Monday, August 26, 2024

In which it's just Monday, Monday, with the Caterist and the Major ...


Just another Monday, how the pond hates Mondays, and it seems that Lord Downer has set up a permanent Monday residency in the lizard Oz, because what else are superannuated, deeply clueless former politicians supposed to do to fill in their day and waste the time of others?

It was the usual set of reptile stories, Killer Kim and the energy market top of the world ma, and a tad unfortunate that just as the bromancer decided to write up "war drums beat louder", just across the way the reptiles decided to run a story about how "Israel, Hezbollah signal de-escalation." 

As a correspondent noted, the ability of the bromancer to be infallibly wrong almost makes the pond think there's something in the holy water, or perhaps the wafer (maybe it's the gluten, a quick way to coeliac heaven).

Surprisingly the reptiles demoted the Telegram yarn down the page and picked up their coverage from the AFP, which puts them at odds with Tuckyo Rose, Uncle Elon and Russian state media ... so the pond just Graudianed...

Much as the pond would like to war monger with Lord Downer and the bromancer, the pond was keen on a quiet day, so settled for the usual serve of Caterism and a major dose of Majorism ...

Old hands will recognise that this is just fair average standard trolling and neighsaying from the climate science denialist and flood waters in quarries whisperer.

The only surprise would have been if there'd been no snap of demonic, neigh Satanic, solar panels, and associated anointed Satanic helpers ... as if the reptiles could resist ...

The pond also refused to bet on when nuking the country to save the planet makes an entrance, to solve a problem that the Caterist has long denied existed ...

First there must come the usual talking down of renewables and a veritable flurry of data ...

Yep, there we go, dear sweet innocent virginal Oz coal making a comeback and nuking the country to save the planet already in place in the USA, except where it isn't.

Meanwhile, on another planet never visited by flood waters in quarries whisperer, the pond couldn't help but notice that the Nine papers were sounding almost Graudianish ...‘Ecological grief’: communities, economy suffer from damage to Great Barrier Reef (soft paywall).

The lickspittle fellow travellers threw out a challenge to the Riddster and Lloyie of the Amazon to reassure the world everything was for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

Ongoing damage to the health and beauty of the Great Barrier Reef by global warming is inevitable, delivering major blows to local communities and the national economy, according to the Commonwealth’s five-yearly health check of Australia’s world heritage-listed coral wonder.
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority chairman Ian Poiner wrote to Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek. about the findings in his agency’s outlook report, which states climate change is the ecosystem’s greatest threat due to the rising intensity and frequency of marine heatwaves causing coral bleaching.
“The overall future outlook for the Great Barrier Reef is ‘very poor’ [the lowest possible rating],” Poiner said.
Before the authority’s previous outlook report in 2019, the reef was hit with mass coral bleaching events in 1998, 2002, 2016, 2017. In the five years since then, there were three mass bleaching events – in 2020, 2022 and in the summer of 2024.

Wretched Mike Foley even flung in a graph, when he might have been attending to the astonishing boom in SMRs in the USA ...

Then it was back to the Caterist, explaining that to get the AI needed to replace him as a column writer, there had to be lots of energy, and the MRC couldn't be expected to fund it all.

It's remarkable really how the Caterist manages to repeat himself, but then one of the hallmarks of anointed flood waters in quarries whisperers is how they can maintain an unwavering conviction in the integrity of their analysis, and the effectiveness of their proposed solution of nuking the country to solve a problem that doesn't exist ...

If the pond seems somewhat flippant in its response, that's because these days it's like reading the squillionth iteration of the Bjorn-again one demanding that more money must be spent on research, and absolutely none on renewables ... so it was great relief that the uxorious Caterist's deep affection for nuking the country took up only a short final gobbet ...

The pond apologises, it's hard to generate new comedic material when the Caterist is about as fresh as a silent movie gag about slipping on a banana, and ditto the Major ...

These days the Major spends his time fellow travelling with other reptiles in the hive mind, faithfully regurgitating their offerings and showing he has all the empathy of a gnat ...

Only the Major could manage "sensible" in relation to bigotry and racism, but then the Major himself isn't afraid of Islamophobia as a useful tool it the reptile playbook ...

Naturally there was a terrifying snap of a teal doing  her Beelzebub impression ...

Then it was on with the bigotry and racism, with the Major wandering through the hive mind with a grin on his simpering face. 

The pond refused to offer bets on when Sharri (disrespect) would make her appearance ...

Ah, there you go, just one of many bouts of Islamophobia ... and with very little to offer apart from emotionalism and panic-stricken hysteria and fear mongering, and it goes without saying, not a shred of empathy for those currently suffering in Gaza ... except to suggest that somehow Australia has become an expansive depository for barking mad fundamentalists ... (strangely Chile manages to field a Palestinian football team without the country falling apart) ...

The pond is too jaded to debate any of this, it was more 'beating head with hammer' syndrome, and the desire for someone to make it stop ...

It takes some fair cheek for the Major to parrot that line about parrots parroting. All the wily old bird does is parrot, it's easy to spot the family resemblance ...

It's been a fair while since the pond has run that one and it just seemed right this day as the final short Major Mitchell gobbet loomed ...

A left government unlike all previous Labor governments? That's a pretty Major call even for an hysterical, fear-mongering Major...

Worse than Comrade Gough and his mates, worse than Comrade Kevin, worse than Comrade Juliar? 

The pond fell for the old trap of clicking on that link to see what or who the Major offered as evidence.

The pond always falls for that old Peanuts routine...

