Thursday, August 22, 2024

In which the pond has an OS junket with Killer and Cameron ... just watch out for killer cat ladies...


Those having an anxiety attack about the ebullient Killer should relax. 

Today at least the allegedly outgoing lad isn't going anywhere, he's over in the far right of the lizard Oz digital edition with the rest of the gang ...

It was inevitable the pond was going to go with the exuberant one. What were the alternatives? Petulant Peta doing over Gazans? Come one. 

More about the Lehrmann files? Is there a root canal dentist in the house? 

Gawenda carrying on about the NY Times while in the home of the slithering, mud-dragging reptiles at the very moment they're braying yet again about the Lehrmann matter? Couldn't he find a different swamp?

Back to the main business of the day, an OS junket with Killer.

The pond lives from day to day hoping that talk of Killer being outgoing was just a wayward slip of the tongue or the keyboard... who else to take care of masks, vaccines and cat ladies?

Sure, an OS junket would mean pretending there was nothing to see at home, except perhaps for the never ending business of demonising refugees, but sacrifices must be made ... there are cat ladies everywhere and they must be exorcised for Killer's comfort ...

Thank the long absent lord that married women have been cowed into submission - there was a point to those tales of handmaidens - but as for all those bloody girlie bosses and cat ladies? 

Naturally the reptiles included a huge snap of a valiant couch lover and fighter of cat lovers ...

Did he get under their fur or what, perhaps because he preferred the company and comfort of a couch to a cat lady? 

Just look at that cat lady Jezebel Arwa Mahdawi with her claws out in the Graudian, Keep talking, JD! Vance’s creepy views on ‘females’ are repelling women vote.

And so on, and why are these cat ladies so unkind? Is it because their cat movie was so terrible?

Luckily Killer was on to them ...

Sheesh, it's not just cat ladies, it's cat men, or boys, likely with kitty litter in the classroom, and be on high alert,  because at this point came a huge snap of a screeching cat lady imitating Donald Sutherland

What a terrifying sight ... 

... but fear not, bloodied, but unbowed, the breezy, buoyant Killer pressed on in a jaunty way ...

Some sociologist or psychologist is possibly somewhere very busy unpacking all the mental health problems that Killer's experiencing, beginning with unpacking everything that's in that last gobbet ... from the people he reads, deeply weird, to his thoughts on gays, even weirder ...

There was a clue to Killer's mental condition in the next huge snap ... an uppity black woman making a pointy gesture just like that shrieking cat woman above playing a body snatcher ...

She reduced Killer to a blubbering wreck ...

For some deeply perverse reason, whenever the pond sees Killer in the grip of an anxiety attack, the pond feels a wonderful exuberance ...

Speaking of trans humour ... Why J.K. Rowling Has Gone Silent on Social Media (paywall)

J.K. Rowling has not posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, for two weeks and, according to a report, the outspoken Harry Potter author has deleted “a trove of tweets.”
The unsubstantiated report in BroBible suggests the reason for Rowling’s retreat from social media was because she was named in a cyberbullying lawsuit filed by controversial gold-medal-winning Algerian boxer Imane Khelif.
Elon Musk was also named in the suit claiming Khelif was unfairly painted as a man fighting in a woman’s boxing contest.
Rowling posted a series of messages on her X account on August 7, including one that read: “For the record, bombarding me with pictures of athletic women to ‘teach’ me that women don’t all look like Barbie is like spamming me with pics of differently-shaped potatoes to prove rocks are edible. I can still see the difference and you look frankly bonkers.”
On the same day, she also posted: “Commentators pretending critics of the IOC’s reliance on documents rather than sex testing think Khelif is trans are straw-manning. I don’t claim Khelif is trans. My objection, and that of many others, is to male violence against women becoming an Olympic sport.”
There have not been any posts on Rowling’s X account since that day.

If the Potter lady falls silent, what hope for Killer?

The pond realises that heading OS for a Killer jaunt means neglecting local matters, but that's what the 
'toonists are for ... with the infallible Pope and the realist Wilcox showing the way ...

And having done that, the pond could resume its international jaunt, this time with Cameron, who rarely features in the pond, but needs must ... because it's a cat lady cult ...

At this point there came a snap of the treacherous Obama, smiling with pleasure at his imitation of Macbeth ...

