Saturday, October 15, 2022

In which the pond does the unthinkable and leads with "Ned", because the dog botherer is just doing the usual and the bromancer has turned defeatist quisling ...


The pond woke to news so remarkable this morning that it had only one choice ... see how the reptiles framed that choice...

Waste quality time with Dame Slap moaning about the sisterhood, or celebrate Britain on the move? 

With joyous heart, callooh callay, the pond abandoned planet Janet, clambered down the faraway tree, and turned to nattering "Ned" ...

It was too sweet. "Ned" blaming the Tories and blaming the mango Mussolini, apparently unaware that News Corp had a hand in both the Brexit nonsense and the big lie ...

Wouldn't the pond be happier reading Hyde handing out a good hiding?

Of course, of course, and any sensible person would immediately haul stumps on "Ned" and the pond, and head off to the Graudian for a good read on all of it, including that most excellent hiding ... though please make sure to take in the usual icing on the cake, a Crace with Kamikwasi takes Librium Liz’s offer to consciously uncouple from train wreck ...

Oh there's an abundance of riches ...

But the pond does its reading for perverse pleasure and kinky entertainment, and there's nothing better than reading a perplexed "Ned", the usual portentous pomposity deflated by events ...

Instead we have the moaning and sighing at clouds, and wringing of hands, and Chicken Little clucking about, and ashes tossing about version of "Ned" ...

It's all because they didn't embrace the monstrous stupidity and inherent lies in Brexit?

But all that was up there with the orange Jesus's big lie ...

There's even an "emergency exit" break glass in that baleful pack of lies ... as "Ned" grasps for some hope that plucky little England at least never fell for the coup-loving Faux Noise and chairman Rupert ...

"While much of her analysis of Britain's ills were correct..."

What a sublime "Neddism" ... and in that line alone he manages to offer himself as a target for a damned good hiding ... but instead, in the usual "Ned" way, he went on and on and on ...

But "Ned" conspiracy theories and a long list of enemies is entirely the News Corp/Faux Noise model ... you can't possibly abandon it now ...

Still, in the face of everything, he persists with admirable stupidity: "Many of the ideas advanced by Truss are desirable and justified ..."

No, they aren't, not in the world of theory, nor in the real world, nor even in the world where a red bus promised a cornucopia of pleasures and delights and oodles of money ... and so back to the sackcloth and ashes ...

Oh dear, and as plucky little England has fallen, so has "Ned", forced to reveal that he not only reads Andrew Sullivan - a perversity the pond gave up long ago - but that he's willing to quote him ...

But at last "Ned" has reached his final gobbet full of whimpering despair, and the pond hasn't even felt the need to include a single cartoon, such is the pleasure witnessing the confusion in "Ned's" mind ...

Oh dear, after all that, surely one Graudian cartoon can't hurt ...

And so to the dog botherer, and the pond marked the crow eater down, putting him in second place, because it was just a standard assembly of all the usual enemies ... a kind of dismal trussing that even "Ned" seemed to realise was a little out of date and out of joint with the times ...

What's worse, after that long burst of "Ned", the dog botherer also goes on and on with his blather ...

Well it beats talking about the floods and all that stuff going down ... best ignore all that climate stuff for the usual disingenuous serve of dog botherering bullshit ...

Oh wait, how could the dog botherer resist? Of course he was going to throw in an epic fit of climate science denialism, how could he resist, it's like any scorpion confronted by a sucker frog ...

Meanwhile, the planet is surely supremely safe in the dog botherer's stewardship ...

Sorry, that's what passes for satirical irony in the pond as there's another dollop of dog botherer gruel to serve ...

There's nothing like being completely cynical about the way some might be concerned at where the planet is heading ... and as for purging the sins of the father ...

...Kenny is a staunchly neo-conservative, anti-progress, anti-worker defender of the status quo. He is an unrelenting apologist for the Liberal Party. He was one of Alexander Downer’s senior advisers at the time of the Iraq War. He’s been known to argue for stubborn, sightless inaction on climate change. He spits at anyone concerned with such trivialities as gender equality, environmental issues or labour rights from his Twitter account on a daily basis. Recently, he characterised criticism of the lack of women in Tony Abbott’s Cabinet as a continuation of the Left’s “gender wars”. He is a regular and fervent participant in The Australian’s numerous ongoing bully campaigns against those who question its editorial practices and ideological biases. The profoundly irresponsible, dishonest, hate-filled anti-multiculturalist Andrew Bolt has recently referred to Kenny on his blog as “a friend”.
And it’s a jokey picture of a bestial embrace that I should be afraid of discovering online?

Never gets old, that one, though amazingly Liam Kenny wrote it in Junkee in September 2013, and here's the thing, nothing has changed ...

So to the next gobbet ...

Oh no, not the mask thingie, that's Killer's turf ... and as for the ABC, perhaps we can all agree ...

Let’s see the ABC give back every cent of what it cost them to use Photoshop for thirty seconds. Maybe I’ll spend the spare change on a bus to go see the Great Barrier Reef before it, like the Chaser’s dog, is completely fucked in the arse.

