Wednesday, February 21, 2024

In which the pond indulges in a cat fight before moving on to the genocide ...


As surely as Sydney will be rain-sodden again today, the pond knew the bro's response and could have written it while deep in a reptile nightmare ...

The pond is currently deeply over the bro and the whole lizard Oz defence pack, out and about this day squawking like that gamefowl chook in the head credits of Justified ...

The pond has already got "Ned" to hand to play the chook, so it decided to cut the bro short by offering the infallible Pope of the day ...

The bro has already had more than his fair share of blathering about damp squibs and con jobs, and when the pond lifted its eyes to the heavens, or at least high above in the digital edition, there was Dame Slap occupying the top far right perch ...

Usually the pond would red card Dame Slap because of her obsessive interfering in the Lehrmann matter, and it bobbed up again today, but the pond simply took out a huge snap of Higgins and allowed a short reference to stand, because Dame Slap was indulging in a huge cat fight and delivering tremendous bitch slaps ... to another reptile. 

Naturally the pond loves the sight of a cat fight going down at the lizard Oz ... it's up there with the smell of napalm in the morning ...

Surely seeing Dame Slap have a cat fight with Nikki, who is apparently unaware of the nature of the rag she scribbles for, is rich enough Wednesday entertainment, especially as pompous "Ned" and the ongoing genocide wait in the wings ....

Of course it doesn't pain Dame Slap at all. She's a bitch who loves to deliver a good bitch slapping, and if there's a teal or a greenie copping the slapping so much the better, though the pond was disappointed that a man should have copped the photographic attention in the story ...

At this point the pond should probably mention that to enhance the entertainment and to act as a substitute for the deleted Higgins snap, the pond has invited another reptile story into the room... and naturally it's an EXCLUSIVE ...

It's important for young men to learn how to enjoy a cat fight and watch a bitch slapping go down ... and it gets the pond around the Lehrmann matter, which always turns up, such is the nature of Dame Slap's obsessive compulsive ways ...

And never forget, expand your horizons and think for yourselves... by learning the fine art of how to bitch slap ... 

Meanwhile, as Colbert says all the time, and now the pond keeps parroting, it's time to introduce that EXCLUSIVE ...

The pond had to stop shrieking with laughter and rolling around on the floor to pull itself up and attend to the still ranting Dame Slap ...

There is of course something of an irony in doing a cut and paste of Dame Slap up against that EXCLUSIVE, even as she keeps bitchslapping Nikki ...

By golly, what a pity that Victorian England is no longer with us, because the pond could commend him for a top notch position in several schools featured in the scribbling of Charles Dickens.

Still he helped the pond get all the way through the cat fight, with this the last Dame Slap gobbet, and a. fine example of her deep weirdness to boot ...

That line "I must live in a different part of Australia to my colleague" at last shows a glimmer of awareness in Dame Slap. 

Is she finally coming to understand that she lives on Planet Janet, high above the magical faraway tree, routinely revolving in a dimension all her own?

Never mind, before getting on to other matters, the pond should finish off the EXCLUSIVE ... still full of meaty goodness and fine irony, not to mention a mansplaining plea for manspreading...

Meanwhile the lizard Oz showed a delicious sensa huma with this juxtaposition ...

Even as they purport to be outraged by Media Watch, they send out "Ned" to do his usual hatchet job in his one-eyed way?

First of all to the reptile defence, posturing this day in the shape of the maddening Madden ...

The comedy here of course is that the lizard Oz didn't turn to leaders of the Islamic community for a comment because it wouldn't have suited the agenda ...

Here the pond must note that this is likely the first time that the maddening Madden has made it into the pond, and it turns out that he's the sort of lickspittle lackey, fellow travelling quisling that has been a faithful baggage handler at the lizard Oz ...

Yep, he's a hack's hack, with 20 years of hackery behind him, and so he hacked away ... determined to prove Media Watch's talk right by only consulting the Jewish lobby, after one academic decided she wanted to stay far away from the fight ... though Media Watch had already introduced a caution... in Australia, a preliminary analysis for the Islamophobia Register by Dr Susan Carland found Instagram posts from The Australian and 9News all humanised Israeli victims but not Palestinians, with the ABC the only one to give equal coverage to both sides.
We should caution that the last two studies covered the first month of the war, when the horror of the Hamas terror attacks was still dominating the headlines. 

