Wednesday, August 14, 2024

In which the pond apologises for celebrating cats, drag and couches...


Another note on Murdochian studies, this one by Rodney Tiffen in The Conversation, How Rupert Murdoch helped create a monster – the era of Trumpism – and then lost control of it.

Well, yes, and there's more losing control below.

But first an apology ... the pond had hoped to celebrate that new movie ...

... with a return to Planet Janet today. 

But that simply isn't possible because she's off on another Higgins jag...

The pond takes the point - Higgins should apologise for being raped, and for making a fuss about it. 

Why couldn't simply have taken it, like any decent, fair-minded woman of the Dame Slap kind would have? 

While she's at it, she should apologise to Bruce and the Seven network, and to Dame Slap and the lizards of Oz for all the fuss, and to pretty much anyone and everyone else (she might also apologise for working for a Liberal minister and facilitating a government run by a barking mad Xian fundamentalist given to Handmaid's Tale tendencies)...

This would be good and necessary, but unfortunately the pond continues to refuse to dwell on the Lehrmann matter. 

As for Dame Slap occupying an inverted moral universe, and blathering about enablers, who apparently enabled a rapist, what else is new?

That left not very much to dwell on ...

Yes, it was all downhill, third rate offerings, left over slops ... of the Lynch mob kind ...

Indeed, indeed, and apparently he has nothing against drag, which is a jolly good thing ...

Luckily you can find that Beast yarn outside the paywall here ...

The snaps are way better than what the reptiles offered the Lynch mob ...

On with JD, cat, couch and drag lover, celebrated by the Lynch mob ...

Indeed, indeed, but thank the long absent lord those dangerous 'leets don't include drag devotees ...

Would it have been so hard for the reptiles to drop in on that X account?

Oh indeed, indeed, he's fought on cultural fronts, and in a most comely way ...

Don't get the pond wrong, it's always had a soft spot for cross-dressing and drag, whether by Pellists or priests with a frock obsession, and those swinging both ways ... 

Why we were even doing it in Australia in the 1930s thanks to Ken Hall and Shirley Richardson ...

Oh yes, a bonus for anyone who can name the film ...

But sorry, where were we? 

Oh that's right with the dullard Lynch mob, self-importantly bleating into the void, delivering assessment after assessment of the vacuous kind ...

Indeed, indeed, we certainly don't need a dreary, shopworn progressive consensus. We need cats and drag and a little couch action...

So long as there's a JD and a Lynch mob, the world's sensa huma will likely be saved ... the only tragedy being that this is the final portentous gobbet of pomposity ...

Indeed, indeed, and a free couch, cat and dress for every man and woman in the land ...

And so to an even less appealing bonus ...

The pond reached the line about Donald Trump being a "formidable intellectual ally", and realised that in fact comedy was dead, and satire with it...

At this point the pond should note the usual set of snaps on view during the piece ...

The pond understands the reptiles don't have a cartoonist worth a pinch of salt, but would it be so hard for them to dig one up to celebrate the prodigious intellect and his latest outing?

Okay, okay, the pond is finding it hard to take anything seriously today ... and this Lee fellow isn't helping ...

Oh indeed, indeed, an astute policy point made in celebration of one of the nation's great minds ...

He's doing so well he doesn't need any help in spotting AI inflated crowd sizes ... he's Olympian in his genius ...

Meanwhile, apparently the devotee of lying about crowd sizes is an incredible foreign relations pragmatic ...

Yes,  yes, he's a real arm twister, not to mention an ear basher  ...

Then came the reveal at the end ... the Hudson Institute ...

The pond understands ... the pond gets it ...

It's a tough world, and sheltering in a think tank is some kind of living. Not much of a living, but a living all the same ...

And so to close with another apology. Due to reptile programming, the pond is unable to provide a segue to the infallible Pope or the Wilcox dealing with other matters, so here they are, straight, unvarnished and ungarnished...

All the pond will say is that back in the days when one branch of the family indulged in SP betting, they didn't need to advertise their services, what with it being illegal, and maybe it's time to return to those halcyon days...


