Saturday, October 29, 2022

In which the pond returns, but only for the entertainment ...


The pond decided on a strict rule - so long at it had a cannula in the hand, it wasn't going to waste energy pounding on a keyboard to help the reptiles with their constant, beseeching, screeching need for attention.

Not that the pond wasn't busy. The pond had to cheer on the Musk, just so that the entertainment might continue. What if he invites the Donald back on to the platform, and Truth Social goes down the gurgler? How will all the investors in the snake oil take that?

What if the Donald refuses to come? What if he does come and a horde of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, Tuckyo lovers and wannabe Pelosi killers follow him?

What if Musk spends his days attending to the needs of cat turds? How long's that going to last?

The great thing about enforced time away is that there's a stack of immortal Rowes and infallible Popes to hand ...

And then there was splendid news that Mark Z had taken a bath, without benefit of bath water, and the pond knew it could add Meta and the Metaverse to the Facebook it had never used. And then came news that Instagram was intending to revive the very best features of MySpace, and there might be a new era for html and identifying songs, and how soon can the Meta company buyout drop to a MetaMySpace fire sale $3 million? 

And finally it seems TikTok was interested in using its features to track certain citizens. (All summarised on YouTube in Twitter Sinks, Meta Stinks).

And then there was the Rish. For a moment, it seemed like he'd be playing a straight bat, but the pond sent a Jewish space laser in his direction and leaky Su had a second life ... while in the United States, the sublimate idiocy of Herscel's campaign was boosted by the presence of Miss Lindsey ...

It took a supreme act of will to return to the land of the reptiles and look at what the pond had been deliberately missing for a week. Not once did the pond turn to the lizard Oz in the interim - there was so much better entertainment elsewhere  - but the feeling of nausea returned with astonishing speed and ferocity, thanks to the dog botherer ...

It's just the same old, same old, and the pond would rather be off listening to James O'Brien rant about the Rish in James O’Brien is astounded by Rishi Sunak’s ‘hat-trick’ of ‘hideous’ environmental decisions.

As the dog botherer had started in the usual tiresome way with a header about virtue, the pond felt the need to turn to a Wilcox ...

By golly, how soon can Wilcox send the dog botherer that guernsey. "Proudly cooking our planet"?

Now back to the cooking ... and sure enough all the usual scientific language spews out like a poisoned bowl of spag, with "high priest", "hubris of a zealot," "crusade", "altar", etc, because the dog botherer is no climate scientist, and a fuckwit to boot, and so must always frame science as a religious matter, even as reports come in of the kind Current emissions pledges will lead to catastrophic climate breakdown, says UN.

Dos any of this bother the cocksure, sanctimonious dog botherer? Of course not ...

The pond knows that at some point the dog botherer will drag in talk of nuking the planet, so it thought it might get in early by referencing these lines from the keen Keane in Crikey ...(paywall)

...Peter Dutton confirmed this Republican-like shift in his budget reply. On climate, Dutton is hardening the Coalition’s opposition to real climate action and wants to expand coal and gas.
We need “coal, gas, hydro, hydrogen, nuclear or batteries as an energy source or to store power when renewables aren’t feeding the system. But Labor is going to phase out coal and gas before the new technology has been developed and rolled out,” he claimed. He also accused the government of “ripping up funding” for gas exploration and cancelling gas infrastructure projects, as well as “handing over funding to environmental activists who want to overturn gas project approvals”.
Literally none of these things have happened. The current government is indistinguishable from its predecessor in its enthusiasm for fossil fuels. Like Michelle Landry, Dutton is inventing offence for something that simply didn’t happen.
Dutton’s enthusiasm for nuclear power is like his enthusiasm for carbon capture and storage. It’s the polite form of climate denialism.
It’s no longer quite the done thing to openly reject climate science or claim the whole thing is a hoax if you’re a senior figure in the Coalition. But you can signal that you reject it by talking about the myth of carbon capture, or spruiking the equally mythical “small modular reactors” that are “just around the corner” to provide cheap reliable energy — we just have to keep burning coal and gas while we wait.

