Saturday, February 17, 2024

Another full day of lizard Oz agendas ... from koal that batters to kings that shatter ...


The pond realises that any one who glances at the pond will have already, as the ritual requires, turned on the Friday to the venerable Meade, to see what fresh reptile hell she has explored in The Graudian.

Repeating her work involves tautological redundancy, as the mango Mussolini might say, but still the pond is drawn like a flame to the moth, and so ... ABC warns staff of agenda-driven criticism after News Corp pounces on Aboriginal land comment

When the ABC Indigenous affairs editor, Bridget Brennan, said “always was, always will be Aboriginal land” in a live cross on News Breakfast on Australia Day, the Murdoch media pounced, labelling the comment controversial, divisive and partisan.
The Dja Dja Wurrung and Yorta Yorta woman was reporting from an Indigenous ceremony and trying to explain what the day meant for First Nations people.
Inevitably, the ABC managing director, David Anderson, was asked about the statement this week at Senate estimates, giving The Australian a follow-up story: ABC probes ‘always was, always will be’ broadcast.
Brennan’s boss, ABC news director Justin Stevens, fired off a note to staff, saying the corporation’s journalists were working in an environment that is “increasingly agenda-driven and sometimes clearly hostile”.
He said the attacks were often targeted at women, culturally diverse and First Nations staff. (Just ask RN Breakfast and Q+A host Patricia Karvelas, who is subjected to repeated criticism by sections of the media.)“The volume and nature of the Australian’s constant criticism of individual ABC employees is disproportionate and unfair, and looks to be agenda-driven,” Stevens said in a note seen by Weekly Beast. “Criticism of anything we publish can be directed at me and the ABC News leadership rather than targeting individual journalists in this way.”
The Australian’s editor-in-chief, Michelle Gunn, defended the paper’s reporting.
“The Australian’s coverage of the ABC is not agenda driven,” Gunn told Weekly Beast. “The report in question is a straightforward and accurate news report of a Senate estimates hearing.”
‘Editorially justified’
The Australian may be disappointed to learn the public broadcaster’s ombudsman, Fiona Cameron, has investigated the Brennan comment – after receiving 25 complaints – and found the ABC did not breach its standards for due impartiality and diversity of perspectives.
In a report published on Friday, Cameron said Brennan’s statement could have been “more explicitly referenced as the widespread and deeply felt perspective of her community, to avoid any suggestion that it was a statement of her personal opinion”.
“On balance, and in the context of live television, we accept the ABC submission that this was not a statement of Ms Brennan’s personal opinion but rather the view of the community [of] which she is a part and that the comments were editorially justified in the circumstances outlined,” she said.

There's only one line in this twaddle worth noting and that's the bald-faced shameless lie paraded for disbelieving readers: “The Australian’s coverage of the ABC is not agenda driven,” Gunn told Weekly Beast.

Remarkable really, even for reptiles filled to the gills with hypocrisy. 

Every bit of the lizard Oz's coverage of anything is agenda driven. There is not a moment in the rag that is not agenda driven.

Luckily the pond can ignore some parts of the agenda, like this early weekend juxtaposition ...

Caroline Overington acting as an agony aunt, and Dame Slap doubling down on her shameless and shocking behaviour, and shoved down below that was a stock filing from Dow Jones announcing that the sociopathic dictator Vlad the impaler had another notch on his belt?

In any sane rag with any sense of the significance of things, the death of Navalny would have been given the treatment ... but the lizard Oz these days is starved of funds, and is reduced to the idle peddling of agendas ...

Here's how WaPo did it at the top of the digital page ...

And here's how even the both siderist  NY Times put it at the top of the digital page ...

What's the pond left with? Putin lovers ...

And then to compound the coverage crime, while dictators keep up the killing fields, somehow the reptiles found the time to rejoin the Kanavan Karavan (one more K was needed, and the pond did think about mentioning Kontemptible).

We all know where the kontemptible koal loving Kanavan has come from and where the world is heading ...

And sure enough it's back to the future ...

By sheer chance, the pond was reminded of other days and other ways celebrated by the infallible Pope ...

If only the Kanavan Karavan, celebrating the koal that batters, had gone the same way as other new men ... who remembers Cory these days? ... but here he is, still hanging around, courtesy the lizard Oz climate change agenda...

There you go, Michelle Gunn, there's your agenda in a nutshell: "Many of our corporate and political elite know how mad our net-zero goal is."