Aaugh, the link just led to a yarn by the bouffant one that began this way ...

And there you go, the hive mind, fear mongering and climate science denialism, just another day at the lizard Oz ...

Worse, it's been a light day for the 'toons that usually help the pond swallow this guff, but at least the pond can end with an immortal Rowe ...

As usual, it's the details that delight ...

Put it another way, two worms as snug as bugs in their brains together ...


  1. It is good to have the world-wide perspective of Rupert's minions, so I can understand that everyone, every living person (while there are some still) from Gaza is likely to be of a particular faith, and prone to stabbing other persons at random, if they are allowed into any other country.

    My own parochial perspective is warped by the local TV news giving details each night of events in our (larger) parish, of one group of Xians who claim they convinced an 8-year-old that Dog would not let her die; or if she did, 'they' (the Dog pronoun can be difficult - Trinity, and all that) would do some reverse bioengineering. Vying for top billing each night is more information about those other deep Xians, the Trains, refined their plans to shoot - whichever other persons came their way on one unfortunate day. In both cases, local preachers spend a lot of each weekend telling those who will listen that neither group is in any way like the great mass (no pun) of Xians. Although preachers are less likely to cite Ann Coulter for any of their assertions, since last week.

    A simple mind could so easily wonder about that Xian bag of superstitions, if the only input were local news.

    And while this simple mind is here - thank you Dorothy for telling us that Lord Downer's words appear regularly flying from the Flagship. Even greater thanks that you repeat none of them to us.

    1. With gorgeous George (the Brandis one) setting up shop in the Nine papers, the temptation is to do a Monday double bill, a kind of greatest irrelevant hits with ancient lyrics, but thus far the pond has resisted the temptation, having lived through those years before, and not feeling the need to conjure up ancient nightmares ...

    2. Once every now and very then is surely plenty enough.

  2. Both Cater and Mitchell have used both the failures and the reluctance to take action by the home of the free as proofs that certain things are not possible. I would suggest their are plenty of examples of states that act with some decency towards refugees and also some states that are getting on with energy transition. Australia is one of the latter despite plenty of white anting by crony capitalists (I find it ironic that a minor electoral bribe by Howard kick started the residential PV boom).

    The US and UK fill that niche of exemplars of what to avoid in public policy.

  3. Replies
    1. US$800+ would make you laugh on the way to the vote bank.

    2. Democratics - and especially black Indian ones - aren't supposed to be any good at that public kind of thing. But I guess that unlike some GOPs they can fart and chew gum at the same time.

      Especially if it means putting Trump down and away. Whereas he is still doing the only thing he knows how to do.

  4. Apologies for being a party pooper...
    "AI to go nuclear? Data center deals say it’s inevitable
    19 Aug 2024
    "Artificial Intelligence
    Cloud Computing
    Data Center

    "Anticipating astronomical compute-intensive AI workloads, hyperscalers and heavy data center operators are turning to energy providers for nuclear-fueled solutions in a ‘global arms race for power … like nothing we have ever seen before.’"

    1. But we need a fully working AI setup to be able to solve this problem:

      First U.S. Commercial Small Nuclear Reactor Axed Rising costs cut into NuScale’s Carbon Free Power Project

  5. Amusing little item, which I almost missed -

    Spoiler alert - which suggests - subject to the usual sampling constraints - that Aussies would support Kamala Harris 48% over Donald Trump 27%.

    No doubt the obsessive monitors of everything ABC have alerted the entire Limited News networks here of those numbers, and 'presenters' are primed to respond with carefully thought comments like 'Oh well, Patricia Karvelas, what would you expect?'

    The real fun is to see that, in spite of Killer's kolumns direct from Washington, all the other print opinion, and the full-court press on Sky Australia, with Rita's confected laughter, and the many experts summoned up for a few minutes every other night before they retire to obscurity - Rupe's minions just do not seem to be sneaking the message into Aussie brains to any useful degree.

    I guess they will all have to follow Dame Groan, and boost their productivity by working longer hours, but giving out the same pap.

    1. And only 14% said they wouldn't vote at all - not a huge count for a non-compulsory voting nation since for comparison we usually manage at least 5% (it was 5.19% in 2022) who 'non-vote' in the acceptable (non-fineable) Aussie way (ie an 'informal' vote of various kinds). In the meantime though, it does seem that the attractions of Trump have really begun to wane, though 27% - just a shade more that 1 in 4 - is still high.

      But then here in Australia, the attractions of Albo have seemingly faded significantly, and we're just about ready to worship Dutton - our very own approximation to a 'Trump'.

    2. PS: I note that 58% of 'Pauline Hanson One Nation' voters would vote for Trump. I wonder just how much longer PHON will survive and what will replace it.

    "While many people should hang their heads in shame, the principal architect of this monumental folly is Scott Morrison, whose reputation will be deservedly further diminished by the revelations contained in Fowler’s carefully researched volume. One question the book does not address in detail is the abysmal quality of political leadership in this country, especially, though not exclusively, on the conservative side of politics.

    Whatever the reasons for this, the end result was that;

    "the huge shift in Australia’s foreign policy alignment was hatched by a Christian fundamentalist former tourism marketing manager with no training in strategic or foreign affairs but a great gift for secrecy and deception."

    The AUKUS submarine deal has been exposed as a monumental folly – is it time to abandon ship?

    1. Oh, just note the 'abysmal standard of political leadership' (and business leadership, and religious leadership, and sporting leadership and all 'just name it' leadership) in this benighted species, Anony.


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