That deserves a cartoon ...

And now it's just a matter of waiting until the dog botherer does mutton Dutton nuking the country routine, though the pond thinks that the keen Keane is being exceptionally kind calling it a polite kind of climate science denialism.

There's nothing polite about watching the dog botherer wank in public ...

It's true that there's been a lot of suffering of late ...

An alternative explanation for all the flooding?

Now back to the dog botherer ...

Ah, hairdressing. It's easy to see why the dog botherer would get agitated about hairdressing. What need for that in the manly world of the follicly challenged. 

And as for Teslas, why, we're almost back with that smell of musk, though Pope favoured an FJ when the pond's first vehicle was an FX ...

And now finally  here comes the nuking the country bit, with bonus ABC bashing ...

Meanwhile, in another country ...

And now because the pond is on short rations for its return, there's only a serve of the bomancer to go, but it's a bloody long one, seven gobbets deep and running into a blustery swell ...

Of course we've seen it all before. The new messiah was out and about not so long ago ...

That was celebrated here, but it was short-lived, and it turned out that she wasn't the messiah, she was just a naught girl, but sure enough the Rish now could be the great uniter of our time ...

And then there's leaky Su and not giving a toss about the planet, and the aftershock of Brexit resonating everywhere, except perhaps in the bell that passes for the Bromancer brain...

What joy there was when the pond was watching with fascination ...

The important thing, if you happen to be the bromancer, is to forget all that, wipe it from mind, including the classic fuck-up currently going down in Northern Ireland, and see what can be retrieved from the flames ...

Ah, the Indian sun rises over the empire ... but what could possibly go wrong? It's all gone spiffingly well so far ...

... and leaky Su's there to help tidy up the mess and send the refugees off to Rwanda.... what could possibly go wrong?

Ah, the markets, always the markets, damn you capitalism, and so to a standard bout of climate science denialism ... but perhaps first a Rowson crying in the wilderness ...

And so to fracking getting a fucking over ...

Frankly the pond has every expectation that Rish and his team will lead the country to greater glory ... what a team, what a vision, no re-treads for the FJ here ...

.. and so does the bromancer hold out hope for the team...

It would be easy for the pond to trawl back through the bromancer's worshipping of Brexit and of BoJo and all that follies that have follows, but he's going on at such tedious length, that would only add to the suffering ...

Perhaps it's sufficient to note the tragedy of the ABC giving space to this prize loon and his weird fundamentalist tyke take on things ...

Now it feels so long ago, and yet still a fresh, comprehensive fuck-up, and the pond has every confidence that the fucking up, and so the entertainment, will continue ...

And so at last to the final gobbet, but not before a scene-setting final cartoon ...

Oh yes, it's all rich,  in a non-domiciled wife, tax avoiding sort of way ...

The pond ended mildly astonished. The bromancer had started with such certainty, ready to hail the great uniter of our time, only to end with, not a bang, but a whimper, and idle chatter about succeeding against the odds ...

And yet here we are, with an empty Brexit tin on the table, a corpse in view, a monster and a crime scene ...

And as usual, here's the original nightmare for inspiration ...


  1. "'Oh frabjous day, callooh, callay' he chortled in his joy." So good to be back on the beaten track: welcome home, DP.

    And to recommence with a totally classic Doggy Bov too, in which he rants that: "The fact higher floods, longer droughts and deadlier fires have tested us in the past...". For a mad moment or two, I thought maybe the Bov had quite forgotten just how much every little thing is "precedented" by worse things in his past. And that's why we still build and live in houses built on flood plains but not on stilts, because we're just so very used to it all.

    But how about this one: "I have been watching this unfold and writing about the delusion for a decade or more." Oh yes, but has the Boverer entirely forgotten who's been in charge for the great majority of that "decade or more"? Someone who was Chief of Staff for Alexander Downer since 2006 ? "Oh, how swiftly the glory of the world passes away!"

