Saturday, October 22, 2022

The pond is taking a break ...

 The pond is taking a medically-inspired, though not inspiring, break ...

As to the pond's return, it's best to think of it as a Malware-devised NBN outage - in a day or so, in a week or so, or whenever ...

On the upside, the pond won't have to be watching Media Watch, which a correspondent noted was mentioned in despatches at the Weekly Beast ...ABC news staff hit back at Media Watch over coverage of trans issues, though to be fair, the pond had already noted that exercise in bigotry some days ago ...

Meanwhile, the pond knows that herpetological and loon studies will be vigorously pursued by correspondents, albeit without the aid of reptile gobbets surfacing on the pond like rancid scum ...

There will be much to research ... can Boris beat a lettuce, will Steve Bannon ever see the door of the clink, will the mango Mussolini answer the call to testify in the inimitable way that professional liars do, and how many more columns can the lizard Oz run advising that nuking the country is the answer to the allegedly non-existent problem of climate change.

All the best in that hunt ....


  1. Getting to that stage of a lifetime, isn't it. Still, onwards, ever onwards because what else is there ? Have a good break, DP.

  2. For the rest of us:
    Murray River at Echuca could reach 1993 flood levels today

    See ? The Doggy Bov knows: everything is fully precedented, in this case as far back as 1993 ! And that is a long time before any so-called anthropogenic climate change started, isn't it.

    1. And just in case there was any doubt:

      5:05AM AEDT
      Strong Wind Warning for East Gippsland Coast

      Yep, never no "wind drought" in East Gippsland.

  3. Rest is good exercise DP. Keep well.

  4. All the best for a quick recovery and return, DP. Time away from the Reptiles will surely at least boost your spirits.

  5. A medically inspired break??? Best wishes. On a selfish note, my morning reading ritual has been savaged: ABC News, The Guardian (sic),.....then The Pond.......... Now, for a short period, I'm bereft. You may decry all those gobbets, however, in your hands they become fascinating reading for your's not just Henry and Polonious who can open a Thesaurus. We look forward to your speedy return.

  6. I’m hoping the medical inspiration is a minor matter. Look after yourself.

  7. Slappy would certainly have something to say about this, wouldn't she.

    Her right to speak versus his reputation: how courts around the world are getting this wrong

  8. Lara Logan, the one-time mainstream journalist turned QAnon loon, has been banned from Newsmax following the rant which DP quoted the other day.
    To be fair, you have to wonder whether some of her experiences as a foreign correspondent may have down her genuine mental injury, but whatever the cause she’s well and truly disappeared down the conspiracy rabbit-hole.

    Banned from Fox News, too extreme even for Newsmax - where do you go when you’re too cracked even for the crackpots? Surely appearing with Alex Jones can’t be far away - or perhaps editing Sydney’s “Daily Telegraph”.

    1. Anonymous,
      I can't bring myself to castigate Lara, as the mental issue you reference was when she was stripped naked by, and passed amongst, over 300 Egyptian "men" to much laughter. She herself says she was penetrated by hands over 200 times,
      beaten and spit on repeatedly by a crowd of mostly Muslim Brotherhood members.
      Lara went from being a respected 60 Minutes reporter to utter loondom.
      I just feel empathy for her as obviously no one around her cares enough to
      help her overcome the bitterness and get healed.

    2. That's me talking about Lara Logan to Anonymous, I forgot to change the
      "Anonymous" setting to Jersey Mike.

  9. I'll be rooting for you here in Jersey, Dorothy, best wishes.

    I know you enjoy your flickers, so -

    "I know positively that our good friend Dr. Stall has treated this boy for Malta fever,
    Beriberi and that dreaded of all diseases, Mo Go on the Ga Go Go."
    ...Egbert Souse(W.C. Fields) The Bank Dick (1940)

  10. Well surprise, surprise; in today’s Lizard Oz gets stuck into Netball Australia for knocking back Gina’s small change. Who would have expected it? It’s pretty much what you’d expect - “wokeness”, overpaid sportsfolk thinking their personal views are more important than their sport, etc etc etc.

  11. A Reptile Elder is no more -

  12. Looking at the paras. that are not quite ledes, not quite bait, on the accessible electronic page of the Flagship this day - all sooo predictable, that our Dorothy could be excused for just hitting the recycle button. Except that we would not see the cartoons that help maintain sanity.

    For ‘commentary’ we have Dame Slap, pointing us to the uniquely correct thinking of Gina, no doubt with a ‘more in sorrow than anger’ at how those dreadful, mindless, netballers have bited the hand that fed. But even in the first para. we note that ‘Australians have had a gutful of overpaid …..people who think their personal opinions on matters outside their areas of expertise are worth inflicting on . . . ‘ Yep, not a touch of irony there - remind us, what are Gina’s areas of expertise? Apart from being born of particular parents, that is.

    Still, difficult to argue that her opinion was not exactly right when she started to fund, almost exclusively, the IPA, where all manner of people vent personal opinions on matters outside their areas of expertise.

    The Major - ‘Journos shun inconvenient truths on climate.’ Followed by an accusation that ‘reporters’ now only write what their audience wants to hear. OK - set aside that most people read what others write, but it may be that a proportion of followers of the Flagship have to have it read to them these days.

    Editorial bringing our attention to ‘encouraging productivity’. A fertile area, because none of the writers who mention it have yet offered us actual insights on how to encourage productivity; or even how to measure it so we know it is being encouraged.

    Oh - Gerard has just popped up apparently decrying ageism at the ABC. Way to go, Ger-boy.

    Shanners telling us of a prospective battle between Albo and Dutto for supremacy. Stay tuned, should be able to report Dutto landing a punch any month now.

    Killer Creighton - he is there, telling us we should be giving our utmost attention to one contest in the US ‘Mid Terms’, which, well - gosh - could go either way.

    Sorry friends - without the leavening of cartoons - it really is recycling of the recycled, all in my puny attempt to fill for some of Dorothy’s necessary break.

    Cheers comrades - and hi again to Jersey Mike, always good to have that international perspective.


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