Such language, but when visiting the sins of the father ..

And so back to the man behind Utegate, who didn't just help Malware fuck things, but diligently helped Lord Downer to fuck Iraq, never needing to be reminded about his own useless and inept stint in government ...

What a tedious, out of date, out of touch, unaware, recidivist luddite clown he is ... but possibly it could be worse ...

The pond needed that one to help it get through the final gobbet... "dear, oh dear ..."

Wrong again ... one thing stays the same. Nasty people like the dog botherer spewing envy, spite, and bile ...

And now the pond realises that it has long overstayed its welcome, but it must turn to the bromancer, because at least those accustomed to the pond's Saturday Everest might attempt the climb ...

Yes, what's interesting here is not just how the bromancer starts by quoting Vlad the impaler, but how, in best quisling manner he then spends an eternity of gobbets devising and promoting FUD and defeatism, in a style which surely would have pleased Vlad the impaler and the Kremlin ...

Wave a nuke at the bromancer, and suddenly all his bold talk of bringing down Xi, and drones, and missiles and mobile forces and to hell with tanks turns to jelly ...

Old jellyfish is on the case, and the FUD is rampant ...

This is the way a Lord Haw-Haw would scribble, with defeatism, fear and paranoia at the ready ...

What happened to the bromancer talking up plucky Britain during the blitz? Where's the support for Ukraine?

Sorry, the bromancer is cowering in the corner, fearful of a terrorist doing terror ...

For a second there, the pond thought the bromancer was back-tracking ... after all, those bloody tanks are pretty useless.

But like Vlad the impaler, he has the ultimate FUD to hand ... and it'll soon enough come out to play ...

Smell the defeatism in the air. See how the quivering quisling quavers and wavers ... and yet there are gobbets to go before he gets to nuke the fridge ...

Of course, of course, the ultimate in FUD ... the armageddon, with the apocalypse deeply embedded in the tyke psyche, as if we're not already comprehensively fucking the planet, cheered on by reptiles of the dog botherer kind ...

But the pond digresses ... there's more defeatism to go ...

And so to the final gobbet from the quivering, quavering, wavering fearful jellyfish ...

Well that's the defeatist lesson for the day. 

Abject fear and the pond realised that everything that the pond had read by the bromancer to this day was just a form of bluster, the sort you might expect from a bully who would turn heel the moment things got a little heated.

Come on down, Xi, wave a nuke at the bromancer, and he'll fold his tent and steal into the night ... he might wring his hands as he leaves, but he'll only be peddling existential dread in service of your war effort ... 

All that blather about subs and tanks and mobile defence and he's as handy as a pack of cards in Alice in Wonderland ...

...and as it so happens, this day the immortal Rowe was celebrating that long march ...


  1. Ned on Truss: "...she went for a radical, tax cut, libertarian package but misjudged everything - the economic impact, market reaction and political backlash." Now hold on, was thhat a matter of mis-judging or of simply not judging at all ? Just having the usual wingnut blind faith in their own unending claptrap. Can anybody show any evidence that wingnut "economics" ever worked ? But I guess it would take the blind faith of a real 'brexitarian' to proceed as Truss (and Kwarteng) did. Even Neddy has to point out "...the loss of Britain's biggest free market in the EU."

    But then, he tells us: "The fall of the Tories has been epic, yet hardly a shock." Dunno about that, it sure seems to be a shock to a lot of Tories. Cameron, May, Johnson and Truss: yep, a quartet to inspire dull fatalism everywhere. However, Ned rambles "[Britain's] Westminster politics never succumbed to a Trumpian outsider." No, the Tories grew and succoured their own internal 'Trump', didn't they, from his first election (2001) until just about now; and in all that time, they couldn't see him for what he is.

    But Ned's inclusion of Truss's list of villains is delightful: "...Labour, the Lib-Dems, the militant unions, vested interests, Brexit deniers, BBC, talking heads, occupants of north London townhouses and extinction Rebellion." It's a wonder she didn't include Greta Thunberg, just for total inclusiveness. Especially since "(Net government debt in Britain is three times that of Australia as a proportion of GDP.)"

    And finally from Ned: "Conservatives face multiple challenges - sorting out what they believe, what works and what the public might tolerate." They might like to consult with $loMo; he never had any problems like that.

  2. Now here we go: the Boverer: "...more in common with Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion than they ever would with John Hpward or Bob Hawke." So, Greta did get her usual dishonourable mention (though she's never glued her hand to a "work of art") but far out: Bob Hawke is now a "middle of the road" wingnut hero right alongside 'landslide loss of government and lost my totally safe seat too' John Howard. Now we know.

    Is there anything else we should know about Doggy Bov ? Yep: "one thing stays the same. Nasty people like the dog botherer spewing envy, spite, and bile ...". And doing it so badly, too, with roughly zero impact on humanity.

    1. An interesting wrinkle to the XR story is that the protestors glued their hands to a sheet of plexiglass over the painting, not the artwork itself, but that story doesn’t lend itself to the type of handwringing or pearl-clutching you see in the Oz.

