Monday, September 27, 2021

In which the pond must play misère with the Oreo and the Caterist, but luckily there's an onion munching loon left over from the weekend ...





Once again the reptiles start the week by showing they have no shame, pocketing cash in the paw from the "cry freedumb" party ... and it's not just "freedumb", it's "freedumb freedumb" because you can never have enough "freedumb freedumb" ...

Sadly, there's other bad news as the pond cries freedumb to an uncaring world.

It seems the pond must start without the Major, who seems to have gone MIA, deserted the field, abandoned his post ... long absent lord knows how the Graudian, the ABC, the Nine papers and the like will carry on without his mighty and righteous blows keeping them in reptile line ...

Instead look who was elevated to the "cry freedumb" top of the digital page edition ...




The Oreo! And with an epic offering of both siderism ... while poor old Killer Creighton was reduced a piece of hagiographic "freedumb by Xmas" ...

Poor old Killer, he's been doing it tough of late, and the pond simply doesn't have the time to include all his work ...



That was his hagiographic effort on the weekend ... cry cool freedumb with a beer in the paw, and the Pacific made safe by one man sometime around 2040 ...

Ah well, it beats scribbling about a deep Freudian fear of masks, but even in the reptile world things move on, and so today other reptiles were featured at the top of the page, celebrating SloMo's plans for a clean energy world because how good is Australia? What an example to follow ...

Meanwhile, down in the business section ...



Mark Vaile? Now there's a blast from the past, but the pond hasn't got time to sup on climate science denalism and the Killer's hagiographic love of SloMo ... it must instead snack on the top of the page Oreo ...

Janet Malcolm once infamously observed, "every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible."
Sadly, Malcolm's observation provided a couple of outs, and so many of the lizard Oz reptiles, who are both stupid and too full of themselves, are completely unaware that what they've done, are doing and will do, is morally indefensible.
The Oreo's both siderist effort this day puts her firmly in the in the morally indefensible camp … but  speaking of too stupid ...
Still, there's a certain masochist pleasure watching her writhe away in classic both siderist style ...

There is good reason? No, there's not, there's only Oreo both siderist stupidity, defending the sort of extremist loonacy that's come down from the likes of the mango Mussolini and the conspiracy theorists currently rampant in the United States ...

And it's all because there's limited public access to academic journals? As if we're suddenly all expert trained epidemiologists keen to do our own research and examine all the findings?

What a remarkably stupid woman she is ... and as for bodily autonomy, go talk to the Texas Taliban ...

The reptiles knew they were on a losing hand so at this point they flung in a click bait video which offered some frothy foam ... and the pond inserts a neutered cap just for the record ...


Now, record complete and in its proper perspective, back to the Oreo peddling both siderist nonsense ...

The pond has absolutely no idea of the point the Oreo is trying to make ... except that "et al" seems to be some sort of attempt to placate the mob, except that she's citing a study that hasn't been peer-reviewed. Even the pond knows that's an exercise in futility. If you're going to attend a conspiracy gun fight, at least take along a peer-reviewed pistol, or otherwise you might get a jam or a misfire ....

Even worse, the Oreo's attempt to placate the conspiracy theorsts is immediately undone by her decision to open her final gobbet with the line "There has been a degree of public sympathy for people resisting Covid vaccines..."

Maybe there has in the barking mad world of the reptiles and the Sky News after dark mob, but this sort of Ivermetcin hydroxy freedumb is a folly of the first water ...

What we actually have is studies in weirdness and futility ...




Feel free to google, or to cop the Oreo's degree of public sympathy, it's a never no mind horse paste choice to the pond ...

Good people die from pride? No, they die from stupidity and they want to ruin it for others, and the Oreo, in her usual way, isn't helping, by trying to butter both sides of the toast, and let them down gently ...

And so, in the absence of the Major, the pond can break with tradition and do a catch-up, because the onion muncher was out and about on the weekend, and only late in the day did the reptiles give him any exposure ...


Yes, it's an indulgence on the part of the pond, but it should never be forgotten that the pond's main task is to hunt out and celebrate the very best loonery, and the onion muncher was, in his time, one of the very best and most adept of loons ...


Luckily, none of this nonsense is available to women of goodwill, but the pond doesn't resile from the pleasure it takes in the onion muncher's preaching. Sure, it should have been in the pond's Sunday meditation, but every day is a day for meditating or munching on onions ...



There you go, and Janet Malcolm rolling in her grave as the onion muncher blathers about engendered humility ... as if suddenly we can wipe from memory his bully boy stand over tactics?

As for the rest, can anyone point to an irony in the sight of irrelevant scribbler and failed politician evoking memories of effective statesmen? Can any moral theologian have managed to make a bigger hash of things than the onion muncher as prime minister?

Okay, these are properly matters for a Sunday meditation, but look at what else the pond had on offer this day ...


The war on China, and the bouffant one exuding positivity, while simple Smon has to brood about the latest polling?

And there was the Caterist sinking the boot into comrade Dan yet again. The reptiles never get tired of this sport, with Fergo setting the pace on the weekend ...

You'd almost forget that Sydney is still in lockdown, except that the cops find it easier to cut off downtown than they do in Melbourne, and so the blocking of Parramatta Road is barely noticed unless you happen to be out on a stroll ...

The pond is very tired of this reptile game, but still, in the interest of maintaining Janet Malcolm's line, here's the cash in the paw Caterist doing his best to cry freedumb ...



Of course there were other things the cash in the paw climate science denialist might have turned his mind to for a beginning of the week game ...


... but the pond must play the moronic hands it's given, always full of Oreo twos and Caterist threes and misère not an option ...

Oh for fuck's sake ...


