Saturday, September 25, 2021

A tough day for herpetologists, with the dog botherer going full Gina's mob and Connor Court, and "Ned" in the grip of of astonishing triumphalist hubris ...




There's an immense amount of suffering this day, and bugger in the way of rewards for reptile watchers, and that snap at the start of a huge amount of dog bothering about sums it up ... Gina, the parrot and the dog botherer, and at almost unendurable length, and then in due course, the Everest of "Ned's" natter to scale, without even the benefit of a podcast, without even his dulcet tones to help sell his triumphalism ...

Never mind, one horror at a time, and so to begin with the dog botherer, a tale told with the usual idiocy and hopefully signifying nothing ...



Churlish? Gina rarely enters the fray? But Gina has the whole IPA at her beck and call. 

What need to enter the fray when you have mindless minions to carry out your various missions? A few years ago there were assorted stories, easily googled ...





Those headlines will suffice, because the dog botherer is also going to serve as a minion, a bootlicker up there with Barners.

Sure it will turn his piece into a tedious slog, but it's the dog botherer, so what's new? We should always expect a paranoid and churlish sense of persecution, in classic dog bothering style ... while in this piece doing his dog bothering best to promote ... you've guessed it, yet another Connor Court call to arms ... because culture wars? Can't get enough of 'em ...




Moorice still alive? Oh wonder, oh marvel, once he was abandoned by the reptiles, the pond had thought him lost to the ages, but here he is alongside the swishing Switzer, and then, because self-parody is never far from the dog botherer, he draws himself up to his full solemn height and takes umbrage at a little satire ...

Not that the pond saw the show, but it suddenly felt a warm glow, on the basis that anything that fucks with the dog botherer's mind has to be worth something ...




What a wag the dog botherer can be. Sure it's completely unselfaware waggery, but who else could couple "think" with Cory, Pauline and rambling Campbell, the dick Ruddick? As for stroking Amanda Stoker, does she or the dog botherer have the first clue about Ming the Merciless, and his long career based on filching ideas from the Labor party?

Nope, instead we get the low comedy of a fringe populist and extremist blathering about the dangers of fringe populism, apparently unaware of what taking excessive doses of Sky News after dark can do to the noggin ...



And there you have it, Gina pandering at its finest, Gina pandering of a quality and style usually only to be found in the IPA.

And yet the pond felt strangely dissatisfied ...the dog botherer really hadn't taken his usual stand on climate science, and celebrated the important role of dinkum clean innocent virginal Oz coal, and yet only this week came news from the Daily Beast that things had quickly reverted to normal ...





But at least the dog botherer can help Gina quickly sweep war crimes under the carpet ... because Afghanistan was so long ago, and must be forgotten ...



Forget the elevation of the moronic rambling Campbell, a loser of the first water. 

Instead please allow the pond to note a jibe in passing ... Rainbow teas? Yep, along with the usual, a little poofter bashing goes a long way in the world of the dog botherer and Gina ... it's a call to arms, and what joy that they and the Taliban share the same values ...

And so for a little light relief before the Everest of "Ned", as each week our Gracie leaves the pond perplexed ...




A pandemic of narcissism? Why it's as if our Gracie had just read the dog botherer ... and as for disdain for social cohesion, can we have a joke about rainbow teas, Taliban style?

Sorry, do go on ...


Indeed, indeed, some might even watch Sky News after dark, and spend quality time with the dog botherer, the parrot, petulant Peta, the Bolter, and assorted other clowns and enablers, including the sort of fringe loon celebrated by the dog botherer in his preceding piece ...

But Gracie, are you aware of the company you keep by staying in the reptile stable?



Um, perhaps stop supporting the corrosive slurry known as News Corp? Never mind, have an infallible Pope as sustenance for the long journey ahead ...



Yes, the pond can speak fluent Victorian, and vividly remembers that yesterday the doggies return to form was attributed to John Howard ... as if the pond had never seen that classic documentary The Year of the Dogs ...

Never mind, here's where the rubber really hits the road, with "Ned" as the bonus, and hubris, what's that?



Yes, "Ned" has gone all in with uncle Sam. Afghanistan? Why 'tis but a dream, easily forgotten.