Spoiler alert. The pond had scanned ahead to see if Cameron had made mention of the dick joke, but it seems it passed him by ...Obama’s Speechwriters Reveal Secrets of That Trump D*** Joke (paywall)

Former President Barack Obama’s suggestive hand gesture when talking about Donald Trump’s obsession with “crowd size” at the DNC was improvised “in the moment” according to his former speechwriters, who took a break from hosting their podcast Pod Save America, to work with him on it, they revealed on Wednesday.
“I should disclose, once a staffer, always a staffer, I volunteered to help a little, look at the speech a couple of times,” Jon Favreau said during a podcast episode recorded just after his longtime boss left the stage Tuesday night before Dan Pfeiffer, former communications director for Obama, confessed that he helped out as well.
“Dan included the d--- joke,” Favreau then joked, before clarifying that the hand gesture, which most viewers seemed to believe was a not-so-subtle reference to Trump’s manhood, was not in the script.
“Just so you all know, that was just in the moment,” Favreau continued. “He just put his hands on the podium.”
“Or maybe he knew all along that that was a d--- joke and nobody else did but him,” Jon Lovett, Obama’s go-to joke writer during his time in the White House, added.

Whatever, cat ladies love a dick joke, but the reptiles never know how to please.

Instead Cameron keeps on insisting on sticking with that Macbeth angle...

Damn them, and then there was a snap of Obama in thrall to a cat woman ...

All these bloody womyn, roonin' everything ...

The reptiles even felt the need to slip in a portion of the speech ... after all, a click's a view in the land of advertising...

It turns out that the cat woman wasn't the only woman sticking it to the mango Mussolini...Trump Surprised by Who Hurt His Feelings the Most at the DNC (paywall)

Donald Trump has apparently been stewing on a speech given at the Democratic National Convention by New York Gov. Kathy Hochul.
The former president on Wednesday singled her out in a Truth Social post as “the nastiest speaker on Monday evening… as it pertains to your favorite President, me.” He added: “Her total hatred, and statements made about me, had no bounds.”
On the first night of the convention, Hochul spoke in her five-minute speech about growing up with the same values as Kamala Harris: “Grit, determination, compassion.”
“Those values have always defined the people of my state,” Hochul said. “Well, most of us anyway. Donald Trump was born a New Yorker, but ended up a fraud, a philanderer, and a felon.”
“Trust me, America,” she continued. “If you think you’re tired of Donald Trump, talk to a New Yorker. We’ve had to deal with him for 78 long years—the fraud, the tax-dodging, the sham university, the shady charities.”
“We’ve seen him stiff contractors, rip off workers,” Hochul said. “He abuses women, brags about it, and then takes away their rights. And New Yorkers are sick of it. It’s no wonder he had to flee to Mar-a-Lago—sorry about that, Florida, sorry about that. Trump hasn’t spent much time in New York lately. Except, that is, to get convicted of 34 felonies.”
In his post Wednesday, Trump said he’d been “amazed” by what Hochul said for two reasons.
“Number one, I did a GREAT job in New York, employed thousands of people, built some of the most beautiful and successful buildings, and paid billions of dollars in taxes,” he wrote.
“Number two is that, on the very distinct possibility I will win the Presidency, wouldn’t it be better for the people of New York State to have a Governor who got along with the President? Adversarial relationships are not good in politics!”
Trump also mentioned his legal woes, returning to his hobbyhorse about being persecuted by the New York judicial system.
“With the vitriol displayed by her on Monday night, it is no wonder that the Judges have treated me so badly,” Trump wrote. “The whole system is RIGGED, and companies are leaving because of it!!!”

Those bloody cat ladies, ruining everything with their nastiness. Oh how they love to nasty, nasty, unlike the completely pleasant orange Jesus, who never once has let a fowl thought cackle out from his noggin ...

And so to a final gobbet, still featuring those terrifying cat ladies...

Yes, cat ladies, you've lost before, Faux Noise can still match you at your terrifying game, and with the sort of epic sensa huma no cat lady could possibly possess...Jesse Watters Wades Back Into Birtherism Hours Before Obama’s DNC Speech (paywall)

It’s the conspiracy that just won’t die.
Fox News host Jesse Watters made a quip questioning the veracity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate Tuesday night during a live edition of The Five—just hours before the former president’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.
Watters prefaced the apparent joke by depicting Obama as “still the godfather of this machine”—a reference to the Democratic Party.
“He gave us Joe Biden as VP. He gave us Hillary as secretary of state. Then he couped Joe, put all his boys with Kamala’s team, and had his wingman Holder vet Walz,” Watters said, referring to Obama’s former attorney general, Eric Holder.
“He’s definitely going to interfere in this election,” he claimed, using the same parlance as Donald Trump to describe otherwise routine intra-party dealings.
Watters, facetious or not, then framed the topic of Obama’s birth certificate as somehow fraught with mystery, and said he would be sending his producer to get to the bottom of whether or not it was real.
“That’s why we’ll be sending Johnny to Hawaii to get the truth about the birth certificate,” Watters told viewers. “This time we will dig deep and find out what really happened.”

No need to dig deep, a shallow grave will do ... and so to wrap up the OS jaunt, a veritable junket, with the immortal Rowe, also doing it live ...

Usually the pond would match that with the source painting, but as always, it's in the detail ...


