Sunday, October 16, 2022

In which the pond discovers a despondent Polonius and offers hope, helps Gracie understand blogging, and then goes pussy-groping with Dame Slap ...


Poor old Polonius seemed down in the dumps ... which is why his prattle cheered up the pond enormously and made it look forward to the rest of its meditative Sunday ...

There's nothing like a pedant out of sorts and seeking refuge in history to feel like an unguent, a balm applied direct to the brain ... even if the poor old sod has to tramp back to Ming the merciless days to get himself going...

Ah, yes, it's the old In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.

Who knew Polonius and Chance the gardener would have so much in common? And yet, plant a potato, and you'll find hope in a potato head ...

Now there's a splendid distraction and deflection. Mention a barking mad loon from the deep north, and Polonius's instincts remain sharp and true. Drag up Malware ... that'll take anyone's eye off the ball ...

Okay, the pond will admit that none of it has the charm or fascination of a good trussing, but still, it has its quiet pleasures ...

The dog botherer was tortured by the teals yesterday, and so it is with Polonius today ...

The pond can say with some modesty that some time ago it predicted redemption and stuck it on the masthead, and has seen no need to change its stance ...

Look at the hope in that visage, and you can see why Polonius turned from the twilight of despair to a glimmer of hope ...

Winners will be grinners, or at least dark, ominous spectres, and so to our Gracie, this time agitated by the parish pump world of Victorian politics ...

Sure the pond could have turned to the craven Craven being given a good lettuce leaf flogging by a Mundine returned to the crusading reptile fold ...

But there's something about Victorian politics that no Warren """ Mundine could match ... Tim Smith, that fireworks night Guy and a carnival of fundamentalist Xian and Q loons ... some of whom take to Swanston street regularly and shout abuse at passers-by, including the pond's rattled partner ...

Naturally the pond went in search of the blog immediately ... only to discover that Gracie had revealed a basic misunderstanding of blogging ...

It might have looked like a blog, but it was actually a .com site, and you could find that post here ...

This .com site dresses itself as "Real Freedom News", a sure sign of loons at work, because as soon as someone deploys "real" the pond knows it's going to be surreal ...

There's nothing strange about a .com site, or it being hosted in the United States. 

The pond has its own .com site and its hosted by Amazon, as many sites are, while the pond is a genuine blog, being hosted by Blogger,  but Blogger got taken over by Google a long time ago, and what could the pond do about that?

Never mind, the pond prefers the topic of conversation to be out and about, so that it can continue its dance with our Gracie ... tortured as she is, and somehow imagining that some .com "blog" can change things so much that it's more than just pissing into the wind...

Please allow the pond to share an insight with our Gracie ... no matter how much you piss against the reptile blowhards pissing into the wind, it's just so much urine vanishing into the full to overflowing intertubes ether ... and a .com site is only worth it if you can find ways to get it picked up by assorted forms of social media ... or perhaps get our Gracie to scribble furiously about it in the lizard Oz, though what with the paywall and all, that too is a limited blessing ...

Please allow the pond to say it again. It's not a blog, it's a .com site and Matthew Guy has other problems ...

He's a doofus and a dropkick, always has been, always will be, and it shows how desperate our Gracie is blaming his woes on a .com site,  and what desperate futtocks they were down south when he was resuscitated .... when he might have been better off still sleeping with the lobsters ...

It isn't that hard to understand ... in fact it's as easy to understand as it being problematic to get as pissed as a parrot and drive a car into a Hawthorn home ... if we're going to talk numbers, talk 0.131!

 Perhaps a few pictures would help our Gracie ...

Frankly the pond only pays superficial attention to Victorian politics ... the pond leaves that to the Victorian side of the family, who play the game with gusto and enthusiasm ... but it's a measure of how insular and dimwitted our Gracie can be if she thinks a .com site is doing more damage than that fawking Guy did to himself, does to himself, and will do to himself in the future ...

No, no, no, Gracie, it's not the media getting the paws on it, it's the internal impropriety ... but then what do you expect from a party which welcomed in a bunch of rat bag fundie Xians and loons who make your average MAGA Q lover look like someone with a tenuous grasp on reality ...

But as our Gracie has mentioned impropriety, the pond must finally get around to visiting planet Janet, above the faraway tree ... and see what Dame Slap has to say on such matters ...

If the pond might be so bold and interrupt at this point, the time the pond thought things had gone pear-shaped was when certain reptiles decided that it was okay to be a pussy-groper and even to boast about it, and for nobody to apparently give a flying fuck, but instead to proudly don a MAGA cap and say, "I'm with the pussy groper" ... (and never mind allegations that he also raped his wife and raped others, and certainly groped others, and at the least wandered into areas where women were changing their clothes so he might score a cheap and easy perve).