      I’ve actually spoken to one of the XR organisers from my local area (an older guy who works in IT) and he makes the point that, unlike NewsCorp, it’s not a monolithic organisation following orders from the top, but rather, a bunch of local groups deciding on specific actions within a general set of goals. Around here they make police aware of their intended actions and they go along with charade - publicity achieved without anyone being run down on a pedestrian crossing.

  3. It seems to me that in other circumstances Putin is exactly the sort of person that the Bromancer would endorse. He’s tapped into a rich vein of nationistic bullshit, the church is fully on side and there’s no end of tosh about historical greatness. Shit, he’s probably even recycling bullshit from the Russian version of ASPI.

    No mention of the casualties in all of this, just the Bro’s vast strategic vision. It’s really just military porn to old guys like Sheridan.

    1. Hi Befuddled,
      You wrote
      "It’s really just military porn to old guys like Sheridan."
      You know, I couldn't put my finger on what so irks me about Field
      Marshal Sheridan. You hit it right on the head, he LIKES this
      crap. The clash of arms, nations precious bodily fluids spewing forth.
      Between my father and uncles, half a dozen served in WW 2
      and when we kids would ask what it was like, I remember one
      "Dead kids like you everywhere when we flushed out a
      German town that decided to make a fight.
      When you buy those bags of soldiers they should give you
      another of dead kids,cats and dogs to spread around."

      Hard to enjoy the Thanksgiving desserts after that one,
      my mom was pissed.
      Like then 10 year old me I don't think it ever occurred to Sheridan,
      in a literal sense, that these battlefields are people's homes, he is just
      playing Risk.
      Just an aside, one of the great WW2 movies of all time is Jame's Garner's
      The Americanization of Emily(1964).
      Possibly the worst title of all time has hurt it from being better known.
      Garner gives a couple of speeches about war that are both brilliant and

  4. So, via the Bro: "What, if not racism, is the West's dogmatic conviction that its civilisation and neoliberal culture is an indisputable model for the entire world to follow?" Ok, so tell us all about Peter the Great and about the Jewish-German founders of the Communist Manifesto, Vlad. And note that Marx was born 'a Jew', though Engel wasn't. And maybe about Ekaterina while you're at it.

    Hmmm. Now, about Xi: "You cannot understand his behaviour as president if you don't start with ideology." So, then, does that make Louis XIV an 'ideologue' ? What is "an ideologue"? How about Christianity - is that an ideology ? Certainly, many who claim to be "Christian" have behaved in much the same way that Putin and Xi are behaving now - or vice versa if you prefer.

    Anyhow "Ukraine showed a determination to take back all Ukrainian territory by detonating a truck bomb on the Kerch bridge in Crimea." Well hardly actually "in" Crimea, was it. But has anything been said about how the Ukrainis detonated the bomb ? Was anybody actually driving the truck ? Was it a suicide mission or what ? And has anybody considered that it might not be actual Ukrainis - rebel Chechens or even Belarusians, perhaps ? No "other candidates" ?

    Bro: "A single soldier with a shoulder-launched rocket can take out a tank parked in a stationary line ..." And even take out moving tanks if it comes to that - and the Ukrainis are now experts at hurling Javelins.

    So, Bro: "The great lessons of the 19th and 20th centuries is that nationalism tends to trump everything." Hold on, wasn't 'ideology' supposed to be the trump ? So: "Xi cultivated intense Chinese nationalism as a domestic ruling strategy and an international operating principle." Oh, ok, Xi functions on ideology, but he controls others by "nationalism". Got it.

    But the British, of course, never invoked something as petty as 'nationalism' - they went with the vastly superior 'empirism'.

  5. Of course when Ned mourns British “Conservatism” he’s really concerned at the failure of the neoliberalism, flat earth economics and libertarianism that have gradually absorbed the Party over the last 40 years, along with the pack of incompetent blind ideologues who have controlled its destiny over the last 12 years. Ned also conflates this failure with the downfall of British democracy - he doesn’t seem to consider the possibility that it’s possible that another Party might be capable of doing a vaguely competent job running the country.

    It comes as no surprise that Ned’s long, long wail of pain makes no mention of the role played by his employers over several decades in promoting those same Brit-fucking policies and Tory gimps.

    It will be fascinating to watch the Editor at Length and the other Reptiles twisting around to say nice things about Starmer and the Labour Party, once Rupert realises that the Tories are terminally fucked for at least a couple of terms and issues the order to start being polite about the prospective winner, in order to protect his interests. The hypocrisy will be breathtaking, but not in the least surprising.

    1. The hypocrisy possibly would be "breathtaking" except that this is the Murdochs and it's just 'situation normal' for them.

  6. Murdoch propagandists often use the fact that News Corp and Fox News are seperate corporate entities as a means of excusing the former from the bastardry of the latter.

    However, it looks as though Rupert is considering re-merging the two halves of the Evil Empire.

    1. And a few more numbers here:

  7. Another perspective on the war: (only 1 free artcle, it seems)


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