Saturday, August 19, 2023

So many loons, so little time ...


The pond is making a gentle return to reptile la la land, and so with the deepest regret had to let this Killer story about the Biden crime gang pass ...

The pond might pay attention the day that Killer writes a story headlined "Weight of evidence against the mango Mussolini is growing by the day", which by the pond's calculation should land around the twelfth of never, alongside a Killer story about the benefits of wearing masks in operating theatres ...

The pond also had to let go this Killer squawk by the lizard Oz editorialist ...

As the pond routinely bans petulant Peta, not least for being part of the mad monk's maladministration of the country, who is the pond to abuse Zuck on this matter? Perhaps the lizard Oz editorialist could offer to replace Uncle Elon in a cage match and take the Zuck down ...

Then came this tremendous EXCLUSIVE ...

The pond was reminded of this scandalous piece of socialist/commie/prevert propaganda that landed in the pond's mail box a few days ago, together with a shocking water bill ...

The outrageous cheek. What's this talk of inflows into dams having halved since the early 1990s? What's this idle blather about increasing use of the desal plant? The pond has long been trained by the reptiles to think of it as a white elephant, what with all the expert climatologists employed by the lizard Oz.

So the pond must abandon talk in the Friday weekly beast of the way forward for News Corp, by driving subscriptions using vanity publishing (pay to see your mug shot mugwump snap right next to nattering "Ned" or the bromancer!), and instead turned to the dog botherer for a bog standard serve of climate science denialism by the resident reptile denialist climatologist ...

How could the pond not recall that splendid moment, that paean to fatherhood in Junkee ...

Chris Kenny is my dad. On one of the Sky News political analysis programs he hosts, he has replied to the Chaser joke, lamenting that if his children were ever to Google his name in the future, this is the kind of filth we would stumble across.
Heaven forbid.
Kenny is a staunchly neo-conservative, anti-progress, anti-worker defender of the status quo. He is an unrelenting apologist for the Liberal Party. He was one of Alexander Downer’s senior advisers at the time of the Iraq War. He’s been known to argue for stubborn, sightless inaction on climate change. He spits at anyone concerned with such trivialities as gender equality, environmental issues or labour rights from his Twitter account on a daily basis. Recently, he characterised criticism of the lack of women in Tony Abbott’s Cabinet as a continuation of the Left’s “gender wars”. He is a regular and fervent participant in The Australian’s numerous ongoing bully campaigns against those who question its editorial practices and ideological biases. The profoundly irresponsible, dishonest, hate-filled anti-multiculturalist Andrew Bolt has recently referred to Kenny on his blog as “a friend”.
And it’s a jokey picture of a bestial embrace that I should be afraid of discovering online?

And then, yes, an "and then" ...

‘The Left’ is often characterised by those who appoint themselves as its opponents as lacking a sense of humour, too ‘politically correct’ and too self-righteous to lighten up and take a joke. No doubt Kenny, Bolt and Blair would argue that the difference in this case is that tax-payers fund the ABC, and should not have to hand over their hard-earned cash for this type of trash.
And I tend to agree. Let’s see the ABC give back every cent of what it cost them to use Photoshop for thirty seconds. Maybe I’ll spend the spare change on a bus to go see the Great Barrier Reef before it, like the Chaser’s dog, is completely f*cked in the a*se.

Thank you Liam Kenny, it never gets old, though it landed way back on 18th September 2013, and the pond must return to the dog botherer channelling Sally Struthers and Helen Lovejoy to cry "won't someone think of the children?" (It even has its own wiki).

At this point, the reptiles began to insert the usual set of terrifying snaps, a couple of them huuge, and as usual, the pond lumped them together as idle distractions. Return to them when feeling triggered ...

Done and dusted, and on with the dog botherer ...

Meanwhile, on another planet ...

And so on and so forth, and of course the pond wouldn't want to alarm the dog botherer, who purports to be an expert climatologist doing research, but well might be a little child terrified of the one thing that always agitates children ... being found out, proven wrong, and held to account ...

The pond has been through this routine many times before, and it goes without saying that this artless cherrypicking is just a way of avoiding the science ...

At this point some might be wondering if the reptiles deigned to notice the Canadian wildfires at the top of the digital edition ... but no such luck ...

There was a woolly public utterance from Dame Slap, as the pond has come to expect from News Corp female thought leaders, but see how the dog botherer was top of the digital page ma ... though admittedly only on the far right of the page, next to an ad promoting the rag ...

