Tuesday, October 04, 2022

In which the pond is held hostage by the onion muncher and Malware

A little while ago, stray readers of the pond will recall the onion muncher blathering about his vision for the nation at CPAC.

As the pond recalls it, his vision was to order Malware to destroy the NBN. 

Malware, being a malfunctioning malbot futtock of the first water, carried out the vision.

Now the pond sits with no working NBN, a forlorn, isolated, desolate figure, without the means to post the thought that these two wretches should be given a sound thrashing for the time the pond is offline.

The pond sent this message by carrier pigeon to an obliging friend, but in the interim the pond perforce has stepped out of the tent and might be gone for some time, thanks to the vision of the onion muncher and Malware ...

There have been unnerving stories of people being offline for days.

The horror, horror, and how the pond despises the onion muncher and Malware, jointly and severally for their monstrous ineptness and stupidity ...

A vision for a wired nation, handy in times of plague? Pigs arse ...

And so the pond will return when circumstances permit.


  1. Commiserations DP. But don't expect compensation for loss of service from your "provider" as they always blame NBN Co, and trying to contact them is like talking to the dead. Anyhoo, glad you were able to communicate to us lost souls thanks to Lieutenant Pigeon...maybe a Dickin medal is in order?

  2. That has happened to the Pond at least once before, I seem to recall. Yep, The Muncher and his minions did a great job on NBN.

    But in the meantime, to fill in a little of the gap, here's something from Crikey (via MSN) to read.

    Inside CPAC, conservative elites are fighting their supporters over the future of the right

    1. A little something for when service is restored:


  3. But nobody believes the Australian Conservation Foundation these days, do they ? Who's even heard of it ? Certainly not CPAC or the reptiles.

    ‘Unproven’ small nuclear reactors would raise energy costs and delay renewable uptake, report says

  4. Oh - to keep to the relevant day - I sought detail from My Source about the Groaning on childcare. She chided me for wanting to know - and reminded me that the Dame had defined her position with remarkable precision in exchanges with Emma Alberici some years ago. Being a declared 'conservative', the Dame is unlikely to have revised deeply-held beliefs in the space of a decade.


    1. Of course, as we all know, 50% or so of humanity is below the median point of intelligence, intellect, learning and capability. Ipso facto, some percentage of every human 'profession' can be considered "dim witted".

      But it's clear that Groany doesn't understand that she herself is one of those.


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