Thursday, August 01, 2024

In which the pond ducks petulant Peta, and does a little couch surfing before paying through the nose for a y'artz degree ...


The pond wanted to start the day by acknowledging the pond had missed a trick in its reporting of the bromancer's epic cry of Xian pain ... as noted by Crikey ...(paywall)

Extra marks for Sheridan and everyone else arguing that “Muslims would never be treated this way” about an event that, a few days earlier, had banned a Muslim woman from attending because she wanted to wear hijab.

It's true there had been a compromise, as noted in the Graudian ...

Ahead of the opening ceremony, French sprinter Sounkamba Sylla was at risk of not participating due to her headscarf; at the last minute, a compromise was reached whereby Sylla covered her hair with a cap, allowing her to join the ceremony.
France has a long history of seeking to regulate or ban the wearing of religious items, politically justified in the name of laïcité (secularism).

...but the pond thinks the bromancer deserves to keep the extra marks, while the pond remains steadfast in its approach to stories about the Olympics ...

Meanwhile, these days the pond spends its Thursdays trying to avoid petulant Peta and her nasty tribe, and it isn't easy, what with her migrant bashing top of the digital edition this Thursday ...

Way down the petulant Peta's posturing, beneath a huge snap of an ancient Guv - at a bargain basement price, knocked down cheap to the remnants of the lizard Oz graphics department ...

... came this ...

...While the report is right to note that national identity evolves over time and that Australia’s linguistic diversity is a potential asset in dealing with other countries, its underlying theme that “our diversity is our unity” is simply incoherent. Instead of joining Team Australia where everyone accepts that Australia is home and strives to be part of a cohesive Australian community based on giving and getting a fair go, the report thinks we should live in Hotel Australia, where all we have in common is a current geographic location.
Sure, successive waves of migration have added to our numbers and our cultural richness, but all of them have built on the British foundation of the rule of law and respect for the equal rights and responsibilities of all. The vast majority of migrants instinctively grasp this because they’ve come voluntarily to join us, not to change us. But does Labor?
Already, under the Albanese government, more than 2000 people from Gaza have been accepted to enter Australia even though polls show that two-thirds of Palestinians support Hamas and approve of the October 7 atrocity.
Although this is hardly compatible with the commitment to democratic values that even Towards Fairness acknowledges, we can expect more of them given the local electoral pressure that the new minister is under and the identity politics that grips modern Labor.

If the pond wants identity politics as a blood sport, it'll always turn to the United States, with the startling, shocking news that Donald Trump is a racist and revealed it to a group of black reporters. 

The pond hadn't the foggiest idea that the mango Mussolini was a bigot though it did remember vaguely that long ago he once did terrible things to black tenants, and there was something about hanging innocent black kids, and there was something about Obama being a Kenyan Marxist and there was ... yadda yadda, etc etc...

It seems the reptiles were also surprised, importing a story to reveal the deeply weird truth ...

Who knew that the orange Jesus didn't know? JAQs ...

For some reason the reptiles used the same style of image from a video clip of a Harris rally, redressing it with different text ...


Then it was back to the racist doing racism 101...

Amazingly, it seems that black journalists were amazed at this deeply weird turn of events, which came from letting the monster out of his cage ...

 ... though some had predicted the predictable ...

Dow Jones? Has it come to this, reptiles of Oz? 

Killer didn't have it in him to cover the story, there being no mention of vaccines, Covid or killer masks?

The good news is that the strike seems to be over, and so the pond is able to give full coverage to other issues via the 'toons ...

Watch out Icarex ...

Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night ...

But what to do for a bonus? The pond had no interest in recycling tales of barking mad fundamentalists, as in the Wieambilla shootings, or assassinations in the Middle East ...

Luckily the pond had held over a story from the Doddster (Dodderer if you will) ...

There seems to have been a basic mistake by the Doddster to start off by taking JD seriously, but it does give the pond a chance to drag in an epic tale of meme mischief ...The author of the viral joke post about JD Vance having sex with a couch breaks his silence:

The good old days of all the way with LBJ, though to remember those times you might need a history degree, so ancient do they feel ...

With that out of the way, the pond could return to the Doddster doing a feeble attempt at a groaning...

Perhaps worse, these parents must only have been reading Dame Groan and the lizard Oz ...

As for the sad state of universities, the doddering Dodster missed a genuinely remarkable story, (soft paywall), a result of splendid policies enacted by the liar from the Shire and his mob ... 

That story came with a graph, and being a fan of ABC Finance reporting, the pond couldn't resist including the current yearly stipends ...

It seems so long ago that the pond collected its degrees for free - better than that, was offered meals and accommodation while goofing around with Thucydides, in approved our Henry style...

The doddering Doddster remained sublimely unaware, but no doubt it could all be blamed on those bloody furriners ...

