Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Today brings an epic pond ... the return of Lloydie of the Amazon, a great groaning, a Killer time, and then a Killer time with nattering "Ned" and special guest David Brooks ...


The pond is lucky it occasionally dips into other rags and came across this splendid martyrdom ...

Without news of the suffering of the liar from the Shire, the meaning of this infallible Pope would have completely passed the pond by ...

Jesus Christ, it's a suffering Jesus Christ ... or perhaps just a wayward refugee from Hill Song ... but enough already, today the pond is giddy with excitement, because Lloydie of the Amazon has returned. He didn't do a Colonel Fawcett, he's alive and well and so is the reef ...

Splendid news, and off to a good start, gently stroking the Riddster through the covers, and now surely it's time for Lloydie of the Amazon to take on all that recent malarkey about record temperatures that's been going on during his long absence ...

That's it? That's all Lloydie of the Amazon had to offer? No rebuttal of all that nonsense about warming oceans and the dire threat posed to the reef?

Perhaps he's just a little ginger, starting slowly after time away from the crease, and soon enough the Lloydie of old will return. After all, there was that last triumphant Test ...

Meanwhile, the cultists will be wildly excited at news of a Dame Groan sighting. Sure she let the team down by turning up a day late, but what's productivity got to do with it when it comes to the undiluted artistry of a deep Groaning?

Splendid stuff, and what a splendid snap of comical comrade Dan ... and if the cultists aren't pleased by that opening thrust and parry, they simply can't understand pleasure ...

On with the next gobbet, in which Dame Groan will groan deeply as she expands on her theme that we'll all be rooned, at least until next week, when we'll be rooned all over again ...

The pond was so pleased to have the Groaning back, that it allowed that snap of the loop to stand. 

Next week the pond will be abandoning the reptiles and the blog to head down to old Melbourne town, and will be camped for a few days in the heart of old Melbourne town, right near that vision ... though all that talk of building did remind the pond of that Wilcox about Sydney's stunning progress ...

Sorry, back to the groaning, and wouldn't you know it, bloody wind is rooning everything ...

At this point the reptiles offered a snap of bloody useless layabouts just hanging around at the bloody useless loop, as if they had the first clue about how to build a Metro ...

What a pity the reptiles couldn't afford an immortal Rowe, helping out the Groaner with a vision of the dragon padded up and ready to play ...

And then, sorry cultists, just a short gobbet to go, but never mind the length or width, feel the quality of the groaning ...

A splendid rant, an astonishing groaning, well worth the wait, and for those thinking that the time might be right for a gassing, hold on, even better news, the pond could overlook Dame Slap carrying on in her usual way about the Lehrmann matter - she'll never shut up and the pond will never give up the red carding - and reptile alarums about treaty now ...

Yes, forget the good work by Sarah and Rosie explaining the "actual agenda", there was Killer Creighton back at it, and as usual with some top notch experts to hand ... and dammit, he'll show the feeble Lloydie and the wretched Riddster how it's done ...

Killer Kreigton's on board with Kliff?

The pond couldn't resist turning to a yarn in The Seattle Times back in 2021 ... which ended this way ...

There's plenty more, a comedian might even suggest that there's a massive amount of evidence that Mass is clueless, but the pond always ddid confuse mass with weight ...

Jokes aside, Mass's massively accurate Covid prediction won the pond and Killer's heart, and likely enough they share a firm view on the efficacy of masks ...

Meanwhile, the reptiles decided to run a snap of the ogre, the beast, who had triggered Killer and sent him running to top notch experts several days running...

Of course the pond had to downsize it to get to the next expert ...

Ah, Prof Christy ... and here the pond must revert to DeSmog for a short listing on the good prof ...

There's plenty more, as always a massive amount of quotes, just as there are plenty more snaps by the remnants of the reptiles' graphics department, this one showing abundant water cooling the planet and a couple of ducks ...

... while the pond galloped on to the last Killer gobbet ...

