Saturday, February 03, 2024

In which the venerable Meade returns to the reptile grind, and the dog botherer and the Bjorn-again one ensure it is a grind ..


It's about bloody time, what with the venerable Meade  having cardigan-wearer hours over the holyday summer, but at last she's back to take up duties in The Graudian with New boss Luke McIlveen’s reverence for Ray Hadley unnerves SMH and Age staff.

The pond has to note that there's way more than a reverence for dickhead Hadders that unnerves the pond about McIlveen, but with the venerable Meade on the case (with the ABC also high on the list), the pond can simply provide the already correspondent-provided link and move on to other duties. (On the upside, the pond long ago abandoned the Nine rags, so whatever he does to trash the brand, in a bonus way, is a never no mind to the pond).

Before proceeding, the pond should note that Cam Wilson headline over at Crikey, No evidence’ pro-Palestine Sydney Opera House protesters chanted ‘Gas the Jews’, say police, (paywall), while at the same place, Charlie Lewis asked a truly ridiculous and risible question ... Was Peta Credlin correct in defending the Abbott government’s election promises?

What's the point of a question with only one answer?

There was also another grundling ICJ ruling shows the limits of our notions of genocide, rendering the mass killing in Gaza unnameableThe ICJ ruling proves the Eurocentric notion of genocide cannot adequately frame the colonialist form of mass killing occuring (sic) in Gaza now. 

Genocide still seems a perfectly serviceable word to the pond, but does note that back in October 2022 the UNHR noted "Domicide" must be recognised as an international crime: UN expert

Genocide, domicide, whatever, collective punishment is already a war crime, so a lot of this talk is just idle, helpless posturing as war crimes continue to be committed ...

The reptiles seem to think this has all gone away, judging by this Saturday's digital edition ...

The pond noted that the reptiles had caught up with Crikey, but kept their own skew going in the matter of the chanting, and then flinched, as you do when touching a burning stove ... not nattering "Ned" still blathering on about tax. 

Then there was Col, doing his best to talk up renewable cowboys, apparently unaware of what coal mining did to the fertile soil of the Hunter valley.

The pond decided that "Ned" was best left to ruin Sunday, and so the pond turned to Dame Slap, perched at the top far right in plum position ...

The pond is aware of Swifty agitation about porn photos (and never mind that PhotoShop has enabled this form of peculiar activity for years), but Dame Slap was sounding right on ...

I have a long pedigree as a free market lover on the grounds that governments are proven boofheads when it comes to getting the balance right between protecting people and allowing people to flourish. If a politician or a bureaucrat can, they will choose a sledgehammer over a scalpel. Even so, if there aren’t already laws that exist to stop our images being doctored without our consent, and then being published, then we may need to start working on that. It’s one thing to add a shadow or a filter. But once you start playing around with someone’s breasts, then all bets are off.

She even provided a description and sounded very knowing about Adelaide and could spot a cracker shot of a cracker sort she possibly wouldn't mind cracking on to ...

I am not one to rush to judgment, so I will say this slowly. I reckon a bloke did this. The original photo of Purcell was already a cracker. The Animal Justice MP is an attractive woman. She may have a few more tattoos than I’ve seen outside of certain parts of Adelaide, but still, by Australian political standards, she’s hot. Is that why some complete nob behind the scenes at the Nine News Melbourne bulletin thought they should use technology to increase the size of her breasts and slice up a perfectly respectable white dress to reveal a fake bare midriff? Seriously. It’s 2024. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. This kind of weird stuff is usually reserved for socially defective drongos on social media. Would Channel Nine’s photo artist be fine with some backroom creep doing this to his girlfriend, sister, mother, wife, daughter?

There was just one problem with all this cracking on about being hot and why it was terrible to fiddle with the cracker snap of the cracker sort (sorry, with all the cracker salivating, you might need to wipe down your screen).

Yep, the reptiles had featured, in very large snap form ...

The doctored image of Victorian MP Georgie Purcell.

Just so you could crack on to the enhanced snap of the hot cracker sort.