Yeah, butt billy goat, a hack's just gotta hack ...

So only the Jewish lobby gets to comment, and they also scored a big snap too, trimmed down to a more fitting size in the pond eway ...

If it wasn't a defensive attempt by a reptile hack, you might have taken the reporting of the thoughts of the Jewish lobby as a parody designed to play into the hands of Media Watch ...

And with that out of the way, the pond could undertake the solemn and difficult task of climbing the "Ned" Everest. 

No complaints please, you've had the cat fight, now only the toughest can survive the pompous pondering of the portentous one ...

Meanwhile, on another planet, actually just above "Ned's" pompous pondering and pandering to the Jewish lobby, Prince Willy was perturbed ...

Et tu Prince Willy? A terrible human cost? "Ned" will have none of that talk, and even manages to forget the way that the reptiles ran with the lying rodent and the demonisation of furriners ...

Um, actually its turned into a homicidal genocide, but here the pond should note that the reptiles decided they'd break up "Ned" with a variety of snaps, best got out of the way quickly ... because whenever the pond sees a snap of the ginger one, the pond is inclined to head screaming for the hills ...

It shortens the climb just that little bit ...

Meanwhile, in that other story, Prince Willy was noticing that there was something of a genocide going down and that a little humanitarian aid might be needed...

What's that? There's a humanitarian crisis in Gaza as the genocide continues apace?

None of that matters to "Ned", deep into the business of justifying the genocide ...

Um, could that be because the signs of a genocide are proliferating? Even Prince Willy seemed mildly alarmed, and the reptiles, along with several deleted snaps of Willy - it's not a photo opportunity for him - even dared to show a snap of the devastation ...

Ah, of course, the reptiles had to import the story from AFP ... while "Ned" was still busy defending the genocide ...

The pond doesn't exactly know what's got into the water coolers at the lizard Oz, but the one siderism and boosterism for Benji is shameless.

"Ned" hinted at it in passing and at any other time the reptiles would have been in a border frenzy ...

But such is the determination to cheer on a genocide that all seems to have been put on the back burner.

Okay, the pond only slipped in those cartoons as a distraction, but relax, you've made it to the final "Ned" gobbet ...

Meanwhile, the genocide continues, but you won't read about any of that in the lizard Oz...amazingly you'll find more coverage in Al Jazeera ... perhaps the maddening Madden should break out of his walled garden hive mind and head off for a read ....

Time to wrap things up with an immortal Rowe, offering a distraction from the killing fields with a shout out to the sandgropers ... WA experiences extreme weather yet again with scorching heat and cyclone predicted ... (sorry, that's an ABC story, the gropers are dead to the reptiles)


  1. Hi Dorothy,

    I’m confused.

    Last week Albrechtsen claimed to be a lower-case liberal.

    This week her “lived experience” has made her conservative (I’m unsure if that’s lower or upper case).

    1. I think the Dame’s main message is “I’m right, you’re wrong; disagree with me and you’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’ “.

    2. She can be just a bit confusing, can't she. Probably because she knows and understands very little of what she's talking about. So, when she says: "I can safely say the world is more complicated than saying that conservative equals bad and progressive equals good." what exactly does she mean ?

      From my admittedly limited understanding of history - well, at least the last 2500 years or so - "conservative" has indeed always been bad and "good" has always come, hard fought bit by bit, from generally well intentioned, though fallible, progressives.

      Yet to say that continues the old fallacy that people are either one thing or the other: either conservative 'bad' or progressive 'good' and never the twain shall meet. A fallacy that even Dame Slap kinda grasps even though she obviously thinks that 'conservatives' are way better than they really are.

