Wednesday, July 31, 2024

That's it? A serve of "Ned" asking questions? What, no Barners? No Uncle Elon? Where's the laffin', reptiles of Oz?


The pond woke up late, chilly and grumpy, and nothing in the lizard Oz helped ... there was absolutely nothing of interest, no Uncle Elon carrying on like a ratbag, the current US kerfuffle disappeared, Ukraine merely a dream, the Gaza genocide removed from the top of the page...

All the pond was left with was a serve of nattering "Ned", Dame Slap rabbiting on about Aboriginal leadership, and the Prof, JC, in a state of ecstasy about the Olympics ...

Luckily Francesca Ebel and Mary Ilyushina had provided the pond with a dose of culture yesterday in WaPo in Artists say Putin’s push for patriotism is killing Russian culture (paywall):

MOSCOW — Not even the famed Bolshoi Theater has been spared President Vladimir Putin’s wartime push for Russian culture to prioritize patriotism over artistic freedom.
Several Bolshoi stars have fled the country. The theater no long tours in Europe and America. And its longtime director resigned last year and was replaced with a staunch Putin loyalist, after publicly admitting that its repertoire was censored to remove works by directors or choreographers who criticized the Ukraine invasion.
The Bolshoi is hardly the only iconic Russian institution under pressure. The longtime directors of Moscow’s Tretyakov and Pushkin fine art museums were also replaced.
Musicians, actors and writers who oppose the war are being hounded into exile or driven underground — while artists remaining in Russia are compelled by the government to echo a new nationalist zeal in their work. Those who actively voice support for the war are rewarded with fame and fortune. Movies or music glorifying the army or upholding patriotic values receive hefty government subsidies.
President Vladimir Putin’s push to re-engineer his country as a militarized superpower in conflict with liberal Western values is sterilizing Russia’s once-vibrant cultural landscape, artists say. By demanding that the new turbocharged patriotism pervade everything from fine art exhibits to rap music to ballet performances, the Kremlin is stifling creativity and squashing free expression.
The changes represent the starkest shift since the 1930s, when the Soviet Union, under Joseph Stalin, adopted socialist realism as its official cultural doctrine — requiring artists to depict and promote Marxist-Leninist ideals in every form of their work.
“I am afraid what we are witnessing now may be the end of Russia as we have known it, the end of the cultural phenomenon that is associated with the term ‘Russian culture,’” the acclaimed Russian detective novelist Grigory Chkhartishvili — better known by his pen name, Boris Akunin — said in an interview from London, where he now lives.
A prominent theater critic said that a Soviet relic — the assignment of a curator from the KGB to control what gets onstage — has made a comeback, and major theaters now have minders from the FSB, the KGB’s main successor.
A department within Russia’s Interior Ministry, known as Center E — named for its official task of countering extremism — plays a crucial role in the state’s control over the arts and often sends agents to sit among spectators at performances, according to musicians and directors.
At the Bolshoi, home to the storied ballet company, the longtime director, Vladimir Urin, was replaced by Valery Gergiev, a Putin loyalist who also runs the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. Urin had supported Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014 but signed a petition opposing the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
Gergiev, by contrast, has long been an unequivocal supporter of Putin and had an engagement at La Scala in Milan cut short when he refused to condemn the war.

And so on, and the pond knew this despicable Gergiev character as the man who ostentatiously, and pretentiously, conducted orchestras with a toothpick ...

Yet again "Weird", the word of the week and possibly the month ...but enough pleasure, needs must, and so it was off to "Ned" for a bit of domesticity designed to induce a power nap ...

Amazingly "Ned" will offer up this rumination without a single mention of Barners ... yet the lad has been in astonishing form ...

The pond would have been better off reading John Hanscombe in yesterday's Canberra Times' The Echidna newsletter...

To borrow a few of Mr Hanscombe's insights before continuing to purge with "Ned" ...