  2. Oh, and just in passing:

    "Who have the lowest prices?
    Australian Capital Territory
    Unlike the rest of Australia, Canberra regulates its electricity rates. The most crucial benefit of government regulation is price control, so customers generally pay less for power in the ACT

    "Price control?" Never ever happen in a Boverer universe.

    1. Just plain wrong about Tasmania, but what do you expect? I suspect Cannon-Brookes was talking about wholesale prices not retail, but life is too short to chase down every bit of DB misinformation.

      If Doggy Bov wants to break complex issues down to correlation equals causation arguments we can play that game too. In a period when gas supply increased threefold the price increased tenfold - please discuss.

      The land area for PV stuff looks like some Shellenberger talking points doing the rounds at the moment. As you would expect, it's rather misleading. Coal power using open cut mining uses pretty much the same area.

      Funny how easy it is to debunk this stuff.

    2. Yes, Befuddled - in the spirit of Dorothy's opening statement this day - 'life is too short to chase down every bit of DB misinformation.' OK - that is part of the reason why 'they' continue to get away with obfuscation (and downright lying) but - life IS too short, and there is close to an infinity of other things to use it for, that are much more satisfying - and all are more pleasant.

    3. Yes, the works of the reptiles - and particularly the Doggy Bov - are just a continuing series of 'Gish gallops' (qv) and life is indeed too short, and way better spent on other pursuits anyway.

      But really, you can't "debunk this stuff" Bef; for its intended audience it is simply unquestionable holy writ, and no contradiction will ever be acknowledged.

    4. And talking about land usage, how about this:

      Nation's largest glasshouse operation growing vegetables hydroponically, still a family affair

      "Under a vast expanse of glass panels, tomato vines up to 15 metres tall, laden with ripening fruit, wind their way upward. A newly ripened bunch is picked from each plant every week. "

  3. The Bromancer surely does live in a world of his own imagining - maybe the real Marvel people should think of recruiting him as an 'ideas man'. He hasn't got any, but that never seems to really matter. And how long ago was it when the Bro was bromancing Ree-sMogg ? And where is R-s now ?

    And how about this: "Suella Braverman ... had been forced to resign under Truss for sending a government document on her private email. A silly mistake, but it doesn't seem earth shatering." Oh, but BG, butt: "her emails, her emails ! Lock her up !" Though indeed no more, nor less, "earth shattering" than Trump's stock of 'private' restricted government documents. It's just 'open government' after all, isn't it ?

    But this is the real killer: "a good example of what conservatives [note the lower case 'c'] need to do is provided by the Hawke government in the years after 1983. It drove the budget into balance and enacted numerous free-market reforms..." Ok, ok, so it wasn't little Johhny who fixed the economy, it was Hawke (and Keating). And the "numerous free market reforms" included a lot of gratuitous privatisation of good revenue making government bodies (AOTC, Commonwealth Bank, Qantas etc) which have been just barely legal money grubbers - instead of contributors - ever since.

    Yep, indeed the Bromancer lives in an imaginary world of his own. Still, I suppose that Hawke/Keating is as close as he is ever going to get to a Thatcher world.

  4. Yes, Dorothy - if it is not about the entertainment - it is nothing.

    So good to have you dispensing great cartoons, like party treats. There was an occasion through the week when someone on Sky ‘News’ had the attention of a cartoonist for the Sydney ‘Yellograph’ - for quite some time - and was asking him to EXPLAIN his recent cartoons - for those watching.

    With your permission, might I mention netball? A Mr Wild, of the IPA, has been on Sky several times, talking about the IPA’s recent survey of supposed Australian attitudes to things that athletes might say. The survey concluded that (’an overwhelming’) 62% of respondents thought it was ‘wrong for players to promote personal political causes’. From this, Mr Wild, and his interlocutor, the sour, snarly, ‘Gleeso’ made all sorts of assertions. Mr Wild even expressed concern that, if players persisted in having opinions ‘worst case scenario, we end up like the United States’, and lose all that harmony and bonhomie that ‘sport’ promotes amongst us. As ever, this person was speaking on behalf of the IPA, on ‘Sky News’, with no sense of irony.