What about other assorted follies over the years? What about the Donald, and that rabid isolationist streak so easily revived at the drop of a fake news election? Forget it, "Ned" is in the grip of SloMo-induced euphoria, a state of ecstasy close enough to the rapture, yet without the speaking in tongues required for the reptiles to dare to mention that famous podcast ...

Indeed, indeed, and the pond hesitates to interrupt "Ned's" flow, but perhaps with that blather about the Indo-Pacific and deepening networks, the time is right ...


There's a lot more at The Conversation, and the pond might dip into it again if provoked, but meanwhile, back to "Ned's" natter ...


Apparently "Ned" thinks that the second coming of a few subs after 2040 is an amazing vote winner, up against a pandemic and lingering economic fall out and sssh, let no one speak of climate science in "Ned's" company, not when the war with China is all the go ... (what, we still ship iron ore to them in the Pigiron Bob way?)



Ah, "the Gap". In Sydney it's usually the place to go when in search of something to jump off ... and the pond is rapidly reaching that point as "Ned's" initial hubris seems to have met any number of stumbling blocks ... and yet still triumphalism must and will prevail ...


Many Asian countries will say nothing?

As noted above, a few have already said something ... 


Follow the link for the originals and the text. The pond is simply pleased to note that there is an alternative universe, one that seems to lurk outside "Ned's" limited vision ... you see, up the faraway tree with "Ned" everything is hunky dory in the land of the bipartisan nukes, with everybody applauding this astonishing SloMo feat ... and if you believe that, the pond has a slightly used "where the bloody hell are ya?" marketing campaign to sell you...


And if you believe all that "Ned" hubristic, triumphalist nonsense, the pond has a Rowe to give you, with more Rowes given here ...



  1. Oh my, Doggy Bov quoting Moorice: "Indeed, liberal, free-market democracies ... may well become a fleeting experiment in the evolution of human affairs."

    But, BG, butt: "Free market economics is dead as a political idea." Chris Dillow:
    The death of free market ideology

    It's only those who don't have to pay the bills who think that "markets are free". And those who, like the Boverer, are too thick to see what payments they are continuously making, of course.

    1. GB - I held the 'stumbling etc.' over for Sunday morning contemplation. Thank you for the link, and particularly for the statement used in the discussion there "Thatcher hoped a market society would give us men like her father; in fact it gave us ones like her son."

    2. And it gave us ones like John Elliott too. And ones like Freydenberg and Guy who admire men like Elliott and who aspire to run our governments and control our lives.

  2. Just in case you missed them, here's a list (not in any particular order) of the names that Doggy Bov mentions as contributors to Jake Thrupp's book of pissant piffle wiffle:

    Campbell Newman, Gina Rinehart, Amada Stoker, Nick Cater, Peta Credlin, Rita Panahi, Gemma Tognini, Alan Jones, Jacinta Price, James McGrath, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, John Howard, Tom Switzer .

    With a passing mention for: Cory Bernardi, Pauline Hanson, John Ruddick, Sharri Markson

    But was the Boverer himself a "contributor" ? I guess we'll never know (I mean, you wouldn't actually buy a copy, would you ?).

    1. Poor old Polonius never got a guernsey, and he will be seething over Tommy Switzer being referred to as an ABC Broadcaster, as it puts the lie to Polonius's constant frothing at the mouth about the ABC not having any Conservative commentators, it being a North Korean like Collective only worse, ever since he was given the arse from Insiders.

    2. Will admit to slight curiosity about what Ms Ton-yee-nee might contribute. Those of her columns that Dorothy has treated us to seem to have her invoking her personal identity politics to rail against, um - 'identity politics'. But, no, not nearly enough curiosity even to spend time looking through a copy in the library - time much better spent with a good coffee at the place round the corner from our library.

  3. "Um, perhaps stop supporting the corrosive slurry known as News Corp?"

    Yeah, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer on with mindless reptiles, or take keyboards against a sea of running-pup lackeys and ... err ... by opposing, reinforce them. It would be interesting to know what kind of reception Katrina Grace gets - not just from the very few who provide the usual brainless comments, but amongst the more general readership.

    Does anybody, except the pond, take any notice of her at all ?


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