It's an old pond mantra, but the pond never tires of it, because we all know who stood shoulder to shoulder with the pussy groper ...

And we all know the consequences ...

Yes, the pond is going to get through Dame Slap with a cartoon-led recovery ...

Well if Dame Slap can mention the Pellists - and fail to mention the children that suffered at the hands of the Pellists - and go out on a limb for that other dubious Xian of the Porter kind, the pond might just mention where her love of the pussy-groper has led the United States ...

Oh it's a pretty pickle, though perhaps not as good as a jolly good trussing in recent times. 

After all, there's only so much Herschell Walker ...

... or Roger Stone ...

... or orange Jesus pussy groper ...

... that anyone can take, even if it means the pond must remember that Rolling Stone is still a thing, with Trump’s Official Response to Jan. 6 Subpoena Is as Unhinged as His Truth Social Posts ...

Sheesh, the pond used to be a subscriber, back in the days when tree killer magazines were a thing ... (and as for the others, if the Beast's paywall is an issue,  pro tip, take the header and google with Yahoo News and see what comes up) ...

Sorry, that's a long time off with the pussy groper, his kin and his backers ... and so back to Dame Slap ...

Here's a troubling thing, though you wouldn't expect a lover of pussy gropers to note it ... though you might find the connection in the NY Times ...

Yes, that man ...

Who'd have thought that Dame Slap, the pussy groper, and the conspiracy theorist would all be together as one? And yet you just have to do a little digging to see the connections unfold ...

"Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down."

Dame Slap, your love of pussy gropers is amazing. I will not let you down.

Sorry, more distractions, back to Dame Slap on planet Janet ...

Did someone mention mob mentality? Who else but a devotee of the pussy groper and his acolytes?

Well it was a big cartoon build up to a final Dame Slap gobbet, but here we are at last ...

When? When did we get to be so lacking in fairness? When did we get to be so clumsy, so unsophisticated?

When did we get so lacking in curiosity that we turned to mind-numbing Q conspiracies and that amazing Alex?

Could it be when some embraced pussy groping as a lifestyle choice?

Okay, enough of the flogging with a lettuce leaf.

The pond wouldn't anyone to get the impression it's against a little common gossip and pillow talk ... so that we can all move on to full-blown coup-loving fascism ...


  1. Oh my, Polonius on the Mutt Dutt: "[his task] is to hold the organisation until there is a change in the political mood in Australia. So far he has done well." He's "done well" ? Then I'd love to see what doing him badly is like.

    Then on Simon Holmes a Court's "ad hominem barbs": "his targets include Howard, Frydenberg and journalist Chris Kenny." Well that'd be a real waste of time and effort, wouldn't it ? Except that for those three there's no real effort - the "barbs" come of their own making.

    So then: "There never have been more renewables in the Australian energy system and prices have never been higher in recent decades". Yair, and there never have been more useless 'energy retailers' in the system grubbing excessive profits and contributing nothing. But I love Polonius's banging together of those two factors: renewables and "energy system prices". Another lovely case of letting us mugs assume that correlation is causality.

    But hey:
    Australia’s wholesale power prices double in a year as coal-fired power plants falter
    "The jolt in costs is being blamed mostly on more expensive fossil fuels and falling reliability of coal-fired power plants."

    But here's some real Polonius perspicacity: "the task of the Liberal Party is to hold together until when, or perhaps if, political circumstances change." So there ya go, Libbies, just stay a 'small target' until the world changes for you again.

  2. "Look at the hope in that visage..." Yeah, well what I can see is that he still had a head of hair back then. That's not the Mutt Dutt we all know and love now.

  3. Oh dear, our Gracie; yes, just a tad "insular and dimwitted" in that post. But surely her heart is where it should be when she proclaims: "Remember, at elections, voters can only ever choose the least worst." Yes, Gracie and we've been doing that ever since we abandoned mugwumps Kennett in favour of Steve Bracks and then later deserted Brumby in favour of Baillieu.

  4. Yet another dreary potted history from Polonius - nothing out of the ordinary there. Dry as dust and about as palatable.

    In harking back to Ming for consolation ;a mere 76 years ago), he neglects to mention that the Liberals 1946 defeat was their first Federal campaign. They were a bright, shiny new Party, rather than the clapped-out, high-emission old clunker it now is. Not to mention that the ALP had not long successfully seen the country through WW2. Still, if Hendo wants to cling to that crumb of hope, may it bring him some comfort.

    Still, claiming that Grade A dropkicks like Zed Seselja were amongst the Liberals’ “top talent” verges on the delusional. It takes a truly atrocious, boneheaded performance to lose one of the ACT’s two Senate seats but somehow, against all the odds, Zed managed it. Timmy Wilson, Dave Sharma, Celia Hammond (who?) - they were all marked for greatness?