  1. Secondary Rape & "Accommodation Discrimination"
    (due to reptilian vision syatem)
    "Reasonable accommodations of rape should be tools of equality yet can feel more like punishment than remedy. To receive accommodations, people raped must disclose intimate details about their health. The accommodation process that follows disclosure is arduous, dissuading many people with trauma who need accommodations from requesting them. Even if accommodations are granted, institutional enforcement is not guaranteed. Instead, the labor of implementing reasonable accommodations often falls to traumatised people themselves. Accommodated people with trauma also endure remarks about receiving “special” treatment for rape, trauma and stigma that are allegedly exaggerated or faked.

    "Though people with trauma may bring failure to accommodate claims when reasonable accommodations are denied, the LibLab law does not adequately protect them against the discrimination that occurs when accommodations are granted. This Article identifies experiences deeply familiar to people with trauma to explore how rules intended to perpetuate equality foster discrimination. It focuses on reasonable accommodations in the workplace and higher education to highlight the mistreatment of accommodated people with trauma."

    Apologies and thanks to...
    American University Law Review
    Katherine Macfarlane

    Not to mention secondary and vicarious trauma of family & loved ones, repsonders and society at large. Yes. Trauma happened to me, so I viscerally feel accommodation discrimination. This is called retraumatisation, which the dame, repriles, Reynolds et al are dishing out by the dumbp truck load. P.S. the Rape & Trauma hotline taken over by Medibank Private at 5x cost. Telstra Health is now the contractor at $250m. I kid you not.

    1. 1800(dis)Respect now! Makes me wince EVERY TIME!

    2. NSW trauma counsellors pull out of 1800 RESPECT hotline
      Broadcast Wed 30 Aug 2017 at 8:00am

  2. Yet another article from the Lynch Mob that serves only to increase our sympathy for his poor students - assuming they haven’t all switched their courses.

    If Trump wins, Vance will have minimal to zero influence on the administration’s policies. That’s generally the case with any VP - it’ll be even more so under Trump. Vance will be at best a glorified Diet Coke waiter. The chances of him eventually getting the Presidential nomination in a a party still dominated by the Trump family are also minimal.

    Should Trump lose in November, Vance goes back to being a junior Senator from Ohio; one who has contributed bugger-all to American politics so far and hasn’t developed much of a recommendation. A losing Trump will want a scapegoat or ten, and JD is a likely target. Without MAGA support his chances of Senate reelection may be slim.

    If the Lynch Mob believes that Vance’s great strength is his ability to triumph in yet more culture wars, then he hasn’t been taking much notice of his boy’s actual performance - or of the general citizenry’s views on such issues as reproductive rights.

    Overall, the Lynch Mob yet again sees what he wants to see, and doesn’t appear to actually know a lot about his subject matter. Those poor bloody students…..

    1. Oh I dunno, Anony; at least some of those students are just going through their apprenticeship learning how to replace him in due course.

  3. Although not detailed, I think Dame Slap's column would have been a lot better if the roles were reversed and it was Higgins suing Reynolds

    Because then we could have got another banger about using lawfare to silence the robust exchange of ideas. Snowflakes needing to harden up and stop choosing to take offence and how while we're at it, abolishing 18C.

    Having to defend what she's previously decried - all we're left with is a request for a virtue signalling apology. Boring...

  4. I guess Lynch didn't watch the interview, or he would have noted that Trump (and Vance?) would not be sticking around: Trump Hints He’ll Flee to Venezuela If He Loses the Election: ‘Far Safer’. This of course makes him a flight risk in his many court cases (

    It would be nice if the Hudson Institute shared their wisdom on how the Chinese invasion of Taiwan might play out.The only successful invasion in the last few decades has been of Japan, and that needed two atomic bombs to succeed.

    Please, DP, what is the film?

    1. Ken G Hall was a pioneering Australian film director Joe, so at a guess I’d say’s it’s one of his 1930s “Cinesound” productions; waaay back in the early 1970s the ABC screened many of them, introduced by Hall himself. I don’t know which particular film that still is from , but given the vaguely tropical look, possibly “Lovers and Luggers”?

    2. "It would be nice if the Hudson Institute shared their wisdom on how the Chinese invasion of Taiwan might play out".

      You're being a bit Keatingesque in trying to observe history, consider resources and probabilities before predicting an outcome. Ideologues don't swing that way, You need to start from an outcome you want then judiciously censor inconvenient facts and maybe just lie if you cannot find anything to support your case.

    3. Thanks Anon, it is Lovers and Luggers, see THE HISTORY OF LGBT CINEMA IN AUSTRALIA (PART 1) The places you end up at when you start at Loon Pond!


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