Friday, October 14, 2022

In which a Friday ritual with the hole in the bucket man continues ...


This is beginning to feel like a Friday ritual ... 

The hole in the bucket man makes an impassioned plea, full of historical references, much book larnin' and blather about the perils of humiliation ...

And then the pond must remind the hole in the bucket man that the calls are coming from inside the house, and perhaps he should speak to his kissing cousins at Fox about all this ...

It wouldn't be hard for him to find out where the propaganda is coming from ...

For the links, the pond should refer the hole in the bucket man to FP and Laura Thornton's Kremlin Talking Points Are Back in the U.S. Debate ...

Actually they never went away, but heck, the pond is always happy to oblige and fling in a couple of cartoons to help our Henry spot his kissing cousin at work ...

Nope, our Henry remains completely oblivious and unheeding, which is why the ritual must continue ...

The problem with this rhetoric is that there are rats in the ranks ... quislings, lickspittles, fellow travellers ...

Back to FP for another gobbet ...

But how long has this been going on? Well if you look at this tweet ...

... it'll lead you to a Newsweek story - Newsweek of all places! - way back in March 2019, and Tuckyo saying ... "I think we should probably take the side of Russia, if we have to choose between Russia and Ukraine."

Of course being a clever propagandist, he tries to pretend he's joking, but then it's no joke, and then there's his own regular rants. The pond doesn't intent to help the cause by too much linking, but it always finds this 22nd September effort great fun ...

... if only because from out of the mouth of babes came that blather about a bankrupt who's been divorced a number of times...

But still our hole in the bucket man remains obdurate, even as there are cartoonists lining up to help Henry ... old pond favourites...

The pond understands that the hole in the bucket man is more comfortable blathering about Geoffrey Blainey, St Augustine,  the Crimea War of 1853,  Ludendorff, German revanchism and the Weimar Republic ... but because he fails to do his real homework or pay attention, he apparently seems completely unaware of the sort of treachery afoot in his kissing cousins, and so feels free to blather about how to deal with Vlad the impaler going forward ...

Meanwhile, how do we deal with the quislings, the forelock tuggers, the rats in the ranks, and the lickspittle fellow travellers going forward?

It's easy enough to spot them by their rhetoric, and they're inside the Murdochian house, making money for our Henry's master ...

But enough of Tuckyo, because he and the cartoons don't seem to be helping our hole in the bucket man going forward ...

And so we arrive at the fag end of the ritual,, with the hole in the bucket man still completely oblivious ...

Meanwhile, on another planet ...

And so to a bonus, because out of sheer spite, the pond will always run another reptile piece, even if it has no interest in the matter. 

This day the pond was torn. 

The bromancer was at the top of the digital edition ravaging Paul Keating...

... but the pond isn't going to be gulled into defending comrade Xi, and so for once the pond passed up a chance to dally with the bromancer ...

But it was Sophie's choice, because the bunch below the fold were a dismal lot ...

Sure the lizard Oz editorialist had delivered the usual reptile serve in aid of climate science denialism ...

But this was just denialism by way of the standard "the vegans are coming for your meat" stuff, and the pond felt the need for genuine eccentricity, which is why the pond ended up with cuckoo nest Claire ...

What deeply rich blather, almost Q in its capacity for regurgitating a suggestion that Harvey was victim to a form of mass hysteria ...

On the other hand, the pond needed filler so it could space out its cartoons of the day, with the infallible Pope dealing with another form of weird collective belief ...

What a hideous man, and if only the pond could belief that he'd now be made to pay up for his wanton abuse of dead children and their long-suffering parents ...

Now back to cuckoo Claire, completely ignoring real ratbags of the Jones kind ... and speaking of him, what about a trip back in time to John Quiggin in the AFR back in January 2010 (might be paywall affected) ...

Necessary? Not any more Mr Quiggin, but they were grand days, grand conspiracies, but sadly the pond must return to crackpot Claire doing diligent Q work ...

Ah, the old "it should go without saying" routine ... matched by the old "nothing to see here" routine, matched by the old "why don't you look over there" routine ...

Well it goes without saying that sexual assault against children is an egregious crime, but why doesn't cuckoo Claire head off to her local church to do some fearless investigating and reporting, while the pond takes in its immortal Rowe for the day ...

When searching for wokeness and woke bliss and the colour teal, the pond thinks it's always in the details .... the reading materials for one ...

... and the most unlikely candidate for transformation at the beauty parlour ...

As for cackling Claire carrying on in Helen Lovejoy style, it turned out that it was all about handing out a free pass to predators ... as if it's impossible to contemplate the notion that all forms of sexual assault are reprehensible, and perpetrators should be brought to heel - is there a Catholic church or a Scouts Hall near Claire so she can begin her job? - and not some matter for statistical blather ...

To be sure, there's always a "to be sure", which to be sure, isn't totally reassuring, though to be sure, it's surely part of cuckoo Claire's inimitable stylings ...

But there was a Wilcox out, so to be sure, the pond needed the spacing ...

Eek, did Vlad-loving Elon finally get hold of it, and unleashed Vlad the impaler, the mango Mussolini and sundry other loons to add to the daily chaos?

Never mind, a valued correspondent sent this in, and you can make of it what you will, because these days instead of shouting "monarchist", it might be wiser to shout "children" and march with Q ...


  1. I suppose we should be thankful that at least Claire didn’t accuse Hilary of running a pedo ring out of a pizza parlour.

  2. The bit of Claire that caught my fancy was: "Boys aged zero to 17 incur almost double the risk of sexual assault than adult women do." Really ? So the reportage for sexual assault is 100% accurate in both cases ? Women don't, as is frequently asserted, make complaints that are simply ignored ? Or just don't make complaints for a variety of reasons including shame, fear and a general belief that complaining is pointless ?

    Almost 90% of sexual assault victims do not go to police — this is how we can achieve justice for survivors\
    "According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, one in five Australian women and one in 20 men have experienced sexual assault since the age of 15."

  3. Replies
    1. You don't really think they have any idea what's good for them, us or the planet, do you Joe ? These are functional idiots, mate, who are prime examples of permanent 'availability cascade' because they only ever listen to themselves.

  4. If you enjoyed that one, try this one:

    Not a Watterson, but a fitting 'first and last things'* ending.

    * not a genuine HGW either.

  5. "They" do say that there's a time and a place for everything, but does that apply to Holesome Henry ? "Russia's war of aggression [must] not go unpunished" he tells us. And that "The only credible way of achieving that goal is to inflict a decisive defeat on Putin ..."

    So now what could he mean by that ? To expel every last 'Russian' from all those territories ? And how long would that take, and how many Ukraini (and Russian) deaths would that require; because certainly Henry isn't proposing that NATO troops actually take part in the fighting, is he ?

    But then: "And defeating aggressors remains the only way in which their war crimes can be brought to account..." so surely we can all look forward to a whole bunch of Russian 'Nuremeberg Trials' in Moscow some time real soon now ?


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