The pond is disappointed with the reptiles this weekend.
The dog botherer disappeared up his own fundament on Hindmarsh Island yet agai, and while Polonius attracted a pleasing response, it wasn't his best effort.
Even worse, nattering "Ned" went off the deep end, going on and endlessly on, until the pond began to suspect another agenda …and it was so tedious it had to be relegated to the late Saturdee arvo slot, where only a few passing specialists and insomniacs would use it for a right and fitting purpose … noiselessly dropping their tablets to the floor as sleep set in …
You see, there's a simple, pragmatic, one-line explanation of why a referendum on 44 is a waste of time and money. This is its chance of getting passed …
Ah Melbourne, how the pond misses your winters … though something about their bitter chill and tedious days trapped inside Mario's reminds the pond of nattering "Ned" ...

Yes, yes, and the pond understands it will have to wade through an interminable amount of turgid prose until we get there, but can we just cut to the real agenda? Something about elites no doubt ...

This is all very well, but what about the 'leets? What about making a point about all the dreadful furriners that are ruining the country?
Can't we have some plain-speaking?
Oh okay, the pond only flung that in because it couldn't take much more of nattering "Ned" on his high horse without some kind of break or distraction …
Now about that agenda and those wicked 'leets ...

Phew, what a relief. It took a long time to get there, but how pleasing to see that climate change measures aren't in Australia's national interest, presumably because Australia, in reptile eyes, exists on another planet … perhaps planet B, with plan B …
Quite possibly, it'll be the same should a world war break out. Australia can explain that it's not in its national interest, and while it regrets not voting on the matter at the UN, it's retreating to planet B ...
As for those dreadful people who insist on coming here, the pond was pleased by nattering "Ned's" suggestion that those who turned up in the last few centuries should immediately head home …
And now at last we come to those bloody 'leets … and a chance to contemplate this remarkable sentence …
"This is not to argue dual citizenship cancels national loyalty. That would be absurd."
In which case the pond has been reading an absurdist tract, and sadly a lot bloody longer than Waiting for Godot ...

It will be noted that nattering "Ned" is sensitive about his Trumpist inclinations.
But in truth that's what all that dog-whistling is about …as he offers up his "Australia First" sentiments and plans his Climate sciencexit.
He could have simply said that a 44 referendum had Buckleys and left it at that, but he had to hitch all those other wagons to his steaming engine …
And the trolling was successful, and how does the pond know?
Well Barry's the sort of faithful reptile hound who can hear what's really being said ...

Oh sheesh, Katherine, nattering "Ned" and the pond are heading back home along with everybody else, and might soon be bumping into each other in Ireland, and that'll be the end of all this idle talk about multiculturalism …
And now since the Donald has been mentioned, why not a few Trumpist cartoons to help the forgetting of "Ned", and the quick bringing of untroubled sleep …
"Ned" Kelly's theme song: 'Oh, Didn't He Ramble' ... and ramble and ramble and ramble ... [sigh]
ReplyDeleteAnyway, here if you want it: https://www.preshallfoundation.org/didntheramble/
"The Australian people would have the ultimate say." That's not how it works, Ned. Remember the 1988 referenda, approved by 60% of the people, but didn't get a majority of the States?