Yep, not a single mention of the liar from the Shire, and what it might cost anyone interested in becoming a teacher, teaching those sorts of general studies thingies, such as history ... but why would the reptiles care, because erasing history seems to be a daily part of the lizard Oz agenda ...

And now to conclude and to complete the pond's coverage of crucial issues via the thankfully returned 'toonists ...


  1. Drom the Disrespectful Department using hagiography and a cherry picked history we get...
    "but all of them have built on the British foundation of the rule of law and respect for the equal rights and responsibilities of all."
    ~ "petulant Peta and her nasty tribe"

    "Then it was back to the racist doing racism 101..."

    Can we turn this x-ray machine on newscorpse too?
    "Privacy Violations
    "A former Google engineer has built a search engine, webXray, that aims to find illicit online data collection and tracking—with the goal of becoming “the Henry Ford of tech lawsuits.”
    'By searching for a specific term or website, you can use WebXray to see which sites are tracking you, and where all that data goes. Its mission, he says, is simple; “I want to give privacy enforcers equal technology as privacy violators.” To level the playing field."

    Privacy xrays might have saved... Gordon Brown a a few others. And ironically saved spupert turdoch $2bn in rugs and brooms.
    "None of this was anything other than a complete fabrication. The senior police officer Sue Akers, who headed the initial investigation, has now said she finds Lewis’s explanation to be unbelievable."

    Sir Lewis! My neutral "get rid of Chuck and the royals" needle has bumped up against the stop, indicating NOW!

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    “…and it comes from a man whose art degree from Ohio State and law degree from Yale were stepping stones in his journey from a dysfunctional, drug-ridden community in the post-industrial midwest to where he is now.”

    Actually if this “interview” is anything to go on, where JD is now looks pretty similar to where he started.

    1. And JD has this lot to contend with...

      "Breaking Up the Giants of Harm

      "BREAKING: Donald Trump gets devastating news as billionaire Mark Cuban and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman join forces and unite over 100 venture capitalists to back Kamala Harris for president. And it gets even better... "We spend our days looking for, investing in and supporting entrepreneurs who are building the future," reads the "VCs for Kamala" website. "We are pro-business, pro-American dream, pro-entrepreneurship, and pro-technological progress." "We also believe in democracy as the backbone of our nation," the site goes on. "We believe that strong, trustworthy institutions are a feature, not a bug, and that our industry — and every other industry — would collapse without them." "That is what’s at stake in this election. Everything else, we can solve through constructive dialogue with political leaders and institutions willing to talk to us. In this pivotal moment, we are united in our support for Vice President Kamala Harris," it reads. The announcement is a powerful rebuke to far-right Silicon Valley billionaires like Elon Musk who have thrown their support behind Donald Trump's fascist movement in the hopes of more tax cuts. Please retweet and to thank Mark Cuban and his allies for supporting Kamala — and consider joining the growing exodus to Tribel, a new pro-democracy social network that is exploding in popularity because Twitter and Facebook are trying to stop its growth — which is only making Tribel grow even faster. Please follow us on Tribel to get all of our breaking news alerts sent straight to your phone or computer by clicking the following link:

      $200m to the above centibilliinaires is mere pocket money.
      Via amediadragon.

    2. Hmm: 'If they made Hunter an issue for Biden, why not make Donald Jr an issue for Trump'. Yair, fair question, especially after a crazy exhibition like that.

    3. And this. More wheels on the anti monopoly bus, which will also drive down newscorpse lane... and may even run over a Fox...
      "New report: Breaking up the Giants of Harm
      "To protect democracy and have a resilient economy, we must tackle corporate power. Again
      JUL 23, 2024

      "Today, we publish a new report entitled Breaking up the Giants of Harm, which shows why we must break up dominant firms, when to break them up (and when not to), and how to do it.

      "Our report calls on political leaders and regulators to take the harms of big firms on democracy and society seriously, and revive this once highly potent and effective tool, which largely fell out of favour four decades ago. Regulators are at last waking up to this option again – though not nearly fast enough. We need to force the pace."
      The report is here.
      The press release is here.

    4. Quite an exhibition by Donald Jr there, DW.

      And indeed, 'if they made issue of Hunter for Biden, why not make an issue of Donald Jr for Trump'.

    5. Thanks DW, the pond caught that interview and should have put it up, but your link is just as good. The pond loved the way that assorted presenters of Don Jr. in full truck driver amphetamine flight had to insist they hadn't speeded up the footage ... but if it wasn't speed, what was it?

      In its youth the pond liked to get the pink bits out of cold tablets and wash them down with Coke (the drink) to get a mild buzz and loosen the tongue, but that looked like distilled essence of coke (the snorting stuff). ..


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