You know talk of semiautomatic rifles might make you think you're in Al Capone's Chicago, but you'd have to be smoking whatever the Caterist is smoking (hopefully the same as made the Canavan caravan think that pigs can fly) ...

The pond realises that the freedumb inclined Caterist wants to get out on the streets with anti-vaxxer yahoos, but what's with all the bleeding heart liberalism evoking the end days of Orwellian state rule? 

The pond's partner in exile was stopped in a park by a very polite Victorian plod on Sunday. After a NSW driver's license was produced - to some consternation - the discussion turned to the rioters, and it seems that the code for the day was to wear something white (yes, the partner in exile had on something white). It seemed counter-intuitive, what with the riot gear du jour being all black, but when you think about it, why shouldn't white supremacists be allowed to wear white?

As for the rest, the pond's partner wished the plod well, in light of duties for the day, and the plod wished the partner well, and there the whole affair ended ... but you won't find those sort of encounters scribbled about, not when the duty of the day is hysteria about comrade Dan ... and yet back in the day, protestors in the street, generally peaceful protestors at that,  wishing no harm on anyone, and certainly not the right to expose others to a pandemic, were a source for much Caterist soul-searching and deep concern, possibly even angst, and much worry about vulgar youffs ...




Oh yes, the danger of taking to the streets ... but that was then, and this is now ... and the Oreo has assured us there are two sides to the story, and the right to infect others in a pandemic is a most important freedumb to consider ... and now, it seems we must have a debate before a mindless rabble and a motley crew of riff raff intent on violence and pissing on assorted shrines allegedly sacred to conservatives are sent home ...


Yawn. Cry freedumb and remember to get that cash in the paw, just like the Caterist ... though it has to be said he prefers to be paid off by the federal government ... it being perfectly liberal and libertarian to get cash in the paw from SloMo ...

Okay, fair point, few construction workers have the chance of sitting in an office and writing applications to the federal government for funding, but how else would we come to understand the movement of flood waters in quarries or the mysteries of climate science?

And so to the last gobbet of class warfare,  conducted by a man accustomed to doing a concrete pour... or at least pouring out a lot of cow manure in the hope of making a shiny floor ...


The right to bodily integrity? Could somebody arrange an anal cavity search of the Caterist, in the hope of finding his brain?

Where was all this claptrap in the days of polio vaccines, or the campaign against measles? The pond in part blames the Murdochians because anyone scribbling inanities about the right to bodily integrity in the middle of a pandemic must take some fair share for the vaccine denialism that has produced rioting in the streets ...

What else? Well sadly we'll have to leave climate science denialism for another day, but dammit, the pond will celebrate the current kerfuffule, thanks to the abiding Rowe. This dude regularly abides, with more abiding here ...



  1. A bracing opening to the week from someone bemoaning the lack of leadership from the Liberal Party at all levels in Australia.

    Over to you dame:

    1. Yeah, Slappy and her "lustful premiers" running amok. Maybe I have seriously underestimated her need for some "lustful" masculinist porn. But taking it out on the Liberal Party is a bit different for the IPA, surely - unless it is now the Gina way.

  2. My Source - who is much more familiar with Victorian history and culture than I am - has reminded me of opposition by Keith Murdoch and his then 'The Herald' to the design and (horrors) the expense, of the proposed Shrine of Remembrance in the 1920s. The 'Wiki' offers a concise account of that Murdoch advancing his ideas on design over those of qualified architects, who were also veterans of that still recent war (and, yes, we know, Keith Murdoch by sorting out who should be generals and who not really won the war).

    So - how appropriate that providers of 'opinion' for son Rupert's Flagship should try to justify much of what happened around the Shrine those few days back. It's almost as if they were familiar with Murdoch history, except that they show little indication of it in any other 'opinion' they reach, in their truly independent way.

    1. Now that's a blast from the past, Chad, when it was Father Keith and his 'Herald' who ruled. But the Shrine - dedicated in 1934 - is somewhat before my time, thus I have no conception of Murdoch's influence or lack thereof. So thanks to your Source for the pointer.

  3. Yesterday:
    "GrueBleen Sep 27, 2021, 5:10:00 AM
    ...But certainly the Americans, Baby, created the China threat with their crazy belief
    that just by exporting some manufacturing to China and hyping up its economy that some
    kind of 'natural law' would transform a medieval autocracy (remember Tiananmen) into some semblance of a 'free market' democracy."

    GB, The import of what you wrote can't be exaggerated, the blame rightfully lying on Washington. That policy changed the world.
    The idea that you can inflict one's own political values on another culture thru commerce
    is nuts, except in right wing think tanks.
    For temporary profits thru tech transfer, companies enabled the Chinese thugocracy to
    make up for their being 60 years behind in little more than a generation.
    The transfer of millions of jobs to China at the expense of ones own workforce,
    by building plants there, no doubt resulted in fat bonuses for the boys when their
    profits and stock soared.
    Sure, long term you have impoverished much of your former middle class but who cares,
    feed them religion and anti Vac insanity and bobs your uncle, they still will vote
    against themselves and for the GOP. Though the Dems also bear a portion of guilt too.

    1. "They will still vote against themselves and for the GOP". Yeah, this has been pointed out a few times over the years. Is it really all about "owning the libs" as it is often portrayed ? Of course Australians, and especially the English, aren't all that much different - witness the British ongoing vote for Boris Johnson.

      "Neoliberalism" is basically a religion which, like all religions, has a distorted view of reality and as you say at least some Democratics (and democrats) are almost as much believers as the wingnuts. Otherwise, there might have been more, and perhaps more effective, opposition.

      Would it have made much difference if the Chinese hadn't been so coddled and had had to take a few generations to "mature" in their own way ? Maybe.


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