Thursday, September 03, 2020

In which Dame Slap Donalds at last, and the savvy Savva does local ...

The pond just wanted to start off with a cartoon to reassure people it's on the right side ...

That was Jim Berryman way back on 14th October 1963, and if that isn't the best segue to Dame Slap, it's pretty close ...


After all this time, Dame Slap has got around to the Donald, and she's been blessed by the presence of the cult master, though the pond feels compelled to note that there seems to be some dissonance between Dame Slap's header and the cult master's image ... and anyway, what's this 'outlive his presidency' talk? Surely as monarch he will be able to appoint his heirs and successors, though the pond anticipates a fierce battle between Ivanka and Don Jr. when it comes to who should ascend to the throne ...

Never mind, at last Dame Slap has again slipped on the MAGA hat and wandered out on the streets of New York to celebrate ... though there seems to be a surly tone of resentment in the air ...

Indeed, indeed, though it's a pity that Dame Slap didn't mention these were alleged young white protestors,  with one commentary drily observing “The first time in my life I’ve seen riots against white people by white people, America never stops innovating”.

And isn't the Donald's United States all about innovation? There have been especially rich innovations regarding conspiracy theories in recent times. (the pond scribbles in fluent American).

Dame Slap, herself, is a lover of conspiracy theories, stout, valiant warner of the world that the UN would use climate science to establish a world government by Xmas 2010, but it seems she has missed the juiciest of the horror tales, recycled by her beloved Donald ...

The pond went with the NBC version here ...

Of course the pond was going to find it hard getting through all this without a few cartoons …

And having slaked the cartoon thirst, how about a bit more Donald doing conspiracy?

There, that's the way, and so back to Dame Slap, doing her best to maintain the rage …because you see it's nothing to do with the Donald, or Fox News in its short, ugly life, or the dirty digger, or the GOP in lockstep, or even Dame Slap herself, donning the MAGA cap and stepping out into the New York streets to celebrate ...

Of course Dame Slap herself knows nothing of hypocrisy or stupidity … she just loves the IPA, and certainly tobacco, and perhaps asbestos, which was tremendously useful in brakes …

You see, it's simple ... it's all Joe Biden's fault ...

Indeed, indeed ... the pond expects a more sophisticated understanding, of the kind the Donald and Dame Slap offer ...

And now back to Dame Slap, though it has to be noted that nobody seems to have cancelled either the Donald or Dame Slap, and indeed they seem to enjoy setting off rockets ...

Sorry, once the pond gets on a Dame Slap and cartoon jag, it's hard to stop ...

Donald Trump exposes moral bankruptcy?

Well there's a rich Jerry Falwell Jr line if the pond has ever heard one ...

... but the pond does truly hope that the Donald gets back in for four more years, and the line of royal succession is established, and with God and Jerry's humble will, America will triumph, and slide into the backwaters, to the greater glory of Vlad the impaler ...

And so to local matters, and the reptiles have been in a state of consternation ...

Fortunately Josh is working on a plan, though the pond did think it might have been a tad wiser to announce he was slogging away a little earlier, as if those numbers weren't going to drop from the sky some day ...

All the same, it sent the reptiles into a tizz ...

Yes, apparently simplistic Simon has never heard of shopping via the intertubes, and therefore hasn't been able to drop a penny in recent months ...

But back to the tizz, and it just wasn't Killer Creighton ... yesterday they were all in a state of alarm ...

Luckily there was one moron on hand and ready to explain that things were pretty relaxed and comfortable, especially if you'd tucked away a little of the readies in a Swiss bank account ...

And indeed the toads were in a state of high excitement, gloating at the suffering of the Mexicans to the south ...

In these troubled times, the pond always turns to the savvy Savva on a Thursday to help sort things out ...

At last a decent SloMo illustration ... looking up into the sky for the signs of the impending rapture ...

What, has thy god forsaken thee?

Sorry, the pond is taking an unseemly time to get to the savvy Savva, and the sufferings of SloMo ...

Oh sweet long absent lord, not the splendid Angus "beef" Taylor?! How will the media get all those great stories, explaining how the dog ate the statistics on the internet that turned up in Clover Moore's office?

How will we ever get water scamming to even greater heights in this wonderful country?

The savvy Savva had achieved her aim, and plunged the pond, as well as the country, into depression ... and the mutton Dutton still looms ... and things got worse from there ...

Tim 'freedom boy' Wilson and Jimbo Paterson are bright young things? We truly are doomed ...

More at the Graudian here, and just a reminder that freedom boy has the ethics of a self-serving snake in the IPA grass ... and so to the last gobbet of the savvy Savva, sounding a tad nervous about future times ...