    Now - the ‘survey’ was commissioned by the IPA, provided (I think that is the appropriate term) by good ole, reliable, ‘Dynata’ - another consumer opinion organisation - and from the other comments I have been able to glean, was set up to show that ‘an overwhelming’ proportion of Australians were on Gina’s side. Sooooo good to have several degrees of separation between Gina and the public being, um - polled.

    Oh, wait - the IPA is beholden to Gina for its funding. Well, yes - but, commissioning an ethical polling organisation to survey - well, of course ‘Dynata’ is ethical - the major corporations marketing soap and toothpaste and cosmetics would not use it otherwise - would they?

    1. If we didn't know you better, Chad, we might think that a week's deprivation has made you all snarky about Gina, the IPA, 'Gleeso' and the Yellograph. They are only doing what they have to do, after all.

    2. GB - perhaps the times are encouraging me to go 'Hunting the Snark'? Sorry -

    3. Odd coincidence - in subsequent checking some detail of ‘The Hunting of the Snark’ in the ‘Wiki’, I noted that Gertrude Chataway, another of Carroll’s little lady friends, to whom he dedicated ‘The Hunting . . . . ‘ when she was 10 years old - had an entry in the ‘Wiki’.

      I find that she was sister of one Thomas Chataway, who also rates a ‘Wiki’ page (what a great and good thing is the ‘Wiki’) because he migrated to our land of Girtby as a youth, became a grazier, mill-owner, leading cane-grower in Queensland, then an ‘Anti-Socialist Senator’ for Queensland, eventually to join the Liberal Party in 1909.

      Oh - tempting though it was to draw parallels between the story of ‘The Hunting . . ‘ and the Flagship, particularly to identify crew who - the link to an early Queensland agro-politician (and ‘Anti-Socialist’) generated sufficient amusement for now.

    4. Careful, Chad, it might really be boojums all the way through ...

      But in any case, via Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromasome Adam, we are all just one big family.

  5. Yay - welcome back Dot.

    As you can see the Bro hasn't reconnected with reality, as a matter of fact, even as you were signing off he was strapping on the water-skis with a view to jumping the shark. Apparently, the smoking ruins of conservative politics in both Oz and Blighty in no way repudiate conservative values. In today's offering we discover Starmer is fatter than Sunak, so no problems there!

    I cannot wait for more startling insights.

    1. Ah, Bef:
      "Let me have men about me that are fat;
      Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o'nights:
      Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;
      He thinks too much: such men are dangerous

      Not that I reckon Rishi actually "thinks" too much, more just the usual right wingnut emotionalising, really, but it's as close as he will ever get. And such men are indeed dangerous.

  6. immobilienverkauf olten

    Sie benötigen Unterstützung beim Immobilienverkauf in Olten? Dann sind Sie bei uns an der richtigen Stelle. Kompetent und erfolgsorientiert holt IMMOSEEKER beim Immobilienverkauf in Olten das Beste für Sie heraus! 

    1. Usually the pond would dismiss this sort of nonsense for the spam that it is, but who knows, somewhere in the pond's readership there might be someone in urgent need of advice in relation to the selling of real estate in Olten. Or perhaps Crimea?

      Who knows, but this sort of old school spam is now so rare that the pond thought it worth the go, for those who want to reminisce about the glorious early days of Adidas and Puma with Ye ...

    2. Ah, my Belovéd, fill the Cup that clears
      To-day of Past Regrets and Future Fears:
      To-morrow!—Why, To-morrow I may be
      Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years.

  7. I've been dropping by everyday since last Saturday. Today, The Pond returned. Hooray!!!

  8. You're the acme, DP, glad to have you back.
    "Hurry up. The loons! The loons! They're welcoming us back."


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