Thursday, November 09, 2017

In which even the savvy Savva hints at writing off the undesirable Malware ... well that's what the pond carved out of the pudding ...

Et tu, oscillating fan?

Everybody's been dumping on Malware of late and the pond, as it gazes at its screens dropping out every twenty minutes or so, and Telstra blaming the NBN, and the NBN mute, can't imagine why ...

But it makes for a tricky Thursday, which is savvy Savva day in the reptile calendar, and she has the difficult job of making Malware palatable to the restless mob ...

It's a good opening ploy, to blame it all on the High Court with their legalistic pedantry and capacity for reading the bloody obvious ...

(i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power ...

...shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives. (here for other 'disqualifiers' and case histories).

With all due respect, anyone who has endured the bloody-minded pedantry and righteous rulings of a body like Centerlink will be laughing all the way to their measly allowance at the talk of black-letter rulings, code for understanding the meaning of plain English, unless you happen to get in a tangle with federal bureaucrats ...

As everybody but a dodo was able to see, Malware was too late to the scene of the bleeding obvious, and then spent his time rushing around wringing his hands and worrying about his ability to continuing in power - so much more of the NBN to fuck over, so little time - rather than attempting to staunch the bleeding ...

How could Savva mount a defence of the irresolute spineless jellyback in the middle of this malignant mess?

Well it's jolly good stuff, a joke about the First Fleet when a simple set of procedures could be followed and precautions taken, and apparently the dereliction and negligence of politicians and political parties is all the fault of a High Court plainly reading a plain constitutional matter and yet when it comes to other boat people, the rulings are usually clear and rigorous ...

So what else have we got, apart from shoot the messenger and pander to the politicians? 

Turns out, not much at all ... except, of course, a fear of an actual general election, which would be a blessing to almost everyone except Malware, and apparently Savva ...

How to break it to Savva, that the entirety of Malware's blighted rule has been a write-off, politically speaking, and even if the current fuss had been excluded, the entirety of 2018 would likely have been an equally dismal write-off, and for the average punter labouring under Malware's NBN, highly undesirable.

Let there be blood, or a general election, and for that hope at least, the High Court deserves thanks, and as the defeated trudge off to Centrelink - at least if they didn't serve long enough to collect a handsome parliamentary pension so that they might disport themselves like barking mad Lathamites - let them recite the Centrelink mantra "rulez is rulez" ...

What's that? A typo?

Ah, that's it. "Savva is savvy and ruse is ruse..."

And so to a few stories you won't read in reptile la la land ...

Say what? The pond, which had promised itself it would end blogging on the death of the chairman or the collapse of his empire, might suddenly be able to run wild and free?

Is this a case of live by the fundamental Wahhabist, die by the fundamentalist sword ...

And then there was the good news from Virginia and other parts of the country ...

See how the reptiles put that front and centre of their tree killer edition?

The statesman abroad, standing where the pond once walked?

Time then for a relevant cartoon from James Gillray ...

Wait, that was just an early slice of the pudding - the irresistible Rowe has just taken another slice of the magic pudding, with more delicious Rowe portions served out here ...

Here's a different version, just for fun ...

1 comment:

  1. "...the talk of black-letter rulings, code for understanding the meaning of plain English"

    Ah yes, those evil "black letter" judges who, if they do instead favour a vernacular interpretation. are immediately denounced as "activist judges". This is affectionally known to all reptiles as "heads I win, tails you lose".

    Did anybody whisper the words "common law" ?


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