Thursday, October 20, 2022

In which it's just a serve of Killer, the lizard Oz editorialist and Gina's IPA ...


So here's a story at the top of the lizard Oz for which the pond could only muster a sigh of 'told you so' tired resignation ...

All those years the reptiles did their best to destroy the NBN to aid the Chairman and eventually money had to be paid out because of the third rate wretched really unique* (*ABC licensed) MTM foisted on the country by Malware after he failed to carry out the onion muncher's order to completely destroy it. 

Now that a fix is required, the reptiles inevitably resort to "spending fears", and so it goes ...

That's another reason the pond will be ignoring petulant Peta this morning ... she and the onion muncher did much to send Malware on his path as a wrecker, and yet she has the cheek to imagine she's "centre right" ...

What's the point of blathering about smaller government and freedumb? 

Check out the state of Britain at the moment, and you'll find freedumb and the slashing of government and it gets weirder by the day, with that ratbag ideologue Suella Braverman the shortest-serving home secretary at 43 days ... what a hoot, if you don't live in little England but can read Suella Braverman resignation letter: what she said and totally meant, or Suella Braverman’s fall would be astonishing at any other time. But chaos is the new normal or Welcome to the doom loop of Tory Britain: an austerity that kills, a democracy routed ...

A cartoon will help with all that ...

Talk about freedumb, but the pond, being in the business of herpetological studies, must turn to the gloating of the Killer ...

Splendid stuff - abortion, who cares, just slump into gloomy autumn reality, and whatever you do don't ask Killer for help with control of your body - and Killer naturally isn't worried about the wondrous qualities of some of the candidates ...

Back to Killer, and the pond has a pound to a penny that at some point Covid will enter the picture, with climate science also in the running, because Killer loves to help fuck the planet ...

Indeed, indeed, and if you happen to be a Killer on a Killer wage, what's 10.1% inflation or a planet fucked by climate change? Above all, don't worry about the quality of the candidates ... 

...instead feel the Covid fear ...

What's Covid to a brave warrior, what's this nonsense about climate science? The pond hesitated to run the next cartoon because Killer wouldn't see the humour or would identify with the wrong character ...

As for the rest, it is now routine and tedious for the pond to complain about the slim pickings below the fold in the lizard Oz...

Three lizard Oz editorials in a row early in the morning, because the chairman is too tight to spring for a loon festival...

Only one stood out and it wasn't the blathering Westacott, nor the lizard Oz editorialist suddenly realising that the UK was fucked ...

Whenever the pond sees "cancel culture" it reaches for its Glock ...

Meanwhile, over at another News Corp publication ...

Shocking stuff, but it got worse ....

And then came the standard reptile blather about not visiting the sins of the father on to the daughter ...

But this worm-laden apple didn't fall far from the remarkably deformed tree, and has funded the most wretched and regressive organisation in the country ...

Per Mike Seccombe in The Saturday Paper, and not so long ago, only back in July 2018...

It produces Killer's favourite bedtime reading, and at one time, Dame Slap was its chairman, and now maybe isn't, but who knows, it's such a furtive, secretive organisation, with so many regressive agendas it's impossible to keep count ...

Back in the day it was smoking, but now it's "what have you got?", with a love of coal and climate science denialism and infesting the Liberal party with far right loons all the go ...

Look at that baleful line-up of stooges and dropkick losers ...and that's as good a reason as any to realise there's some cultures that need cancelling ...

There's a lot of coal-washing going down in that sports funding ...

So when the lizard Oz editorialist scribbles this ...

... the pond remembers that this coal and iron washing produces this ...

And then there's the climate science denialism and the hate for renewables, and so on and so forth ... and all the pond could think was fuck the reptiles, fuck Gina and fuck the IPA, if only because they're at the centre of a freedumb loving campaign to fuck the planet ...

The pond apologises for this crunched infallible Pope, but it is on theme ...

And there was this from the immortal Rowe ...

And the pond couldn't resist this smell of Musk, because at any EV charger now you'll see Tesla owners looking not so cocky, and perhaps even a little brand-shamed ...


  1. Ah, Lang Hancock - was there ever a finer embodiment of the Ugly Australian?

    Yes, you’d can’t blame Gina for her old man’s views and values - except that so far as I know, she’s never publicly disassociated herself from any of them. At the very least her political and economic views don’t seem all that different from those of her old man.

    It’s also worth remembering that for all the praise lavished on Gina for her donations to sport and scholarships (genuine charities can go and get stuffed of course, as they only benefit useless lazy bludgers….), her wealth means that it’s the equivalent of you or I finding a couple of coins down the back of the lounge and tossing them in a donations tin. Donating some spare change is a pretty easy means of generating favourable publicity.

    1. Bit more of a "double-edged sword" now that it ever was in the past though, Anony.

  2. That's our KillerC: "The New York Times, a publication not prone to any pro-Republican bias". No, of course not, who could think such a thing ? Never been anything but totally supportive of the Democratics and their very popular President.

    Then again, he has a point as some polls show once again the overwhelming dominance of the immediate over the important. Not that the wingnuts, and especially the reptiles, have any idea at all what is actually important - other than their own "identity" and the politics they assign to it.

    But the thing about our reptiles, and KillerC in particular, is what they believe the state of the world to be: never any proximity to reality, of course, just to whatever was triggered in their brain cells when they read, watch and listen to Fox News.

  3. This is marvellous, from Ms Braverman:

    1. There's a uniform

    2. When do they start the Aussie branch office ?

  4. "Whites now more likely to die from covid than Blacks: Why the pandemic shifted"
    One extract: “We’re Republicans, and 100 percent believe that it’s each individual’s choice — their freedom” when it comes to getting a coronavirus shot, Hollie said in January. “We decided to err on the side of not doing it and accept the consequences. And now, here we are in the middle of planning the funeral.”

    1. There's still this one, Joe:

    2. Well they die err. Kind of Darwinian selection isn't it?

    3. Should have read “DID” err.

  5. This one’s for The Killer and his psychological obsession with creatively interpreted polls and statistics. Apologies to Talking Heads.

    Psycho Scribbler

    It’s routine to make up all the facts
    This is the purpose of all Murdoch hacks
    I’m in deep with my pants on fire
    Don't quote me I'm a News Corp liar

    Column Filler
    I am so
    Fa fa-far-farked
    Fa fa-fa-fa-far farked better
    Run run
    Run run run away
    Ooh oh oh

    I spread misinformation
    No use for truthiness
    I'm writing a lot
    Yet I’m not saying anything
    Though I have nothing to say
    I will not yield
    Write bullshit once
    Then write it again

    I’m The Killer
    I am so
    Fa-fa far farked…

    1. Its wondrous just how much inspirational wisdom is out there just waiting to be revealed by the right interpreter.


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