Still, it would be unwise for the pond to expect actual news or actual climate science ... and speaking of timely news and opinion, the pond has a complaint to lodge with Graham Readfearn.

It's all very well to scribble Let's talk nuclear, the Coalition says - just don't mention cost or how long it would take, but why did the pond have to wait so long to see a takedown of Ted O'Brien? 

Ted was doing his 'nuke the country to save the planet' routine before the pond took its break. Ditto the entirely appropriate takedown of cackling Claire, but she too had been cackling about nuking the country weeks ago ... though the pond will concede it missed out on expert climate science denier Malcolm Roberts hanging out with Alex Jones.

So many loons, so little time, and speaking of loons, the pond is now on the penultimate dog botherer gobbet ...

Did anyone enjoy that billy goat butt as much as the pond? You know, "obviously, children should learn about the science of global warming and consider natural variability and human impacts, as well as possible responses including mitigation and adaption."

Followed, as usually happens with billy goats butting, with more butts about the climate, and the comparison of climate science to a doomsday cult. The pond has no idea how the likes of Clare Rowe and Tanveer Ahmed got caught up in the dog botherer carry on, but the pond thinks poorly of them for it ... if they're as clueless as this about their associations and companions, the long absent lord help the children that come into their purview ...

Meanwhile, as anxiety was mentioned, does the pond have some level of genuine clinical anxiety? 

Well yes, the pond had already used this Kudelka. What would people think about the pond for using it again?

Too bad if that induced anxiety. Consider it brought to you by the dog botherer,  Clare Rowe and Tanveer Ahmed.

And so to the final gobbet, and yes, the pond does regret returning to its herpetological studies, with the pond ill-equipped to cope with the dog botherer ...

The pond tends to agree: Let’s see the ABC give back every cent of what it cost them to use Photoshop for thirty seconds. Maybe I’ll spend the spare change on a bus to go see the Great Barrier Reef before it, like the Chaser’s dog, is completely fuc*ed in the ar*e. (Beware the jabberwock and the google censor).

And so to a survey of what else is on offer this weekend ...

Why there's garrulous Gemma, and as for Damon Johnston kicking the comrade Dan can down the road, the pond regrets that what it heard on its Melbourne trip about Damon being kicked from the editorship of the HUN to pastoral duties as Victorian editor of lizard Oz comrade Dan bashing team is simply too scandalous and defamatory to repeat here ...

That left the top row of the oscillating fan explaining the News Corp strategy of endless repetition - as if the dog botherer hadn't shown how to do it - and Polonius, no doubt prattling about how we won the war in Vietnam, and Bjorn keeping company with Jordan.

Well Polonius could keep until the morrow, because the pond was smitten by the marvellous way that two of the greatest rogues in reptile history had managed to join forces ...

Meanwhile, in another universe, Jordan was back in the news ...

Forget that lizard Oz story, the pond is living that now. What about the Beeb instead?

Ah, the art of the blurb. 

Here are two father figures taking their audience seriously, urging a grander narrative, which is to say, forget about climate science, focus on anything other than climate science, so that we might arrive at a truth, being and order that dates back at least to those apes using bones as weapons in 2001 ...

Hang on a second, why are they quoting the UN Secretary-General? Didn't the dog botherer establish that he was just a useless leftist hysteric prone to alarmism?

The pond had its own troubles. What if it's preferred cartoonist had strayed off topic, and didn't have much to do with the Bjorn-again one or the blurbing Jordan?

Dammit, the pond would run it anyway ... let's do it live ...

Then it was back for more of the usual, thankfully the last gobbet of the day, because the pond felt like returning to Melbourne, where you might bump into wild-eyed lefties roaming the streets or catching the free trams, not a care in their minds, free of the News Corp canker ...

Ah, the ARC, remembered in The Graudian under the header Tony Abbott and John Howard join Jordan Peterson-led group looking at 'meaning of life' ... just a sampling of the company they all keep ...

Stability? You want stability? Has Jordan got stability for you: What Happened to Jordan Peterson? A philosopher, a medical crisis and a mystery ...

Barking mad, but much more entertaining reading than the usual dissembling, distracting Bjorn-again tosh, and there was a lot more, and the pond as usual over-indulged ... because don't do as I do, do as I say must be the mantra for the day ...

And so on and so forth, and the pond was left with yet another dilemma. 

