This being Caterist day, the pond felt the need to get the reptile update on a matter involving sundry reptiles and a parrot, before heading off to catch up with the bromancer ...
The Caterist is only a minor one-reeler up against the parrot main feature, but still it was pleasing to see him garner yet another mention ...
And so to the bromancer, naturally featuring an American princess and her consort at the top of his immensely caring and sympathetic piece ...
Indeed, indeed, as the American princess herself might say, let them eat cake, or if unarmed civilian demonstrators, let them eat bullets, who cares?
Now it is of course possible to read other pieces online, and every so often the pond feels the need to draw attention to other reader opportunities ...
Outside the paywall at the moment, here, and inter alia, celebrating the notion that a day of massacring unarmed protestors locked in their gulag is a glorious one …
“I was at the biggest protest site, which is just east of Gaza City,” Sharif Abdel Kouddous, an independent journalist and fellow at the Nation Institute, reported on Democracy Now, the PBS radio show. “There are thousands of people converging on the site—men women and children. It is a really surreal scene. There are people gathering, most young men and boys, up near the border where there is barbed wire, three sets of barbed wire. And you can see just a couple of hundred yards away, Israeli soldiers under these canopies, on mounds of sand, sometimes in jeeps. And they are picking people off. Snipers are literally picking people off. I’ve seen people who weren’t even close to the fence being shot. Most of the people are being shot in the lower extremities, in their legs. I saw one person shot in the throat.”
The casualty count was hugely asymmetrical. On Monday night, health officials in Gaza put the number of Palestinian fatalities at fifty-two, and the number of wounded at more than seventeen hundred. Lieutenant Jonathan Conricus, a spokesman for the I.D.F., said that one Israeli soldier had been “slightly wounded by shrapnel,” and he added, “Our troops have not taken any sustained direct fire.”
… and ending ...
But of the “Trump peace plan,” which Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s lawyer turned Middle East envoy, have reportedly been working on together for the past year, there was still no sign. Nor was there any hint of criticism of the Israeli government for authorizing the shooting of mostly unarmed demonstrators. Kushner parroted the official Israeli line, that the protests in Gaza represented a deliberate provocation from Hamas, saying, “As we have seen from the protests of the last month and even today, those provoking violence are part of the problem and not part of the solution.”
Speaking of parrots, it seems to be the day for it, what with one psittacine in court, and another psittacine faithfully scribbling for the lizard Oz ...

It contributes to the peace process? Only if believe the silliest of slogans …
What a glorious day … remember this moment ...

… while Biderman in Haaretz seems to have captured the surreal nature of the cake-eating celebrations ...
The problem with Palestine is that America have always supported the Jews who have come out of Europe and Russia and were helped by the yanks against the wishes of Britain to displace the palestinians and leave them to try and survive out of palestine. If you listen to the accent of jewish populace they will have an American accent or european accent. If we look at the trouble spots around the world America has caused the conflict by interfering in the political structures of these countries.
ReplyDeleteAmerican and Australian politicians think the Jews were angels and Palestinians are so evil but that is not the case.
The Palestinians have been stripped of their homeland and are now stateless.
It would seem it is OK for Jews to be committed and ready to serve their homeland but others cannot have allegiance to a foreign country and this is not just on one side of politics as there are instances that people from Australia have gone over to serve in Israel army.