Sunday, November 05, 2017

In which the pond does its Sunday tour of the Terror ...

First please allow the pond to explain ...

Calling people fascists isn't in any way, shape or form a kind of vilification ... nor is it in any way bitter ... it's simply the very latest in Devine Terror posts ...

It's true that it can be mis-read, and it could be clarified with the proper use of a comma ...

"Yes, voters vilify Christians to the bitter end... because voters routinely persecute and demonise poor hapless Xians" ...

Or some such thing. The mere conjunction of a bitter hater like the vilifying Devine up against Christ preaching love is likely to induce terminal confusion ...

And now, with everything made clear, and with Godwin's Law demolished for the nth time, and with a generous dose of paranoid persecution complex, it's time to splash on a little fragrant Devine ...

Now to be fair, the Terrorists did put up a right and proper warning about the way the Devine's post contained insulting and offensive post-Godwin's Law language, and the way that some might find this offensive ...

But then the very existence of the insult-hurling obnoxious Devine is disturbing and discretion is always advised ...

Now it's true that the pond, if it senses it's in the company of clap happy homophobic bigots, will get up and leave, but usually they pass unnoticed. 

It turns out, if the photo accompanying the Devine piece is true, that this time they were armed with a mike and with an amplification system.

It goes without saying that the only people who should have mikes and amplification in a pub are a grunge band, or a punk band, or if push comes to shove, an amateur garage band turning up for their first gig and determined to drive the punters to drink ...

A nun with a mike, and people are expected to drink on in long-suffering silence?

Frankly if a pub gave a mike to anyone other than a band the pond would be out of there ...

The pond was out and about yesterday listening to good old Stuart Coupe's eclectic compile of sounds on 2ser, Dirt Music, as young Alice Skye - who somehow survived living in Horsham - hummed tunes of existential despair, and could imagine that as background in a Chippendale pub ...

But the thought of nuns, the Devine and Dyson Heydon,  turning up in the pub and shouting about the tyrants of tolerance, made the pond feel very much like poor young Alice Skye ...

Even worse, is it possible to imagine anything more insufferable and irksome than someone armed with a mike preaching common ground, love and charity ... oh and by the way, vote down SSM ...

If you want to proselytise, evangelise, advocate, promote, proclaim, or carry on a crusade, whether nun or socialist, why not head off to the middle east, or short of that, try to get your nonsense published on a Sunday by the Terrorists ... just leave the drinkers alone ...

Remember, the end result of this carry-on is that persecuted paranoids are likely to start muttering and comparing you to Mussolini or Adolf Hitler ... and then talk about the way others have flung around comparisons to fascists ...

The hypocrisy is so deep, farcical and fuck-witted, only a Devine could manage the rhetorical leap into the abysmal void ...

And there you have it. If the 'Yes' vote gets up, the bigots and the homophobes won't give up, they love their homophobia, and they love calling out gays as fascists ... and already the Devine is denying that a win is a win ...

The desire to stay strong with the camel and goat herders is strong ...

There's something quite wonderful, and tremendously unChristian in the way that Catholic fundamentalist bigots cling to their bigotry, without ever quite understanding why they do it ... 

Here, splash on another dose of undiluted hate...

And so to a pond bonus, because the pond can never get enough of the onion muncher's minion trashing Malware ... and she was at it again today in the Sunday Terror ...

It's a form of talking dirty that the pond can't get enough of ...

Indeed, indeed, and Malware can thank the onion muncher for his situation in relation to energy, SSM and the NBN ... and where's the gratitude?

Where's the thanks for the manager of one of the worst governments in recent decades, shoring up one of the worst knighthood on the barbie PMs in living memory? (And now trashing Malware like it's all his fault, and the onion muncher and petulant Peta had nothing to do with it ...)

No thanks at all, so by golly, Malware deserves every bit of  obloquy heaped on him by petulant Peta ...

Vilification, opprobrium, vituperation, condemnation, denunciation, censure, denigration, derogation, castigation, lambasting, disparagement, calumny, execration, excoriation, upbraiding, invective, aspersion, and common insults ... 

Malware deserves them all, and never mind that they're coming from petulant Peta ... look at the mug, he should have known what was coming, even the known knowns like the undying, endless hatred of the rolled petulant Peta and the vengeful onion muncher  ...

Indeed, indeed, then there's the known knowns, like the way that your boss is an onion-munching goose addicted to Britain and incapable of understanding, even in the most tone-deaf, clunk-headed way, how knighting a Duke might go down like a lead balloon ...

But enough of comedy as hypocritical farce, there's only one more poignant gobbet of petulant Peta left ...

Oh come on, spare us the crocodile tears. It's great fun for you, and it's even greater fun for the onion muncher, and as a result, it's great fun for all of us ...

Sure there's a downside to all the laughter - Comrade Bill - and what do you know, Major parties conducting internal audits of every MP as Greens reveal new audit proposal ...

But don't worry about any of that, just go on with the vilifying and the denigrating and so on and so forth, because every day is another dagger in the back of the man who ruined the NBN, and what music that makes ...

The pond can sense where things are heading ... an early election, Malware out on his ear, and the onion muncher dreaming of a return as leader of the opposition, where he can contribute even more to the fucking up of Australian politics with his nattering negativity and his luddite dinosaur attitude to just about everything except transubstantiation ...

Yep, it's another Sunday at the Terror, it's another day on the pub known as planet Earth ... last drinks please, and a last cartoon ...


  1. I like your courage in reviewing the moronic writings of a bigot that Murdochian stable produce.

  2. After Pet Peta blurted out that: "...Gillard's political management was chaotic and Labor was hostage to events."

    You responded, DP: "Where's the thanks for the manager of one of the worst governments in recent decades"

    Sally Young of the SMH takes it just a tad further:
    " key performance indicator we would expect of a government: that it can pass legislation.

    On this criterion, the Abbott government is the least efficient government of the past 44 years. Even William McMahon's government of 1971-72 passed more legislation – and McMahon is often dubbed Australia's worst prime minister

    Incidentally, the best ever Australian government judged by amount of legislation passed on a daily basis was ... Julia Gillard's.


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