Carry on regardless, or simply cut losses and end with a reference to the pond's favourite sub movie. The pond decided to end it all with an immortal Rowe ...


  1. Speaking as a father myself, I believe that status doesn’t automatically bestow wisdom upon one. May I present, as further evidence, the Dog Botherer.

    I’ll award him some points (not enough for a Pass mark though) for roping in Captain Cook in support of his “nothing new about this” claims; I can’t recall that one being used before. Perhaps he could get a few tips from Our Henry next and point out that Thucydides made no references to global warming?

    1. :)³ If only that had been to hand, the pond would have borrowed the joke gladly ...

  2. Hmm, 'thinking of a desal plant as a white elephant'. Well of course that's what everybody said about them - who needs desal plants in this land of flooding rains ? Well lots of people, apparently, and here's the list:
    with the biggest being Victoria's where a "six turbine windfarm was built in 2005 and is located at Glenthompson to offset the facility's electricity use".

    One in every mainland state. Still don't need one in Tasmania, but apparently there's a 4.5 megalitres per day unit on Christmas Island.

    1. Oops:

      "Residents could face an increase of at least 15 per cent to their water bill to cover the cost of building a new desalination plant – which has been estimated at between $4bn and $8bn – if the state government chooses that option."
      Pricey Queensland desalination plant in the pipeline

      Another one ?

  3. "as for Damon Johnston kicking the comrade Dan can down the road, the pond regrets that what it heard on its Melbourne trip about Damon being kicked from the editorship of the HUN to pastoral duties as Victorian editor of lizard Oz comrade Dan bashing team is simply too scandalous and defamatory to repeat here ..."

    Oh come on, DP, tell us - otherwise we will assume Damo's move from the HUN to the Lizard Oz was a promotion!

    1. Sorry Merc, it was genuine hearsay from deep inside the comrade Dan tent, and genuinely defamatory, but you can safely assume that the move wasn't a promotion, so much as the result of a splendid aggregation of enemies, gradually expanding and picking up momentum, a rolling stone gathering moss even before the Tessa Sullivan days ...

  4. Bill McKibben "deigned to notice the Canadian wildfires at the top of the digital edition" ...

    " +Alberta—home to the tarsands complex, among the most destructive things humans have ever done on this planet—announced a six month moratorium on…renewable energy projects. Celebrating the moratorium was one group that declared co2 was the ‘gas of life.’ "

    Lots of well funded wind power "the ‘gas of life.’ " group funded by:
    - "CO2 Coalition, the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the Heartland Institute"

    "Group That Calls CO2 ‘Gas of Life’ Praises Alberta’s Renewables Moratorium 

    " ‘We’re one of the organizations that has contributed,’ anti-wind organizer tells DeSmog.
    "Mallett of Wind Concerns is a former CTV News Edmonton journalist turned Catholic singer, evangelist and author. ... as welcome pushback against the so-called “climate propaganda” put out by environmentalists and scientists. Wind Concerns cites on its website the CO2 Coalition, the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the Heartland Institute and other groups that have spent years, at times with the funding of oil and gas companies and rightwing billionaires, attempting to discredit and undermine the scientific consensus on climate change."

    "A week or so after the open house, Wind Concerns called on its website for “an immediate moratorium” on renewables projects. Premier Smith, the group argued in that post, should reject the “apocalyptic fear-mongering” of climate scientists and environmentalists. Just days later, the provincial government announced its pause. 

    "Wind Concerns was thrilled: “Alberta voters are finally being heard.”

  5. Triggered 'Outcel' here. You couldn't make this stuff up. Could you?

    by [deleted]
    “But guys, Jordan Peterson is actually good” | Slate Star Codex
    Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.

    “Deepak Chopra is also a magic nazi,” Peterson also tweeted.

    "This comes after Peterson initially learned that Marvel Comics allegedly based certain ideologies that fuel Red Skull off of the principles that Peterson promotes.

    1. This week’s Amanda Meade column at the Graudian mentioned the widely-reported editing of an unfavourable review of Peterson’s latest book to provide a positive blurb for the paperback edition. Here’s the NS’s own coverage -

    2. I do wonder who it is who takes any notice of those paperback blurbs - probably only those who were going to read it anyway. If they could find somebody to read it to them.

  6. Ah, Anonymous - the truly superior savant would have found plenty of words in Πόλεμος τῶν Πελοποννησίων to hint at Thuccy's understanding of the influence of climate change on the outcome of that Peloponnesian episode.