Indeed, indeed, the rapture might still come, even as the toads celebrate their sweet victory and swarm across the land, and as often happens, the pond has left it to the infallible Pope to offer the final guidance of the day ...

That new desk will take some planning ... pity there's no way to shop for it on the internet? Will someone devise internet shopping some time in the future? You know, because the big problem is the spending of money ... as opposed to the getting of it ... unless you happen to have a Swiss bank account or a reptile income ...


  1. Lovely opening 'cartoon', DP. That would have got all the MGTOW and incels etc and so forth up to cheer mightily. Reminds me of that so very appropriate song:
    "Oh, such are the dreams of the everyday housewife
    You see everywhere any time of the day
    An everyday housewife who gave up the good life for me

    Now the Slappy Dame would surely endorse that, wouldn't she ? Though her effort today was just a little laid back and downbeat wasn't it ? She started out passionately enough: "A group of screaming Black Lives Matters [sic] protesters confronted diners demanding they raise their fists to show solidarity with a rally against the shooting of black man Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin days before."

    So "a group of screaming protesters" eh. Oooh, how terrible. But then, one of the "protesters" conducted a bit of a conversation with one of the diners. Screaming, presumably, else surely Dame Slap would have informed us that it was just an ordinary conversation. And so: "Victor ... said she had previously marched in BLM protests but she didn't think it was right for hundreds of shouting people, fists raised, to coerce diners into submission."

    Hmm. a "screaming group" has transmogrified into "hundreds of shouting people, fists raised".. I wonder who counted them. And who checked their skin colour to determine that they were all "white" ? But I surely appreciated one commentary drily observing: "The first time in my life I've seen riots against white people by white people, America never stops innovating."

    Well, he may just have been born yesterday, but surely somewhere, sometime in his education he has heard of the American Civil war ? Sure there were a very few 'African Americans' involved, but that was just about entirely white-on-white. And in much more recent times, there would have been the Vietnam War protests, again almost entirely white-on-white. And how about the suffragette movement - the suffragettes were all "black" were they ?

    Anybody want to suggest some more "white on white" protests ? How about the union movement and militant strikes, for example ?

    But all downhill from there: Slappy, after having done her best to institute a 'cancel culture' on those truly awful 'white on white' screaming, shouting, fist raising protesters, in true IPA "It's not my fault that I don't know what I'm saying or doing" style, proceeds to try to invoke a cancel culture against cancel culture.

    So: word of the day: anatidaephobia is the irrational fear that somewhere, a duck or goose is watching you.

    1. I hadn't heard of MGTOW - I really must get out more. These people like to wear their inadequacies as a badge don't they?

      Janet must get up every day and scour the internet to find something to offend her tender sensibilities. It's a big world out there and you can be sure she will find something that will serve her purpose but it won't necessarily provide any sense of proportion.

      The incident with the lady being confronted was regrettable but Dame Slap (got it right this time) has to walk past a whole lot of bodies to get to this minor piece of rudeness.

      You can find video of the incident on the intertubes pretty easily. Doesn't look like hundreds of protesters and yes, it's a bit 'in your face', but no one's got a knee on their neck.

    2. Oh - anatidaephobia is a well founded fear.

      Some paleontologists, including Peter Murray of the Central Australian Museum, believe that Bullockornis was related to geese and ducks

    3. A 2.5 metre tall duck, Bef - they sure grew things big back then. Hmmm, now that I've written that I very vaguely recall having read something about gigantism being an evolutionary tendency at a stage of life-history. Too early for us, of course, though I gather we were somewhat smaller back in the longish past.

      It's all a tradeoff, isn't it: you evolve bigger and bigger so you must find more food in order to thrive - or even just survive - so your extra size must allow more successful food gathering. And if it doesn't, you just become too vulnerable and your (sub)species dies out. So lots of creatures died out (mammoths, mastodons and the giant Australian fauna including bullockornis) and lots just stopped breeding bigger (eg horses, humans, large cats and elephants).

  2. Greetings DP.

    As you have noted, today’s Lobbecke graphic does not resonate at all with the apologist tone of Dame Slap’s header and article. The subversive cult master has chosen to play a jarring Devil’s tritone to counterpoint the Dame’s starry-eyed Major seventh infused refrain to the Donald.

    While the Dame tries to absolve Trump of his current responsibilities by referencing generations of US social division, the CM has cunningly depicted him as the principal orchestrator of the current civil conflagration.

    The cult master has outdone himself by rendering the President as the ultimate conductor provocateur. He has shown Trump as a hyperinflated one-eyed ogre embracing, enticing and enraging a rabid, weaponised mob. Notice how his diminutive hands so beloved by cartoonists have now become sweeping talons rallying his dark minions to fever pitch while the pronouncements from his pouty mouth only serve to fan the tumultuous flames.