Barnaby is sorry. Sorry for using a terrible analogy at an anti-wind turbine rally in the Illawarra on the weekend. Sorry for likening votes to bullets, ballot boxes to magazines. Sorry for comparing the democratic act of voting to loading a gun and shooting it to be rid of three senior members of the government.
But he's not sorry for the bizarre turn of phrase he used after trying to deflect criticism of his heated rhetoric on morning TV before turning on wind farms: "It is like saying the fertilising capacity and the beauty of dog turd on your lawn in the middle of the morning works as well ... absolutely disgusting. Nobody wants them."
There's colourful language and there's incomprehensible language. Barnaby does a roaring trade in both. And that begs two questions. After so many years - so many faux pas, scandals and drunken misadventures - why is he still in parliament? And why is is he still on the frontbench, even in opposition?
To answer the first question, one has to assume the people of New England love him and are prepared to forgive the embarrassment he must rain down on the electorate. You can imagine them in the pub after the planter box incident: "Yes, he's Barnaby, but he's our Barnaby." And, of course, voters have every right to elect - and re-elect - the yokel of their choosing.
The second question is a little more complicated. It might seem counter-intuitive for the Coalition to keep Barnaby on the frontbench where his frequent naps and apparent disinterest are highly visible. But keeping him there means he can't make mischief on the backbench, where in an attack of relevance deprivation syndrome while unsupervised he might launch a plot to unseat the current Nationals leader David Littleproud.
The decision to keep Barnaby front and centre is entirely up to the Coalition but the rest of us should be worried. What happens if the Coalition wins government next year? Even the remote possibility Barnaby might once again become a minister should send a shudder down any spine still attached to a brain.
Even sober - as he reportedly has been since the planter box episode - Barnaby still suffers from acute foot in mouth disease. Trying to cosplay as a friend of the environment by opposing wind and solar farms, while using violent analogies about guns and ballot boxes, was bound to get him into trouble. Bound also to see him once again saying sorry for his stream of unconsciousness that came out as words.

By way of contrast, the reptiles did the usual trick of inflating "Ned's" piece with assorted snaps, shrunk here to a more decent and fitting size ...

Then it was on with enduring the unendurable ...

Speaking of the onion muncher, he'd been out and about in his usual way ...

If only he'd stayed in Hungary worshipping Viktor Orbán or perhaps dining in little England with Nigel, but instead he poked his fingers in some local pies ...

How the keen Kean sticks in the guts of the old climate science denialist mob ...

There was a snap as usual ...

...and then in the final line the real level of delusion became apparent ...

Cold on nuking the country to save the planet? Naturally he can't be a member of the cult.

Sorry, the pond took an elaborate side tour there, an enormous leap to the right, but be calm, "Ned" is still here, still rabbiting on in his very unique way ...

The pond is lucky that it kept a few infallible Popes to hand in the case of a dire emergency, and this one will do ...

Poor Gladys, poor pond, still trapped with "Ned" and not a washing machine or clothesline in sight ...

Sheesh, memories of Gough, ancient times from an ancient reptile living in the land of lost past glories.

It was lucky the pond had this clip of Barners (left over from before the journos went on strike) which could help celebrate real leadership ...

Now that's entertainment, sadly lacking in "Ned's" tiresome and tiring piece ...

Oh sheesh, more of the JAQ routine, and yet not a single question about the nuking of the country to save the planet ... what a relief to reach the end ...

"Ned" asks about capturing the imagination, but all he captured was the numbing sense of being trapped in the members' bar with an epic bore ... memo to "Ned", you need to weird it up a little.

Luckily the pond had kept another infallible Pope to help wash the taste from the mouth ...

As for the rest, the pond decided to call it quits early ... the Prof sounded like Leni Riefenstahl on a bad hair day ...

If the pond wanted a serve of this sort of nonsense, it would head off to watch Olympia, available in various versions on YouTube.

It started with all the usual pieties and shots of tastefully nude Germanic bodies ...

Spoiler and nausea alert, the Prof emeritus kept up his dribbling and drivelling to the bitter end, showing an inclination to devour sentimental movies ...

It goes without saying that the Olympics is a deeply corrupt business, wandering around the globe, looting countries and leaving little but medals and waste behind ...

If you want to celebrate sport, try some of the world championships that are held outside that corrupt body, that band of international pirates, or at least celebrate the merde in the Seine ...

And that's it for the day. Sorry, no Uncle Elon, no low comedy, though there was plenty to hand ...