    Yes, I purloined the Greek title of Thucydides' work from the 'Wiki'. My passing acquaintance with the study of that language came from my undergrad years living in a residential college which was also a theological hall. Earnest chaps who had been carried away by the mind manipulation of Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, and signed up to study to be ministers to protestant congregations, found that they had to understand written Greek. That alone shuffled a solid proportion out of god's calling, but I did learn, in chatting with them, that they could spend entire tutorials on possible interpretations of just one word. In retrospect, I think they had thought they could learn enough by rote to take what was then a 'licentiate'; but it was never going to be that simple.

    1. Disclosure - sheer carelessness on my part - the recollection of earnest chaps trying to master (?) the greek language was that of a young Chadwick. I was not trying to assume any of the style of the current Anonymice, who have enlivened our little exchanges here to mutual benefit.

  7. Just had a glance at the Graudian’s coverage of the Sydney CPAC conference.

    No real surprises. Anti-voice. Anti “woke” (no bothering with definitions, of course). Pro-nuclear. Plus the Onion Muncher having a long blub about how unfair it was that he got the boot as PM. Geez, muncher, it’s been almost ten years now - get over it, snowflake.

    The Reptiles, of course, will love it all.

  8. Doggy Bov: "[being a father] We embrace all of its joy, and its pain; all of its rewards, whimsy and crushing responsibility." And that pain: is that when you have been such a very good father that your own son can't stand you ? You're truly a great one, aren't you.

    But then, if people would really "think of the children" then human progress would come to an end because people would never progress past the evils and idiocies of their parents - in particular, their father. But then: "Hope, there must always be hope, take that away and there is nothing." Ok, is that why Christianity is (slowly) fading away ? After 2000 years (or 3000 if you claim to be Jewish) the total failure of The Trinity to live up to any of the promises that people made for It is slowly wearing all hope away ?

    But hey, here's the Boverer at his very best: "The bushfires of 2019-20 too, horrific as they were, have repeatedly been referred to as the worst and 'unprecedented' even though, as I [the omniscient and infallible Doggy Bov] have detailed in these pages, the nation has weathered worse bushfires with higher fatalities, more properties lost, and greater areas burned." I won't go into the pointless comparisons engaged in by Doggy Bov, but perhaps it's worth pointing out that times and fire-fighting equipment have changed and significantly improved over time. So, what if the 2019-20 fires had arrived with still exactly the same firefighting staff and equipment as we had back in the times that Doggy Bov is citing. Even though he chucks in a bit about having "faced at least as bad, with less technology, and survived."

    And it just never occurs to him that with "less technology" the death and destruction rates are bound to be higher. Really stupid people, reptiles: to them the world never changes; so it's clearly impossible for our capability for fire fighting to have improved significantly since back then, isn't it.

    So we get to Doggy B's "storm" back in 1968. I wonder if that was anything like the Great Melbourne Dust Storm of 1983 ? And I wonder if the Doggy Bov will ever grasp that 'climate change' was already well under way many years earlier than 1968. So he isn't, as he likes to imagine, comparing a non-climate change 1968 with 2023, but a 'climate change' active 1968 with an even more climate change active 2023.

    You see, there was no 'climate change' happening in 1968, so there can't be any happening now, can there. Could never happen in Doggy Bov's unchanging world.

  9. "...and Bjorn keeping company with Jordan." Birds of no feathers squawk together - endlessly and noisily.

    1. "...our manner of response before the next crisis - pandemic or otherwise - to ensure the cure is not much worse than the disease." Ok, so Covid19 death count worldwide is estimated (very, very "conservatively") as a mere 6,954,323 deaths (22,482 in Australia). Utterly trivial, yeah ? So what's the guesstimate as to what the number would have been without all that "worse than the disease" cure ?

      But then, 6,954,323 is just a mere 0.087 per cent of the human population which truly is trivial, isn't it. And I just love this one: "Globally, however, cold kills nine times more people [than heat]". But of course, no reference to the source, never any reference to sources.

    2. And a quick scan of 'ADH' on 'Youtube' shows that if you had attended this local shadow of 'CPAC' today, you would have had Alan Jones, wearing a cap (how original, Alan) reading to the audience, the Bjorn/Jordan contribution to the Flagship for this weekend, as a substantial part of his 'speech'. I suppose that does tend to confirm that some of our fellow citizens have difficulty with reading what flies from the Flagship.


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