Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Forget Mr Potato Head's Xmas penis ... what about the underwear being flourished by SloMo and the reptiles?





The pond can't begin to explain the overwhelming sense of relief to be back online, away from FTA, and ready to share a moment with Colbert's graphics department ...

Of course there's a downside, and the pond isn't just talking about Jesusween or Mr Potato Head's Xmas penis, the pond now has duties to perform, and do they come more burdensome and onerous than contemplating the thoughts of nattering "Ned"?




Even here, however, there's a fun part, roughly equivalent to watching reptiles wriggle on their own hook, years in the making ...




But enough of the graphics, on with the wriggling, and please "Ned" make it a first class wriggle, worthy of a podcast that might be sounded out in your sonorous voice ...



What's wrong with Barner's voice? Why in the good old days, they were as one ...




Ah, but now the reptiles have adopted a new tack, in both the tree killer and the digital edition ...




So SloMo is going to save the planet, and save your coal jobs, and no doubt prefer to wear his undergarments on display on the outside while doing the saving...



Oh indeed, indeed ...



Well to be fair to "Ned", it's desperate times, so he kept it shortish ...


Uh huh, so how did the punters take to "Ned's" blithe backflipping? 

The pond could only afford the time and space for a short random sampling, but it looks like its going to be a hard sell to the lizard Oz base ... 




Good old nukes, and the new cult, and so on and so forth, and here the pond should pause to note what it isn't covering this day ...



There you go, Tezza going full nuke, and the Swiss bank account man explaining why we should realise what happens on the Gold Coast must stay on the Gold Coast, and don't you dare harm sweet innocent Gladys, and the Doddster yammering on about free speech, because the reptiles can't ever shut up about it ...

But the pond was drawn to the notion that climate science was a new religion, a new cult, because that's been in the reptile lexicon for decades, and sure enough it's still a favourite ...


Dear sweet long absent lord, how little this ponce has to be proud of ... and even worse, before proceeding, the pond should note another reptile given up to pay heed to his blather ...

The pond could write that one in its IPA approved sleep ... activist judges, ice buckets on lawyers, yadda yadda ... (though it turns out that it's just going to be a new split, and yes, the pond would get out of bed for a 30% slice of the action).

Sorry Dame Slap, you were once great, back in your "Lord" Monckton, world government courtesy climate science by Xmas days, but now it's time for the new religion, the new cult!

Say what? Not a hint of "Ned's" podcast, yet the reptiles have an AG podcast? Dear long absent lord, here's hoping it gets things right ...



Okay, okay, the pond isn't having a debate, a discussion, an argument or whatever here. The pond is just wallowing in cartoons, and the fun of being back, and seeing assorted loons writhe on assorted hooks of their own making ...


Talk about comedy stylings! We are at the coalface of it for want of a better word! Could Gina or the IPA or Barners have put it better?

It was more than enough for the pride of the Littles, and all that was left was a brief coda ...


Yes, yes, coal is still the answer ... and poor sweet innocent dinkum clean virginal Oz coal has been cruelly demonised, because when all you know is a religious cult, that's the only way you know how to speak ...


The pond suspected all this had been going down in its absence, and yet it was still haunted by the fate of one famous reptile warrior. 

Of late, Lloydie of the Amazon has rarely been seen or heard from, and when the pond went looking, in an anxious, nervous way, it thought it found what had been the Amazon man's last outing ... 

And so the pond couldn't help itself, and decided to do a little dumpster diving ...

Just a little, because some goods can be a little stale or tasteless ...


Eek, it's five days old, well past its use-by date, but look, there's the return of the cult master. Who could complain?

And Lloydie of the Amazon poured his heart into the piece - in total, including the cult master, there's seven whole gobbets ... so there's no rest for the faint-hearted if the Amazon is to be saved yet again ...



Yes, yes, if a dictatorship can help fuck the planet, why shouldn't we join in?


Nukes! Why didn't the pond think of it? It's the new reptile chant, from Tezza to Lloydie of the Amazon, and it will make SloMo's modelling look exceptional ...


Oh the bloody underwear and he's probably going to wear it on the outside, as super folk are wont to do ...

As always, there's more Rowe modelling here, but meanwhile the pond must push on, because Lloydie of the Amazon has much FUD to push ...


The pond's heart almost broke reading Lloydie's words, and that talk of cynical big business ...

Who could imagine a business so corrupt, who could imagine a business seizing on a transition in the belief that it was paved with gold, good intentions and power?



Oh right, that mob, recently celebrated in Media Watch ...

It must be hard for Lloydie of the Amazon. He was the most expert of the reptiles when it came to generating FUD, dissembling, confusing and conflating, but thank the long absent lord, there's still a home for his skills ...


Good old beefy boofhead Angus, still checking up on the source for his figures for that missive to the Mayor. Of course he's just the man to reference Operation Market Garden ... we all know how that bridge too far played out, and oh how the new religion will likely offer a mass burial at Oosterbeek ... or wherever, perhaps Glasgow ...