  1. Killer is "...over in the far right of the lizard Oz digital edition with the rest of the gang ..."

    Ok, so he's just one of Dame Groan's high productivity folks who are already very hard-working for long hours every day.

  2. "Thank the long absent lord that married women have been cowed into submission...". Yeah well, even after all this time there's still a majority of wanna-be trad wives ready to pledge subordination to their trad autocrat.

    How many more generations do ya reckon, or will anthropogenic climate change remake the planet first ?

  3. Killer’s paranoia levels appear to be ramping up. Could the “outgoing” comments refer to the possibility that, fearful of the rise of previously non-existent hordes of uppity single women, uppity married women, uppity ethnically diverse women (married and single) and uppity LGBQT folk, not to mention the dread possibility that a women from one of these groups could become President, mean that Killer is considering withdrawing from society and going off-grid in true Survivalist style? There’s definitely a touch of the Ted Kaczynski vibe about some of Killer’s recent scribblings; I can certainly imagine him holed up in a remote, backwoods cabin, only occasionally emerging to mail lengthy diatribes that he’s pecked out on a manual typewriter.

    1. Perfect Anon, though the pond will be haunted by that image for some time to come. Should he truly be outgoing, will the reptiles provide room for his final manifesto?

  4. Killer, on behalf of Samuels, informs us that "A startling 56 per cent of liberal American women aged 18-29 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition (the percentage for conservative women is 21 per cent)" Oh wau, and if Killer had actually given us the source of this "study", we might have been able to find out just how many liberal American women (and conservative women) had actually been counted in the study, where they live and what they do for a living and most of all, whether they had been "diagnosed" via a professionally applied diagnostic examination, or whether they had just self-diagnosed over the web.

    1. Don't.

      "How to argue with creationists"

    2. It's one of those UnHerd factoids you find on X derived from a Deseret News poll suggesting women pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen live in a state of ecstatic bliss, mooning at Killer and his tribe ...

      "The secret to happiness, for most men and women, involves marriage and a life based around the family."

      Only in Amerika ...

    3. Fascinating, isn't it. So we have, from the AEI study:

      "On the family front, conservative Americans (not politicians, admittedly) have a major advantage, in large part because they are more likely to embrace the family-first values and virtues that steer them towards wedlock and fulfilling family lives."

      Ok, so those happy conservatives "embrace" their conservative "values". Yeah, and I suppose that basically all women "embraced" those "values" back before we had "liberal women". Because we didn't have many of them at all until women had the vote, could stand for election to their parliament and were able to have separate and independent careers. Which really hasn't been for very long - from maybe a few decades after WWII.

      I remember in Australia, for instance, that after WWII and the women - having served as workers and farmers during the war (eg the famous 'land army' and 'Rosie the rivetter') - were being sent back to "children, kitchen and church". And apparently some were quite happy to make that return - though many supposedly averred that "Yes, but I am the last, my daughters will have the same opportunities as my sons".

      But then in Australia, as in America and other places, there was a big non-verbal vote about that: the halving of the female birth rate after the appearance of "the pill" (from a fertility rate of about 3.3 on average to about 1.6). And remembering that most women were still 'conservative' back then.

      Does that count ?

      So, is this anything more or less than another discussion about correlation and causality - expressing a 'happiness' that is not actually felt or experienced ? But then, since "liberated women" haven't been around all that long, and much of working life is still difficult and decidedly unrewarding for them, perhaps that might have some effect on their perceived happiness.

  5. Feral cat ladies & lads in our parliament today... dumb as a brick and can't reveal the "disrespect sauce" - as prompted by the distrespect AI named; SherryaiAfterDarkness...

    "Coalition continues with questions on Palestinian visas

    "The shadow minister for western Sydney Melissa McIntosh has the next non-government question:

    "I refer to the government’s issuing of tourist visas to nearly 3,000 people from the terrorist-controlled Gaza war zone, with nearly 1,300 already arrived in Australia. Can the prime minister provide details on any concerns raised by the New South Wales state police or the New South Wales government regarding this matter?
    "We just had a quick search for where the origins of that last question from Melissa McIntosh came from and it appears to be from Sky News’ Sharri Markson, who spoke of “concerns” police in NSW apparently have with the security checks on her show.

    "No one is named, and it does not appear any evidence was offered. Most of the piece appears to be Markson editorialising, but you can see for yourself here. [Link - DP, Chadwick? 'cos I cant bring myself to click]

    Fundamental questions need a face to face visa ban

  6. Dutton driven!
    By The Sky is Falling disnews charnel, as above.

    "... Tony Burke jumps up to ask about imputations in the question. There is no evidence that corners were cut, and there has been no event, or incident which has led to these questions – this started last week when Peter Dutton answered a question put to him by a Sky News journalist as they waited for the Australian olympic team to return from Paris."


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