The pond could have played the same trick. Cluck clucked in Dame Slap form, full of righteous, foam-frothing indignation, featured Dame Slap's piece, and of course, in the process, just to prove her point featured the very same, The doctored image of Victorian MP Georgie Purcell.

The stench of nauseating hypocrisy was too much for this koala to bear - not to mention all the public bar faux carry on about hot cracker sorts - and never mind how many times the reptiles have run doctored images of politicians, especially when they had an actual graphics department - so the pond looked below the fold ...

Oh dear, it was going to be a dismal weekend ...

Astute readers will have already noted prattling Polonius's standard ploy of shifting attention from the Catholic church and touchy-feely priests to state schools, but it made the dog botherer's opening ploy a tad comical ...

What's astonishing is that they allow the dog botherer near children, but the pond supposes he did produce one sane member in the family, perhaps by accident ...

Whenever the dog botherer starts rabbiting on about family, the pond can't resist returning to son Liam's piece for Junkee, no matter that it's now very long in the tooth ... it's the only way that the pond can remember that Tim Bleagh was once a thing and the aged Bolter was in his glory days ...

Now on with the rest of the dog botherer, which in the usual way turns to a whining and a ranting about pretty much everything, as snowflake weirdos are wont to do ...

At that point, the pond began to wonder if the dog botherer had declined all government assistance for his son's cricket team and had decided to do all the funding himself ... god forbid that his son's cricket team should pay its own way ... but the point of course, in the angertainment way, was to whip up hostility to all forms of government, very much part of the Faux Noise and GOP playbook ... and sure enough climate change and migration became part of the shouting at clouds ...

The pond's only relief was to imagine the dog botherer as a Toorak matron shopping in Coles while getting agitated about the tennis club...

It was a relief to see that the next gobbet was short, while the snivelling and whining got even louder...

Rex Connor? Really? It says a lot about the reptile demographics that the readership is expected to be able to take that reference in its stride. 

Anybody else, wanting to talk about deep conspiracies involving ideological considerations would have tailored their piece to drag in talk of the fixing of the Superbowl or perhaps done a habba habba do...

Never mind, the reptiles dragged up another snap of an old timer to hiss and boo ...

... and then there was just a last short gobbet to go ...

Yes, and the first step should be the slashing of funding to the dog botherer's son's cricket team or to his school, or to any of the perks enjoyed by the dog botherer himself, not to mention the News Corp empire's assorted government grifts ...

Luckily Wilcox was on hand to celebrate the best of bigger government ...

Then came an onerous task, peculiar to readers of the lizard Oz ... a serve of the Bjorn-again one ...

The pond is continually amazed that the Bjorn-again one still finds a home in the lizard Oz. 

The pond did a search of the opening lines and came away with just two references ...

So this was week-old stale goods ...and it was "Opinion by Special to Financial Post" ...

It was of course just the standard Bjorn-again rant, though this time he strayed into his climate science denialist past, something he's been avoiding of late ...

The pond had originally baulked at doing it all over again, until a correspondent kindly provided a link to a Mother Jones story ...

Meanwhile the reptiles had slipped in another still ...

...before getting to the nub of the climate science denialism ...

The pond realises that line about investing in R&D - by the pond's reckoning the quadrillion time that the Bjorn-again one has delivered it - will be way past the valley of tedium for those still up to wasting their time reading the Bjoron-again one (it does rhyme with moron) - but it did allow another excerpt from that story referenced by the pond's correspondent ...

Meanwhile, the reptiles slipped in a snap of their true pride and joy, dinkum, clean, virginal Oz coal ...

Yes, it's dinkum clean virginal Oz coal, coal, coal, as the only way forward for the world ...

Oh there were a few more pars by the Bjorn-again one ...

... but the chance for the reptiles to celebrate for the umpteenth time clean, dinkum, virginal coal was a reptile mission accomplished ... and with much work for the venerable Meade left to do in the year ahead.

And now, as the pond started with genocide, why not end with an immortal Rowe celebrating jolly Joe's feeble attempt to prove he was a road warrior by tackling four - count 'em Sesame street style - four settlers ...