And so to more saucy doubts and fears, in the patented Lloydie way ...

Indeed, indeed, those bloody fiendish and cunning orientals, cornering the greenie markets and electric vehicles and such like, while the reptiles were out playing bowls, or should that be coals, with Drake ...

Of course SloMo's government has shown how it's done, what with its tremendous trend-setting fleet of EVs for pollies and fat cat cardigan wearers ... a big enough order to inspire a local EV industry ...

Oh wait, the pond must still be suffering from delusions and the PTSD induced by that lightning strike that sent it offline ...

And so to a final gobbet of splendid equivocation and uncertainty ... as only Lloydie of the Amazon can do ...



How could the pond have doubted?  Sure, there was a little stink in the dumpster, but the dive was well worth it. 

Lloydie of the Amazon still knows how to deliver, and the pond will do its best to keep track of him, even if the reptiles try to hide him in the forlorn Bjorn corner, blathering about the need to invest in carbon-capture storage solutions, apparently yet to be invented, but no matter, invest away, because beefy boofhead Angus knows how to invest ... just ask his family and friends...

And with that, how better to end than with an infallible Pope? And what do you know, forget the underwear, by this stage of the reptile game, we're into bare bums ...



  1. Fancy old Swiss bank man commenting on honesty.

    1. It's about on a par with Lloydy commenting on climate, isn't it. But think about it: the Swiss Bank man is a world-standard expert in dishonesty; so if he carefully elides everything he knows is dishonest, then the microcosm that remains, by logical winnowing, is "honesty". Isn't it ?

  2. And talking about Lloydy, how about this: "To scale these technologies [hydrogen fuels, bioenergy, CCS] and take them to market will require at least a tenfold increase in investment." Does anyone even vaguely consider that Lloydy and the reptiles will ever grasp that to not make that investment will cost an order of magnitude more than making it ?

    No, as far as they are concerned, doing nothing costs nothing, there will be no negative consequences of any kind. Well, maybe a few storms will be kinda big, and some wild fires will be kinda destructive, but nothing that good old free-market insurance companies can't cover. And we'll need to run our air conditioners 24/7 and we won't be able to step outside in the daytime, but nothing to worry about, is it.

    And how about this: "Humans may be the only intelligent beings in our galaxy, so the destruction of our civilization could be a galactic catastrophe, Brian Cox warned leaders ahead of Cop26."

    I wonder if Brian reckons that the human race will last for the hundreds (maybe thousands ?) of billion of years that the galaxy will continue.

    1. I wonder if that youGov survey included a question regarding how much MORE people were prepared to pay in order to prop up coal fired power. It all depends on how you frame the question - just ignore the lower wholesale cost of power in states with a high penetration of renewables like SA and Tas and the uninformed reader will draw the wrong conclusion without you even having to lie.

      Similarly, the China, China, China (19 mentions in this article) narrative can be spun the other way as well. If the evil Orientals will profit from a green agenda do they also profit from fossil fuels?

      "The supreme irony of this grotesque grab for coal and gas donations is that it would transfer billions to the Chinese. What does China control here in fossil fuels?"

      "The gigantic coal port, Port of Newcastle, Yancoal Australia, coal miner CITIC Australia, gas pipelines operator Jemena and Alinta Energy, to name a few."

      "There are many more, and many more fossil fuel companies besides which are financed by banks such as Bank of China, and which will need to be bailed out when the music stops in the fossil fuels sector."

      "“If we are forced to pay a little bit more on our mortgages, we should do that,” he said. Matt and his National Party colleagues Barnaby and Keith – or rather, Bā nà bǐ Joyce, Li Jing Pitt and Mǎ xiū Canavan – ought to be shortlisted for the Mao Tse Tung Medal of Honour for Services to the People’s Republic for advocating this inspirational concept that Australian home-owners must subsidise China’s business elite."

      Basically, the foreigners will profit because we have no real industrial capacity. Who caused this to happen and who cheered them on?

    2. We don't hear anything about the large losses of jobs and revenue from the closure of GMH, Toyota and Ford, do we. It's typical 'searchlight vision' - only seeing what they want to see and everything else is outside the range of sight. That's why they can only see the costs of taking climate change action and are oblivious to the growing costs of not taking any action.

      As to subsidising the Chinese, well, Australia hasn't been owned by Australians for quite some time now, so we've been subsidising the Pomegranates and the Yanquis for quite a while, why not the Chinese too. Indeed for quite a while I used to reckon that we Aussies were just funneling cash from China (we sold them more than we bought) to America (we bought more than we sold). We probably still are.

  3. And talking about "meaning", how about this DP:

    And youtube followed it up, unbidden, with this:

    Rien de rien ?

    1. Vous ette non toujours gai, DP ?


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