The reptiles have been diligently re-working the latest News poll 52/48 drubbing for Malware - so much effort, so little reward - but it's Barners that's stolen the show and the hearts and the minds of the reptiles this day …
Good old Barners, eternally true to that famous motto, "coal lovers know no shame", but the Terror is dead to the pond, and besides, lo, what's that which looms on the horizon?
Ah, it's the Oreo, and she's scored the Lobbecke of the day, and as every cultist knows, that means attention must be paid …
As for the contents?
No, there's no mystery here. As soon as dogmatism is mentioned, being a fan of post-modernist irony, the Oreo is certain to lead with an exceptionally dogmatic effort, perhaps along with an attempt to adopt a cape woven from snowflakes and sobs about victimisation, suffering, and cruel and unusual punishment … amidst endless blather about western civilisation ...
Hmm, only three? So much for the Vedic, and Hindu nationalists and Sanskrit and all that nonsense …
But let's not get picky … the pond is as dedicated to western civilisation and high art as anyone …
Ah, Villanova university, what Oreo lovers you are … but we must now pay heed to the Institute of Public Affairs, an organisation which, in the interests of transparency, and in the noble traditions of western civilisation, makes visible its funding support (except tobacco and coal, because, let's not go too far with this transparency and civilisation nonsense) ...
Now it's true that the pond has absolutely no understanding why Aboriginal people in Australia should be remotely interested in the post-colonial condition …but as we're doing academic studies this day, would it hurt to provide a little more context for that Fanon quote?
And then on the matter of individualism ...
Agree or disagree, surely there's more to be discussed here than allowed for by the simplistic short-hand quotations by the simpleton Oreo …
And as Sydney university has been mentioned, was it this that got the Oreo going?
And as Sydney university has been mentioned, was it this that got the Oreo going?
Professor Nick Enfield and his team are fighting the war against deception through the Post Truth Initiative. By bringing together political scientists, academics and researchers to examine legitimacy and fraud, they run public forums on the problems created by scientific fraud and explore why people are convinced by stories, but not by facts. They’re also building a “Bullshit Detector” – a computer capable of analysing speeches, articles and even tweets to tell if someone is being deceptive. This is what unlearning is all about. To think critically and challenge the evidence, shake out the charlatans and uncover the untruths.
Yes, there's such a fundamental pig-ignorant literalism in the Oreo's deliberately obtuse reading of a fairly average marketing ploy - flip ideas around to attract attention - that you almost think she's settled on a simpleton interpretation because that's the only level of post-ironic awareness she can manage.
Which isn't to say that the pond is that happy with transferring responsibility for bullshit detection to a computer. That's a quixotic quest up there with the original Don…
There's simply no way a computer could cope with the amount of bullshit that resides at the lizard Oz or is furiously scribbled by the likes of the Oreo - transistors would fry, digits would fly - but fortunately there's just one last cow pat to go ...

The pond has absolutely no idea what planet the Oreo lives in, but why on earth is she blathering about one fifth of undergraduates in the United States endorsing violence as a method of silencing dissent.
The only thing remarkable about the figure is that it's so low, considering that the United States consists of the most heavily armed state and civilian population on the planet, and at every level, routinely uses violence as a method of silencing dissent …
As for the rest, if you want to see a mind destroyed, gaze at the Oreo, but not for too long, because like staring at the sun, it can produce adverse health results …
Perhaps instead just admire the desperate attention-seeking embodied in that thumb CV the reptiles persist in putting below her piece … for it seems to be suggesting that here we have first class evidence of how western universities have destroyed the Oreo's mind …
Never mind, this is all just standard Oreo fare, another day, another biscuit, with Barners the real colossus, celebrated by Rowe, with more Rowe here ...
Ah, western civilisation at its finest, and how right of Rowe to acknowledge Jack Thompson, and his source …
The pond can't get enough of this western civilisation ...
[Prof Enfield]: "... explore why people are convinced by stories, but not by facts"
ReplyDeleteMaybe because most 'facts' are just stories anyway ?
So, sayeth the Oreo: "...young people are trained to reject freedom of thought and speech, impartial reasoning and objective scholarly inquiry in the pursuit of truth."
Good to see that The Oreo never sacrificed her core values in a fruitless "search for truth", isn't it.