Saturday, September 05, 2020

In which Polonius leads the charge, the pond must deal with a wretched heretic worth a stoning, and the dog botherer comes by to help with the stoning ...

The reptiles were in a wretched mood this weekend. They'd left their hot rocks en masse, and none of them were happy. It had apparently struck them that the world was still in the grip of a pandemic, that people were doing it tough, that death wasn't much of a solution (though better someone else dead so that the economy might flourish), and that conventional political pieties weren't much of an answer ...

Usually the pond saves prattling Polonius for a Sunday meditation, but such was his sourness and his scorn that the pond thought it a most excellent way to begin a Saturday ...

But hang on a mo, half a tick, before we get on with Polonius, an irritating friend who goes on Twitter, sent the pond this ...

Poor child, she's going to still be in need of emancipation, because it wasn't a one minute hiatus, it turned into a Twitter frenzy here, especially when Fox News of all places confirmed The Atlantic's reporting ...

And so we went from this ...

...that being Clifford K Berman back on 22nd February 1942 ... to this ...

Meanwhile, prattling Polonius is terribly worried about Nancy's hair, though why he should bother with such a dropkick loser and sucker is a tad lost on the pond ...

Indeed, indeed, and for a moment there, the pond began to wonder whether Polonius himself shared the Donald's many worries ...

But no, the reptiles, and apparently Polonius, love Xian blondes, on the basis that the more that they lie, the prettier they look ...

Indeed, indeed, and as usual, the pond can't resist a cartoon or two to break up the impending sense of ennui ...


Ah, that's better, all that Polonial talk of one rule for some and one rule for others and laura norder and being all for the law, except when you approve of what dissidents do, got the pond terribly distracted for a moment ...

Why the pond, and the Donald, and thus most likely Polonius, are entirely on the side of Vlad the impaler spiking his enemies' drinks with a little toxin, and certainly would never sanction sanctions (but we might put a price on a US soldier if the price was right, and we could turn it into a kind of hunger games reality TV franchise of the kind the Donald would love) ...

Ah, bold and brave Polonius, as usual firm in his stance, confident in his predictions, and the pond agrees that Polonius's brave call may or may not prevail - who knows? - but if he's got it right, it will turn on the fact that everyone understands that the Sydney Institute is certainly not an elitist institute, though it might lurk in Sydney's CBD, but speaks for everyman (and the occasional woman if she knows how to behave, and doesn't let all that foolish vanity get to her, but perhaps not uppity difficult blacks) ... and everyone can see what Polonius himself sees...

There is a disease, an elitist disease lurking in CBDs everywhere, and the Donald is the cure ...

And so to the pond's most shocking, burdensome and appalling task in a long time.

The pond deeply regrets that the Angelic one has jumped the shark, nuked the fridge, left the reptile plantation, and gone where no other reptile dared this weekend ...

The pond has no idea what provoked this moment of madness in the angelic one, all it can do is report with sorrow and deep sadness that apparently the reptiles have a rat in the ranks, a traitor in their midst ...

Say what? What's this, you varlet and knave? What is this talk of being pretty sick and tired of the unrelenting, arrogant commentary coming from  your comrades in arms, your band of brother reptiles?

Why it's the reptiles' bread and butter, their daily chore, their life's meaning, and you seek to up turn it by resorting to medical advice? 

Where will this sort of nonsense end? Did she stop and mend her ways? No, on and on she went, in this moment of feckless anti-reptile abandon ...

Say what? She blackens and defames Sweden, like a muppet show sketch, as well as all her reptile chums? Is there no end to this heresy? Is this crazed woman going to turn herself into some kind of post-modern Luther? How can she ever be allowed to scribble for the Catholic Boys' Daily again? (and by golly the pond might also have a word with her parish priest) ...

The pond felt deeply nauseated, sickened by this unseemly spectacle, this wretched, twisted betrayal ...

What could it do to make things right? To restore harmony to the reptile world view, to step back into the alternative reality bubble?

Luckily, the dog botherer was to hand, as he always is, and he was in fine comrade Dan bashing mood, and the pond was vastly relieved, that it was just a temporary aberration, a little moon-induced insanity, and all was truly well in Murdoch la la land, especially as the dog botherer implied that he personally was in touch with reality ... in much the same way that the pond only feels real when it visits Dame Slap in the land above the faraway tree, or saunters into the non-elite Sydney Institute for a postprandial port or perhaps a very fino, very dry sherry ... or perhaps an amontillado, which isn't what the common herd swill, they usually prefer McWilliams in a flagon, but let's not get too non-elite, let's get down to it with some quality doggie fucking, though perhaps you should keep the flagon handy if you want to make it to the end ...

The pond supposes it's not quite the right time to run that poster it sighted on a wall beside Oporto in Enmore road the other day ...

Oh dear, you poor sweet southern things, desperate in your lockdown, and daily howling to the pond's partner your despair.

Well don't expect any sympathy from the dog botherer, you suffering wretches ...

Indeed, indeed, to pick up on a Polonial point, if only we had followed the US, and its exemplary example, if only comrade Dan followed the dog botherer to a natural conclusion ...

Now remember, you must forget everything that the angelic one scribbled. She's an outlier, possibly a lunatic, and if a member of the world of the y'arz, would swiftly be labelled by the reptiles as a practitioner of naïve art, or even worse primitivism, or worse still, pseudo-naïve art or faux naïve art.