Back in the day, uncle Elon was some kind of extinctionist himself ...Elon Musk: we must colonise Mars to preserve our species in a third world war

Humans must prioritise the colonisation of Mars so the species can be conserved in the event of a third world war, SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk said on Sunday.
“It’s important to get a self-sustaining base on Mars because it’s far enough away from earth that [in the event of a war] it’s more likely to survive than a moon base,” Musk said on stage at SXSW – just days after Donald Trump announced plans to meet the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, in an attempt to defuse rising nuclear tension.
“If there’s a third world war we want to make sure there’s enough of a seed of human civilisation somewhere else to bring it back and shorten the length of the dark ages,” Musk said, responding to questions from his friend Jonah Nolan, the co-creator of the TV show Westworld...

...Musk said he was now kept awake at night by the threat posed by unregulated artificial intelligence, which he has previously warned could lead humanity into a third world war – another the reason to go to Mars.
“Mark my words,” he said, “AI is much more dangerous than nukes. So why do we have no regulatory oversight?”
He suggested a public regulatory body would need “insight and oversight” to confirm that everyone was developing AI safely and in a way that is “symbiotic with humanity”.
However, even coming up with the safety parameters would present all sorts of insidious and unexpected risks, Musk said. If the utility function of artificial intelligence is to maximise happiness of humans, a super-intelligent AI might decide that the best way to do that is to capture all humans and inject their brains with dopamine and serotonin.
Musk proposed that digital intelligence should instead be directed to maximise “the freedom of action of humanity”.
The Q&A session ended on a surreal note as Musk, his younger brother Kimbal and Nolan all donned stetsons and sang a snippet of My Little Buttercup, a song from the 1986 movie The Three Amigos.
“This is going to be real bad,” warned Musk. He was right.

And so on and on, endlessly on ... and all the pond could do was end mourning what was missing this day in the lizard Oz headlines ...


  1. Francesca and Mary: "...the Kremlin is stifling creativity and squashing free expression." Not the very first time in history that the Kremlin has been doing that. And Russia isn't the only place ever to have done that.

    And hardly the only place to have experienced 'squashing free expression'. Think about The One Day of the Year':
    "The play was rejected by the Adelaide Festival of Arts Board of Governors in 1960, but made its debut on 20 July 1960 as an amateur production by the Adelaide Theatre Group. Jean Marshall, the Director, and those involved in the Adelaide production received death threats."

    Not quite on the same scale as the Kremlin, I grant, but more than we should have expected. Good to know though, that death threats were in fashion back then and aren't a web innovation.

  2. Hanscombe: "...why is he [Barners] still in parliament? ... To answer the first question, one has to assume the people of New England love him and are prepared to forgive the embarrassment he must rain down on the electorate."

    No, personally I'd be more of the thought that like the great majority of Australian electors they have no idea what their what their politicians are up to on a daily basis because, essentially, they just don't care. And a goodly number of them probably wouldn't particularly object to him and his daily doings anyway even if they did ever notice.

    Why do people always seem to think that other people are far more interested in politics and the doings of politicians than has ever been the case ?

    1. Although one lingering virtue displayed by Littleproud as member for Maranoa is that he is NOT Barners. Some folks I know around here are grateful to his predecessor, Bruce Scott, for subtly putting Barners in his place when the Barnaby proposed himself as the next member for Maranoa. Barners made his bid on radio news. Scott sent messages to local paid-up Nats members along the lines (I thought I had them archived, but cannot find just now) 'In our party nobody has a lien on their seat. Anyone can challenge. I just thought if someone in the party was of a mind to challenge, as a simple courtesy, the first person they would tell would be the sitting member.' Most of the paid-up Nats in my patch thought that Barners had not gone about it the right way, and his 'candidacy' went no further. Well, it went down to the Division of New England, where voters replaced the highly effective, Independent, Tony Windsor, with Barners, pretty much proving the adage that in these electorates the electors would vote in Typhoid Mary if she had National Party endorsement.

    2. Always assuming any of them actually knew who Typhoid Mary was, of course. If they don't, then it's the usual no-brainer.

  3. 7x solar slaughters nuclear.

    Chadwick told us yesterday of; "The new [peddle bed[ nuclear plant in China has been under construction and testing since 2016—it has two reactors, each capable of generating 105 MW of power. "

    D'oh! Juxaposed with "The original plan was to prioritize the delivery of a standalone battery energy storage system, but the initial stage of the project will now comprise up to 775 MW of solar capacity, as Genex has landed a long-term off-take deal with Fortescue.