Many know that the lizard Oz routinely finds ways to give space to barking mad loons from the deep north. That's one of many eternal agendas.

And speaking of agendas, where would the Catholic Boys' (and occasional ladies) Daily be without a dose of Catholic church propaganda, always about the right to be bigots, and reliably served up on weekends by the Angelic one ...

It's the relentlessness of the bigotry agenda that the pond finds exhausting, even when there's good news from abroad ...

Only in a world of reptile agendas could you find the Angelic one parroting blather of the "identity ideology" and "moral paradigm" ...

It's beyond irony, beyond the valley of satire ...

Every day the lizard Oz agenda includes TG bashing ...

It's tiring to find the memes to match ... and the only relief is knowing that the Angelic one always sputters out fairly quickly, like an Oscar Wilde rocket landing in the bigoted mud ...

Didn't she mean the marketplace of bigotry, prejudice, and fear-mongering, and blather about the eternity of hellfire, when the real hell is being felt up by a Catholic priest ...

Never mind, such is the full to overflowing nature of the reptile agenda this weekend that the pond will likely shift a few of the more onerous tasks off to a late arvo slot.

There simply has to be room for the latest panic attack and bout of hysteria from the bromancer...

There's only one nightmare ... the return of the tangerine tyrant, but the bromancer does both siderism in a way that would put even the both siderist NY Times to shame ....

That's not the problem, this is the problem ...

Naturally the agenda-driven reptiles had snaps of the two ogres in hand-waving mood ...

...  when really this is more to the point ...

And so to the both siderism ...

It's a real problem for the bro, an agonising dilemma. He'd like to join in the heiling of Darth, but at the same time, he's confronted by his need to lead Australia in world war three, or at least that war with China by Xmas. Can he trust the mango Mussolini to be by his side?

All those explanations sound reasonable enough, but are they truly reasonable enough? Naturally as a paranoid hysteric, the bro has some saucy doubts and fears ...

Thank the long absent lord that reference to the changing diktats of wokery is just in the text. 

The relentless agenda of Michelle Gunn's version of the lizard Oz has forced the pond to run its headline-triggered woke cartoon far too many times already this year ...

If the pond wanted to raise a woke issue, it would have revolved around the casual indifference to the latest US folly ...

But you can't expect the bromancer to go there ... after all, what he wants is more guns, more war ...

Ah yes, the border ...

Sorry, at some point the pond always has to revert to cartoons as the only way to handle the loonacy...

The bro is worried about defence? Even Ramirez is worried ...

Meanwhile, as the bro rages at the court system, if all else fails, then at least we can rely on SCOTUS ...

It's always in the detail ...

The cartoon strategy has once again sort of worked because the pond has finally reached the last bro gobbet ... and it's time for his regular rant about the need to arm up for his war with China by Xmas ...

The pond can't begin to count how many times the pond has read this sort of screed from the bromancer, but incessant repetition, laced with hysteria and fear-mongering, is a key part of the reptile agenda ... all with the sub-text that the return of the king wouldn't be so bad ...

Think that joke about being a king is an exaggeration? Perhaps you missed the Jordan Klepper clip featuring MAGA king worshippers ...


  1. Just a small diversion:

    The Bromancer: "If Joe Biden wins the US presidential election, there's every chance he'll die in office." Yes, but how bad will his memory be then ?

    Forgetting is a normal function of memory – here’s when to worry

  2. The Bro: "...US allies, assuredly including Australia, must do much more in their own defence." But hang on, Bro, isn't the USA's trade surplus with Australia worth something ?
    "In 2021, total U.S. goods and services trade with Australia totaled US $61.1 billion, and the United States ran a trade surplus of US $24.3 billion. According to U.S. Department of Commerce estimates, U.S. exports of goods and services to Australia supported more than 172,000 U.S. jobs in 2020."

    Sure, $24.3 billion isn't huge, but along with supporting 172,000 American jobs, it is something.

    Anyway: "[Biden] doesn't start out trying to offend traditional conservative working-class folks, whom Hillary Clinton famously labelled the deplorables." Once the right wingnuts have pushed a lie often enough, it simply becomes institutionalised, doesn't it.

    And then: "The smelly business of his son and brother get ever closer to Biden himself." Yeah, sure they do - just another institutionalised lie.