  1. Albrechtsen may be worried she will be affected – that someone may photoshop her image. Like Tognini and Kenny, she probably views the world through her selfie lens. What we really want to know is what she can tell us about the 7 hour communications on the phone she and Sofronoff had.

    1. Is Dame Slap concerned that somebody may alter her image to appear a tad less stern and intimidating? No need to worry - a quick perusal of a couple of her articles is a much better guide to her character than any photo, genuine or retouched.

    2. Naah Anony, Slappy would just don her MAGA cap, wave her Monckton banner and adopt her definitive scowl and all would be well.

  2. If the Dog Botherer really has been involved in coaching junior sport for as long as he claims - and leaving aside any consideration of the poor kiddies if his hectoring, ranting journalistic style is reflected in his coaching methods - then he would already have been well aware that “Working With Vulnerable People” clearances have been a standard requirement in many jurisdictions for at least a couple of decades. So please spare us the surprise, shock and outrage. That’s immaterial though - it’s just a springboard for a standard Dog Botherer rant on the evils of socialistic Green / Left big government. We’ve heard it all before from the Botherer - numerous times.

    The only difference is that this time he’s tried to elicit a little sympathy for the supposed inconvenience that pointless red tape imposes on fine folk such as himself. Yes, Doggie, such things are an inconvenience - a pretty minor one. So is obtaining a driver’s licence, so why not just abolish that requirement as well?

    BTW Botherer, if the “Working With” requirement has discouraged good folk from involvement in areas such as kids’ sport, doesn’t it also stand to reason that it may have prevented some very suspect characters from becoming involved? Or does that qualify as “the price we pay for freedom”?

  3. One would have thought law and order was a big issue with The Australian readership, so it’s not clear how Kenny’s article will play out with the subscribers. Kenny’s main gripe seems to be that he had to wait in a queue. When one is part of the ‘leet who don’t need to wait in queues it must be hard to endure, but welcome to the real world for the rest of us, coach Kenny!

  4. Everyone who has ever attended, or worked at, both a private and a government school must have laughed out loud at Kenny claiming private schools and private school teachers have more autonomy in the classroom than at government schools. Yes, that’s why the Catholic Education Board would give a school curriculum or subject the boot if it advocated something not strictly in line with Catholic religious teaching. This also applies to many other religious schools. Teachers at private schools have to adhere to what is termed the ethos of the school. Their teachers also would have to go through a working with children clearance.

    1. Oh g'wan Anony, almost the entirety of science is "not strictly in line with Catholic religious teaching" or indeed even very remotely "in line...", but they teach it anyway, because they simply have to.

      An awful lot of history isn't much "in line..." either, but they teach at least some of that, too.

  5. Here we go with the Bjornagain again: "...even drastic carbon emission reductions would not deliver noticeably different outcomes for a generation or more." Yeah, maybe, but how much more intolerably worse the world will be in a generation or more if we don't do anything to drastically reduce carbon emissions right now.

    Like his fellow travellers, it seems that the Bjornagain doesn't even begin to grasp just how long the CO2 we've already added to the atmosphere will last unless we can actually produce some kind of technology to extract and remove what we've already emitted. And I don't mean just planting trees - way too little way too late.

    1. I tried, I really tried, to engage with the Bjorn and his quite imaginary 'consensus'. There have been many small things that could have helped, say, sub-Saharan African link with the 21st century, but they tend to happen only when the ordinary people there stumble on the ways and means. For example - the banking systems that have grown, organically, as people have acquired mobile 'phones and used post office credits for small financial transactions. That was not 'designed' by anyone from a Copenhagen Consensus - or any other 'think tank'. So what are the chances for extensive, coal-fired electricity generators, AND distribution networks, across that part of the world, but outside shanty towns that surround the cities?