    "Genex said the deal with Fortescue could provide the foundation for a minimum 450 MW solar project, and a potential 775 MW first stage solar project, which would make it the biggest in the National Electricity Market.

    1. Modular Reactors - to nuclear.

      Germans Combat Climate Change From Their Balconies

      Plug-and-play solar panels are popping up in yards and on balcony railings across Germany, driven by bargain prices and looser regulations.

    2. If we keep going on with super-high rise apartments, then we might need a lot of those balcony panels, Anony 2. I wonder if the solar energy capture efficiency can be hyped up significantly.

      Hope they don't install a lot of fire prone batteries, though. Maybe sodium-ion instead of lithium-ion.

    3. Regarding batteries as well an interesting chart five or six paras in showings actual for solar compared to IEA forecasts

  4. Wind and solar energy overtake fossil fuels to provide 30% of EU electricity

  5. DP. noticed yesterday wordpress not updating last comment posted and drops comment even though returns "comment published".
    Same here today for me.

    1. Yeah, happens to me too now and then, Anony. I usually find that hitting the 'refresh' clears it (after having 'copy'd your comment BOC) and then trying again works. Though now and then I have to go as far as that killing the browser and starting again is what's needed.

    2. Ta GrueB, fixed.

  6. "And now here we are ...Elon Musk defends posting a deepfake video of Kamala Harris with a vulgar dig"

    Worse? "Baxter has spent three and a half building his own elaborate world of plots, counterplots, and bloody, implacable justice."

    Putting the blame for "fake" news / deepfakes on the "other", and easily dismissed by "us" is an excellent strategy against reality, and a BIG problem. For you and me.

    If these series were proffered to a publisher, as a normal human might, the writer may well be an award winner. And we'd be praising the plots and extensive story arcs.

    "Your Book Review: Real Raw News"
    "The articles of RRN are all the work of one Michael Baxter, and after enough time spent reading the site, one realizes that Baxter is no crank – he is instead a creative genius, the Michelangelo of fake news. Just as Michelangelo took four years to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling, Baxter has spent three and a half building his own elaborate world of plots, counterplots, and bloody, implacable justice.

    "At Real Raw News, Donald Trump is still president – just a temporarily embarrassed one, who has had to abandon the public-facing side of his job in order to lure the “Deep State” out of hiding into its own annihilation. 
    "... Real Raw News is the opiate of the digital masses. Real Raw News is the exact sort of conspiracy theory that the Deep State, if it exists, should want to exist and be popular. It’s the sort of conspiracy that the Deep State, if it exists, might deliberately invent. 
    "Trump Will Never Die
    "But what about five years from now? What if there were some technological change that would make it far, far easier to produce evidence of a sweeping conspiracy theory?

    "That’s right, this review is actually about AI (13.)

    "The rise of realistic artificial intelligence has created a lot of fretting about deepfakes, and it’s also created a lot of fretting about porn.
    "But for some reason, nobody is asking this about the news.  Oh, sure, people have fretted that a deepfake video might smear a person’s reputation or swing an election. But as the AI revolution continues, a lot more becomes possible. 

    "Remember in 2022, when a homeless guy broke into Nancy Pelosi’s home and attacked her husband with a hammer? For a while, conspiracies flourished that Paul Pelosi was actually having some kind of erotic tryst with his attacker, and that police body camera footage might confirm this. The footage came out and, of course, offered no evidence of this.

    "But now imagine a world where, on Twitter, an anonymous source claims that they have the real body camera footage, and it does show that Paul Pelosi was having a lovers’ quarrel with his attacker. The other, mundane footage is a deepfake, released by police to cover things up, or invented from scratch by the press or the Democratic Party or both working together. 
    "Many thousands of people have deluded themselves into thinking that Real Raw News is true simply because they badly want it to be true. It indulges their personal political beliefs, affirms the just-world fallacy, and lets them feel as though they possess “secret” knowledge of the world, simply by reading a blog nobody else takes seriously.

    1. That's a very, very long read, Anony, but the small part I managed to read was indeed entertaining.

  7. Ned: Albanese "won't enter an alliance with the Greens". Correct, but only because Albo will not be leader after the election (if it results in a deliberative Parliament (as Tim Dunlop and the teals put it)). He will be replaced by someone who can forge an alliance with the Greens and independents, because the alternatives are worse.
    Note that it is only Albo and a few others who put in the boot to the Greens.


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