Saturday, October 08, 2022

In which there's a hot contest for whiner-in-chief between dog botherer and Dame Slap ...


The pond was surprised and delighted when its logarithms threw up Marina Hyde on Channel 4 flogging her book ...  

Of course the pond has already read the book on a Dickens-like weekly basis, and there was another chapter out with Liz Truss has found her feet – as a leading UK conspiracist and No 10 whiner-in-chief, which might move a teary mob as much as the death of Little Nell ...

And as the pond promised, before starting this day's proceedings, it was always going to honour the venerable Meade and her Weekly Beast outing, this week titled Sky News’ Chris Kenny fails to read fine print over Facebook’s IPA ‘censorship’...

It featured a snap of the smirking - or was it simpering at his own ineffable stupidity? - dog botherer, so there's no need to inflict that on anyone, but then came this ...

Of course the pond doesn't do fact checking, which is why the pond expects all serious herpetology students to do expected venerable Meade course reading before embarking on any reptile effort ...

Not that any fact checking is required for this dog botherer outing, which Marina Hyde would undoubtedly use to label him as whiner-in-chief ...

Such a noisy whining, such a howling ... and so long too, which reminded the pond that nattering "Ned" seems to have dropped off his perch for the moment, so that other reptile blowhards can batter stray readers into insensibility ...

Actually it wouldn't happen because what footy club would give the top job to an Islamic, knowing that they'd be certain to get the full Yassmin Abdel-Magied  or Waleed Aly treatment from the reptiles ...

But the pond digresses, and there's a lot to endure this day ... and al the pond can promise is that the click bait videos will be neutered ...

Oh fucketty fuck, the pond knew this was going to be hard but didn't realise how excruciating this version of the persecution complex would be ... what next, blather about thousands of years of Western civilisation and Woodstock?

Oh dear, he went there, with the NAB, and in due course the pond will go there too, but for the moment, we must carry on with the whiner-in-chief, such a festering morass of fear and loathing, but at least it keeps his mind off climate science and his deep abiding love of coal...

What have we become? Why we have become fuckwits thanks to the likes of the dog botherer and Sky after dark, but the pond must heed Hyde's wise words about not letting the anger show, and preferring humour as a way of dealing with offensive stupidity, and with that thought a last gobbet ...

Well that's done and dusted and now for a breather with an infallible Pope. 

The pond thought it might miss out but is happy to propose a deal with The Canberra Times ... keep your Pope under wraps for 24 hours but then let him spread his blessings unto the world, because the pond needs his benedictions ...

And now for the really bad news ... there's a contender for the title of whiner-in-chief, and it just had to be Dame Slap ...

Um, before getting into those two lines, a little later on, Dame Slap made the mistake of referring the pond to a Joe Aston hatchet job ...

What a relief, because the pond loves a little bit of point counterpoint ...

Oh indeed Joe, though perhaps that should have been a reference to turds landing among turds on planet Janet above the faraway tree ... but keeping Marina's injunction about anger in mind, back to Dame Slap ...

Hmm, Dame Slap seems to have sidestepped and gone off on a comrade Dan rant, so let's keep our eye on the ball with another gobbet of Aston ...

Ethical? As if the reptiles give a flying fig about ethics. Carry on contender for whiner-in-chief title ...

Um, the disgraced CEO of a football club? Yesterday it was a disgraced CEO, tomorrow it will be a disgraced CEO closer to you ... or you ...

Such a moronic rebadging of Martin Niemöller, but now the pond has a problem ... you see there's two gobbets of Dame Slap to go, but the pond has only one remaining Aston snippet ...

What the heck, take it away Joe ...

At last a serious ethical question. Should Joe have written "Thorburn would've fit right in", in the American style, or should he have stayed true to "Thorburn would've fitted right in"?

Better minds than the pond can argue the point, the pond still has two gobbets of Dame Slap to go, and must get on with the going ...

Ah, at last that Joe Aston reference, but the pond has been there and done that and now must do a final gobbet, and leave others to decide who won the whiner-in-chief crown this day ...

Piss weak stuff, really, but the pond, being something of a pussy foot liberal softy, is quite happy for the dog botherer and Dame Slap to share jointly the crown of whiner-in-chief, with the happy proviso that they do a Solomon and cut their shit in half ... no wisdom required for the task ...

And so to a populist fascist bonus ...

The pond couldn't help it if the bubble-headed booby went back to this routine, even dragging in assorted English writers to do the thousand years of western civilisation routine ...

The reality is that populism always ends up having a hard time of it, and blather about hope quickly turns to disappointment and despair, sometimes much more quickly than expected, as noted by the immortal Rowe, who is now back on deck ...