      Nevertheless, it seems that 'conservatives' are somewhat markedly less good now than they have been even throughout my lifetime. This shows, I reckon, in that 'LNP' politicians of the near past were much more concerned with halfway decent government, not just, as with Spud and The Gang, concerned with 'power at any cost' no matter how many lies you have to spread to get there.

    3. It would be astonishing if anyone left a Dame Slap column not feeling confused, or not inclined to pray to the moon for understanding and enlightenment. Don't worry about the contradictions and the burbling word salad, that's the key feature, not a bug, and take the confusion as a sign of sanity ...

      Anyone who claims to understand Dame Slap is likely barking mad, and howls at the moon for offering cold comfort ...

  2. Forgive me if I’ve missed something in Ned’s latest sermon - it’s difficult to get through without nodding off a few times - but what exactly is the “moral leadership” that he’s demanding of the Federal Government? Ned notes that Albo and various other Government MPs have condemned anti-Semitism, and that the A-G has flagged new anti-doxxing laws. It would be helpful if Ames could indicate what further moral support is required; the display of any and all Palestinian symbols to be made illegal? Albo to publicly urge “Run the bastards down, Bibi!”? The ABC t be taken off air and Paul Barry to be detained indefinitely without charge ? Some guidance please, oh sage one.

    1. As per Dame Slap, simply making it to the end, climbing the Everest, is sufficient unto itself, and to expect guidance and insight is a bit like expecting the toaster to also be a handy vacuum cleaner. Give yourself a "I read Ned to the end" medal, knowing you missed nothing.

  3. Just a quick aside:
    "Rents keep rising with no relief in sight. If the government can’t come up with answers, it could bear the brunt of tenants’ frustrations at the next election."

    2024 is shaping up as the year of the renter – Labor needs to do more if it wants to keep their vote

    So if Labor won't "keep their vote", who will "they" give it away to ? And did it mean their federal or state vote, or both ?

  4. So, via AFP, Prince Willy tells us that there's "too many killed". I always reckoned that even one was way "too many", but I guess I'm just a gullible simpleton.

    1. Let’s give the bloke a little credit, GB; it’s a rare occasion when a member of the Royal Family displays some faint signs of independent thought, rather than simply repeating one of their standard rote phrases. After all, it’s not exactly what they’re bred and trained for, is it?

  5. DP Zinger! "It shortens the climb just that little bit ..."

  6. For those outside the world of “top rank” private schools, the Newington College saga is indeed a hoot. For what it’s worth, the ACT’s closest equivalent, Canberra Grammar (Gough Whitlam’s alma mater, for what it’s worth), went co-ed six or seven years ago. I expect there was probably some opposition from the usual sources, but as far as I am aware the place hasn’t changed all that much. It’s student are still often referred to as “Grammar grots”, its fees are astronomical, and it still has a reputation for churning out entitled types (though I’ve met several quite decent folk who attended there); so it still fulfils its traditional role. So far as I can tell the main difference is that a certain proportion of its students are now female. Hardly the end of the world - perhaps unfortunately.

  7. At GPS single sex schools, yes to...
    "X Fact Check: Does Gender Integration Moderate Politics?...
    FEB 15, 2024

    "John Burn-Murdoch (that’s his surname, not a suggestion) argues that a political gap is forming between men and women:"...
    [Another zinger, not a suggestion]

  8. I think Scott Morrison had all the answers:

    1. Whereas the rise of men has been at the expense of women for millennia. Just as well they're all very self-sacrificing isn't it.

  9. I think Josh Burns MP may need to start an education campaign to clarify which tropes are anti-semitic, for it seems the Mafia has tentacles ("Italian mafia tentacles across Australia"). Islam has tentacles ("Al-Qaeda's spreading tentacles in West Africa"), governments have tentacles ( A simple person could easily get confused, and any passing Martian may think, on observing the present wars, that the Israelis have a lot of influence on how nations view aggressive states (not that this means they run the world, of course.)

  10. RMIT may not be much good at architecture, but ...
    "RMIT team develops method that could replace common lead-acid batteries, offering a safer and more recyclable alternative."

    Greener ‘water batteries’ a step closer thanks to breakthrough by Melbourne researchers


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