    Surely our Janet would prefer this fomenting figure of divisiveness to be Joe Biden rather than her beloved Donald?

    1. "generations of US social division" you reckon, Kez - and long time no read, so welcome back. Well, I took the triyble to actually find a list in the web - Wikipedia bur of course - and it seems like centuries of US social division, actually.

      Just for the sake of openness and disclosure, here's the list Wiki provided of incidents of civil unrest in America; starting back in 1783 and going on through to 2020:

      List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States

      A really happy, peaceful place, the USA.

    2. ahem "I took the trouble"

    3. Cheers GB. Many eventuations have restricted my postings over the interregnum. I did follow your wikipedia link re US civil unrest and must admit it is extremely solemn yet enlightening reading.

      As a mature age university student some years ago we were told ad infinitum to avoid Wikipedia, yet I always found so much relevant and cogent information within that platform that any (mature)logical thinker could use their insight and balance to distil an appreciable amount of knowledge and wisdom from.

      It seems to me the chickens (turkeys) are finally coming home to roost for the self-proclaimed "Great Republic". Apart from that, I do feel that "Australia", because of its Anglo-Saxon roots, is essentially a "microAmerica", and, as such, has its own past and current racial indescretions to confront. For certain we are living in interesting times.

    4. I wouldn't ever quote Wikipedia as an incontrovertible source of truth, Kez, but it always makes a reasonable starting point. I looked at that list of US 'social incidents' and at least recognised a few, so it passed the 'starting point' test. But you'd always have to put in a lot of work to verify it sufficiently enough to pass a genuine peer review. The main problem I find is that its accuracy and quality is uneven.

      America always has been a problematic place, hasn't it. At least we never had a real KKK in Australia, though, just for one major difference. Otherwise we do indeed have our own failings and failures - many still ongoing - to live with.

    5. Another challenge today Kez. The pond's best interpretation is that as anything Moorice says is anything, then the cult master must match his meaninglessness ...

  3. The frogs cartoon reminded me of the little known 1972 movie titled Frogs starring Ray Milland. I thoroughly enjoyed it at the time.

    1. For those who came in late, and missed the credits ...

    2. Funny to contemplate that Ray Milland was an expatriate ex-military Welshman. But I have no idea where the frogs emigrated from.

  4. And after all that, nothing said about Savvy Sav's contribution. Probably because nothing much needed to be said; just a catalogue of LNP follies as usual.

    But this is worthy of just a little note: " will struggle to find anyone inside Labor who underestimates Morrison. The word most use to describe him is "formidable". But there are chinks and Labor is getting better at exposing and exploiting them."

    I don't quite know what "Morrison" and what "Labor" that supposedly describes, but it isn't any that I think I'm familiar with. To describe Morrison as "formidable" surely makes a sad commentary on the Australian electorate's sense of reality and knowledge of current affairs - but then, that is the electorate I've lived all of my life with.

    1. Perhaps if put into French, the comedy element might be more apparent ...

      C'est vraiment formidable!

    2. C'est tres vrai, DM, c'est tres vrai.

    3. Ooops, I'm catching Bef's problem:

      C'est tres vrai, DP, c'est tres vrai.

  5. I have just seen the headline of today’s Flagship -

    ‘Self-interested fortress Premiers betray our nation.’

    forgive me if I haven’t reproduced it exactly (only by way of Upper cases and punctuation - I am sure I put the actual words into memory) - I wasn’t going to put out good money for that, and it was available to memorise while I waited to pay for the next lot of fuel for the tractors.

    That ‘our nation’ is bouncing around in my head. Presumably it is intended to appeal to readers who, somehow, manage to live within this land of Girtby, but not subject to a state or territory administration. OK, there may be such people. The Onion Muncher seems to have become a ‘citizen of the world’, so that may qualify. No doubt his life will become more like that of Diogenes, now that he has returned to his homeland.

    Then - ‘fortress Premiers’ - yes, again, putting obstacles in the way of travellers who would increase risks to the inhabitants of the part of the land that they administer, as authorised by Briddish legislation from way back (and well before that ‘Federation’ malarky)

    ‘Self-interested’ - yep, just so completely different in their motivation from ScoMo and his ‘yes’ people. ScoMo - our virtual President, elected by a huge majority of - er - people who also live within States and Territories. ScoMo, ever rising above the chatter of the money lenders and the market place, to seek what truly is best for ‘our nation’, and to take us all to a future that is almost too brilliant for imagination.

    1. "land of Girtby" - tres bon, Chad.

      There does seem to be a plethora of 'yes' people nowadays. Once upon a time there were functioning, intelligent members of parliament (states and federal) to accompany the great leader and get a few useful things done (eg Bill Hayden, John Button). But just consider SloMo's list of 'accomplices' - do any of them ever register as achievers ?


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