more desperate and pathetic.
No, not the dress, you can see that every other day on a footy show near you - it's really dinkum you get dressed up in a frock. No, it's more that bit about describing an attempt at polite behaviour as Goebbelsque ... because the one thing you can say about the Nazis, it seems, is that they rightly disapproved of polite, respectful behaviour ...

Hey nonny no, on we go, and such is the banality of Latham's language that the pond had a bet with itself - relax, only short odds were offered - that at some point or another "thought police" would emerge from the thickets of silliness ...

But wait, there's more. It's not enough for bullies to shout at clouds and sooks - is there a taxi driver in the vicinity in need of a broken arm? - but they must also shout yet again at feminists ...

You know, only in March 2016, the Workplace Gender Equity Agency of the Australian Government provided a handy pdf, with this key results page ...
But you see, if you cherrypick the data, and cite young people being screwed over in part-time employment doing crappy jobs, why it seems everything is well in the world ... treasure that the next time you head off to flip a burger or get an equal opportunity job at a 7Eleven ...
Perhaps a better guide to what it all means, this unhappy, bitter, resentful, angry rant, is the approving company the taxi arm-cruncher now keeps ...

But wait, there's more ... and what a delight it is to have this power-packed mega blast of forward thinking, thanks to the Terrorists ...
Come on down, Current Affair, we haven't had a street abduction in yonks ...

Hmm, this seems to have all the qualities the pond has come to associate with blonde-ism ... a deeply unhappy condition, apparently only matched by red heads, brunettes, men with grey hair and balding men ...
The pond learned that first from Archie comics but please, oh please, are they all this angry and bitter and resentful?
Do they all shout how they've been ruled as being ineligible for comment on a range of issues, while being published in the Daily Terror and appearing on a commercial television network?
Let us proceed further, but please, remember, this is all brought to you by the Daily Terrorists ...
Yes, all this suffering and anguish and torment ... why it's ten times as bad as anything those whining, moaning poofters and trannies cop from good-thinking people ...

Ah, finally, it popped out.
That little song, what about me, well there's a little girl waiting at the counter of the SBS shop, she's been waiting down there, waiting half the day, they never ever see her from the top, she gets pushed around, knocked to the ground, she gets to her feet and she says, what about me, it isn't fair, I've had enough, now I want my share, can't you see I wanna live, but you just take more than you give Lee Lin Chin ...
When I work for a child abduction show, and surely that was more deserving of a gold gong for heroic action ...
But wait, she won't come up with chilli crab, latkes and a joke about crippled lesbian white whales in wheelchairs seeking jobs, will she?

Actually, the pond thinks it's probably just a homophobic colon at play here ...
And again the resentment, the deep unhappiness, the generous dose of bile can be judged by the company it keeps ...
Yes, with a similar lack of grace and class, the grumpy Bolter had a go at Waleed Aly, no doubt thinking he should have been the one to score the gong ...

Now the pond is equal opportunity here. It never watches The Project, it doesn't watch A Current Affair, and even if it was paid to, it would rather go hungry than watch the Bolter ...
It's all just showbiz, but there's a thread running through those interminable rants ...
It's obvious enough. The Bolter was a flop, a failure, a terminal loser on commercial television, and so was forced to retreat to the low-rating ghetto of pay television.
But would he show some generosity, some grace, towards someone who for what ever reason, for the moment has turned out to be better at it than him?
It's obvious enough. The Bolter was a flop, a failure, a terminal loser on commercial television, and so was forced to retreat to the low-rating ghetto of pay television.
But would he show some generosity, some grace, towards someone who for what ever reason, for the moment has turned out to be better at it than him?
Not likely. How wretched, screeching, resentful and terminally bitter, angry and unhappy they sound, the bunch of them ...
It's almost as if they want to drive the pond back to talking politics instead of reading unhappy bigots shouting at clouds ...
It's as if they live unfortunate lives, as if they're locked in some private gulag, as opposed to the comfortable circumstances they actually inhabit, as opposed to the very real gulag in which some people find themselves ...
Seems like it helps if you don't think of a lot of people as people ... but rather as a source of your resentment, bile and anger ...
Maybe Mark Latham should try wearing a frock for a week, and see what it really feels like ...
The SMH has the temerity to cover last night's Q&A where a bloke called Duncan humiliated O'Dwyer. The dog fucker is not amused. His response?
ReplyDelete"No wonder #Fairfax in strife. This is twitter-driven, teenage lefty, mindless pap - otherwise known as clickbait."
Wow, it's hard to read Latham, that's some serious broken-record-anger-syndrome he's got going on. It's almost misanthropic. Can someone who used to be a Labor leader - albeit insane (that's Rudd and Latham to the LNP's Abbott, but who's counting?) write such fucking drivel? He must be broke.
ReplyDeleteRE twitter being The Hard Left - Here's why. Humour is almost solely the domain of the left - the right just don't (wittingly) do humour - sure there was Bob Hope and Benito Mussolini, but since then nothing really. Point being... when a tweet is retweeted - it's usually because it's pithy and shows a deft immediate understanding of a key issue - and that's why cloth-eared, jack-booted tweets get buried and tweeters from the right give up. Simple really.
"I could have ... emerged as Australia's answer to Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner"
ReplyDeleteSo says Marked Lay-them. But if he's the answer, what on Earth could the question conceivably be ?