Indeed, indeed, and as for Covid and masks and vaccines, and such like? Say no more because the pond has a final appointment, as will become clear to anyone examining the itinerary in this day's lizard Oz commentary section ...

Forget the bouffant one doing the Voice - what would difficult, uppity blacks now up against him? - and forget simplistic Simon invoking the dragon - there no conflict of interest, none whatsoever - and please note that the pond has already ticked off the groaning and Lloydie of the Amazon, and that left just one Everest to climb ... a mid-week "Ned" natter. 

The old fogey is back, down from the attic, and brimming with fire and any attempt to kill him off is futile ... because he's Warning Australia ...

Naturally "Ned" is right to take this as a threat. Haven't the reptiles been keeping him up in the attic in recent times, thwarting those who are up for the "Ned" Everest challenge ...

But at this point the pond must cheat, and throw together the two snaps used to relieve the dirge ...

Revert to them if feeling triggered, while others can return to climbing the "Ned" Everest, knowing that all that's ahead is undiluted essence of "Ned" ...

Please, no panic. Assuredly anyone reading "Ned" and suffering immense mental illness has the right to die, because the condition produced might well be terminal, but not before you read the next gobbet ...

Hmm, on a daily basis, the pond's pain routinely exceeds the pleasure, and the invocation of that loon David Brooks and the blather about 'leets, when both "Ned" and Brooks have pretty fine podiums whereof to speak, and are likely to end up in handsome aged care, not to mention idle talk of "post-Xian faith", and the pond was ready to end it all, or at least end with a final gobbet ...

Personal autonomy liberalism? What a splendid form of "Ned" gibberish with which to end it all, and if that means that "Ned" thinks the pond should spend its last days in a hell hole of an aged care home, then to hell with him ...

But there's no need for pessimism, not just yet.

To sum the day's astonishing pleasures, this day the pond has welcomed the return of Lloydie of the Amazon, a light snack of jelly and icecream, but with more treats surely to come to sooth aged gums, enjoyed a splendid epic Groaning, celebrated climate science denialism with Killer, consulted a massive amount of experts, and suffered with "Ned",  and despite encountering a David Brooks, as foolish a fop as ever could be found at the NYT and on the NPR news hour,  somehow, some way, made it to the top of Everest, ma... and they say that life isn't worth living ...

And now, to demonstrate the pond's deeply artistic sensibility and desire for the complete symbolism of an ouroboros, so to end where the pond started, back with actual post-Xian faith and the radical personal autonomy liberalism of being a liar from the Shire ...


  1. Scott Morrison ... isn't he the guy who didn't go for a holiday in Hawaii ?

  2. Ned, and his essentially-borrowed gifts-based liberalism, can go tell it to....the Albigensians.

  3. Ned - ‘Once politicians accepted people with terminal illness had a right to end their life.’

    Yep - in the Ned mind, the significant issue is NOT that a substantial, and increasing, proportion of the population believe that their government should not prevent individuals from choosing a conscious, dignified, termination of their life, rather than being subject to a completely pointless degradation of that life to bring them to a condition of being drug-addled, barely sentient, with minimal control of their functions. No, it is not that - it is that we have to accumulate enough timorous politicians, in thrall to many forms of superstition (each, of course, being the ‘one true faith’, distinguished from all others) specifically to get out of the way of the citizens who do not subscribe to their brand of superstition, and think they are entitled to their own choice in those circumstances.

    It is, of course, quite coincidental that the group of the timorous that cling longest to the superstitions tend to proclaim themselves in favour of personal liberty, and minimal interference from government in the lives of its citizens; just as long as they do not have to let go the comfort of their (uniquely correct) superstition.

    1. So because Ned is a catholic he believes he has a right to dictate how my life should end, because his superstition is that there is an overpowering being that can control life or death. We prolong life with drugs that put people in a state of the walking dead at a cost to taxpayers but cannot provide a welfare system that can enable unemployed a descent living.