  3. It is all going a bit off in Hungary - that ideal model of illiberal democracy recently visited by the bro. The President and the Justice Minister, both members of Fidesz, were forced to resign after the pardoning of a man who helped cover up sexual abuse in a children’s home. Somehow news of the pardon leaked out.

    Still, they did the right thing and resigned - for which Viktor will be thankful, and you can bet that the pardon won't be rescinded. It's an illiberal democracy, so might be time for a further crackdown on security. AG.

  4. Worth a read DP et al, if only for;
    "... sailing our ship of state straight into a hideously loud, orange iceberg."

    "Nobody likes the present situation very much"
     on FEBRUARY 16, 2024
    "Meanwhile, at the top level, we are witnessing a multi-year car crash, watching in horror but unable to do anything to stop the octogenarian-in-chief from sailing our ship of state straight into a hideously loud, orange iceberg."
    "For the real Lippmann heads, here’s a bunch of fun quotes from 1914 that still struck me as relevant today.

    "News: We are blown hither and thither like litter before the wind. Our days are lumps of undigested experience. You have only to study what newspapers regard as news to see how we are torn and twisted by the irrelevant: in frenzy about issues that do not concern us, bored with those that do.

    "Clickbait: It is said that the muckrakers played for circulation, as if that proved their insincerity. But the mere fact that muckraking was what people wanted to hear is in many ways the most important revelation of the whole campaign.

    "Conspiracy Theories: It is possible to work yourself into a state where the world seems a conspiracy and your daily going is best with an alert and tingling sense of labyrinthine evil.

    "Cancel Culture:

    "A CubaNews translation.
    Edited by Walter Lippmann.

    "Gore Vidal, an inconvenient intellectual

    Havana, Friday, August 3, 2012.
    Year 16/Number 212 
    "My conversation with Gore Vidal took place a few yards from the John Lennon statue that sits in a park in Vedado.

    "When I asked him one afternoon if he knew the origins of the ignorance he and most of his colleagues had about Cuba, he answered, "We intellectuals do not escape something as evident as the fact that the American population is one of the most ignorant in the planet. Paradoxically we think we know everything and in fact we know nothing. We would have to lay the blame on the politicians, the institutions, the media and an idiosyncrasy that has made us believe we are better than others."

    1. "... muckraking was what people wanted to hear". Oh, so ever so slowly, the light dawns.

  5. Calvary Hospital is a hard cross for Angela Shanahan to bear, but having lost that battle, she is now faced with the tables being turned once again upon her religious agenda. Morrison’s attempts to bring about a religious anti-discrimination bill, “despite the peaceful coexistence of Australians of many religious faiths and none, and despite the many years of social integration of religious institutions into education, health and welfare in Australia” (as Angela tells us in paragraph 3) was seen by the hard-liners as not going far enough and now it looks like the playing field will be levelled, so those of secular belief will not be “pushed to the edge of the public square and out of the marketplace of ideas”. One cannot help but laugh.

    1. "coexistence of many religious beliefs and none". Dunno, are there 'religions' that don't make a mortal sin of abortion ? Hinduism, I thought, was more about the duty to breed than about taking unborn lives. Dunno about Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, and the Bahá'í Faith.

      Most religions though, one way or another, believe in living to eternity (though in some you just won't know it, until one day you do) so why is it such a big deal ?

  6. The Bro seems to have major memory issues of his own. In a lengthy diatribe in which he fantasises about the 'left declaring civil war' if Trump gets re-elected, he offers not a single word about Trump's documented efforts to overturn the result of the 2020 election he lost. Culminating in a mob of his supporters storming the capitol. Presumably that says nothing about Trump's fitness for office.

    1. Sorry, that should be 'one veiled reference' rather than 'not a single word'. But my point remains

  7. So according to the Kontemptible Senator Kanavan, Kambalda is "600Km west of Perth"? That puts it somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean, by my reckoning.

  8. It's uncanny how often it happens: a reptile assertion one day is falsified the next: Hunter Biden and Burisma: FBI source charged with lying about Biden bribe claims

    1. Naah, that's not a falsification, Joe, that's just a bunch of Green left wokies telling lies about right-thinking people who can see the evil in Joe's (and his son's and brother's) eyes and just want the world to recognise it.

    2. I did try to insert that information earlier but was blocked and was told to try later perhaps my ability using the internet is not up to it.

    3. No, thatjust happens every once in a while. It happened to me this morning too, but persistence is a virtue.


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