The naked self-interested hypocrisy of the reptiles is frequently on show, which is why the pond felt compelled to sin bin the dog botherer to the "late on a Saturday arvo" slot …
The reptiles hate the ABC with an all-consuming, all-devouring passion, seeing it as a threat to their failing, flailing business model, and they love to put their hatred on display. Never mind the incessant repetition, hear them roar ...
Above all, they hate Media Watch and Paul Barry for daring to make a few observations about the way the reptiles disport themselves, with their errors, their sycophantic fawning over the government, and their constant crusading on behalf of right wing causes, not limited to but including octopi from space and climate denialism …
Above all, they hate Media Watch and Paul Barry for daring to make a few observations about the way the reptiles disport themselves, with their errors, their sycophantic fawning over the government, and their constant crusading on behalf of right wing causes, not limited to but including octopi from space and climate denialism …
To prove their point, Barry scored a 'top of the digital world ma' moment at reptile digital HQ this day, and was heavily featured in the reptile twitter storm that followed the dog botherer's latest ABC-bashing outing ...
Of course the real indulgence is to pay attention to the dog botherer, who, like prattling Polonius, is bizarrely obsessed with the ABC … and shows it in deeply weird ways …
Strange shit. This is a form of masochism the pond understands, but still thinks deeply weird. Why watch and listen to the ABC if the only intent is to criticise? Isn't there enough fluff-gathering and navel-gazing in the media world already?
At least the pond celebrates the reptiles for the circus they are …
Of late the pond has been particularly attracted to the notion of twitter trolling the reptiles for fun, and it seems that the dog botherer offers the right sort of opportunities and incentives …

Hmm, the pond wasn't sure if Big Bill was referring to the ABC or to the Murdochian octopi, a beast from outer space without any clear oversight, standards or guidelines, always lobbying for themselves, and crusading against imagined and perceived enemies, but what fun it is to see the dog botherer out there attracting attention to himself ...

Stale and pathetic? Sing a new song FFS?
Sadly the dog botherer is a Johnny one note, much like Polonius, and the pond was beyond fatigue when it finally reached the latest rendition of the same old screech ...

Note to self: must do a piece on reptile paranoia, and the way that they think that the entire world is against them, and/or out to get them.
Remind self to recall how the dog botherer was a part of that infestation of lies, deceptions, and untruths that were peddled as a way of inveigling Australia into the war in Iraq …and as late as 2011, was still peddling a "nuanced view" of that remarkable disaster …
Yep, that from a war monger and a climate science denialist, as if he gave a flying fuck about the allegedly complex range of options for dealing with climate …
But enough of recalling, because the dog botherer is doing some recalling of his own ...

What a gormless futtock he is … as if their ABC is for the left, when their ABC spends endless hours talking up the reptile talking points and inviting assorted reptiles and right wing ragbags on to assorted time-filling talk shows.
As a result, the pond doesn't much watch the ABC any more - here no dog botherer obsession to view, no obsessive dog botherer viewing here - though it does always watch Media Watch, just to catch the latest reptile naughtiness, in much the same way as Amanda Meade's Weekly Beast is a good way of catching up on the collectivist right wing hive mind ranting in the Bolter way about the leftist collective …
But here's the thing. Irrespective of whether the pond watches the ABC, it's good that it's there, because it's infinitely preferable to watching or reading crusading reptiles at work …
That's a job best left to reptile devotees, and herpetologists skilled at reptile handling, because the nasty, bitey things can give innocents a fierce nip …especially because any pretence at impartiality is a herpetological delusion …
See how the dog botherer scratches and claws at anyone he doesn't like ...

And there you have it. A homogenised rat bag, writing over and over in the same way about the ABC (and all the other motifs in the tune), has the cheek to talk about homogenisation … singing the same song like a Johnny one note … and so reducing the pond to doing the same …
Sometimes it's a relief when a story about octopi from outer space comes along, to provide just a little variation.
Well, it's time to be fair to the dog botherer. It's true enough we accept the reality with which we are presented, such as non-existent WMD, and then invade a country and fuck it up comprehensively, and with it the Middle East, and then wonder why no one pays attention to a climate science denialist blathering away in the herpetarium with other drinkers of the Murdochian kook aid …
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