Monday, September 13, 2021

In which "live dinkum clean innocent pure Oz coal, live" jostles with "die old farts, die" for reptile attention ...



The pond knew that the window dressing that some News Corp types feebly attempted regarding climate science would fall apart, though there was a chance it might last longer than glitter after a night of hard Mardi Gras partying ...
However the venerable Meade belled that cat last Friday here ...

Well yes, duh, because it was Bjorn-again business as usual on the weekend, and the Major, a fervent climate science denialist, didn't bother to pretend ...


How the reptiles love to dance on the grave of doing anything about climate change ... and how long have they been doing it?




The planet plimered one more time, even though prof Plimer has passed to a fierier place ...

Audiences? The readership? The lizard Oz has a well-schooled, highly trained readership always ready to chant about their love of coal ...

Blather about the readership is like the Major blathering about accurate reporting ... but sadly the pond doesn't have all the space required for the readership today ...


Let's just say that the loons were out in full force. as might be expected of devotees of the Major ...



What the pond loves about the Major is not just his ability to lie to others, but to lie to himself and thereby live a life of rich delusion ...

The notion that the lizard Oz is anything but a stooge for IPA mendacity is one of those lies ... as if a few lies in an editorial somewhere in the ancient past counts against endless nonsense ...




Good old Ron? Now there's a name the pond hasn't thought of for awhile. Come on down Time Machine remind us of Ron ...





Amazing, that was in 2009, and yet here we are, back with coal-loving Ron, and naturally the Major was only too ready to talk of the wicked left - because science is always a political thingie - and even more amazingly, present the likes of Lloydie and the Bolter as being on the side of the angels ...




Of course it's our moral duty to keep on exporting coal dinkum, clean, pure innocent Oz coal, oi, oi, oi, why would a climate science denying reptile come to any other conclusion?



Um, that's diversity?

Actually, that's climate science denialism in newly modified, window dressed, faded glitter form ... as the old song would have it, in lizard Oz where carbon is king, where the Major meets coal, here's what they say, when the sun heats your planet like a a big pizza pie, that's denialism, when your love of coal seems to shine like you've had too much wine, that's denialism ...

And so on to the rest of the day's reptile business ...





Hmm, Albo helping out the Chairman's paywall, what a noble thing to do. Perhaps they'll put it out in a press release, but seeing pollies pander to the Chairman meant the pond had to turn to the usual, which is to say the government cash in the paw man ...

As soon as the floodwaters in quarries man starts talking about facts, the pond is tempted to burst out laughing, or admire the eddies in the brown murky water ... and the reptiles themselves couldn't help but offer a cheeky juxtaposition ...

Sorry Claire, the Caterist can't abide any of that talk about deaths. The Caterist is in the league of Killer Creighton gentlemen, and the Caterist has the floor, which is vastly better than standing in a quarry admiring the movement of flood waters ...

Of course at this point nobody can be certain about how it will play out, but one thing's certain. The amount of bogan yahoo stupidity is strong in the land, and the desire to be infected or infect others seems irresistible to some ...

Sorry, sorry, but the pond fancies itself as something of a recorder of onion muncher follies ... it apologises for the interruption and returns to the Caterist celebrating gold standard Gladys ...

The pond knows where the Caterist is going, but frankly it exhausted its list of Herman Cain contenders on the weekend, and can only wish that the Caterist was one of them ... but then, as everyone knows ...sensible reptiles know how to take precautions while preaching on the wisdom of others dying ...


Meanwhile, back to the Caterist, downplaying the threat ... as if born to the Fox employee style of brazen hypocrisy ...

Is it wrong for the pond to want to dance on the grave of the Caterist? Consider the pond wrong if you will, but as you get older, you learn that it's not just sperm that are precious. Every day you last on the planet in reasonable shape is precious. 

Yet the reptiles love to scribble about the pleasure in killing off demented old folk. Perhaps they have had a vision of their demented selves in later times in a fully demented state, and deserving of a mercy killing ...

It's as if the Hippocratic oath were but a dream ... or a nightmare ...

Oh go and catch a dose of the Covid so that we might be spared the Caterist claptrap for a month or two, or perhaps, if it turns into a long march, who knows how long we might avoid suffering with the Caterist in the killing fields ...

And so, as a bonus, to the reformed, recovering feminist ...

You know, in the old days, the reptile graphics department would have had enough staff and budget to spend a little time working the WA Premier's face into that shot of the Gollum.

What a pitiful corpse it is - no, not the Gollum the lizard Oz graphics department - but what's equally fascinating to the pond is the way that the reformed, recovering feminist is open to catching pretty much every viral strain that runs through the lizard Oz now.