Only the likes of the dog botherer know how to set down reality, to evoke reality, to draw reality in the sky, so that anyone gazing on it might sense and feel and taste the reality ...

You see?! That photo captures perfectly the dog botherer's intent ... why all it lacks is a few crows ...

Yes, yes, we should tear up the tram tracks, smash down that hideous station, and plant a little wheat to make a more exact parallel, the pond just wanted you to know that it was in synch with the doggie fucker ... busily mind-fucking away ...

Oh dear, a little personal bitterness there from the dog fucker. Could it be that the business model of the Murdochians is under a little strain?

Never mind, those public servant wretches know nothing. They live in a bubble, unlike the bubble that the reptiles live in, which the pond and the reptiles know, in a Christopher Nolan way, to be reality (except when it comes to blockbusters in pandemic times).

Come to think of it, what would the angelic one know? Only the dog botherer knows reality, and lives in the real world, and never cracks a joke, on social media or elsewhere, because he absolutely has no sensa huma, and indeed, has a defamation action to prove it, and so is eminently qualified to judge others and hurl insults, as a man who achieved wonders with Lord Downer in the war in Iraq and even on a more minor scale, produced the Utegate saga ... now there, as Humpty Dumpty would say, is reality for you ...

Meanwhile, on another planet, thank the long absent lord, we are safe thanks to the enormous work and dedication of the dog botherer, and his gifted understanding of climate science ... so that when the pandemic ends, we will be swimming with the frogs, and it won't be a horror movie, no it won't ...


  1. Before we have to think about the drek and dross flapping in the rigging of the Flagship - something from William Carlos Williams, to help us through the weekend.

     It is difficult
    to get the news from poems
             yet men die miserably every day
                         for lack
    of what is found there.

    1. And just think of the billions of men (and even maybe a few women and children) that died over the nearly 200,000 years of human existence before we invented poems.

      Since about 50,000 BCE (when it's reckoned that us "modern homo sapiens" - as distinct from homo sapiens idàltu - first appeared), it's estimated that about 100 billion homo sapiens sapiens have lived and died and that nearly 8 billion more of us are still alive. What a success story that is.

      And what an incredible population of immortal souls in heaven singing God's praises to him for every moment of eternity that makes.

  2. What a praiseworthy campaign Polonius is conducting: after assailing Dominic Cummings for breaching lockdown then of course, in order to maintain bipartisanship, he had to scold Nancy Pelosi, didn't he. He did seriously scold Cummings back then, didn't he ?

    And clearly that's the most important aspect of the USA to pay attention to: nobody gives a damn about 6,389.057 cases of COVID-19 infection leading to 192,111 deaths, do they. Any more than anybody cares that Trump called McCain a "loser" and then lied about it. He lies about every little (and big) thing that he says, so he was only being fair.

    But I did love this one: "Leaving aside the likelihood that Green [Jonathon Green of, yes you guessed it, the ABC] saw what he wanted to see ..." Well, there we go: Trump staged an RNC triumph of liveliness and forcefulness, so the presidential election is all over bar the mail vote fraud yet to come.

  3. Yes, right with you DP, that was an entirely unprovoked rebellion by the Shanana. Zut alors, but things are going weird at the herpetarium when even a docile everyday housewife and mum has to be revolting. Now she she's saying that "It is the pandemic, stupid -- not just the economy."

    But so what ? You can't just up and say "Security of health actually outweighs economic security. Australians are focussed on health security..." and get away with it just because you're a good Catholic breeding machine who's birthed nine more.

    Oh, Killer Creighton and the Doggy Bov and all the rest of the QALY brigade will just have to stick it right up her.

  4. That little heading about "death an despair" indicates that the reptiles - now doing their own editing since all the subbies have been sacked because Rupert wants to keep on being a billionaire - have lost contact with the English language. So, when the Doggy Boverer goes on to say that: "When rare deaths of younger adults are reported, there is no mention of comorbidities..." that must be due to 'censorship' of some kind.

    Ok, so now we have it: according to the wingnuts, you won't die unless you're an advanced oldie in aged care, or you have "comorbidities". Well I guess that's ever so reassuring to know, isn't it. Except for the fact that an awful lot of humanity has "comorbidities" or they wouldn't die so young and 'life expectancy' would already be around 100.

    And of course Doggy Bov goes on to describe that uniquely (in Victoria) comorbidity: euthanasia. Yep, gotta agree with that, if you hadn't 'suicided with assistance' then clearly you were going to snuff it from COVID-19 (I wonder if anybody will tell that to all those in other states who just really want some euthanasia: go out to public places without a mask and breathe deeply folks. Or maybe just wait around in the hospital ward until one of the hundreds of medico types who have caught COVID-19 passes it on to you.)

    So: "Andrews gives the impression he is quite prepared to destroy Victoria and Victorians in order to save them from coronavirus..." Well of course he is, since studying Sweden, amongst other places, has shown that just going easy on the lockdowns will cause an even greater degree of destruction - but reptiles are quite blind to that.

    And onwards: "...perhaps [Andrews]sees it as his only way to make up for mangling quarantine, contact tracing, infection control, public messaging, ADF assistance and testing." Well, well, that must be why Joshie reckons Danny has committed the "biggest public policy failure by a state government in living memory". It certainly is the biggest one in Joshies memory, anyway, so I guess that's all there is, folks.


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