Sunday, February 25, 2024

In which the pond humbly concurs ...


Every so often the pond is blessed by an astonishing insight, sometimes a vision, sometimes an apparition, and is moved to share it with the pond's correspondents.

It was thanks to a link in Jurist that the pond came across it in full, and the pond felt gifted to be in the company of some learned jurists.

The pond was particularly drawn to the thoughts and sources of the chief justice.

Now the pond isn't usually given to this, but there has been much malarkey talked about this decision, when it might best be presented without let or hindrance, so that the insights might be fully appreciated ... and so without further ado, and without any adornment, cartoons, fripperies or lacekwork, here it is ...

It's long by pond standards, but anyone who has made it through a piece by "Ned" will find it an illuminating doddle ... 

The pond's only regret is that reptile duties perforce require it to be offered only late on a Sunday holyday for a meditation ...

For those lacking in judicial experience, the pond recommends Robert Reich's textual analysis, The Republican party wants to turn America into a theocracy...

Those wanting further background reading might like to try 125 House Republicans - including Speaker Mike Johnson - back a 'life at conception' bill without any IVF exception...


  1. Thank you Dorothy for this document. Actually, allowing for the Judge's fundamentalism, he is more readable than 'Ned', and his argument certainly is more coherent than Ned has been for a couple of years. OK, a.f.a.i.k, the Judge does not have to offer at least one column a week to a Murdoch publication, and a fair bit of the research no doubt came from his 'associate' or 'clerk' (I am not sure about the status of those officers of the court in the USA), but it is a good example of its kind.

    1. Ah the joys of living in this universe - for it is a very big universe, not just one small planet - created and controlled by a "holy God". And all the joys of believing that "the prophet Jeremiah" knows (for his immortal soul is still 'alive' of course) all that this "holy God" would have us believe.

  2. America is a sad case when they decide that once the sperm meeets the ovam thats life.

  3. You probably could have stopped after the first four words, Anony.

    1. Jeremiah was a bullfrog? Made in His image of his image of their image of His image of a contemporaneous new original BC and/or AD context story?

    2. If I may, following your lead, Anonymous -


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