For months the reptiles have shown a deep and abiding fear of the west ... instead of the goalkeeper's fear of the penalty, we get the eastern staters fear of the secessionist sandgroper ...


What really sticks in the reptile craw, and has done for months, is the way that the secessionist sandgropers have voted with their feet, giving McGown the largest victory in terms of both vote share and proportion of lower house seats controlled in any Australian state or federal election since Federation (or so the wiki says). And then the wretch announced a record surplus and decided to splurge $9.1 billion on infrastructure ...

Talk about ways to send an embittered, resentful recovering, reformed eastern states feminist into a frenzy ...

Why they even had to include a snap of the man, and the pond must confess that the resemblance to Gollum without the help of a lizard Oz graphic artist and Photoshop is somewhat limited ...

The best thing the pond can do is let the reformed, recovering feminist whimper and wail, because truth to tell it's hard to hear the sound of sandgropers cashing in above the Oreo's sustained sobbing ...

Indeed, indeed, these sandgropers aren't just secessionists, they're treasonous traitors ... the war on China has been going amazingly well, and just as in the old days, the Oreo is ready to produce a white feather for those who won't join in with the lizard Oz and the likes of the bravely crusading bromancer, ready to give them a Corporal Jones what for  ...


And so to the Rowe of the day as we join State Gold Standard Mum on a slow boat to ICAC ...



If anyone in the secessionist sandgroping west bothers to notice, how they must chortle at the sights to be seen in the east, and join in the pond's pleasure at seeing Rowe do a number on our gold standard Gladys that's way better than that Gollum nonsense ... with more Rowe here ...



  1. Claire Lehmann reckons that if Australia had the same Covid death rate as the USA, we'd have 50,000 Covid deaths. Just for interest, Florida - population 21.944 million - has 48,772 deaths out of 3.54 million cases. So, if we had the same death rate as Florida, we'd have 57,340 deaths. We actually have 1091 deaths out of 73,605 cases because of the surge in NSW.

    Just saying.

  2. I know Mike Carlton refers to Polonius as Gollum but seeing those photographs in todays offering - surely its Nick Cater. Has anyone seen them in the same room at the same time?

    Thought I would outsource today's rant to John Birmingham

    "It’s been a long time since News Corp was a news company, in the sense of simply reporting reality from the ground. There’s no money in that now. All the money is in shaping reality, in producing disinformation at scale. People will hand over their credit card details to have their biases confirmed and in confirming those biases, the Murdoch family reaps a secondary benefit. It creates a hermetically sealed reality in which governments favourable to its interests (making shit-tons of money, and paying a pennyfartsworth in tax) can be re-elected in perpetuity."

    1. "simply reporting reality from the ground" ? I don't think any Australian "news company" was ever that, Bef. I used to read - from about 10yo when I first did a morning paper round - The Age, The Sun, the Herald, the Weekly Times and the Sporting Globe, yes, and even the Melbourne Argus until it folded in 1957, and the only one that could be accused of "reporting reality" was the weekly Sporting Globe because it was mostly about sport - indeed mostly about Aussie Rules and Aussie racehorses.

      The Globe almost always got the winners right and counted the scores and scorers accurately. Mostly because if it didn't, a legion of angry fans would descend upon it with totally unforgiving fury. But if you want to know about the "News" papers, remind DP to resurrect Paul Sheehan just one more time. And then add Terry McCrann. And just don't ever mention the Bulletin.

      Yes, we did have Kenneth Davidson (the one who apparently drove McCrann from the Fairfax press in insurmountable anger) in The Age and the SMH. But how much can one decent journalist - who was mainly commentator rather that reporter - achieve ?

  3. So, Maj Mitch would like us to note that: "At much of the climate alarmist media, emotional journalistic responses to climate politics always trump factual analysis of climate science."

    Now from where I stand, News Corp is the fundamental "climate alarmist media" that is always totally incapable of any kind of "factual analysis of climate science". To be able to engage in any kind of "factual analysis" you have to be able to recognise facts and understand science. Now honestly, is there any News Corp journalist or contributor who can do that ? Definitely neither the Bolter nor Lloydie can.

    So when Mitch. says "Critics need to explain why they support policies that will hurt Australian living standards and jobs..." then we know we're dealing with somebody who can't even begin to understand the "hurt" that will come, much sooner than later, from ignoring climate change. He just can't grasp that there is no such thing as policies that will not "hurt", there are only policies that either give us some chance to learn to live with it or not.

    And just like Covid, News Corp favours the policies that will most force us to die with it.


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