Good old little England, what a fascinating mess, and now back to the proto-fascist celebrations, though Italy has always been a mess ...

Yeah, yeah ... and she loves the family and all that and the pond has been there in the history books before ... the first refuge is always to peddle la famiglia ...

Well the pond has already done and dusted this debate, thanks to the likes of the bromancer and the grundler ... and thinks it can sniff a famiglia fascist when hunting for truffles, and so is keen to wrap things up ...

Or as others sometime say, sei un fottuto idiota, and so to end with a Rowe celebrating hope ...


  1. "what footy club would give the top job to an Islamic, knowing that they'd be certain to get the full Yassmin Abdel-Magied or Waleed Aly treatment from the reptiles ..." Oh but that's all been flushed down the "memory hole" now, hasn't it. A place to which reptiles have a large, direct portal which they utilise incessantly.

  2. Dame Slap reckons that because Thorburn wasn't charged for his misconduct at NAB, that shows that everything was OK. Of course, what it shows is (as Crikey pointed out recently) in Australia the rich and powerful rarely suffer for their misdeeds - see the banks, the casinos, Robodebt etc. "It's the rich that has the pleasure, it's the poor that get the blame".

  3. "the pond ... now must do a final gobbet, and leave others to decide who won the whiner-in-chief crown this day ..." Oh, Slappy by acclaim, just consider: "Public shaming, chasing scalps, stomping on them, has become the new addictive drugs for many in the media." Well, certainly for all those in the Murdoch media, just the usual attributing and projecting their own sins onto others; standard fare for all reptiles.

    But the Bov came close when he preached that "it is right to resist tarnishing all the members of one group with the vile deeds of some of their bretheren." whilst also moaning that "only Christians are held to the virtue signalling standards of the woke left." In short, he's demonising a whole, large group "the woke left" for the sins of the few, in this case, just the Essendon Club President. But we really can't expect a reptile to understand or admit to his own blatantly obvious failings, can we.

    So it's Slappy we go with for the prize.

    1. I'm not sure 'virtue signalling standards; aren't just 'standards' at the end of the day. Because a good Christian can ignore the standards they profess and simply request forgiveness it doesn't mean there aren't any standards. And while we are at it, I'm not sure the new testament (feel free to correct me) had much to say about poofs or birth control, but I do recall a few bankers being shown out of the temple.

      What we have here is another overpaid suit who left his last job due to corruption then left the new gig because of the suss company kept. Funny how the reptiles have embraced him as one of their own.

    2. Apparently, there's no actual mention of "homosexuality" anywhere in the Bible, Bef, because that's a very recently invented word. But here's a viewpoint:
      "Proposition 2: At most, there are only three passages in the entire New Testament that refer to what we today would call homosexual activity. None of the four gospels mentions the subject. This means that, so far as we know, Jesus never spoke about homosexuality, and we simply have no way of determining what his attitude toward it might have been. Moreover, there is nothing about homosexuality in the Book of Acts, in Hebrews, in Revelation, or in the letters attributed to James, Peter, John, and Jude. Further, homosexuality is not mentioned in ten of the thirteen letters attributed to Paul. It is only in Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, and 1 Timothy 1:8–11 that there may be references to homosexuality. 2 The paucity of references to homosexuality in the New Testament suggests that it was not a matter of major concern either for Jesus or for the early Christian movement."


    3. So a lot of the issues, particularly the repugnant ones, associated with conservative Christianity don't originate in scripture. It seems like they just represent a desire to exercise power over some person or group unable to retaliate. what's that you say? They now have some recourse, what a tragedy.

    4. Well, there's enough words about enough different people and things that if you look hard enough and "imaginatively" enough, you could find "Godly" praise and/or condemnation for just about anything. One could probably even prove that String Theory is an evil sin.

  4. Surely by now it’s time to establish some sort of Lizard Oz Whinge of the Week Award?

    1. There'd be a lot to choose from, Anony, with precious little, if any, originality to distinguish between them.

  5. One does sympathise to a small degree at the pressure on the Dog Botherer to provide "provocative"content each week.

    No time for fact-checking, no time for reflection - they are givens - but when Doggy Bov is at his hollowest, and emptiest, the "flip it (c)" game is called upon.

    So, Kenny is a figure of contempt across Australia's media landscape - flip it - and Chris is a respected, frequently awarded journalist. And commence article....

    But no, we are "flipping" the EFC presidency to a Muslim. Oh Chris, I tried that, and computer says no. Not going to happen. not now. not ever. Dorothy has given the reasons.



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