    2. Strange thing this "rights" business, isn't it. On the one hand I think that I have the "right" to do anything that I can't be stopped from doing, but others think they have the "right" to prevent me from doing any such thing.

      And if that's somebody's idea that they have the "right" to end my life for certain reasons (eg those particularly relating to murder, for instance) but that I have (or legally had) no right to end my own life.

      However, I guess it is just a teensy bit difficult to try to convict somebody for a successful suicide, isn't it.

  4. Otherwise Dorothy - either the AI (AS perhaps, for Artificial Stupidity?) or the contributors - the Dames, Killer, whoever - are simply 'doubling down'. It is not worth wasting more of this beautiful day seeking to add further rebuttals to your own sharp settings.

    We trust you enjoy time taking-in Melbourne. It offers much to enjoy, in a more civilized style, and we will console ourselves that you are recuperating.

    1. Yeah DP, do enjoy your periodic sojourn in what is soon to be Australia's most populous city.


  5. Lewis Wolpert wrote about his depression in his book "Malignant Sadness: the anatomy of depression"
    It was the worst experience of my life. More terrible even than watching my wife die of cancer. I am ashamed to admit that my depression felt worse than her death but it is true. I was in a state that bears no resemblance to anything I had experienced before. It was not just feeling very low, depressed in the commonly used sense of the word. I was seriously ill. I was totally self-involved, negative and thought about suicide most of the time. I could not think properly, let alone work, and wanted to remain curled up in bed all day. I could not ride my bicycle or go out on my own. I had panic attacks if left alone. And there were numerous physical symptoms - my whole skin would seem to be on fire and I developed uncontrollable twitches. Every new physical sign caused extreme anxiety. I was terrified, for example, that I would be unable to urinate. Sleep was impossible without sleeping pills: these only worked for a few hours, and when I woke up I felt worse. The future was hopeless. I was convinced that I would never work again or recover. There was the strong fear that I might go mad.
    Maybe I will send Ned a copy. (Wolpert recovered, but so many don't.)

  6. Another Reptile crusade falls flat on its face. From the Graudian news blog -
    >>The National Gallery of Australia’s independent investigation into allegations of non-Indigenous interference in the works of First Nations artists working in central Australia has cleared the APY Art Centre Collective of wrongdoing.>>

    Not that the Reptiles will be satisfied; being what they are, the concept of an “independent” investigation is incomprehensible to them. Expect the crusade to continue.

  7. If you apply the “life is sacred” philosophy that Ned and David Brooks (who has on opinion on everything and an expert on nothing), then isn’t that an argument for veganism? Does it extend to insects? Germs? Even if they’re only referring to human life, shouldn’t they be advocating pacifism? Sounds like they may be drifting away from Catholic Christianity - surely the very bedrock of Western Civilisation! - and dangerously close to some sort of Eastern mysticism……

  8. I may be misremembering, but wasn’t Lloydie’s last return from the Amazon - several months back - similarly brief? Today he seems to be starting the usual rant about climate damage being overestimated, claiming that hard coral growth shows that all is tickety-boo with the Reef, and a glowing citation of a convenient “expert”, but after that promising opening… nuthin’. What’s the problem? Has the Tom-Tom talk from the Deep Woods of the Amazon been interrupted? Or is Lloydie just barely bothering to meet his contractual obligations by filing the occasional short screed? He’d better be careful, or he’ll loose his status as Chief Climate Denial Reptile to the likes of the Killer - he strikes me as a lean and hungry type….

    1. They do sorta come and go at 'The Flagship' like blowout blow ins, don't they. At least Katrina Grace had the grace to post a farewell, whereas Jennifer Oriel just blew out like a candle in the wind, never to be relit.

      Anyway, if one consults the list on one can see many, many names that I for one have never encountered, and clearly never will.

      So I guess that just an occasional brief fart - supported by the Riddance - from Lloydie is about all we can expect nowadays.

  9. Anonymous - perhaps Lloydie was just misunderestimating the condition of the GBR. The lesser Bush gave us extra words - it behooves us to use them.


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