    Still this column was something of a landmark for Polonius- only a single mention of the ABC, and that was factual, rather than critical! Has such a thing ever happened before?

    1. No, not ever. But yeah, Anony, Timmy Wilson was a very bright young IPA thing (and token Fed Libs gay guy), so he was clearly marked for greatness. In his own lunchtime, anyway. But what about Josh the Frydenberg: already achieved marked success and highly rated for future greatness: the PM's job, no less. But then, as Our Gracie poignantly reminds us: in elections, all we can do is vote for the least worst and Joshy boy was clearly the worst worst.

  5. Up there on Planet Janet, our Dame seems to be afloat on a sea of irony. I feel free to mince a few metaphors because the Dame seems to have been trawling through a cup of tea - or something - as she seeks to condemn poor writing style. (Janet - trawling is a method of fishing - you may have meant to write ‘raking over’ details, but - who knows. If you have no real sense of irony, you are likely to demonstrate poor writing in the column in which you try to skewer - harpoon, perhaps? - poor writing.)

    All of which got me to wondering why ‘grown’ men (there are other kinds? Are you prepared to define a ‘woman’?) - why would grown men share with Dame Slap the details she lists? Given the opinions she has so readily set out over many years, what could they possibly expect in return? ’Tis a mystery.

    One might speculate that the Dame has done as many such writers of ‘opinion’ do. Having received one ‘share’ from one confused man, she has done what mediocre journalists do too often, and made that multiple applicants to her counselling service, because the self-nominated function of such writers is to claim that they represent the experiences and opinions of a large segment of the population, so it is their duty to instruct the rest of us on those experiences and opinions.

    When Keith Murdoch was trying to assemble a publishing empire, he commissioned Roy Morgan to find out what substantial sections of the population thought about ideas and events of the day, as a guide to what he should discuss in his newspapers. Morgan set out to do that with methods for sampling and interrogation that could be defended as statistically valid. Keith Murdoch did follow Northcliffe’s dictum that the way to sell newspapers was to sell - not information, but controversy about the information - and dutiful son Rupert absorbed the same dictum. But, initially, it drew on fairly genuine attempts to find out what the public thought and felt. The single problem with that was that it cost money to gain statistical validity.

    It is so much easier, and cheaper, now to leave it to writers like our Dame to conduct what might be loosely called thought experiments, and run their words up the rigging of the flagship (we are back at sea again!) The column you have shared with us grown adults, this day, DP is a fine example of where that trend continues to head.

    1. It might have been "controversy about the information" once upon a time, Chad, but I don't see much "controversy" about it now: just plain old wingnut righteousness and expecting to be unconditionally believed in everything they say.

  6. Slappy certainly is making a passionate and protracted campaign against #MeToo isn't she. Have we any real clue as to why ? Is this a case of a dedicated reptile failing to pin her MAGA hero (amongst others) for mysogynistic behaviour and therefore attacking those - clearly including #MeToo - who bring Trump's real nastiness to notice ?

    But hey, here's a bit of classic Slappy: "Amber Heard was able to put her side ... " Was she ? Really ? Because Slappy then goes on to say: "in a court, indeed several courts, where rules have been tailored over centuries to provide a fair trial." Have they ? There's never no such thing now - after those fruitful centuries - as an unfair trial, is there. So when Slappy says "The overwhelming impression, ... was of an unholy mess - with both sides behaving badly on occasion." Really ? Then how come the judgement was clearly slanted in favour of Depp ?

    So anyway, here's a simple question: when were women first permitted to sit on juries in Britain ? Now surely such a well-informed "trawler" would clearly know the answer to that simple query - but for the rest of us:
    "In 1919, reforms in the law allowed women to take their seats as jurors in a criminal trial for the first time. The trial took place here in Bristol in 1920, and not everyone was entirely happy about it."
    Oh, but how did that go down back then ? was sometimes said that the [feminist] movement had gone far enough, and many people thought it had gone too far. It was said in some quarters that it had developed beyond what some promoters of the feminist movement bargained for, and too far for the good of the community.”
    That was Judge Stanger back in 1920 in Bristol.

    Fascinating just how clearly he would foreknow Slappy a little over a century later. "That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So, there is nothing new under the sun." Certainly there's nothing new under Slappy's sun.

    So we get: "...a union leader who lost his job because he had two consensual relationships with two adult women at different times who appeared to relish their relationship with him - until they didn't and he was sacked." So, but Slappy is always spouting that nothing can be believed until it has been "proved in court", however she provides no evidence that her "union leader" has been to court over that matter. So based on her own account, she can't believe what he says because it hasn't been verified in one of those wonderfully fair courts of law that Slappy is so keen on.

    So I don't get it: a woman's complaint can't be believed until it's been proved in a court of law, but a man can just unconditionally be believed ?


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