      In the meantime, all those people can wish for ponies, or Small Modular Reactors. Actually, while they are wishing - they could make it for readily transportable fusion reactors - we must be just 30 years away from a version of AI that will juggle the lasers and the gases with the necessary precision to have inexhaustible electricity coming out of the slots at the side of the SMFRs - and, by then, that continent will not have heated to the stage where it is entirely unsuitable for human habitation - will it?

  6. Oh, have you ever said 'see you next Tuesday'?

  7. The Dame Slap should be concerned about the propensity of blokes to revert to adolescent thinking. I certainly did when I saw that she identified herself for this day with "I have a long pedigree as a free market lover".

    Oh how we would have chortled if a lady writer in the 'Curious Snail' had written a sentence like that.(and there were several early Dame Slaps writing for the ' Snail' in the fifties and sixties; identifiable by the regular invocation of 'common sense' in their columns)

    1. See you next Tuesday ?

      She'd have to be just a wee bit 'free market' to have taken up with Michael Kroger, wouldn't she ?

    2. DP, please sprinkle some Boofhead cartoons - kept going by "Murdoch did not seem to be bothered by the comic as he kept it going after taking over the Daily Mirror in 1960."

      "Dame Slap was sounding right on ...

      "I have a long pedigree as a free market lover on the grounds that governments are proven boofheads"

      Dame Slap forgets - actually I'd say she never saw Boofhead cartoons as when probably hates the The Mirror - and due to psycho projection, doesn't realise she is too is a Boofhead.

      "Yesterday in NSW Parliament, television personality Eddie McGuire was officially declared a “continual boofhead” by the Upper House.
      "There have been claims that both Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch were nicknamed Boofhead at school.

      "There may be no truth in these rumours and Murdoch did not seem to be bothered by the comic as he kept it going after taking over the Daily Mirror in 1960.

      "The popularity of the Boofhead led to the erection of a 4.5-meter statue of 'Boofhead’ by NSW politician Clive Evatt at his property at Leura in the Blue Mountains.

      "The comical capers of Boofhead / by R.B. Clark"

    3. I fondly recall reading “Boofhead” in my grandfather’s copies of the old Sydney “Daily Mirror” back in the 1960s, from memory it ceased running with the death of Clarke circa 1970. Despite the strip’s simplicity it was always mildly amusing ; I have a few old collections I’ve picked up secondhand and wouldn’t mind seeing a retrospective volume. Perhaps Albo could write the introduction? I’ve long wondered, though; did the term precede the comic strip, or did the strip inspire it? Oh, and Boofhead also used to occasionally show up in the art of the late Martin Sharp.

    4. "Boofhead is an Australian slang term that refers to a fool, simpleton, stupid person, or uncouth person12. The term is derived from buffle-headed, which means "having a head like a buffalo". Bufflehead, which means "a fool, blockhead, stupid fellow," has disappeared from standard English but survives in its Australian form, boofhead."

      I did wonder, now I know.

  8. Given Reptile Medias’s target audience - the elderly, the confused, the.paranoid, the deluded, the conspiracy theorists, the sociopathic - perhaps “Working With Vulnerable People” accreditation should be compulsory for all their writers?

    1. You mean so that they can work with each other ?

  9. "The Centre for Policy Development has been asking Australians what they see as the purpose and functions of government". You won't be surprised to learn that what the people want, and what Kenny wants from government, are very different.
    McAuley offers a quote from Lincoln:
    “The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves – in their separate, and individual capacities.” Smarter than Reagan.

    1. Just goes to show, I reckon, that if we really want a "Constitution" it takes a heck of a lot of writing and it has to be reviewed and 'updated' continually. Ours didn't take all that much writing - so much was omitted - and we hardly ever adapt and update it.

      So it goes.

    2. Should a/our Constitution include rights for non-human citizens ?

      "Ecologists condemn watchdog decision, accusing it of making reckless changes to allow easier logging of state forests containing glider habitat."
      Greater glider put on path to extinction by NSW environmental watchdog, experts say

  10. Justice has been done ? Can justice be done in a state that has no codified 'Constitution'?

    Greta Thunberg CLEARED after judge throws out public order charge because of how police acted during the demo


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